Guest Balleby Skrevet 27. Maj, 2020 Er der mon nogen der ved om hende her - smukke høje Tyske "freulein Mysteriös" kommer tilbage til jylland når grænsen åbner igen ? (datoer i hendes annonce stemmer ikke) Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 27. Maj, 2020 Balleby skrev, for 34 minutter siden: Er der mon nogen der ved om hende her - smukke høje Tyske "freulein Mysteriös" kommer tilbage til jylland når grænsen åbner igen ? (datoer i hendes annonce stemmer ikke) Oh! What data in my ad should you suddenly find wrong ?! ... and I don't think it's nice of you to call me "freulein Mysteriös"! What you up to? The only mysterious and insulting (!) Is the negative smack your mysterious question here! 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Elprebsi 1730 Skrevet 28. Maj, 2020 I think you are misunderstand him. He is asking if you are coming back to Denmark. It is the dates, not data, that are incorrect. I am guessing its due to Corona. Its is a positive question, since he would like to visit you. 1 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
frenchlover1 4116 Skrevet 28. Maj, 2020 Tantra skrev, for 7 timer siden: Oh! What data in my ad should you suddenly find wrong ?! ... and I don't think it's nice of you to call me "freulein Mysteriös"! What you up to? The only mysterious and insulting (!) Is the negative smack your mysterious question here! Havde overvejet at besøge hende, men det svar får mig til at holde mig langt væk Venligst French 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 28. Maj, 2020 Elprebsi skrev, for 2 timer siden: I think you are misunderstand him. He is asking if you are coming back to Denmark. It is the dates, not data, that are incorrect. I am guessing its due to Corona. Its is a positive question, since he would like to visit you. I usually publish my tours in advance to make appointments before I arrive. At the moment my tour says "x; y" - that's what I wanted and that has nothing to do with Corona. The translator translated the danish word "datoes". And even if "datoes" now means "data" or "dates", it is not OK for Ballerby to call me "freulein mysteriös". - I see nothing bad and nothing wrong with being something mysterious and sending it out. There are many words to describe it. He would not have to choose the ambiguous and rather suspicious and negative term "mysteriös", whereby the "freulein" underlines the negative. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Gammel rotte 1287 Skrevet 28. Maj, 2020 Hun gør da alt hvad hun kan for at skræmme folk væk med den attitude! 2 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 28. Maj, 2020 Gammel rotte skrev, for 22 minutter siden: Hun gør da alt hvad hun kan for at skræmme folk væk med den attitude! What exactly are you trying to communicate about? Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Lasselarseb 183 Skrevet 28. Maj, 2020 (edited) Tantra skrev, for 18 minutter siden: What exactly are you trying to communicate about? Nothing negative in @Balleby question. Every sentence you write is negative. You're not selling yourself very well. Redigeret 28. Maj, 2020 af Lasselarseb 1 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Elprebsi 1730 Skrevet 28. Maj, 2020 Tantra skrev, 1 time siden: I usually publish my tours in advance to make appointments before I arrive. At the moment my tour says "x; y" - that's what I wanted and that has nothing to do with Corona. The translator translated the danish word "datoes". And even if "datoes" now means "data" or "dates", it is not OK for Ballerby to call me "freulein mysteriös". - I see nothing bad and nothing wrong with being something mysterious and sending it out. There are many words to describe it. He would not have to choose the ambiguous and rather suspicious and negative term "mysteriös", whereby the "freulein" underlines the negative. I still think you are overthinking this. Clearly it was a question on when you would come back to Denmark, because Balleby was interested in meeting you. Guess this is a matter of lost in translation. There was nothing negative in Ballebys question. 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 28. Maj, 2020 Lasselarseb skrev, for 19 minutter siden: Nothing negative in @Balleby question. Every sentence you write is negative. You're not selling yourself very well. Not everyone is equally sensitive. I find the term "freulein mysteriös" negative. And I see nothing negative in saying it when certain words hurt me, it has absolutely nothing to do with "selling yourself well or badly". Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Elprebsi 1730 Skrevet 28. Maj, 2020 Tantra skrev, Lige nu: Not everyone is equally sensitive. I find the term "freulein mysteriös" negative. And I see nothing negative in saying it when certain words hurt me, it has absolutely nothing to do with "selling yourself well or badly". But it was clearly not his intention to upset you. He even called you called you tall and beautiful and put in a "in love"-emote. But guess it doesnt matter. I dont think Balleby is keen on visiting you now. 1 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 28. Maj, 2020 Elprebsi skrev, for 17 minutter siden: I still think you are overthinking this. Clearly it was a question on when you would come back to Denmark, because Balleby was interested in meeting you. Guess this is a matter of lost in translation. There was nothing negative in Ballebys question. I know it's about when I come to DK ... if this term hadn't been "freulein mysteriös" I would have reacted differently. P.S. We call something suspicious or wrong as mysteriös...: For example: A drug seller at the corner of the station looks mysteriös or if kf 34 is shown in ad but this girl wears kf 40 that is also mysteriös... ... and I know that danish-german translation doesn't always work perfectly, so I translate into german and english and then compare the two translations ... Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Lasselarseb 183 Skrevet 28. Maj, 2020 Tantra skrev, for 2 minutter siden: ... and I know that danish-german translation doesn't always work perfectly, so I translate into german and english and then compare the two translations ... Bad excuses. You simpley overreacted - eller på dansk : Du trådte i spinaten! Translate that Just admit you overreacted and say: - I'm sorry guys. I clearly "trådte i spinatten" and regret my very bad attitude. Maybe we will forgive you and visit after that excuse. But only maybe 1 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Elprebsi 1730 Skrevet 28. Maj, 2020 Tantra skrev, 1 time siden: I know it's about when I come to DK ... if this term hadn't been "freulein mysteriös" I would have reacted differently. P.S. We call something suspicious or wrong as mysteriös...: For example: A drug seller at the corner of the station looks mysteriös or if kf 34 is shown in ad but this girl wears kf 40 that is also mysteriös... ... and I know that danish-german translation doesn't always work perfectly, so I translate into german and english and then compare the two translations ... So basicly you are blaming Balleby for incorrect use of a German word, even though it is clear, that he is writing in a positive tone. He is using the word like a sexy Femme Fatale. 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 28. Maj, 2020 Lasselarseb skrev, for 58 minutter siden: Bad excuses. You simpley overreacted - eller på dansk : Du trådte i spinaten! Translate that Just admit you overreacted and say: - I'm sorry guys. I clearly "trådte i spinatten" and regret my very bad attitude. Maybe we will forgive you and visit after that excuse. But only maybe You decide who you want to visit and I decide which great gentleman is allowed to visit me and which is not. That's okey, people are different in optics, Intelligence and in dealing with each other. I have no excuses and have not overreacted. The term "freulein mysteriös" hurts me and it is not a mistake to be sensitive and to expect respectful treatment. It is known that sound makes music. More for some, less emphatic for others. 1 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 28. Maj, 2020 Elprebsi skrev, for 5 minutter siden: So basicly you are blaming Balleby for incorrect use of a German word, even though it is clear, that he is writing in a positive tone. He is using the word like a sexy Femme Fatale. Thank you for trying to mediate. Bullerby is a customer of mine and we have already clarified it via Whatsapp. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Krebs 188 Skrevet 28. Maj, 2020 Tantra skrev, 1 time siden: The term "freulein mysteriös" hurts me and it is not a mistake to be sensitive and to expect respectful treatment. Yes, but you got it all wrong. According to Duden "mysteriös" also means "geheimnisvoll" - (danish : hemmelighedsfuld, english : secretive). "Freulein mysteriös" is a funny, loving and respectful reference to the profile picture in your ad where you are wearing a mask, looking exotic and full of secrets. It definitely doesn't suggest that you are a drug dealer or lying in your ad. Good that you have sorted it out with Balleby. Unfortunately this thread is now only about the misunderstanding and the original question - when will you be in Denmark - remains a mystery. 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Balleby Skrevet 28. Maj, 2020 Oh my goodness .. I better use my (bad) english. - I am really sorry Magnolie !! - THIS was, as the other people said - only a term I used because your beautiful pictures and your beautiful Tantra are so much full of wonderful mysterious experiences, that I felt for lifting up and in a possitive way mention you. The freulein was only to show my respect to you. I was only very interested to bring up a dialog about that we are longing to see you here in DK whenever that may be. Because I really loved it last time. And I may say thank you to all the others for not misunderstanding me - And I have talked with Magnolie on whatsapp - so everything is fine now. Back to the subject - Have a great and happy day everybody and I am still longing for visiting Magnolie for a wonderfull experience Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
