½angel 1222 Skrevet 8. Oktober, 2020 Er der nogen der ved hvorfor nogle annoncer på Escortguide.dk er markeret med rødt og nogle annoncer er markeret med hvidt? Det er noget jeg altid tænker på når jeg bruger Escortguide.dk, er der nogen der ved hvad forskellen er, eller hvorfor nogen er røde og andre er hvide? På forhånd tak for hjælpen. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Lauersen 9709 Skrevet 8. Oktober, 2020 De røde bliver vist først, så mon ikke de har betalt for noget VIP-noget. 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kop 74 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 (edited) ja escortguide kræver en meget høj betaling for det. 2 uger koster 450 kr. 2 uger med rød farve koster mere end 1100 kr oveni Redigeret 9. Oktober, 2020 af kop Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 kop skrev, for 36 minutter siden: ja escortguide kræver en meget høj betaling for det. 2 uger koster 450 kr. 2 uger med rød farve koster mere end 1100 kr The regular advertisement costs 450dkk/ 2 weeks - that's right. The red one costs 1200dkk for 1 week, so over 2t dkk for 2 weeks in addition to the regular... 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kop 74 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 Escortguide should be ashamed of themselves for profitting so much on working girls. I tried to look up the prices for annoncelight. Do you know the prices? Escortguide does also register your card number and charges your card automatically? For my part, i base my search on certain words so in my case, so the red appearance would not make any difference in my choice of lady 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17609 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 For mig som læser af annoncerne er opfindelsen af de røde møgirriterende. Jeg får mest af alt lyst at bare scrolle forbi til jeg kommer til de "rigtige" annoncerne. Det kan jo heller ikke være et sammentræf at så mange af de røde ligesom kommer i grupperinger og minder om hinanden. Jeg får fornemmelse af syndikat og taber lysten. Ja, jeg mener også at Escortguide/Politikens Hus flagrant nærmer sig rufferi. Lige nu ligger der 128 røde annoncer på Escortguide. Hvis det er normalen så tjener de cirka 640.000 kr om måneden kun på de røde. Inalles sikkert 1 million/mån. På en simpel annonceside for eskorter; en side som måske kræver en halvtidsansat. De lægger jo ikke særligt meget i at rydde op i falske billeder, spotte trafficking eller lignende jo. Hvis det ikke er at betragte som rufferi så forstår jeg ikke termen. 4 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 Bananas skrev, for 22 minutter siden: For mig som læser af annoncerne er opfindelsen af de røde møgirriterende. Jeg får mest af alt lyst at bare scrolle forbi til jeg kommer til de "rigtige" annoncerne. Det kan jo heller ikke være et sammentræf at så mange af de røde ligesom kommer i grupperinger og minder om hinanden. Jeg får fornemmelse af syndikat og taber lysten. So you think if I or another girl book the red ads, we would belong to a Syndykat?... This is total nonsense. We book the ads becouse they appear above the normal ads and significantly more customers are looking at it ( we can see and compare the number of clicks and statistics). It is an advertising platform and you buy a product ( advertisement) that you can afford and see as suitable for your own concept. If you look at the red ads as belonging to a syndicate, you can also call the regular ones a consortium... the human imagination sometimes knows no limits... However, in this case completely unfounded. Personaly, I preffer the red ads becouse I can compare the statustics and my bookings ( from customers). 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kop 74 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 I understand Bananas comment differently. The cooment is directed towards those behind Escortguide and their complete lack of decency. In Denmark, it i understand it, illeagal to exploit working girls. It is unbelievable that such blatant exploitation of working girls is done by one of the large newspapers in Denmark. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17609 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 (edited) Tantra skrev, for 27 minutter siden: So you think if I or another girl book the red ads, we would belong to a Syndykat? No I don't think you belong to a syndicate, and I don't think all of the other red ads do neither. But to me it seems obvious that a lot of the red ads do. Many of the ads are similar, look similar, have the same feeling about them. And they are expensive; not all independent girls can possibly afford them. Of course there are syndicats also among the not so expensive ads. I'm just saying that the red ones are a bit too much up in the face, signalling a bit too much of backing organizations. And putting on display an unholy alliance between a large publishing company and shady organisations. To me that is. These are my personal reflections, not an analysis based on facts. In other words: I simply don't like it. Which don't mean I pin any of those things on you, or any other particular girl. Redigeret 9. Oktober, 2020 af Bananas 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17609 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 kop skrev, for 7 minutter siden: I understand Bananas comment differently. The cooment is directed towards those behind Escortguide and their complete lack of decency. In Denmark, it i understand it, illeagal to exploit working girls. It is unbelievable that such blatant exploitation of working girls is done by one of the large newspapers in Denmark. That is a correct understanding of what I am thinking also. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 kop skrev, for 30 minutter siden: I understand Bananas comment differently. The cooment is directed towards those behind Escortguide and their complete lack of decency. In Denmark, it i understand it, illeagal to exploit working girls. It is unbelievable that such blatant exploitation of working girls is done by one of the large newspapers in Well, I am a buyer of a product ( advertisement) offered by the advertising platform. My decision to buy this or this product does not give me any insight into the politic of the advertising platform. The prices on the advertising site are expensive compared to annoncelight, that's true... but if you work as a girl in the København area, you buy advertising in escortguide becouse it is the leading platform for this region. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 Bananas skrev, for 32 minutter siden: . And they are expensive; not all independent girls can possibly afford them. Yes, it is expensive, but I do not agree with this statment : " not all Independent girls can possibly afford them".... Sorry, but we are talking about 1200dkk/ 1 week. An INDEPENDENT girl can certainly afford it if she does not have to give her money to third parties, but then she is NOT Independent, but dependt on other people... ... that's just my subjektive opinion after 13 years experience in this business.. . Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17609 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 Tantra skrev, for 2 minutter siden: Well, I am a buyer of a product ( advertisement) offered by the advertising platform. My decision to buy this or this product does not give me any insight into the politic of the advertising platform. The prices on the advertising site are expensive compared to annoncelight, that's true... but if you work as a girl in the København area, you buy advertising in escortguide becouse it is the leading platform for this region. I understand that perfectly well. And I'm not blaming you. You do what's best for you. But I blame Politikens Hus for their cynical explotiation of a market that's not only shady to begin with, but where also too many girls don't fare very well. After all, it's a large media company - originally based on publications and part of the Fourth Estate. Which in a democracy like Denmark should serve as a guarantee for power to be handled with care and decency. They don't need to charge working girls that much, they just do it out of greed, and not for a second considering the morals and conflicts about doing it. How can a media company that earns millions on this trade, be expected to report seriously on trafficking for instance? I understand perfectly well that you advertise where it serves you best. You're absolutely not obliged to have any political or other considerations. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 Bananas skrev, for 9 minutter siden: I understand that perfectly well. And I'm not blaming you. You do what's best for you. But I blame Politikens Hus for their cynical explotiation of a market that's not only shady to begin with, but where also too many girls don't fare very well. After all, it's a large media company - originally based on publications and part of the Fourth Estate. Which in a democracy like Denmark should serve as a guarantee for power to be handled with care and decency. They don't need to charge working girls that much, they just do it out of greed, and not for a second considering the morals and conflicts about doing it. How can a media company that earns millions on this trade, be expected to report seriously on trafficking for instance? I understand perfectly well that you advertise where it serves you best. You're absolutely not obliged to have any political or other considerations. I read the newspaper reports about escortguides / Politikens Hus. It's actually a shame the way they act ... but as working girls there is nothing we can do about it ... Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17609 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 Tantra skrev, for 10 minutter siden: Yes, it is expensive, but I do not agree with this statment : " not all Independent girls can possibly afford them".... Sorry, but we are talking about 1200dkk/ 1 week. An INDEPENDENT girl can certainly afford it if she does not have to give her money to third parties, but then she is NOT Independent, but dependt on other people... ... that's just my subjektive opinion after 13 years experience in this business.. . Maybe you're right. I don't know. And maybe 5.000 kr/month is peanuts for independent girls that come here. I don't have insight in neither your nor any other girls economy. I guess though, that these 5.000 kr are only a tiny bit of what the independent girls all-in-all have to pay for places to work, somebody handling MobilePay for them etc and so on and so forth. Too many hands demanding too big bites from the cake. Just and only because the market is as shady as it is. But I still think it's an undecent sum, especially for something that's run with a little finger and from a company that at least should try to appear decent. And exploiting prostitution as already stated, is illegal in Denmark. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kop 74 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 Yes i understand you make a cost benefit analysis and your conclusion is that you have to buy the red adverts. i know some foreign working girls and their profit margin is often not high.Even though they are independant they have to rely on men with credit cards to buy the red advert. Often the one who lets the room assist with paying for the red advert but at 200 kr surcharge. i have been told that girls want to come to denmark and ask girls that are here to assist with contact to people who let to working girls. theses people may assist in writing the adverts also. to my understanding, mainly foreign girls use escortguide while danish girls use annoncelight. escort side is another one and there you advertise for free. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17609 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 kop skrev, for 1 minut siden: escort side is another one and there you advertise for free. Actually you don't really. The free ads display far below the paid ones. I just had a look; the gold ads - and there are plenty of them - are paid for. I can't see how much, but I have read somewhere in here that they are significantly more expensive than Annoncelight. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kop 74 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 a room costs between 600 and 1000 kr per day. on top of that they pay around 250 per day for advert including assistance fees. They also have to send money home to their families. the income varies a lot. sometimes they barely have enough for food and they eat xanax in order to sleep Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 Bananas skrev, for 15 minutter siden: Maybe you're right. I don't know. And maybe 5.000 kr/month is peanuts for independent girls that come here. I don't have insight in neither your nor any other girls economy. I guess though, that these 5.000 kr are only a tiny bit of what the independent girls all-in-all have to pay for places to work, somebody handling MobilePay for them etc and so on and so forth. Too many hands demanding too big bites from the cake. Just and only because the market is as shady as it is. But I still think it's an undecent sum, especially for something that's run with a little finger and from a company that at least should try to appear decent. And exploiting prostitution as already stated, is illegal in Denmark. We have very high bills, that's true, but all self-employed people have that ... and like all self-employed people, we also pay rent, taxes, advertising, travel costs etc ... the sums are enormous and the prices of escortguide are expensive, I don't deny THAT. I am just saying that a self-employed girl can pay 1200dkk / week and I am saying that a self-employed girl does not work for a whole month and therefore does not have to pay 5000dkk. If a girl in this trade no longer earns 1200dkk then I wonder what kind of money is she working for? What does a customer pay for a girl who does not earn 1200dkk / 1 week? .... Normal girl 1 customer 1h / 1600dkk and she can't afford 1200dkk / 1 week? 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kop 74 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 yes it is true that escort side is very expensive if you chose to pay. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kop 74 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 Tantra Are you defending escortguide? How much do you pay in other countries for bording and adverts? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17609 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 Tantra skrev, for 1 minut siden: We have very high bills, that's true, but all self-employed people have that ... and like all self-employed people, we also pay rent, taxes, advertising, travel costs etc ... the sums are enormous and the prices of escortguide are expensive, I don't deny THAT. I am just saying that a self-employed girl can pay 1200dkk / week and I am saying that a self-employed girl does not work for a whole month and therefore does not have to pay 5000dkk. If a girl in this trade no longer earns 1200dkk then I wonder what kind of money is she working for? What does a customer pay for a girl who does not earn 1200dkk / 1 week? .... Normal girl 1 customer 1h / 1600dkk and she can't afford 1200dkk / 1 week? Maybe we shouldn't go further into this discussion? It's not about not affording 1200 dkk a week, is it? And those 1200 dkk a week is not all she has to afford, is it? And it's not true that all self-employed people are depending on overpriced services to be able to run their trade, but working girls as a rule are. I am running my own businesses, and the competition among the services I need are sound enough for decent affairs. That's mostly the case. In your trade that's seldom the case. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 kop skrev, for 29 minutter siden: Yes i understand you make a cost benefit analysis and your conclusion is that you have to buy the red adverts. i know some foreign working girls and their profit margin is often not high.Even though they are independant they have to rely on men with credit cards to buy the red advert. Often the one who lets the room assist with paying for the red advert but at 200 kr surcharge. i have been told that girls want to come to denmark and ask girls that are here to assist with contact to people who let to working girls. theses people may assist in writing the adverts also. to my understanding, mainly foreign girls use escortguide while danish girls use annoncelight. escort side is another one and there you advertise for free. This statement is not correct. Escortguide is a leading site in København and you buy there a advertise if you work in this area. I'm not familiar with these credit card oddities, I have my own and I don't need anyone. The Escort-side.dk is not free, it is just the ads that appear at down and nobody pays attention to it. The gold ads cost 95dkk / day and here we see the statistics as well. The site is good for Aarhus, Randers, Aalborg (mainly) in other areas it doesn't do much good. You can trust me to post my ads on the leading pages depending on the area and keep an eye on the statistics. I don't like to pay overpriced prices and I don't endorse it ... but I also try to explain when people have the wrong impression ... 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kop 74 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 i talk about the girls i know in your business. the prices for adverts exorbitant and thereby a well known news paper is in a reality acting as pimps which is, to my knowledge, against the law. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 Bananas skrev, for 17 minutter siden: Maybe we shouldn't go further into this discussion? It's not about not affording 1200 dkk a week, is it? And those 1200 dkk a week is not all she has to afford, is it? And it's not true that all self-employed people are depending on overpriced services to be able to run their trade, but working girls as a rule are. I am running my own businesses, and the competition among the services I need are sound enough for decent affairs. That's mostly the case. In your trade that's seldom the case. There is also a choice in this trade. You decide for yourself whether you choose an apartment for 6000dkk / day or one for 1000dkk ... I can also talk about advertising now, but every girl has her own concept and decides what suits her. Actually it's only about this 1200dkk / 1 week what you can afford ... if you can no longer afford that, then I ask myself what I'm looking for in this industry? Msn earns significantly more in every sensible and solid job. If a girl works in this business, then she would like to earn more than in a solid job ... the goal is definitely not to be unable to afford 1200dkk / 1 week (bill). Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg