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Miller's Crossing

Milou - lækker, klasse, elegant❤️❤️

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Guest Mia04

Is for the very first time when I find myself in front of a screen and I have no idea how to start.

First of all, the following apologies are not to win sympathy, because all of us know very well what means to be hated and loved. We all experienced that, regardless of the industry we activate / -ed. Before going into the subject, in one of Fitzgerald's books was a qoute saying " Tired, tired with nothing, tired with everything, tired with the world weight he had never chosen to bear". And I am asking the pragmatic people to not misunderstand what I mean, but to see also the metaphoric side of this phrase. 

What I actually meant is the fact that I am tired of seeing extremely nice girls intimidated, bullied and harassed. At the very beginning everything starts with intimidation. I am tired seeing greedy people - in case the person we talk about is a pimp and thinks i am competition or messing around with his / her business. 

I am tired to see nice girls giving up or stop showing their beautiful faces because always will be THAT PERSON hating you. Why? We are all so different and for the God's sake is plenty of space for everybody. If what you are trying to do or built is not working, is because you have an issue with yourself, the way you manage a situation. And now i address to the person / s who likes all this negativities. Instead of playing dirty, be a person with a spine and ethics, approach the person you do not like and let others fear no more. But maybe you can not because you feel powerful and untouchable, isn't it? Is a permanent hunger you need to feed, right? You might laugh now. Laughing is good. But does not last longer. 

For sure, I am not the first and the last person harassed but with all this, I will have the opportunity to convince some other girls to join me  in a movement where we can share who made us feel uncomfortable, offended and threatened. 

And now honestly...

I apologize for using 3 out of 5 photos in Milou's advert, that actually did not belong to me. 

I apologize to @ Miller's Crossing  who actually met Mia in that day and his gesture was absolutely genuine. Innocent. And by the time he created this thread, i had only 2 photos, totally mine and not seen before by anybody. I deeply regret he got caught into this. I will always admit when I am wrong and fight when I am wright. Indeed what I've done was wrong. Again sorry. 

I apologize to those ones who took few minutes from their time to write me and felt sad afterwards. 

I apologize to the person who feels that I hurt his / hers feelings and sees me as a threat. Please accept it or leave me damn alone. Will be no success if you continue to jeopardize others. 

I apologize to the person /s who are managing this forum. Always were there when needed.

I apologize to @ dongding. I admit I always felt threatened by you. But, if your comments were ever well intentioned, I am so sorry. 

I apologize to those ones I've rejected.

I apologize to those ones I care about and vice versa.

And i owe myself an apology for all the trust i gave to many and allowing myself to think that kindness is still a quality nowadays. 

I apologize to all of you and thank you at the same time! From the bottom of my heart.

NOTE BENE: My mental status and emotional condition is not affected at all because thanks God I have reached a maturity which did not come with age but with responsability and acceptance of success and failure. A maturity i've shaped thankfully to the people who came across my path. Not in this industry but in many others i had before. 

I didn't want all this drama. No pity and sorry. 

I've gained friends who helped me from many perspectives, not just related to this. Few friendships i will cherish forever based on trust, fun, needs. Some should learn the meaning of that and the kindness behind this word. Again, in general.

In 20-30 years from now, even if you are a joygirl, client, agent, manager or pimp, what really matters is the respect others had for you. 


Thanks and have a great autumn and welcome to the newies/ newcomers into this great/damned/crazy jungle!

<<< I know that you're hurting
I see the tears behind those eyes
And I can't wipe them clear
Your love is like gold to me
But you hold me closer to the light
With the final bullet inside
Oh, I'm surrounded by
But you throw me into the deep end
Expect me to know how to swim
And I put my faith in someone else
'Cause I will be just fine
Welcome to the jungle
Are you gonna dance with me
Welcome to the jungle
You got to close your eyes and see
Welcome to the jungle
Are you gonna dance with me
Well, hold on, well, hold on
Suit and tie with the black jeans on and I'm paralyzed
'Cause I think you got something like the biggest soul I've ever seen
And I think you're the one
Suit and tie, with the curly hair making your way with that step and stare
So tell me real, do you feel anything
Ashes to ashes
And the embers are ablaze
Oh, I gotta rise among you, though then I think about your face every day
But you pull me closer to the light
You wouldn't find a bullet inside
Only if you magnify
Welcome to the jungle
Are you gonna dance with me
Welcome to the jungle
You got to close your eyes and see
Welcome to the jungle
Are you gonna dance with me
Well hold on, well hold on >>>
Lyrics --> Tash Sultana - JUNGLE! 
                                                                 THE END!




Redigeret af Mia04
grammar mistakes

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Jeg har besøgt @Mia04  en gang for måske et års tid siden. Hun er uden tvivl den mest komplette oplevelse i forhold til GFE. Ufattelig dejlig, ubegribelig sød og uvirkeligt smuk.

Det er beskæmmende at en ynkelig lille mandsling af en "ringeklokke", med et selvværd der øjensynligt er ikke eksisterende, skal have held til at gøre livet surt for en skøn pige som hende. Eller en hvilken som helst anden pige, der siger hvad hun gør, og gør hvad hun siger. Det siger dog en hel del mere om@dongding , end det siger om pigerne.

Om dette bliver dongding's endeligt her, tvivler jeg nu på. Det er jo altid muligt at oprette en ny profil, så man kan fortsætte sine hadske og negative indlæg. Og har man denne sygelige trang, skal der meget til at man holder op. Åbenbart.

All the best til @Mia04


Redigeret af Gyldenspjæt63
Manglende ord i sætning

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Guest Mia04
Gyldenspjæt63 skrev, for 2 minutter siden:

Jeg har besøgt @Mia04  en gang for måske et års tid siden. Hun er uden tvivl den mest komplette oplevelse i forhold til GFE. Ufattelig dejlig, ubegribelig sød og uvirkeligt smuk.

Det er beskæmmende at en ynkelig lille mandsling af en "ringeklokke", med et selvværd der øjensynligt er ikke eksisterende, skal have held til at gøre livet surt for en skøn pige som hende. Eller en hvilken som helst anden pige, der siger hvad hun gør, og gør hvad hun siger. Det siger dog en hel del mere om@dongding , end det siger om pigerne.

Om dette bliver dongding's endeligt her, tvivler jeg nu på. Det er jo altid muligt at oprette en ny profil, så man kan fortsætte sine hadske og negative indlæg. Og har man denne sygelige trang, skal der meget til at man holder op. Åbenbart.

All the best til @Mia04


I appreciate the kind words and not taking dongding's side but he is not all to blame. Regarding him, I confess i felt touched by some of his comments that were totally wrong (and i am not the only one) but THIS IS ALL. 


I just want one person, THAT person to leave me alone! And assholes who bully other girls, to stay home. Since their heart is so full of hate,  the health might be affected especially during this pandemy.

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I get that, @Mia04

My point is, that anyone who commits most of their time to bully others, in generel are sad and pathetic human beings. And it makes me at little bit sad, that they often make an impact on others, thoug we try not to be affected.

I really hope theese guys will leave you alone.

Kind regards

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Stop dog nu snart muligheden for den slags småtskårne kommentarer her fra en mandsperson, der tydeligvis har det svært med sig selv. 

En kommentar som den sidste her har jo intet med tråden i øvrigt at gøre. Kan man ikke lukke for strømmen til den slags? 

Men man må da håbe, at "Tasha" er lige så glad for den seneste ærede skribent her, som han er for hende. 

Jeg har dog min tvivl. 

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cobham skrev, den 26.8.2020 at 19:59:

Blot han ryger ud af EG på røv og albuer.

Det er fjerde profilnavn jeg kender ham fra. Det betyder nok ikke så meget.

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Advarsel skrev, for 23 minutter siden:

Det er fjerde profilnavn jeg kender ham fra. Det betyder nok ikke så meget.

Tror du også har haft et andet profilnavn, er det efterhånden gået op for mig. Femøren falder lidt langsomt i min alder.

Har jeg ret, er jeg ikke i tvivl om, at du (også) har ret her. I denne sammenhæng:  desværre.


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Her er der blevet skrevet alt, der skal skrives om denne lille gudinde.

Så blot en tak herfra til Mr. Millers.. Uden dig havde jeg aldrig fundet hende!


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