EksilKøbenhavner 1478 Skrevet 28. Maj, 2020 Jesus H Christ... sorry @Balleby but what in the world are you apologizing for? Honestly? The only thing I can see that you did wrong, was misusing the term "freulein mysteriös" - @Tantra reaction based on her mistranslation of "datoer" was just as much in the wrong, as you where. I know she has the vagina, and by default is in the right - but still You meant no harm and she overreacted, something she is unwilling to own up to. I do however take much joy in knowing that this thread exist, and when people search for Tantra aka Magnolia aka freulin mysteriös, this will show up in the search results - karma is a bitch. Sorry if this add fuel to the fire (that seem to have burned out) but balleby did nothing other than ask when Tantra would return... 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 30. Maj, 2020 EksilKøbenhavner skrev, den 28.5.2020 at 19:43: Jesus H Christ... sorry @Balleby but what in the world are you apologizing for? Honestly? The only thing I can see that you did wrong, was misusing the term "freulein mysteriös" - @Tantra reaction based on her mistranslation of "datoer" was just as much in the wrong, as you where. I know she has the vagina, and by default is in the right - but still You meant no harm and she overreacted, something she is unwilling to own up to. I do however take much joy in knowing that this thread exist, and when people search for Tantra aka Magnolia aka freulin mysteriös, this will show up in the search results - karma is a bitch. Sorry if this add fuel to the fire (that seem to have burned out) but balleby did nothing other than ask when Tantra would return... Malicious joy of search results, karma "wishes", swear words ... - uncommentable. Wrong translation, misunderstanding and reaction to it.- Its nothing special. Some gentlemen have commented and explained factually, some write less factually, some partialy even condescendingly - that only says something about the author of the comments. I don't meet with everyone. I only meet gentlemen with mutual respect and on an equal footing - Disrespectful, self-overrated men who believe that in the sex industry, any girl without self-esteem is available for less cash to every man for sale will never be among my clientele. Perhaps the less factual comments in this thread make these men happy. Well then. Lots of great men who know me and don't know me yet find this only amusing. Why Balleby apologizes (?) I know why and he knows it too. We had clarified that and the topic is over. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Hardrock_west Skrevet 31. Maj, 2020 "freulein mysteriös " get a life and stay in Germany. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
EksilKøbenhavner 1478 Skrevet 31. Maj, 2020 (edited) Soooo a couple of things, and then I will leave you alone. Tantra skrev, for 16 timer siden: Malicious joy of search results, karma "wishes", swear words ... - uncommentable. No I would not say malicious, I wish you no harm at all - I do however like the fact that actions have consequences, in this case it is your own actions (thats the karma thing). Regarding the swearing part, it is a pretty common saying, if you find the word "bitch" crude in the context of that saying, well then your skin is thinner than most. I will however glady apologize for using a profanity, an even rephrase, "Karma is a female dog"... better? This whole thread is your own fault, and no one else - Balleby did not write ANYTHING offensive towards you... you simple failed at Google Translate, and then overreacted. Tantra skrev, for 16 timer siden: Wrong translation, misunderstanding and reaction to it.- Its nothing special Nah you are right, nothing special, but you were pretty... rude, if that behaviour is business as usual, then this is still not a good thread for you Tantra skrev, for 16 timer siden: I only meet gentlemen with mutual respect and on an equal footing - Disrespectful, self-overrated men who believe that in the sex industry, any girl without self-esteem is available for less cash to every man for sale will never be among my clientele. Perhaps the less factual comments in this thread make these men happy. Well then. So your theory is that well educated gentlemen will read this, and think "She sounds nice, I better book her now!" whereas men below your standards will stay away? Yeah, good luck with that Tantra skrev, for 16 timer siden: Some gentlemen have commented and explained factually, some write less factually, some partialy even condescendingly - that only says something about the author of the comments. It is still funny, the time you spend on this reply, you could have spend on writing "I misunderstood, my bad" it would make you look a lot better, and me like a complete wanker - anyway, I can see how this is better Tantra skrev, for 16 timer siden: Lots of great men who know me and don't know me yet find this only amusing. Good for you and them - I dont know you and I also find it pretty funny. I would personally read this and see some red flags, that would discourage me from a visit - I guess that is a win/win (I am well educated, but it looks like I lack in your definition of a gentleman). I