AalborgSpillemand 1 Skrevet 1. Juni, 2020 Jeg har i et par dage fulgt med på hendes annonce, og fik endelig mulighed for at besøge hende. Hun er seriøst nice! Jeg var hos hende i 30 min, men det endte med at blive forlænget med 30 min ekstra. Hun er utrolig selvsikker, dejlig og forstående, fantastisk popo, dejlig kysseglad og nærværende. Hun har et liderligt og frækt blik, som man sjældent ser. Ivrigheden er også noget værd at nævne, hun er mindst 2-3 besøg værd. 10/10 vil komme igen https://annoncelight.dk/showad/296558 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest WhoKnowsWhat Skrevet 1. Juni, 2020 Hmm... Meldt ind ét kvarter før du poster dit første indlæg. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Claesen 576 Skrevet 1. Juni, 2020 WhoKnowsWhat skrev, for 16 minutter siden: Hmm... Meldt ind ét kvarter før du poster dit første indlæg. Nu er lige netop denne pige, så anmeldt positivt før.. Jeg siger ikke, at profilen ikke kan være en and, men man kunne tænke over den velkomst de nye profiler generelt får.. 2 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Claesen 576 Skrevet 1. Juni, 2020 WhoKnowsWhat skrev, for 11 minutter siden: Link..? Her er link til tidligere anmeldelse Og her er til pigens annonce https://annoncelight.dk/showad/296558 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Lauersen 9709 Skrevet 1. Juni, 2020 WhoKnowsWhat skrev, 1 time siden: Hmm... Meldt ind ét kvarter før du poster dit første indlæg. https://www.eroguide.dk/forum/topic/52901-spas-sjov-og-løjer-tråd/page/1187/?tab=comments#comment-1148828 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
stein 351 Skrevet 1. Juni, 2020 WhoKnowsWhat skrev, for 3 timer siden: Hmm... Meldt ind ét kvarter før du poster dit første indlæg. En gang skal jo være den første, og en begivenhed skal jo give anledning til første indlæg. Pigen har mange superanmeldelser fra sin tid i Odense. Så velkommen Spillemand 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Brian62 50 Skrevet 2. Juni, 2020 Hej hvor er den skønhed ca henne i Aalborg.. Overvejer at besøge hende i dag Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Big3lover 1419 Skrevet 30. Juni, 2020 (edited) stein skrev, den 1.6.2020 at 15:50: En gang skal jo være den første, og en begivenhed skal jo give anledning til første indlæg. Pigen har mange superanmeldelser fra sin tid i Odense. Så velkommen Spillemand Spillemand: Oprettet 1. juni....sidste besøg 1. juni! Det er som det med 95% sandsynlighed plejer at være med disse nye "profiler"....FAKE! Og det behøver man ikke en længere uddannelse for at kunne se. ALLE de positive ting som er fremhævet i profilen, er nappet fra Fyn-anmeldelsen 20. maj, og så formuleret på en nærmest kategorisk måde. Det lugter langt væk af reklame = SPAM. Når det så er sagt, så ja, der er masser af positiv omtale af Camille, og hun er med sikkerhed god nok. Men sådan er det ikke altid. Det er sgu da utroligt at de vogtere herinde ikke kan se det, og lader det passerer når reglerne siger noget andet! Redigeret 30. Juni, 2020 af Big3lover Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
HornyGirlfriend 94 Skrevet 30. Juni, 2020 Dear Users, I feel it's probably the moment to write something here. I read this with a translator who makes mistakes, but I see that I'm suspected of writing a review? Below are some of my thoughts that have accompanied me since reading the last post and generally suspicions in my direction. 1. Please note that I'm in Denmark for the first time, I never had contact with Danish before, even when I reply to text messages in Danish with a translator, I'm afraid of stupid things which going out there. I suggest that even if I wrote something, it would be full of grammatical and stylistic mistakes, because Danish is difficult from what I heard. I think it would look similar if you wanted to write a few sentences in Polish. 2. Idk how it works, but moderators probably have access to IP assigned to users. If I created next account and wrote, I would have two accounts with the same IP. Information technology is not my story, but investigations is my second passion. 3. Big3Lover: I remember us meeting I remember when you told me about forum I didn't know about, you said you would write about me and I agreed. I suspect you were very happy with our meeting, that's why you did it. Pay attention to the fact: if someone intentionally wrote me review in new city, why somebody didn't do it at the very beginning, for example my first day in Vissenbjerg, before your review in Fyn? 4. People have different habits. Some people visit girls 2-3 times a week, others 1 every 2-3 months. Some are still logged in and active on the forum, some not at all, and others only read and write nothing because they have no such need. The man, who was also happy with my service in Aalborg, created an account Intentionally to write review. Before he get used to be anonymous member. As I know this person, he isn't an effusive person to actively participate in the life of the forum, but checking girls as much as possible like many men do before visiting a girl. Pay attention to the fact: I was in Aalborg on 28.05-1.06, and why should I intentionally write/ask someone to write an opinion on the last day of my stay? 5. I think the idea to write the review itself extremely no sense and unnecessary in my case. I use my photos, my ad agrees with reality, I know what I have in my description because I wrote it by myself. I consider myself an honest person. Even if I need opinions, I can add them from 2019/2020 from the Swiss forum, but not everyone knows German. And, as above, it is unnecessary. If a girl is good and honest, she doesn't have to go about dishonest things, much less look for extra attention, because she has enough. So generally, pay attention to these few things, and ask yourself "what for?" and then discard. False clue in the investigation Greetings, Camille 4 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
eye2eye2 191 Skrevet 1. Juli, 2020 HornyGirlfriend skrev, for 15 timer siden: Dear Users, I feel it's probably the moment to write something here. I read this with a translator who makes mistakes, but I see that I'm suspected of writing a review? Below are some of my thoughts that have accompanied me since reading the last post and generally suspicions in my direction. 1. Please note that I'm in Denmark for the first time, I never had contact with Danish before, even when I reply to text messages in Danish with a translator, I'm afraid of stupid things which going out there. I suggest that even if I wrote something, it would be full of grammatical and stylistic mistakes, because Danish is difficult from what I heard. I think it would look similar if you wanted to write a few sentences in Polish. 2. Idk how it works, but moderators probably have access to IP assigned to users. If I created next account and wrote, I would have two accounts with the same IP. Information technology is not my story, but investigations is my second passion. 3. Big3Lover: I remember us meeting I remember when you told me about forum I didn't know about, you said you would write about me and I agreed. I suspect you were very happy with our meeting, that's why you did it. Pay attention to the fact: if someone intentionally wrote me review in new city, why somebody didn't do it at the very beginning, for example my first day in Vissenbjerg, before your review in Fyn? 4. People have different habits. Some people visit girls 2-3 times a week, others 1 every 2-3 months. Some are still logged in and active on the forum, some not at all, and others only read and write nothing because they have no such need. The man, who was also happy with my service in Aalborg, created an account Intentionally to write review. Before he get used to be anonymous member. As I know this person, he isn't an effusive person to actively participate in the life of the forum, but checking girls as much as possible like many men do before visiting a girl. Pay attention to the fact: I was in Aalborg on 28.05-1.06, and why should I intentionally write/ask someone to write an opinion on the last day of my stay? 5. I think the idea to write the review itself extremely no sense and unnecessary in my case. I use my photos, my ad agrees with reality, I know what I have in my description because I wrote it by myself. I consider myself an honest person. Even if I need opinions, I can add them from 2019/2020 from the Swiss forum, but not everyone knows German. And, as above, it is unnecessary. If a girl is good and honest, she doesn't have to go about dishonest things, much less look for extra attention, because she has enough. So generally, pay attention to these few things, and ask yourself "what for?" and then discard. False clue in the investigation Greetings, Camille I wholeheartedly agree with you, Camille 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
AalborgSpillemand 1 Skrevet 1. Juli, 2020 Big3lover skrev, den 30.6.2020 at 08:05: Spillemand: Oprettet 1. juni....sidste besøg 1. juni! Det er som det med 95% sandsynlighed plejer at være med disse nye "profiler"....FAKE! Og det behøver man ikke en længere uddannelse for at kunne se. ALLE de positive ting som er fremhævet i profilen, er nappet fra Fyn-anmeldelsen 20. maj, og så formuleret på en nærmest kategorisk måde. Det lugter langt væk af reklame = SPAM. Når det så er sagt, så ja, der er masser af positiv omtale af Camille, og hun er med sikkerhed god nok. Men sådan er det ikke altid. Det er sgu da utroligt at de vogtere herinde ikke kan se det, og lader det passerer når reglerne siger noget andet! Jeg er ligeså fake som Trump er brun. Men hvis du vil have noget Spam, køber jeg gerne en dåse til dig. Som Camille skrev, jeg oprettede en profil med den hensigt, om at skrive en anmeldelse om hende og ikke andet. Vaya con dios muchacho Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Big3lover 1419 Skrevet 2. Juli, 2020 AalborgSpillemand skrev, for 16 timer siden: Jeg er ligeså fake som Trump er brun. Men hvis du vil have noget Spam, køber jeg gerne en dåse til dig. Som Camille skrev, jeg oprettede en profil med den hensigt, om at skrive en anmeldelse om hende og ikke andet. Vaya con dios muchacho Ja det er jo også helt vildt sandsynligt. Men det vil tiden jo vise Gad vide om alle de utroligt mange andre lignende profiler der er oprette og benyttet én gang på samme tidspunkt, er oprettet med samme hensigt? Men det kan da godt være at Spillemanden er blandt de sidst 5%....hvem ved. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Big3lover 1419 Skrevet 2. Juli, 2020 HornyGirlfriend skrev, den 30.6.2020 at 21:40: Dear Users, I feel it's probably the moment to write something here. I read this with a translator who makes mistakes, but I see that I'm suspected of writing a review? Below are some of my thoughts that have accompanied me since reading the last post and generally suspicions in my direction. 1. Please note that I'm in Denmark for the first time, I never had contact with Danish before, even when I reply to text messages in Danish with a translator, I'm afraid of stupid things which going out there. I suggest that even if I wrote something, it would be full of grammatical and stylistic mistakes, because Danish is difficult from what I heard. I think it would look similar if you wanted to write a few sentences in Polish. 2. Idk how it works, but moderators probably have access to IP assigned to users. If I created next account and wrote, I would have two accounts with the same IP. Information technology is not my story, but investigations is my second passion. 3. Big3Lover: I remember us meeting I remember when you told me about forum I didn't know about, you said you would write about me and I agreed. I suspect you were very happy with our meeting, that's why you did it. Pay attention to the fact: if someone intentionally wrote me review in new city, why somebody didn't do it at the very beginning, for example my first day in Vissenbjerg, before your review in Fyn? 4. People have different habits. Some people visit girls 2-3 times a week, others 1 every 2-3 months. Some are still logged in and active on the forum, some not at all, and others only read and write nothing because they have no such need. The man, who was also happy with my service in Aalborg, created an account Intentionally to write review. Before he get used to be anonymous member. As I know this person, he isn't an effusive person to actively participate in the life of the forum, but checking girls as much as possible like many men do before visiting a girl. Pay attention to the fact: I was in Aalborg on 28.05-1.06, and why should I intentionally write/ask someone to write an opinion on the last day of my stay? 5. I think the idea to write the review itself extremely no sense and unnecessary in my case. I use my photos, my ad agrees with reality, I know what I have in my description because I wrote it by myself. I consider myself an honest person. Even if I need opinions, I can add them from 2019/2020 from the Swiss forum, but not everyone knows German. And, as above, it is unnecessary. If a girl is good and honest, she doesn't have to go about dishonest things, much less look for extra attention, because she has enough. So generally, pay attention to these few things, and ask yourself "what for?" and then discard. False clue in the investigation Greetings, Camille Camille....Jeg ved ikke om moderatorerne har adgang til IP-adresser eller ikke, men jeg ved at flere brugere herinde har mindst to profiler. Så det kan fint lade sig gøre. Bortset fra det er der vist ingen der mistænker DIG for at lave fake-profiler (Og slet ikke jeg)....det er jeg sikker på alle som har besøgt dig, er klar over . Men derfor kunne andre jo sagtens have interesse i det. Jeg kan garantere dig for at der er rigtig meget falsk SHIT i mellem alt det som bliver skrevet. Jeg har været her mange år og set lidt af hvert. Jeg er derfor også rimeligt i stand til at skelne mellem det som er troværdigt og alt det andet. Have a nice day Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Liderbukken 631 Skrevet 2. Juli, 2020 @HornyGirlfriend Thanks for a great reply. Hope you enjoy your time in Denmark and the Danish men are nice to you. 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
HornyGirlfriend 94 Skrevet 2. Juli, 2020 Big3lover skrev, for 6 timer siden: Camille....Jeg ved ikke om moderatorerne har adgang til IP-adresser eller ikke, men jeg ved at flere brugere herinde har mindst to profiler. Så det kan fint lade sig gøre. Bortset fra det er der vist ingen der mistænker DIG for at lave fake-profiler (Og slet ikke jeg)....det er jeg sikker på alle som har besøgt dig, er klar over . Men derfor kunne andre jo sagtens have interesse i det. Jeg kan garantere dig for at der er rigtig meget falsk SHIT i mellem alt det som bliver skrevet. Jeg har været her mange år og set lidt af hvert. Jeg er derfor også rimeligt i stand til at skelne mellem det som er troværdigt og alt det andet. Have a nice day My last post on this topic. I really don't like when someone is judged unfairly and I'm struck by the lack of logic and lack of substantive arguments. You suggest twice that the profiles are fake, I don't need to be extremely intelligent to notice that you mean suggestion of dishonest behavior. Again, the same on the Vissenbjerg thread. What the hell. Fake profiles, what this means for you because I don't know anymore, once you write about it and later that nobody suspects me. So how do you withdraw from the fact that I have something in common with it? Moment later you write that users have double profiles. You met me, do you think that the service that offers needs a second account? "Og det behøver man ikke en længere uddannelse for at kunne se. ALLE de positive ting som er fremhævet i profilen, er nappet fra Fyn-anmeldelsen 20. maj, og så formuleret på en nærmest kategorisk måde." In the same way, EVERYONE is treated as best as I can, so it is not strange that, my clients write well and generally about me. Even one of my client didn't write very detailed, because he assumed that maybe I don't want that everybody knows how exactly I act in bed. That's the secret. Your suggestion here and in the last topic in Vissenbjerg look paranoid. If you think that every new user should provide a long description of the meeting and sexual act, and be active in the forum as daily hobby, I would like to tell you that this style of thinking is called egocentric thinking and generally it ends in age 7 years. People have other activities and families. More empathy and broad view. At the beginning of assessing something (even suggesting), you should be prepared in terms of substance. The fact that you have experience doesn't work in this case. False is everywhere. Generally, it is believed that the more details, the more credibly. According to my knowledge and experience - not always. When you create a false story, you'll be as detailed as possible, because it is not something that you get from memory, but something that you are just creating at the moment. You remember these details at the risk of recreating the story again. Naturally, people forget with time, and mistakes in details or their lack are the result of the work of our memory. But I understand long and detailed customer reviews that have unique memories. I apologize for the offensive writing style, I like you and I remember you well, but damn it, I don't even leave a suggestion if I did nothing. With all due respect, Camille 2 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Big3lover 1419 Skrevet 2. Juli, 2020 HornyGirlfriend skrev, for 8 timer siden: My last post on this topic. I really don't like when someone is judged unfairly and I'm struck by the lack of logic and lack of substantive arguments. You suggest twice that the profiles are fake, I don't need to be extremely intelligent to notice that you mean suggestion of dishonest behavior. Again, the same on the Vissenbjerg thread. What the hell. Fake profiles, what this means for you because I don't know anymore, once you write about it and later that nobody suspects me. So how do you withdraw from the fact that I have something in common with it? Moment later you write that users have double profiles. You met me, do you think that the service that offers needs a second account? "Og det behøver man ikke en længere uddannelse for at kunne se. ALLE de positive ting som er fremhævet i profilen, er nappet fra Fyn-anmeldelsen 20. maj, og så formuleret på en nærmest kategorisk måde." In the same way, EVERYONE is treated as best as I can, so it is not strange that, my clients write well and generally about me. Even one of my client didn't write very detailed, because he assumed that maybe I don't want that everybody knows how exactly I act in bed. That's the secret. Your suggestion here and in the last topic in Vissenbjerg look paranoid. If you think that every new user should provide a long description of the meeting and sexual act, and be active in the forum as daily hobby, I would like to tell you that this style of thinking is called egocentric thinking and generally it ends in age 7 years. People have other activities and families. More empathy and broad view. At the beginning of assessing something (even suggesting), you should be prepared in terms of substance. The fact that you have experience doesn't work in this case. False is everywhere. Generally, it is believed that the more details, the more credibly. According to my knowledge and experience - not always. When you create a false story, you'll be as detailed as possible, because it is not something that you get from memory, but something that you are just creating at the moment. You remember these details at the risk of recreating the story again. Naturally, people forget with time, and mistakes in details or their lack are the result of the work of our memory. But I understand long and detailed customer reviews that have unique memories. I apologize for the offensive writing style, I like you and I remember you well, but damn it, I don't even leave a suggestion if I did nothing. With all due respect, Camille Jeg har IKKE beskyldt DIG for noget som helst! Jeg har heller ikke givet dig dårlig anmeldelse - tværtimod! Så jeg må sige, at jeg undre mig over, hvorfor du bruger enormt med energi og tusindvis af ord på at værge for dig med arme og ben. Du har din mening om det her - Og jeg har min. Og så kommer vi vist ikke videre her! Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Oldspice 15 Skrevet 26. August, 2020 HornyGirlfriend skrev, den 30.6.2020 at 21:40: Dear Users, I feel it's probably the moment to write something here. I read this with a translator who makes mistakes, but I see that I'm suspected of writing a review? Below are some of my thoughts that have accompanied me since reading the last post and generally suspicions in my direction. 1. Please note that I'm in Denmark for the first time, I never had contact with Danish before, even when I reply to text messages in Danish with a translator, I'm afraid of stupid things which going out there. I suggest that even if I wrote something, it would be full of grammatical and stylistic mistakes, because Danish is difficult from what I heard. I think it would look similar if you wanted to write a few sentences in Polish. 2. Idk how it works, but moderators probably have access to IP assigned to users. If I created next account and wrote, I would have two accounts with the same IP. Information technology is not my story, but investigations is my second passion. 3. Big3Lover: I remember us meeting I remember when you told me about forum I didn't know about, you said you would write about me and I agreed. I suspect you were very happy with our meeting, that's why you did it. Pay attention to the fact: if someone intentionally wrote me review in new city, why somebody didn't do it at the very beginning, for example my first day in Vissenbjerg, before your review in Fyn? 4. People have different habits. Some people visit girls 2-3 times a week, others 1 every 2-3 months. Some are still logged in and active on the forum, some not at all, and others only read and write nothing because they have no such need. The man, who was also happy with my service in Aalborg, created an account Intentionally to write review. Before he get used to be anonymous member. As I know this person, he isn't an effusive person to actively participate in the life of the forum, but checking girls as much as possible like many men do before visiting a girl. Pay attention to the fact: I was in Aalborg on 28.05-1.06, and why should I intentionally write/ask someone to write an opinion on the last day of my stay? 5. I think the idea to write the review itself extremely no sense and unnecessary in my case. I use my photos, my ad agrees with reality, I know what I have in my description because I wrote it by myself. I consider myself an honest person. Even if I need opinions, I can add them from 2019/2020 from the Swiss forum, but not everyone knows German. And, as above, it is unnecessary. If a girl is good and honest, she doesn't have to go about dishonest things, much less look for extra attention, because she has enough. So generally, pay attention to these few things, and ask yourself "what for?" and then discard. False clue in the investigation Greetings, Camille I don't know if that review is fake or not, sweet Camille. But I can testify that you are a charming girl, with big tits, great kisser, perfect blow job and a big and firm ass. I hope that you are around in Denmark for a while. 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg