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Guest latinoincph

Tanya in KBH K....DONT DO IT

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Guest latinoincph


Some other girl showed up and it was not even close to the picture from link above. She was a sweet girl but I should tell the truth about what happened. She was very rude describing what you can do or cannot do. I guess, it was also difficult for her to explain due to her poor english, because when explaining she used several times the phrase "if "this" happens, then, its not my problem. I have been visiting escort girls during the last month and this was very unpleasant. 

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Guest latinoincph
Landsbytossen skrev, den 27/7/2019 at 23:21:

What didn't you turn her away in the door?

Im new at this. It was the first time it happened, I didn't know what to do....I digested the situation later, you are right, I should have left.

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Landsbytossen skrev, den 27.7.2019 at 23:21:

What didn't you turn her away in the door?

Der er en incall- ikke en outcall-annonce. Det er kun i Danmark vi tror at "escort" betyder outcall. Han har altså besøgt pigen, og skulle derfor selv være vendt om i døren.

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Nicested skrev, for 2 timer siden:

Det er samme annonce, tror hun har skiftet billederne ud med en ny fake pige

Ja, og nu er de skiftet igen.

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