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Dirty Angel skrev, for 7 minutter siden:

hvorfor har hun avisen, 

For at vise, at hun er i Danmark

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Guest tvr
Dirty Angel skrev, for 50 minutter siden:

Ahhhhh, de få ikke EB i Polen..........:?:


No, it's because the front page says that victims of sexually motivated crimes wait a record long time. Not entirely sure what they wait for, but suspect it could be for the criminal charges to be brought against the perpetrator. And that this is not an appropriate front page to be displaying, as evidence of being here, as it could be too tempting to some


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youngatheart skrev, for 5 timer siden:

Jeg tror jeg ville vælge 1 time med super fransk ud fra hendes menukort her, hvad ville i vælge ? ;-)

Ja det er da lidt af et tilbud, men hvor ser du en avisforside?

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Lauersen skrev, for 1 time siden:

Ja det er da lidt af et tilbud, men hvor ser du en avisforside?

Nu var det jo ikke fordi det kun handlede om forsider det her, var vel også lidt at gøre med uheldige annoncer i det hele taget ;-)


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youngatheart skrev, for 1 time siden:

Nu var det jo ikke fordi det kun handlede om forsider

Jo, egentlig. Men ordet er frit. 

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Bebop skrev, for 50 minutter siden:

Jo, egentlig. Men ordet er frit. 

Ja ok kan godt se dit indlæg begyndte med den der uheldige forside, men tænkte at tråden måske kunne udvides lidt med andre sjove fadæser, da den jo ellers ville stoppe ret hurtigt ;-)

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tvr skrev, den 9/7/2019 at 10:22:

No, it's because the front page says that victims of sexually motivated crimes wait a record long time. Not entirely sure what they wait for, but suspect it could be for the criminal charges to be brought against the perpetrator. And that this is not an appropriate front page to be displaying, as evidence of being here, as it could be too tempting to some


Guys I'm Polish normal girl I was mistake please don't do dramma

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Kasia new in oslo skrev, for 5 minutter siden:


Hey guys, why do not you tell me that immediately. A few minutes ago, you called me and said, "Are you all right?" I said, "Yes, what's the problem?" And after sending me a link to your conversation with the guys. If you are a boy, you will be able to access this site. You can also use the same name as the username you can find in the catalog directory in the directory. Now I will do it with a new one and check what it means in the translation. I'm really sorry about that. If you do not have any problems to see, do not worry about it.

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Guest tvr
Kasia new in oslo skrev, for 17 minutter siden:

Guys I'm Polish normal girl I was mistake please don't do dramma

No drama. And it's not a big issue. But it's legitimate to make a comment on it on a site like this. Don't worry, it's not reflecting negatively on you. Actually, you probably get a lot of attention from it. 

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Kasia new in oslo skrev, for 1 time siden:

Guys I'm Polish normal girl I was mistake please don't do dramma

You did nothing wrong, and sorry if our sense humor is a bit to the rough side. I promise, we are much nicer when we are not making dirty jokes.

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Lauersen skrev, 1 time siden:

You did nothing wrong, and sorry if our sense humor is a bit to the rough side. I promise, we are much nicer when we are not making dirty jokes.

I'm fell stupid with that situation please deleted this post because feel not nic with that.

Kasia new in oslo skrev, for 2 timer siden:


Hey guys, why do not you tell me that immediately. A few minutes ago, you called me and said, "Are you all right?" I said, "Yes, what's the problem?" And after sending me a link to your conversation with the guys. If you are a boy, you will be able to access this site. You can also use the same name as the username you can find in the catalog directory in the directory. Now I will do it with a new one and check what it means in the translation. I'm really sorry about that. If you do not have any problems to see, do not worry about it.

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tvr skrev, for 14 timer siden:

Jeg synes slet ikke staten skal blande sig. Lad dog den stakkels pige beholde sit sommerhus

Det var nu mest "Hjælp" jeg hæftede mig ved. Men jo, når nu hun har arbejdet hårdt for det skal det da ikke tages fra hende.

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Guest Slush

Den er også uheldigt, især fordi den kan forstås rasistisk, hendes farve gør at hun i nogens øjne kan virke forbrændt 

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smukke Sara skrev, for 2 timer siden:

For shit jeg ville få hård hud på læberne

Ha ha, ja det kan være hård kost, men du ved godt at den eneste rigtige kvinde er en kvinde med strækmærker omkring munden :D

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