Tantra 1627 Skrevet 10. Oktober, 2020 This topic is currently exploding in Switzerland and has been expanded to include two comparable forums. Now I ask how people in Denmark see this: Orally spoil your (sexual) partner and let your partner spoil you at the same time, i.e.: position 69 or do you find the position uncomfortable and want to be pampered first and then pampered you your partner? - because you can enjoy it better that way? .... or would you prefer 69 (?) - if so, why (?) ..... 5 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
nuser9 180 Skrevet 10. Oktober, 2020 69 is a mess. 1) difficult to enjoy when you try to please your partner. 2) the womans genitalia are turned the “wrong” Way. 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Keaper 515 Skrevet 10. Oktober, 2020 Hmm Well, not sure in all honesty. You kind of bring up my favorite things, Or, well, actually, now that you got me thinking a bit, I kind of leans towards No. I more then happily do a 69 if the girl likes it. But it lacks contact with the girl, for, well, obvious reasons, hehe. Let me explain what I mean, without mentioning names, since I think one should not do that. When you are with a girl that really gets into giving a bj, with deep eye-contact, and she looks almost as happy as you do yourself, that experience just cant be equaled. And then when you give back in the same manner, and she looks down on you, panting, blurting out thank you... That just warms you up. That kind of connection you just don't get with a 69. And then add that I'm not the smallest guy in the world, which means it can be slightly hard to line up. But.... Then you get into, with the same girl as I described above, when she gave me a new bj, and I asked her to turn ( all I meant, was turn a bit so I could look at her ). But before I can react she jumps up, pressing herself deep down in an unexpected 69, well, then I cant mind, can I ? So.... I'll go with No, but I'll gladly do it if the girl likes it. 4 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Watanabe 283 Skrevet 10. Oktober, 2020 (edited) 69 looks exciting but it is hard to focus on enjoying and pleasing at the same time, so I have given up on that position. I do not agree with @nuser9 about the cunt being turned the wrong way. Yes, from the man's perspective, but a woman recently taught me to lick her clit top down. If I did it the other way her clit would get shocked to the extent where she lost her sexual excitement. Although, I can reach the top of her clit from between her legs, it is much easier if I just kneel beside her with my face against her feet. Maybe it is just her. When I have licked a GP they have shown none of the sensitivity that my recent girlfriend has expressed. I fully agree with @Keaper on the eye-connection part, though. Maybe I should practice licking from between her legs some more. Looking forward to being educated by @Tantra on this issue Redigeret 10. Oktober, 2020 af Watanabe 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Lauersen 9709 Skrevet 11. Oktober, 2020 I actually enjoy the smell, taste and feel of female genitalia on my tounge more than I enjoy being orally pleasured myself. 69 is good enough for me if the girl doesn't move away, and is best if she presses her crotch onto my face. A variation I have enjoyed on occasions where I was allowed to be dominant, is the "selfish 69" where the girl has to try to please me as effectively as she can, while I could just slowly enjoy her smell and taste, and just lick slowly for the sake of enjoying that. An even more dominant variant I only tried once was a "hole switch" fuck, that was a male on top 69 facefuck where I kissed her pussy gently and passionately while fucking her mouth. Not every day that you end up with a girl being that submissive, and I really enjoyed it, and would certainly love the reverse version of that where a girl demands a good licking while just caressing my cock gently. The best one could perhaps be if both do it the way that pleases the mouth the most rather than trying to please the other. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den Gamle Greve 230 Skrevet 11. Oktober, 2020 For me the 69 position is a long time favorite Love it - and then often some nice facesitting to start the party. I enjoy the feeling of the girl being In control - whats not to like...? 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 11. Oktober, 2020 nuser9 skrev, 1 time siden: 69 is a mess. 1) difficult to enjoy when you try to please your partner. 2) the womans genitalia are turned the “wrong” Way. Point 1) I agree 100% with you. Point 2) May I ask you to explain how you mean that? = " womans genitalia turned are turned the wrong Way"? .... Thank you for your answer... Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 11. Oktober, 2020 Keaper skrev, 1 time siden: Hmm Well, not sure in all honesty. You kind of bring up my favorite things, Or, well, actually, now that you got me thinking a bit, I kind of leans towards No. I more then happily do a 69 if the girl likes it. But it lacks contact with the girl, for, well, obvious reasons, hehe. Let me explain what I mean, without mentioning names, since I think one should not do that. When you are with a girl that really gets into giving a bj, with deep eye-contact, and she looks almost as happy as you do yourself, that experience just cant be equaled. And then when you give back in the same manner, and she looks down on you, panting, blurting out thank you... That just warms you up. That kind of connection you just don't get with a 69. And then add that I'm not the smallest guy in the world, which means it can be slightly hard to line up. But.... Then you get into, with the same girl as I described above, when she gave me a new bj, and I asked her to turn ( all I meant, was turn a bit so I could look at her ). But before I can react she jumps up, pressing herself deep down in an unexpected 69, well, then I cant mind, can I ? So.... I'll go with No, but I'll gladly do it if the girl likes it. Yes, I find the position itself a bit uncomfortable and I prefer to enjoy it and then let it enjoy you or vice versa ... The exception is when I'm almost in a facesitting position with the front facing to partner's face and I can slowly bending back into the bridge position (years of Pilates training) ... however, in this position I can only be massaging your " friend" with my fingers - is actually not a classic 69 ... but I can lift my head in between and look into his eyes ... ... but in general the classic 69 variant is not my "favorite" ... 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 11. Oktober, 2020 Watanabe skrev, for 30 minutter siden: 69 looks exciting but it is hard to focus on enjoying and pleasing at the same time, so I have given up on that position. I do not agree with @nuser9 about the cunt being turned the wrong way. Yes, from the man's perspective, but a woman recently taught me to lick her clit top down. If I did it the other way her clit would get shocked to the extent where she lost her sexual excitement. Although, I can reach the top of her clit from between her legs, it is much easier if I just kneel beside her with my face against her feet. Maybe it is just her. When I have licked a GP they have shown none of the sensitivity that my recent girlfriend has expressed. I fully agree with @Keaper on the eye-connection part, though. Maybe I should practice licking from between her legs some more. Looking forward to being educated by @Tantra on this issue I also like that from top to down ... You can discover me next time, I find that very exciting and during that time I would whisper to you if something could be improved ..... I look forward to it... 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 11. Oktober, 2020 Lauersen skrev, for 29 minutter siden: I actually enjoy the smell, taste and feel of female genitalia on my tounge more than I enjoy being orally pleasured myself. 69 is good enough for me if the girl doesn't move away, and is best if she presses her crotch onto my face. A variation I have enjoyed on occasions where I was allowed to be dominant, is the "selfish 69" where the girl has to try to please me as effectively as she can, while I could just slowly enjoy her smell and taste, and just lick slowly for the sake of enjoying that. An even more dominant variant I only tried once was a "hole switch" fuck, that was a male on top 69 facefuck where I kissed her pussy gently and passionately while fucking her mouth. Not every day that you end up with a girl being that submissive, and I really enjoyed it, and would certainly love the reverse version of that where a girl demands a good licking while just caressing my cock gently. The best one could perhaps be if both do it the way that pleases the mouth the most rather than trying to please the other. These are interesting experiences that they describe ... the last variant sounds exciting to me ... 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 11. Oktober, 2020 Den Gamle Greve skrev, for 15 minutter siden: For me the 69 position is a long time favorite Love it - and then often some nice facesitting to start the party. I enjoy the feeling of the girl being In control - whats not to like...? Facesitting to start the party ... - sounds good... .... after that I would have to convince you to try something new... 4 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
sanook 541 Skrevet 11. Oktober, 2020 Tantra skrev, for 2 timer siden: Facesitting to start the party ... - sounds good... .... after that I would have to convince you to try something new... What's new......Please dont hide it from me. Can hardly wait for your respons 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Listelømmel 301 Skrevet 11. Oktober, 2020 Maybe, a 69 position, is something that Works best for a couple, where both persons are equally exited. But I don't think our brains can handle both things, to give and receive - in a such position, and therefore do not get the most out og it. Personally I get most exited and it really turns med on, when i can watch, touch, Smell and taste my female partner, enjoying the lovely cunnilingus - Smell her body, watch her moves, her face when she writhes with desire - and its almost overwhelming, when she cumes in my mouth, with a slight sour taste .... LOVE IT 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Keaper 515 Skrevet 11. Oktober, 2020 Tantra skrev, for 7 timer siden: Yes, I find the position itself a bit uncomfortable and I prefer to enjoy it and then let it enjoy you or vice versa ... The exception is when I'm almost in a facesitting position with the front facing to partner's face and I can slowly bending back into the bridge position (years of Pilates training) ... however, in this position I can only be massaging your " friend" with my fingers - is actually not a classic 69 ... but I can lift my head in between and look into his eyes ... ... but in general the classic 69 variant is not my "favorite" ... Yes, you are definitely on to something there. It's also since I really enjoy licking, especially when the girl gets into it as well, responding to your moves and moves her body so you hit just where she likes. Your facesitting idear is very existing. Not sure all girls can bend like you, but thats something I will have to ask about with who I meet next. I have noticed that it seems facesitting for some falls under domination, so they either don't do it or want extra for it. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Nannas Hjørne Skrevet 11. Oktober, 2020 I'm with most of the people here. A 69 sounds super exciting but it's difficult to focus on both pleasuring and receiving pleasure. However, if my partner thoroughly enjoys it I'll get excited from his enjoyment. But I'd rather wholly enjoy the experience of being pleasured when it's my turn. When it comes to sucking a man's cock I get so excited feeling and watching his reactions to everything I do, I think it's almost sad to be distracted from this experience. Dansk: Jeg oplever det samme som de fleste her. En 69'er lyder vildt spændende i teorien, men i praksis er det svært at fokusere på både at nyde og give nydelse. Alligevel kan jeg sagtens blive tændt af en 69'er, hvis jeg ved, at min partner virkelig elsker det. Men jeg vil hellere fuldt ud nyde når jeg bliver slikket. Når det kommer til at sutte en mands pik, så bliver jeg så tændt af at se og mærke hans reaktioner, på alt hvad jeg gør ved ham. Det vil jeg meget nødig være foruden, og det er næsten trist at blive distraheret fra den oplevelse. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Onkel Reje Skrevet 11. Oktober, 2020 69, is a great variation of Eating pussy (and ass) , as devine as "The Goldberg Variations". Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Den Krøllede Skrevet 11. Oktober, 2020 Jeg kan godt lide den stilling, men ikke med en GP. Der foretrækker jeg fuld fokus på enten at give eller at modtage. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
underdog40 6866 Skrevet 11. Oktober, 2020 (edited) Man ved man gør et godt job i en 69’er, når hun pludseligt stopper med at sutte pikkemand og man ikke længere kan trække vejret. Redigeret 11. Oktober, 2020 af underdog40 2 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Onkel Reje Skrevet 11. Oktober, 2020 underdog40 skrev, 1 time siden: Man ved man gør et godt job i en 69’er, når hun pludseligt stopper med at sutte pikkemand og man ikke længere kan trække vejret. Svømmevinger og snorkel, kan ind i mellem også være påkrævet............. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
LilleSkutt 225 Skrevet 11. Oktober, 2020 I love the 69, mainly because it is is easy to get the tip of the tongue a bit into the pussyhole. A major turn on for me... But I always instruct the girl to suck very carefully so I don't become overexcited too soon. I suppose the 69 basically is just another way for me to enjoy a girls body. I love caressing her bum, back and breast while pressing my face against her pussy. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 11. Oktober, 2020 @ sanook, No, I wouldn't hide anything, but first I would have to find out for myself what is new for the "den gamler greve". If I get the chance and find out, then I let you know ... P.S. I would have liked to hear / read your opinion on the topic ... @ Listelømmel, You describe it very nicely. I can tell from her words that you enjoy pampering the woman. Hopefully you will also enjoy a woman's touch as she pampers you with her hands, lips or tongue ... @ Keaper, I don't see it as domination, but as enjoyment ... The "bridge" position I have described is "available" both in the position described and as a sex position ... I love it ... especially during sex ... @ Nannas Hjørne, I understand very well what you mean. I think we are no different from men on this point. We want to enjoy when we are pampered, and we are happy when what we "do" to men is received with joy and pleasure. @ Den Krollede, It feels beautiful to give and receive @ LilleSkutt, Nice description, really ... May I ask you if you have already tried light facesitting (?) ... You can also easily "dip" your tongue and enjoy all the feminine qualities ... after that you are the "honey pot" and a woman is allowed to taste slowly... just a suggestion ...... 4 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
LilleSkutt 225 Skrevet 12. Oktober, 2020 Tantra skrev, for 14 timer siden: @ LilleSkutt, Nice description, really ... May I ask you if you have already tried light facesitting (?) ... You can also easily "dip" your tongue and enjoy all the feminine qualities ... after that you are the "honey pot" and a woman is allowed to taste slowly... just a suggestion ...... No, I haven’t gotten around to trying facesitting. I have fantasised about it a lot though, and the thought of being “forced” to lick pussy really turns me on. But I am a bit shy and reserved and somehow it feels more “mainstream” and accepted to ask about a 69. But I guess I just have to muster up some courage one day and ask a nice girl if she would like to sit on my face! 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
MickeyM 1154 Skrevet 12. Oktober, 2020 (edited) Nannas Hjørne skrev, den 11.10.2020 at 10:22: En 69'er lyder vildt spændende i teorien, men i praksis er det svært at fokusere på både at nyde og give nydelse... For mig er en 69'er lidt anderledes. Det er måske lidt lavpraktisk, men for mig handler en 69'er om, at give max nydelse til kvinden, det er en stilling, synes jeg, som gør det meget nemmere at sikke hende, og det giver bedre adgang til hele hendes repertoire At slikke en kvinde, hvor hun ligger på ryggen på sengen, hvilket også er fantastisk, har dog for mig en udløbsdato - på et tidspunkt begynder jeg at få ondt i nakke/skulder/ryg og så bliver det ubekvemt. I en 69'er derimod, så er det squ ikke mig der stopper en slikketur, og derudover, så har 69'eren den fordel, at hun relativ nemt, med hånd eller mund, kan holde mig kampklar til næste runde. Jeg er stor fan af 69'eren! Redigeret 12. Oktober, 2020 af MickeyM 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17609 Skrevet 12. Oktober, 2020 MickeyM skrev, for 1 time siden: Jeg er stor fan af 69'eren! Også mig. Elsker at bare ligge der og nyde med en smuk mis indenfor tungerækkevidde. Slikke lidt indimellem når jeg får lyst, men ellers bare ligge og nyde. Og så en lille slik til .... Bedre kan man jo næppe ligge. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den_glade_amatør 4642 Skrevet 13. Oktober, 2020 Er på samme hold som @MickeyM og @Bananas her, men måske ud fra et lidt andet udgangspunkt. Bevares, det er da lækkert nok at få et blowjob, men efter noget tid har jeg typisk selv lyst til at bidrage med noget, og så er 69’eren et godt næste step. Som @Bananas konkluderer, så er udsigten jo fantastisk og med en velsmagende fisse, så er det altså mums. Eneste lille detalje er, at det for mig at se er nemmere at stimulere clitoris, hvis man slikker kvinden, mens hun ligger på ryggen, end det er i 69’eren. Omvendt kan man i 69’eren nemmere sprede hendes baller og dermed pirre området ved anus og mellemkødet, ligesom tungen også nemmere trænger længere ind i fissen med 69’eren. På et besøg i foråret udviklede en 69’er sig næsten til en konkurrence mellem mig og pigen, hvor vi begge endte med at slikke ekstra intenst for at få den anden til at komme først, det var ret pirrende. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg