dongding 683 Skrevet 3. Oktober, 2019 has anyone visited her since her arrival? Saw her 2-3 times before and the level has kinda gone down each time! Just hoping she is great again! PS-her place is not luxury Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest fynbomanden Skrevet 3. Oktober, 2019 (edited) Hi @dongding Jeg har endnu ikke stiftet bekendtskab med @Bia New in town, men jeg vil love dig at skrive en anmeldelse når jeg har mødt hende. Jeg har også lagt mærke til, at antallet af refererede besøg hos hende er meget begrænsede. Dét undrer mig, for hun ser i min optik godt nok ekstremt lækker ud på især det billede, hvor hun står på båden med Atlantis Hotel i Dubai i baggrunden. WAUUUUUuuuuuu - og dét billede har gjort, at jeg bliver nødt til at møde hende. At jeg, en stor tyk dansker med alt for mange kilo på kroppen kan få mulighed for at møde en sådan skønhed ..... det er da for vildt ! Jeg er eventyrlysten, og jeg synes hendes billeder (og især dét på båden) bare er for gode til, at jeg vil lade dén chance gå fra mig. Jeg håber så sandelig ikke, at du har ret i din påstand om, at "the level has kinda gone down each time". Hvis du har ret, så vil jeg ihvertfald blive meget ked af det. Jeg håber så sandelig, at hun er på toppen. Jeg har sørget for stedet, så det bliver ikke på hendes sted, som du jo så også beskriver som "not luxury". Jeg håber jeg har valgt rigtigt. Desværre ved man det jo ikke før det i givet fald er for sent. Der er jo ikke money-back-guarantee i den her branche, men jeg håber min mavefornemmelse holder. Jeg håber ikke jeg bliver skuffet Redigeret 3. Oktober, 2019 af fynbomanden Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Bia New in town Skrevet 7. Oktober, 2019 dongding skrev, den 10/3/2019 at 1:44 PM: has anyone visited her since her arrival? Saw her 2-3 times before and the level has kinda gone down each time! Just hoping she is great again! PS her place is not luxury Dear , can you remind me privately who are you? And my place is luxury now, I changed location . But thanks for your "good" vibe Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Bia New in town Skrevet 7. Oktober, 2019 fynbomanden skrev, den 10/3/2019 at 5:05 PM: Hi @dongding I have not yet gotten to know @Bia New in town , but I will promise you to write a review when I meet her. I have also noticed that the number of referred visits to her is very limited. This makes me wonder, because in my view she looks extremely delicious, especially in the picture where she stands on the boat with the Atlantis Hotel in Dubai in the background. WAUUUUUuuuuuu - and that picture has made me have to meet her. That I, a big fat Dane with too many kilos on my body can have the opportunity to meet such beauty ..... it is too crazy! I am adventurous and I think her pictures (and especially that on the boat) are just too good for me to let that chance pass. I certainly do not hope that you are right in your claim that "the level has kinda gone down each time". If you're right, at least I'll be very upset. I truly hope she is on top. I made sure of the place so it will not be in her place, which you also describe as "not luxury". I hope I made the right choice. Unfortunately, you do not know it until it is too late if necessary. There is no money-back guarantee in this industry, but I hope my gut feeling holds. I hope I am not disappointed I repeat , my location is luxury dont worry, and i m happy to meet you anytime to show you my level Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest fynbomanden Skrevet 7. Oktober, 2019 Bia New in town skrev, 1 time siden: I repeat , my location is luxury dont worry, and i m happy to meet you anytime to show you my level Dear @Bia New in town. I did meet you my dear - just outside the smoking area - and I am still coughing and feeling lonely and extremely sick. A man catching the flu is just a-near-death-experience. Hope to be able to see you in the future to get an intense sense of your level Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Bia New in town Skrevet 8. Oktober, 2019 fynbomanden skrev, for 10 timer siden: Dear @Bia New in town. I did meet you my dear - just outside the smoking area - and I am still coughing and feeling lonely and extremely sick. A man catching the flu is just a-near-death-experience. Hope to be able to see you in the future to get an intense sense of your level Aa, sorry , is hard to know here in eroguide that is you hope you get better , much health and hugs :* kiss Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg