kop 74 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 Judging by your answer, i can see that I am not able to clearly express my point. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 kop skrev, for 10 minutter siden: i talk about the girls i know in your business. the prices for adverts exorbitant and thereby a well known news paper is in a reality acting as pimps which is, to my knowledge, against the law. I'm of the same opinion because of escortguide's prices ... I never said that I thought that's okay. I don't know if what the girls tell them is true ... I have no knowledge of that ... I can only talk about what I know for sure. I don't like to speculate ... I know what I'm paying for my advertising and my bank doesn't charge an additional 200dkk and not 20dkk, I pay what is stated and don't ask anyone. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kop 74 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 In your latest comment you adressed my point. Thank you Good night Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17609 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 Tantra skrev, for 8 minutter siden: Actually it's only about this 1200dkk / 1 week what you can afford ... if you can no longer afford that, then I ask myself what I'm looking for in this industry? Msn earns significantly more in every sensible and solid job. If a girl works in this business, then she would like to earn more than in a solid job ... the goal is definitely not to be unable to afford 1200dkk / 1 week (bill). I guess your reasoning is the same as Politikens Hus'/Escortguide's? If you cannot afford 1200 a week in ads, do something else. But the same goes for 2000 dkk, right? And if you can't afford 3000 dkk a week, you're also in the wrong business. That's what I mean with it's not about the 1200 kr, it's about overpricing. 6000 a day for an appartment? 180.000 a month? I guess Politikens Hus has missed out on a really good business here. But that kind of overpricing really is gravely illegal, even too illegal for Politikens Hus. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17609 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 Tantra skrev, for 6 minutter siden: I'm of the same opinion because of escortguide's prices ... I never said that I thought that's okay. I don't know if what the girls tell them is true ... I have no knowledge of that ... I can only talk about what I know for sure. I don't like to speculate ... I know what I'm paying for my advertising and my bank doesn't charge an additional 200dkk and not 20dkk, I pay what is stated and don't ask anyone. There was a time when Escortguide didn't allow foreign credit cards due to too many frauds I believe. So all the foreign girls needed someone Danish to pay for them, for which they were charged of course. Maybe that's not the case anymore? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Lady C Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 (edited) Tantra skrev, 1 time siden: We have very high bills, that's true, but all self-employed people have that ... and like all self-employed people, we also pay rent, taxes, advertising, travel costs etc ... the sums are enormous and the prices of escortguide are expensive, I don't deny THAT. I am just saying that a self-employed girl can pay 1200dkk / week and I am saying that a self-employed girl does not work for a whole month and therefore does not have to pay 5000dkk. If a girl in this trade no longer earns 1200dkk then I wonder what kind of money is she working for? What does a customer pay for a girl who does not earn 1200dkk / 1 week? .... Normal girl 1 customer 1h / 1600dkk and she can't afford 1200dkk / 1 week? 1200 kr a week is very very expensive. I am appalled by this amount and I had No idea because I do not advertize very much and only on annonceligt shame on those people behind those pimp prizes. I can not afford - and even if I could - I would never ever in a million years pay that amount. I only have between 2 - 4 ( and I dont want more) customers a month and to Pay 1200 for an add would be aproximately 1/5 of what i earn on being a Domina. OMFG Redigeret 9. Oktober, 2020 af Lady C Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 Bananas skrev, for 39 minutter siden: I guess your reasoning is the same as Politikens Hus'/Escortguide's? If you cannot afford 1200 a week in ads, do something else. But the same goes for 2000 dkk, right? And if you can't afford 3000 dkk a week, you're also in the wrong business. That's what I mean with it's not about the 1200 kr, it's about overpricing. 6000 a day for an appartment? 180.000 a month? I guess Politikens Hus has missed out on a really good business here. But that kind of overpricing really is gravely illegal, even too illegal for Politikens Hus. OMG....I have nothing to do with your Politikens Hus or escortguide! I argue from my point of view and I always stay fair. I have never said that I consider escortguide's prices to be "okay". I'm just saying that you want to make money in this business as in any other business in the world and if a self-employed girl can't pay a bill of 1200dkk / 1 week then it is more appropriate that she find a solid, better paying job that but says nothing about the fact that I see this calculation as appropriate - absolutely not. But they argue as if I see this as perfectly fine. I am a person who has my own opinions and views and you can have a healthy debate with me. 1200dkk / 1 week I would say that in a solid job, even in the supermarket at the checkout, you have a lot more available (for the bills). In this business you want to earn more, that's one of the reasons why you are in this business. Unless of corse if you only want 4 - 5 customers a month, then you dont order ads for 1200dkk/ 1 week... ... but no girl can live from 4-5 customers a month, that only work if you have a regular job and money in your account every mounth regardless of this activity. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17609 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 I just looked at your ad @Tantra, and I can conclude that you don't exactly belong to the average segment of girls working in Denmark - whether they are foreign or Danish. Maybe that's one reason that we view things differently? Many of the girls with red ads are down to 800 dkk per hour or 500/half hour. The average market is deteriorating, and Danish customers in general are getting more and more price conscious. Maybe that's not obvious in your segment, but I can assure you that most girls are affected. On top of that we have the Corona. Let's say that these girls pay the "cheap" appartment that you mentioned - 30.000/month and 5.000 for the ad. That's already 44 one-hour-customers a month only to break even. And she haven't yet eaten or paid all the odds and ends that I'm sure various "helpers" demand of her. In that respect 5 000 dkk for an ad is totally unsensitive to reality or morals. As is overpriced appartments. So what if she's trafficked, as long as someone pays the money? And that is typically pimp-behaviour. These things occur in shady segments of life - usury being another example. Cynical loan sharks couldn't care less if their victims can pay 20 percent interest a week or not. They just have to, one way or the other. Sell your pussy for christ'sake! Or your lung or some drugs. And here's when I'm back to the original topic. Politikens Hus in my opinion is just as cynical as any pimp or loan shark. And interesting enough: those two areas seem to be of little or no interest for the society we live in and its legal instances. That's the only possible explanation for Politikens Hus being able to continue its filthy business. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17609 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 Tantra skrev, for 6 minutter siden: I argue from my point of view and I always stay fair. I have never said that I consider escortguide's prices to be "okay". I'm just saying that you want to make money in this business as in any other business in the world and if a self-employed girl can't pay a bill of 1200dkk / 1 week then it is more appropriate that she find a solid, better paying job that but says nothing about the fact that I see this calculation as appropriate - absolutely not. I do agree: If you don't earn the money you need - get out and do something else. But somehow I believe it's not always that easy for all of the girls. And regardless: I'm not in favour of predators slicing money from womens bodies. Whether they being traffickers or publishing houses. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 Bananas skrev, for 13 minutter siden: I just looked at your ad @Tantra, and I can conclude that you don't exactly belong to the average segment of girls working in Denmark - whether they are foreign or Danish. Maybe that's one reason that we view things differently? Many of the girls with red ads are down to 800 dkk per hour or 500/half hour. The average market is deteriorating, and Danish customers in general are getting more and more price conscious. Maybe that's not obvious in your segment, but I can assure you that most girls are affected. On top of that we have the Corona. Let's say that these girls pay the "cheap" appartment that you mentioned - 30.000/month and 5.000 for the ad. That's already 44 one-hour-customers a month only to break even. And she haven't yet eaten or paid all the odds and ends that I'm sure various "helpers" demand of her. In that respect 5 000 dkk for an ad is totally unsensitive to reality or morals. As is overpriced appartments. So what if she's trafficked, as long as someone pays the money? And that is typically pimp-behaviour. These things occur in shady segments of life - usury being another example. Cynical loan sharks couldn't care less if their victims can pay 20 percent interest a week or not. They just have to, one way or the other. Sell your pussy for christ'sake! Or your lung or some drugs. And here's when I'm back to the original topic. Politikens Hus in my opinion is just as cynical as any pimp or loan shark. And interesting enough: those two areas seem to be of little or no interest for the society we live in and its legal instances. That's the only possible explanation for Politikens Hus being able to continue its filthy business. As I said, every girl has a concept. I don't work the whole month and I also work in Switzerland. To be honest, if a girl sells herself for 800dkk / hour, she can hardly pay her bill for sure, but I have not met a girl in Denmark who sells so below value. Certainly if you only see the cheap prices and I work exclusively, we will certainly have different views. ... and yet I am exactly of the same opinion as you when we talk about escortguide or who is behind it ... Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17609 Skrevet 9. Oktober, 2020 Tantra skrev, for 1 minut siden: As I said, every girl has a concept. I don't work the whole month and I also work in Switzerland. To be honest, if a girl sells herself for 800dkk / hour, she can hardly pay her bill for sure, but I have not met a girl in Denmark who sells so below value. Certainly if you only see the cheap prices and I work exclusively, we will certainly have different views. ... and yet I am exactly of the same opinion as you when we talk about escortguide or who is behind it ... I haven't met those low-priced girls either - would be ashamed to pay so little. But I'm interested in the area, and I read the ads now and then, as well as the threads here in Eroguide. And it's obvious that down pricing has been really harsh lately. I'm glad we found out at that we actually agree about Escortguide 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Lady C Skrevet 10. Oktober, 2020 (edited) Bananas skrev, for 1 time siden: down pricing has been really harsh lately. yes there has even been comments like :" it is the sexbuyers duty to down price a gp." I will never forget that comment . And No it wasnt you @Bananas that made that particular comment ( sorry for the sideslip) Redigeret 10. Oktober, 2020 af Lady C Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kop 74 Skrevet 10. Oktober, 2020 Bananas skrev, for 20 timer siden: I haven't met those low-priced girls either - would be ashamed to pay so little. But I'm interested in the area, and I read the ads now and then, as well as the threads here in Eroguide. And it's obvious that down pricing has been really harsh lately. I'm glad we found out at that we actually agree about Escortguide I do not think they would mind if you payed them more i have relationship with a girl who is in the lower end. Her brothers sent her away to work as prostitute when she was sixteen yrs old. Later her boyfriend made her go to denmark. she is wellspoken even thoug she has only 6 yrs of school. I have known her for 1.5 yrs now. It has taken some time to really know her. what i have found out is that she is like girls are most, with the same dreams. the dream is about family, a home and what many would consider a normal life. The low price does not necessarily mean they are a bad. Why not visit them and be nice to them. Whatever their circumstances are, lack of customers will hurt the girl more than the one that is profitting on her services Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17609 Skrevet 10. Oktober, 2020 kop skrev, for 5 minutter siden: I do not think they would mind if you payed them more Good thinking. Sort of.... But on the other hand I try to not support syndicates if possible, even if that might not be in favor of the girls. This is a difficult subject, that has been discussed in here over and over again. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Lasselarseb 183 Skrevet 11. Oktober, 2020 Tantra skrev, den 9.10.2020 at 22:41: OMG....I have nothing to do with your Politikens Hus or escortguide! I argue from my point of view and I always stay fair. I have never said that I consider escortguide's prices to be "okay". I'm just saying that you want to make money in this business as in any other business in the world and if a self-employed girl can't pay a bill of 1200dkk / 1 week then it is more appropriate that she find a solid, better paying job that but says nothing about the fact that I see this calculation as appropriate - absolutely not. But they argue as if I see this as perfectly fine. I am a person who has my own opinions and views and you can have a healthy debate with me. 1200dkk / 1 week I would say that in a solid job, even in the supermarket at the checkout, you have a lot more available (for the bills). In this business you want to earn more, that's one of the reasons why you are in this business. Unless of corse if you only want 4 - 5 customers a month, then you dont order ads for 1200dkk/ 1 week... ... but no girl can live from 4-5 customers a month, that only work if you have a regular job and money in your account every mounth regardless of this activity. For at kunne konkludere noget som helst om værdien af 1200 kr/uge bliver man nødt til at oplyse lidt mere. Et bud kunne være. Antal visninger af VIPannonce (Kunder der klikker og læser) - Antal henvendelser på baggrund af annonce vs Antal visninger af almindelig annonce - Antal henvendelser på baggrund af annonce Ved ikke om escortguide.dk levere en sådan statistik - dvs antal visninger af annonce da det er vigtigt så annoncøren kan forbedre annonce. Det er temmelig enkelt at måle antal henvendelser på baggrund af en annonce mens statistik bør escortguide kunne levere til deres kunder på forlangende - det kunne de ikke for nogle år siden. Kunne godt tænke mig at se lidt aktuel data fra eroguide. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Lady C Skrevet 11. Oktober, 2020 (edited) Lasselarseb skrev, for 2 timer siden: For at kunne konkludere noget som helst om værdien af 1200 kr/uge bliver man nødt til at oplyse lidt mere. Et bud kunne være. Antal visninger af VIPannonce (Kunder der klikker og læser) - Antal henvendelser på baggrund af annonce vs Antal visninger af almindelig annonce - Antal henvendelser på baggrund af annonce Ved ikke om escortguide.dk levere en sådan statistik - dvs antal visninger af annonce da det er vigtigt så annoncøren kan forbedre annonce. Det er temmelig enkelt at måle antal henvendelser på baggrund af en annonce mens statistik bør escortguide kunne levere til deres kunder på forlangende - det kunne de ikke for nogle år siden. Kunne godt tænke mig at se lidt aktuel data fra eroguide. Jamen hvis man ikke satser på - og ikke har mulighed for at have mere end Max 5 gæster om måneden så er 1200 kr om ugen fuldstændig vanvittigt. Uanset hvor mange klik ens annonce får. Det kan kun betale sig at have en annonce på escort guide hvis man har gp erhvervet som levevej og ikke som bijob Det er alfonseri at opkræve så mange penge. Redigeret 11. Oktober, 2020 af Lady C Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
½angel 1222 Skrevet 15. Oktober, 2020 (edited) Jeg vil som det første gerne sige mange tak for alle jeres svar, samt den videre debat I har skabt herinde, det var utroligt interessant læsning fra jer alle. Lige til slut, fjerner jeg lige alle mine emojis som ikke er synes-godt-om-tegn fra denne tråd, da nogen er blevet stødt over dem. Mvh. ½angel Redigeret 15. Oktober, 2020 af ½angel Bedre forklaring Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg