Tantra 1627 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 How discreet are you (?) I never had to ask this question - I am absolutely discreet myself and automatically thought that the other side (the customers) are just as discreet. I'm not new to the sex business and discretion is as natural to me in this business as the " Our Father" in church, but I experienced a pretty macabre situation yesterday( I don't want to publish the details). Actually, I'm at home in Germany right now and enjoy my free time, which for me only means a serious, conservative life, far away from the "red lanterns". My question is: how do you act when you meet me in a private setting? Are you talking to me? Do you talk to me when it's obvious that I'm private, that maybe my family is with me? Why?... Personally, I would never address a customer out there, I take that for granted... but there are obviously people who cannot imagine that GP also lead a life outside of this business. Actually I thought that discretion applies equally to both sides, obviously I was wrong ... 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
-noname100- 71 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 So you were wrong ? How. Tell us that instead of all those questions Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 -noname100- skrev, for 10 minutter siden: So you were wrong ? How. Tell us that instead of all those questions If you read my post correctly it is not difficult to see that my general questions arose from a situation where I had to realize that there are obviously people who do not take discretion in this trade for granted. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
-noname100- 71 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 And what answer do you want ? I read that you are dissapointed over something, and then what? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 -noname100- skrev, for 13 minutter siden: And what answer do you want ? I read that you are dissapointed over something, and then what? I think you are misinterpreting my post. I have no wishes for answers, just a debate about discretion in the erotik industry. You are welcome to express your opinion on the topic. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
EksilKøbenhavner 1478 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 I would not see the point in initiating contact to a girl I had sex with for money. Niether would I go at say hi to my plumber if I saw him at the supermarket... why would I? If a professional girl came and said "hi" in the real world, I would be pretty confused, the chance that I remember her is small. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
underdog40 6866 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 Det kunne aldrig falde mig ind at gå over og hilse på en gp hvis jeg så hende i fx Føtex. Så har jeg svaret. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Nannas Hjørne Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 I've had 2 people so far come up to me and start flirting while I was out with a friend. Luckily she knows what I do so I didn't have to make up a story of how I knew them. Still... uncomfortable. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest mature man Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 Jeg har et par gange mødt en pige i det civlie liv, den ene gang var på et hospital hvor vi begge ventede på en blodprøve – jeg måtte kikke en ekstra gang, tænkte om de virkelig var “xxxx” og kikkede derefter væk – hun er en særdelse flot pige og tænker nu efterfølgende at det er helt naturligt jeg kom til at dreje hovedet enhver mand ville kikke efter en flot kvinde En anden gang mødte jeg en pige på gaden jeg havde besøgt hende nogle gange – på lang afstand genkendte jeg pigen, og kikkede væk – næste gang jeg besøgte pigen fik jeg skældud for jeg ikke ville hilse Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 underdog40 skrev, for 20 minutter siden: Det kunne aldrig falde mig ind at gå over og hilse på en gp hvis jeg så hende i fx Føtex. Så har jeg svaret. I'm really happy to hear that .... Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Watanabe 283 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 Metoo. I respect your business, I am happy with your services and I would never intimidate you, neither in private nor in public. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
-noname100- 71 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 Well, everything you wrote screams that you had a bad experience , and im sorry for that. But exactly what do you want out og This thread ? Ppl agree with you and then what ? I would say, if you cant handle that some of your costumers says hello on the street , This game is Not for you . This game is Not for the sensitive human beings. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 Watanabe skrev, for 54 minutter siden: Metoo. I respect your business, I am happy with your services and I would never intimidate you, neither in private nor in public. Thanks for your nice words. I really appreciate that. People are not all the same, I know that. Even so, everyone presents themselves exclusively to themselves and exclusively to their own personality with their own behavior ... but that is a separate topic. This thread is all about discretion and I'm really excited to hear that customers respect GP's privacy. At this point, many thanks to Nannas Hjørne, who also shared her experiences as a girl on the subject of discretion. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
JenniferRomantica 18183 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 Jeg har en enkel gang set en gæst i toget og en enkel gang i byen.. Og faktisk også en gang til bowling.. Heldigvis var det alle forskellige ellers virkede det efterhånden mærkeligt.. Men jeg har aldrig sagt "Hej" eller lignende.. Det virker bare forkert.. De har så heller ikke taget kontakt hvilket jeg er glad for.. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Hanshj 231 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 I would definitely react as I do not know you. Discretion and privacy both ways are extremely Important. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 JenniferRomantica skrev, 1 time siden: Jeg har en enkel gang set en gæst i toget og en enkel gang i byen.. Og faktisk også en gang til bowling.. Heldigvis var det alle forskellige ellers virkede det efterhånden mærkeligt.. Men jeg har aldrig sagt "Hej" eller lignende.. Det virker bare forkert.. De har så heller ikke taget kontakt hvilket jeg er glad for.. Thank you for telling us about your experience. My experience was yesterday in the street cafe where I had a cozy meeting with my 82j. grandma for coffee and cake and a customer from Denmark addressed me by my work name, not enough of it, my grandma told him that her granddaughter is "xy" and not Magnolia, he said he had mistaken me, but his sat down with us at the table and talked comfortably with my grandma ... I don't want to go into details, but I've never felt this uncomfortable ... Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
-noname100- 71 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 Tantra skrev, for 8 minutter siden: Thank you for telling us about your experience. My experience was yesterday in the street cafe where I had a cozy meeting with my 82j. grandma for coffee and cake and a customer from Denmark addressed me by my work name, not enough of it, my grandma told him that her granddaughter is "xy" and not Magnolia, he said he had mistaken me, but his sat down with us at the table and talked comfortably with my grandma ... I don't want to go into details, but I've never felt this uncomfortable ... Thats whats happens , you could have told him to go. If you play around with other human beings, thats whats happens sometimes. Move on. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 -noname100- skrev, for 19 minutter siden: Thats whats happens , you could have told him to go. If you play around with other human beings, thats whats happens sometimes. Move on. That is a completely absurd representation. They weren't there and I didn't play with anyone. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Sherlock 264 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 -noname100- skrev, for 13 minutter siden: Thats whats happens , you could have told him to go. If you play around with other human beings, thats whats happens sometimes. Move on. Its really some statement - I totally disagree that this is a situation about "playing around" and "its your own fault". A man reacting like @Tantra described has shown a total loss of his mind. I know there are a lot of weird people in this world, but a man going to sit and talk as he is a friend is just way out of line. BUT I am not surprised that some are reacting like this man, but trying to explain or trying to defend that kind of action is in my mind unimaginable. IF we try to turn things around and a GP sat down when a customer was out with his girlfriend or wife and started talking like she was his best friend -- is that really acceptable? Is there a difference? I think absolutely not. 3 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Rust in Peace Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 Jeg tror ikke at vi kan undgå risikoen - hverken udbyder eller kunde. Jeg har oplevet to gange at piger har skrevet til mig efter et besøg med søde beskeder. Uanset hvor charmerende det kan være, så kan det også føre til problematiske situationer. Ingen gør det for at genere nogen, men risikoen vil altid være der. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
S&W500S 418 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 For my pow its really simple if i were to see a girl that i have been with i would make a short descrete gesture like look at her for a split second and if she didnt make any descrete gesture back i would just move on and get on with my daily program like nothing had ever happen. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 Sherlock skrev, for 2 timer siden: Its really some statement - I totally disagree that this is a situation about "playing around" and "its your own fault". A man reacting like @Tantra described has shown a total loss of his mind. I know there are a lot of weird people in this world, but a man going to sit and talk as he is a friend is just way out of line. BUT I am not surprised that some are reacting like this man, but trying to explain or trying to defend that kind of action is in my mind unimaginable. IF we try to turn things around and a GP sat down when a customer was out with his girlfriend or wife and started talking like she was his best friend -- is that really acceptable? Is there a difference? I think absolutely not. Thanks for your contribution. This is very valuable to me. In spite of my brief summary, you realized that it was a really precarious situation for me. I am actually a person who masters every situation with dignity But yesterday... I felt helpless, lost and uncomfortable for the first time in my life ... Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 Rust in Peace skrev, 1 time siden: Jeg tror ikke at vi kan undgå risikoen - hverken udbyder eller kunde. Jeg har oplevet to gange at piger har skrevet til mig efter et besøg med søde beskeder. Uanset hvor charmerende det kan være, så kan det også føre til problematiske situationer. Ingen gør det for at genere nogen, men risikoen vil altid være der. Discretion should apply to both parties. For me that's not a question, it goes without saying. Discretion is offered, but is also expected ... Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 S&W500S skrev, for 22 minutter siden: For my pow its really simple if i were to see a girl that i have been with i would make a short descrete gesture like look at her for a split second and if she didnt make any descrete gesture back i would just move on and get on with my daily program like nothing had ever happen. That's how it should be ... and that's how everyone has behaved so far ... and there have been many encounters over the years ... but everyone was discreet and I never questioned that it could be different until yesterday ... and I really hope that this was a "freak of nature" and that encounters like that shouldn't be repeated. That is why I am particularly pleased when male members appreciate the privacy of GP and not only expect discretion from us. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Sherlock 264 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2020 (edited) Rust in Peace skrev, for 3 timer siden: Jeg tror ikke at vi kan undgå risikoen - hverken udbyder eller kunde. Jeg har oplevet to gange at piger har skrevet til mig efter et besøg med søde beskeder. Uanset hvor charmerende det kan være, så kan det også føre til problematiske situationer. Ingen gør det for at genere nogen, men risikoen vil altid være der. Jamen der er da kæmpe forskel på at skrive en sms og så på at kontakte og sætte sig ned og begynde at konversere med pigen og andre personer ved et privat cafébord. Det er jo helt absurd at sammenligne dét du har oplevet med dét @Tantra skriver om. Det er i min optik slet ikke muligt at sammenligne de to tilfælde. Det er jo total mangel på social kompetence og dømmekraft, hvis man agerer som det beskrives i denne tråd. At der er mænd, der har så lidt opdragelse, pli, forståelse, indsigt og manglende social kompetence, dét er altså ikke det samme som at sende en sød besked. Redigeret 1. Oktober, 2020 af Sherlock 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg