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Guest Stjernemix1337

| Pleasureprincess Vanessa |

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Guest Stjernemix1337


Hello out there!

I have been spending a few days ingesting and trying to come up with the words describing the absolutely wonderful experience that I had with the beautiful Vanessa.

Her charming smile and pretty eyes instantly plays on your heartstrings when she opens the door. After some small talk and passionate warm kisses, she reveals her gorgeous curves that can only be compared to the beauty of an early sunrise in the horizon. That immediately fills you with a warm feeling inside and makes you super comfortable.
Before she lies down on the bed and the session that can only be described with naughty and angelic begins. 

She is masterful and knows all the tricks of the trade, if you ask nicely and return the favor she will make you feel on top of the world. She fully commits to her girlfriends experience and seems to enjoy every second of it, very loud and hot.

When you leave, you will fill fulfilled with knees weak and arms spaghetti fully relaxed. 

Vanessa brings a must try experience, if you can find the money between your pocket-wool. You should pay her a visit, truly a pleasure princess!

If I had to compare her encounter with anyone else it would be Ukrainian Julia, because they both end up playing on your heartstrings and making you warm and fuzzy.

Again thanks to Mr. Miller for exposing another gem with his always poetic reviews!

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