am sure that you are a nice person, just a bit insecure/stubborn, and I hope you will bring joy to the men that visits you - this is none of my business. I simply did not like that Balleby apologized for doing nothing wrong, and you refusing to apologize, for doing something wrong. Redigeret 31. Maj, 2020 af EksilKøbenhavner Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 31. Maj, 2020 EksilKøbenhavner skrev, for 7 timer siden: Soooo a couple of things, and then I will leave you alone. No I would not say malicious, I wish you no harm at all - I do however like the fact that actions have consequences, in this case it is your own actions (thats the karma thing). Regarding the swearing part, it is a pretty common saying, if you find the word "bitch" crude in the context of that saying, well then your skin is thinner than most. I will however glady apologize for using a profanity, an even rephrase, "Karma is a female dog"... better? This whole thread is your own fault, and no one else - Balleby did not write ANYTHING offensive towards you... you simple failed at Google Translate, and then overreacted. Nah you are right, nothing special, but you were pretty... rude, if that behaviour is business as usual, then this is still not a good thread for you So your theory is that well educated gentlemen will read this, and think "She sounds nice, I better book her now!" whereas men below your standards will stay away? Yeah, good luck with that It is still funny, the time you spend on this reply, you could have spend on writing "I misunderstood, my bad" it would make you look a lot better, and me like a complete wanker - anyway, I can see how this is better Good for you and them - I dont know you and I also find it pretty funny. I would personally read this and see some red flags, that would discourage me from a visit - I guess that is a win/win (I am well educated, but it looks like I lack in your definition of a gentleman). I am sure that you are a nice person, just a bit insecure/stubborn, and I hope you will bring joy to the men that visits you - this is none of my business. I simply did not like that Balleby apologized for doing nothing wrong, and you refusing to apologize, for doing something wrong. No, I don't think educated gentlemen now think I'm nice and visit me and those below my level stay away. - I am not one of the girls who gives address for everyone and welcomes everyone. I do not work in brothels and do not receive walk-in customers. I only work with fixed appointments that I arrange days and weeks in advance. I not answer rude and disrespectful inquiries and this phone numbers are blocked. And "yes" in this way I only receive gourmans who are looking for something special. Right, you don't know me, nevertheless you allow yourself to be me labeled as insecure / stubborn - although that is not true at all. I don't know you either and wouldn't allow me to publicly call you insecure / stubborn and bossy - even if I have the impression that it is. This thread is absolutely nothing negative and nothing bad - even if you want to put it like this with "fault" and consequences - seriously (?) - and you appoint yourself as a judge? - because Magnolie misinterpreted Danish text and dared to say that she doesn't like the term "freulein mysteriös" ... I also have no problem saying "sorry" and if I hadn't been quoted with low comments "I should apologize and the " King" would visit me ... maybe" or I should translate another stupid saying - sorry, but i'm confident girl, i know what i am worth and this man is not a desirable customer. If this derogatory comment hadn't been, I would be the last one who can't apologize for a little misunderstanding. A lot of smoke and fire because of nothing at all. 1 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
bull 15 Skrevet 1. Juni, 2020 So mystery woman, have I read the conversation. And yes I was laughing at all the comments. It’s prove how quickly completely harmless words can create a non topic. But It gives me the feeling To be careful what to say to you, because theirs hiding a bitch around the corner. 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Aarhuselsker Skrevet 1. Juni, 2020 bull skrev, for 8 minutter siden: So mystery woman, have I read the conversation. And yes I was laughing at all the comments. It’s prove how quickly completely harmless words can create a non topic. But It gives me the feeling To be careful what to say to you, because theirs hiding a bitch around the corner. Det er i al fald en kvinde der tror alle taler grimt om hende, og konstant er på vagt. Og en kvinde der ikke vil forstå en forklaring, eller ikke kan. Desuden er hun helt overbevist om at hun er den eneste der forstår tantra. Jeg har selv været i kværnen da jeg forsvarede at hun tilbyder sex som en del af tantraen. Det blev misforstået af hende, og så fik jeg læst og påskrevet. Efter jeg meget tydeligt havde gjort hende klart at jeg ikke på nogen måde kritiserede hende, fik jeg lige et fur til. En skam for jeg tror hendes service er fin, men med den attitude skal jeg ikke for tæt på. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg