Guest Mia04 Skrevet 24. November, 2020 (edited) I am not used to creating threads but this is a subject I always wanted to discuss since I got several messages from guys in their mid 20's to their thirties with content such as (when comes to a refuse): "Why not, I am very serious!? "/" This is very strange, never heard a thing like this. "/" If you see me naked, you'll change your mind "and et cetera. Some are polite and understand the fact that I have age preferences when it comes to establishing an encounter and do not insist. Obviously, exceptions were made. Just few, easily to count them on the fingers of one hand but at their age, the level of maturity is beyond comparison. Without further ado, I will write a bit about the first category related to what I have been experiencing: I. Patience. Or better said the lack of it. They want it NOW and they want it fast. It's as if since first time they have heard the word "BANG" at their science lessons (The Big Bang), is the only thing they can think about when it comes to women, especially in our industry. The hormonal level is extremely high and they need to explode now. BANG! Mechanical sex. II. Ego. Too much time spent in the gym. They are the best looking, they criticize. Can't take "NO" as an answer. In their opinion, the size of his genital should be enough. III. Dealing with depression. Oh yeah! Usually is after a break-up. Any other reasons are quite understandable, but if you have a quite fine job, healthy parents, no kids, no bank loans, I can not understand depression. Also since they are easy to hurt (emotionally) it needs to be extremely careful with words and attention to be weighted, otherwise a small obsession from their side can be developed. IV. Immaturity. It's true that guys in their mid twenties are more attracted to women in their early thirties but at this age they are needy and I can not be manipulated. Indeed some of them have the body of a Greek God, but most of them do not know how to combine the lust and grace, the sex and erotism. Who knows, maybe when I'll be a cougar I will find them interesting. Till now, I never been dating a guy close my age and regardless of the basis of a meeting, I want a man, not a boy. Someone I could look up to, not down at. All this being said, I would like to know what are the premises of some other GP's when it comes to age limit / acceptance. Have a great evening! Redigeret 24. November, 2020 af Mia04 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
DenSidsteKavaler 192 Skrevet 24. November, 2020 Mia04 skrev, for 29 minutter siden: I am not used to creating threads but this is a subject I always wanted to discuss since I got several messages from guys in their mid 20's to their thirties with content such as (when comes to a refuse): "Why not, I am very serious!? "/" This is very strange, never heard a thing like this. "/" If you see me naked, you'll change your mind "and et cetera. Some are polite and understand the fact that I have age preferences when it comes to establishing an encounter and do not insist. Obviously, exceptions were made. Just few, easily to count them on the fingers of one hand but at their age, the level of maturity is beyond comparison. Without further ado, I will write a bit about the first category related to what I have been experiencing: I. Patience. Or better said the lack of it. They want it NOW and they want it fast. It's as if since first time they have heard the word "BANG" at their science lessons (The Big Bang), is the only thing they can think about when it comes to women, especially in our industry. The hormonal level is extremely high and they need to explode now. BANG! Mechanical sex. II. Ego. Too much time spent in the gym. They are the best looking, they criticize. Can't take "NO" as an answer. In their opinion, the size of his genital should be enough. III. Dealing with depression. Oh yeah! Usually is after a break-up. Any other reasons are quite understandable, but if you have a quite fine job, healthy parents, no kids, no bank loans, I can not understand depression. Also since they are easy to hurt (emotionally) it needs to be extremely careful with words and attention to be weighted, otherwise a small obsession from their side can be developed. IV. Immaturity. It's true that guys in their mid twenties are more attracted to women in their early thirties but at this age they are needy and I can not be manipulated. Indeed some of them have the body of a Greek God, but most of them do not know how to combine the lust and grace, the sex and erotism. Who knows, maybe when I'll be a cougar I will find them interesting. Till now, I never been dating a guy close my age and regardless of the basis of a meeting, I want a man, not a boy. Someone I could look up to, not down at. All this being said, I would like to know what are the premises of some other GP's when it comes to age limit / acceptance. Have a great evening! Dear Mia04 Thank you very much for this open-hearted introduction of factors that come into play in your choice of gentlemen. Your points are food for thoughts, positively speaking. I can only hope, I get to see more posts from you in the same reflective, well-argued and understandable style. Thank you again for opening up and sharing your criteria. /DenSidsteKavaler 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Hibob 10 Skrevet 24. November, 2020 Very nice to hear Mia :-). Makes my old bones creak with pride. A word from the other side. When a mature man such as I gets to spend time with a beautiful young woman such as yourself - which I was lucky enough to do a year or so ago - we just want to savor every moment. Perhaps that’s why we’re not in such a rush. Look forward to spending some time again in the not to distant future. John. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17610 Skrevet 24. November, 2020 Thank you for sharing, as they say. I can't say I'm surprised. I myself was in fact young once, although the memories are a bit blurry. But especially that "Bang-theory" - I need it, and I need it now - I do remember (with a hint of embarrassment). And all those hours before the mirror, admiring my sensual body.... I do remember Narcissus the obnoxiuos and boring guy, but growing age threw him out eventually. I speak to the girls now and then - not so much lately for obvious reasons - and one of the things some of them are curious about is this everlasting question: "How many cums in 30 mins", and variations of that theme. Why, the girls ask, is quantity so much more important than quality? Honestly I don't know, but perhaps that's also an age thing? As a mature man, I couldn't care less about the number of times, but so much more about intimacy, sensuality and the intensity of pleasure - entities that cannot be hastened or rushed. Likely it's mainly about hormones. It's good I must admit, to have fewer of those these days. Makes life a bit easier. But it's also, I beleive, about a much slower maturity process than ever before. People in their 30's today are annoyingly like the teens when I was young. People simply grow up much slower today, and far too many don't grow up at all. Men and women alike. 4 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
jenslillemandhansenv2 882 Skrevet 24. November, 2020 I never knew why I am so popular among the working girls, now I do, thank you for that. It is a bit like a motorbike ride (to those of you who says “shame on you for comparing girls to motorbikes, you do not know my love for bikes) I never really know here I am going to end up, but I love the ride, I love the curves, I love the bends and I love the views, most of all I love the sound of the engine when every thing is just right. In my younger days i did not give a shit about the bike, full throttle the seckond the lamps turned off, never cared much about maintanince never cared about if we ran out of rubber or run way for that sake. But I never felt the connection to bike, I do these days. Just me and my bike riding into the sunset, never knowing what stars we hit during our journey though the land of milk and honey. We always hit 6th gear but never the top speed, been there done that, not so funny, it is all about the ride, it is all about the moment when the bike says (yes of cause I can talk to my bike and she to me) hey what a great ride we had today, you hit the apex just perfect, you never missed a gear shift and out the bends the throttle was just spot on. Maybe it is all just an illusion, but hey that is ok with me, I had the illusion and that’s all the counts to me. On the other hand, when you hit a bend with the perfect speed, when the back tire is on the edge of slipping, but hangs on, you all know the feeling, there is a very very happy smile on my face and I feel as world champ. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Mia04 Skrevet 24. November, 2020 Bananas skrev, 1 time siden: Thank you for sharing, as they say. I can't say I'm surprised. I myself was in fact young once, although the memories are a bit blurry. But especially that "Bang-theory" - I need it, and I need it now - I do remember (with a hint of embarrassment). And all those hours before the mirror, admiring my sensual body.... I do remember Narcissus the obnoxiuos and boring guy, but growing age threw him out eventually. I speak to the girls now and then - not so much lately for obvious reasons - and one of the things some of them are curious about is this everlasting question: "How many cums in 30 mins", and variations of that theme. Why, the girls ask, is quantity so much more important than quality? Honestly I don't know, but perhaps that's also an age thing? As a mature man, I couldn't care less about the number of times, but so much more about intimacy, sensuality and the intensity of pleasure - entities that cannot be hastened or rushed. Likely it's mainly about hormones. It's good I must admit, to have fewer of those these days. Makes life a bit easier. But it's also, I beleive, about a much slower maturity process than ever before. People in their 30's today are annoyingly like the teens when I was young. People simply grow up much slower today, and far too many don't grow up at all. Men and women alike. >>Narcissus the obnoxious<< is by far one of the best antithetical sentence i ever heard. To quote Phoebe (sitcom Friends): “There’s laughing in my head” About the 30 minutes thing, i don’t know if it makes any difference if a GP knows it beforehand. I don’t think it’s something that has to do with age. At least not the men’s age. I never asked such thing, but when a men asks, i find it fine. Honestly i find it slightly impossible to release the pressure two times in perfectly timed 30 minutes. I agree with you, intensity over rushed act. Orherwise is not art anymore. I called it art. Regarding the slow process of maturity nowadays, i agree with you. If some people find me annoying? Undoubtedly!!! Could be a synonym with ‘demanding’ in this case. PS: I am still laughing. Made my evening Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17610 Skrevet 24. November, 2020 jenslillemandhansenv2 skrev, for 15 minutter siden: It is a bit like a motorbike ride ... is all about the ride Love the analogy. Never had a motorcycle, but my bicycle and myself have a long lasting romance together. And as you so nicely put it: It's all about the ride. Where ever we end up, and no matter the bumps on the way - it's really all about the ride. And no ride is ever like another. Apart from that they always end ind some sweat and dirt. Someone should write an essay about sex and bikes. Sorry Mia for disturbing your thread. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17610 Skrevet 24. November, 2020 Mia04 skrev, for 5 minutter siden: >>Narcissus the obnoxious<< is by far one of the best antithetical sentence i ever heard. I know, but still some truth in the antithesis - don't you think? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Nannas Hjørne Skrevet 24. November, 2020 Hey @Mia04 Speaking in general terms, I recognize much of what you describe. Older men often (not always) know themselves and their sexuality better, and are in less if a hurry and knows how to really enjoy and appreciate our time together. But there are also some very nice young men out there. I don't state an age preference on my add, but even so most of the men I meet age 35 and upwards and I too like mature men. Perhaps it is the type of girl I am (hint: not a model), but I rarely get the young shallow adonis in my chambers. Personally, I think some of the reason is that I weed out the personality types whom I don't think I'll get along with when they contact me before we even meet. And really, I think that's what's important, not someone's age. The young men I do meet are often very easy to talk to and have fun with. The outgoing ones chatter away, just looking for a good time, and the introverted are simply looking for that warmth and experience that allows them to relax and actually enjoy themselves. I like taking in someone who's nervous and let them discover that sex doesn't have to be all about performing but can be enjoyable, lighthearted and fun. I think overall with younger men you just have to want to expand their horizon and lead them to realise that there is more to pleasure than they might realise, and teach them (if they don't already know) that sex with a partner isn't a one-mam show. If you like doing that, then young men can be lots of fun, although there is no replacement for maturity. Luckily, if you like both, there is no need to choose in this profession. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Mia04 Skrevet 24. November, 2020 Bananas skrev, for 10 minutter siden: Love the analogy. Never had a motorcycle, but my bicycle and myself have a long lasting romance together. And as you so nicely put it: It's all about the ride. Where ever we end up, and no matter the bumps on the way - it's really all about the ride. And no ride is ever like another. Apart from that they always end ind some sweat and dirt. Someone should write an essay about sex and bikes. Sorry Mia for disturbing your thread. No disturbing at all. I love @jenslillemandhansenv2's analogy too. Short real story: In late 80's a young girl saw a guy watching her from distance while seated on his motorcycle. The young men was a mechanic engineer, made his motorcycle from the scratch and that was the first ride. Was love at first sight. Equally she felt in love with him and the bike. His first love? The bike. Always came first. No offense taken, as she said. When I asked her how come she was never jealous, she said she couldn't. The sound of that bike was prelude, was lust, erotism. To quote her: "Being on the bike with him, was the best threesome I ever had". The bike? He still has it. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Mia04 Skrevet 24. November, 2020 Is an antithesis the combination of the words "Narcissus the ultimate beauty" with "obnoxious". So offensively handsome you were? If is some truth in the sentence? I can't tell, We need a photo from back in the times. - Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
MC5tooge2 129 Skrevet 25. November, 2020 Haven't been on EG much of late but lurk occasionally. This is the first thread I have responded to in probably a year... I've still not had the pleasure of your company due to clashing calendars and now COVID which gives me no pretext for trips to Copenhagen (I'm the chap who told you where to go for Eggs Benedict in your other town). I'm well over your preferred age limit, but to defend some of the younger guys - I was not that stereotype at all when I was in my 20s. You might be missing out on some nice people.... (OTOH I would never have considered actually paying for female company in that part of my life - go figure). Older guys can look godlike too. I am statuesque all over but statues with my tummy and hair only seem to be popular in Buddhist households for some reason. I should probably use my harem of bikes instead of falling over them in my basement. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Barbarasmile1 Skrevet 25. November, 2020 (edited) Nannas Hjørne skrev, for 12 timer siden: Hey @Mia04 Speaking in general terms, I recognize much of what you describe. Older men often (not always) know themselves and their sexuality better, and are in less if a hurry and knows how to really enjoy and appreciate our time together. But there are also some very nice young men out there. I don't state an age preference on my add, but even so most of the men I meet age 35 and upwards and I too like mature men. Perhaps it is the type of girl I am (hint: not a model), but I rarely get the young shallow adonis in my chambers. Personally, I think some of the reason is that I weed out the personality types whom I don't think I'll get along with when they contact me before we even meet. And really, I think that's what's important, not someone's age. The young men I do meet are often very easy to talk to and have fun with. The outgoing ones chatter away, just looking for a good time, and the introverted are simply looking for that warmth and experience that allows them to relax and actually enjoy themselves. I like taking in someone who's nervous and let them discover that sex doesn't have to be all about performing but can be enjoyable, lighthearted and fun. I think overall with younger men you just have to want to expand their horizon and lead them to realise that there is more to pleasure than they might realise, and teach them (if they don't already know) that sex with a partner isn't a one-mam show. If you like doing that, then young men can be lots of fun, although there is no replacement for maturity. Luckily, if you like both, there is no need to choose in this profession. Dear @Nannas Hjørne Very well written , and I agree with you -young men can be lots of fun and not all of them are the “bang bang “ category. I also prefer to see 40+ gentlemen ( most of them are respectful )but there are and always be expectations . The most important thing mutual respect and connection. Knowing our boundaries and the fact what we can handle . hugs for all of you . Redigeret 25. November, 2020 af Barbarasmile1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Naturligebrysterfan 112 Skrevet 25. November, 2020 Mia04 skrev, for 18 timer siden: I am not used to creating threads but this is a subject I always wanted to discuss Congrats; what a treat to hear things from "the horses mouth" and get an explanation (and perhaps an understanding), why a "no, but no thank you" is served from some GP´s to some men - to think men then (as gentlemen) will accept these rejections, even if they might not agree or understand the reason, is a whole different matter. Thanks, very nice to read a thorough explanation from a GP. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Mia04 Skrevet 25. November, 2020 Nannas Hjørne skrev, for 15 timer siden: Hey @Mia04 Speaking in general terms, I recognize much of what you describe. Older men often (not always) know themselves and their sexuality better, and are in less if a hurry and knows how to really enjoy and appreciate our time together. But there are also some very nice young men out there. I don't state an age preference on my add, but even so most of the men I meet age 35 and upwards and I too like mature men. Perhaps it is the type of girl I am (hint: not a model), but I rarely get the young shallow adonis in my chambers. Personally, I think some of the reason is that I weed out the personality types whom I don't think I'll get along with when they contact me before we even meet. And really, I think that's what's important, not someone's age. The young men I do meet are often very easy to talk to and have fun with. The outgoing ones chatter away, just looking for a good time, and the introverted are simply looking for that warmth and experience that allows them to relax and actually enjoy themselves. I like taking in someone who's nervous and let them discover that sex doesn't have to be all about performing but can be enjoyable, lighthearted and fun. I think overall with younger men you just have to want to expand their horizon and lead them to realise that there is more to pleasure than they might realise, and teach them (if they don't already know) that sex with a partner isn't a one-mam show. If you like doing that, then young men can be lots of fun, although there is no replacement for maturity. Luckily, if you like both, there is no need to choose in this profession. Indeed @Nannas Hjørne there are also young men very respectful, very mature. I had exceptions too and mostly know i had an age preference since very beginning. I did as you said earlier, expanded my horizon by removing that and discovered some extremely mature with whom was worthing a meeting. My debate was more general, the reason why i add the word “rarely”, to give an explanation why I don’t, why i refuse and to find some GP’s opinion too. Honestly i was looking forward for you response. I saw often GP’s close to 20yo having these age preference +35 and always wondered what are their reasons. Bad experiences maybe? I can’t say i had bad experiences with men under 30’s but somehow we are not on the same track. I am exactly the opposite, i dont find them easy to talk. And no matter how much i tried to lead them to “how I like it/how shouch touch me”, still i wasn’t not satisfied. I find them difficult and they find me intimidating. Even so, they keep calling. I will continue doing exceptions but rare, it happens me to refuse because of one of the reasons mentioned above. Thank you for your words Bisous Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Mia04 Skrevet 25. November, 2020 Naturligebrysterfan skrev, for 2 timer siden: Congrats; what a treat to hear things from "the horses mouth" and get an explanation (and perhaps an understanding), why a "no, but no thank you" is served from some GP´s to some men - to think men then (as gentlemen) will accept these rejections, even if they might not agree or understand the reason, is a whole different matter. Thanks, very nice to read a thorough explanation from a GP. If refusing, I tried almost all the time to give a proper explanation to somebody younger than me. Indeed, if a message is not structured in a way to make me curious, I might ignore. Mostly, can take a refuse and they are so polite, that makes me feeling bad for refusing. Behind a refuse, there always have to be reason and an explanation. It’s a right thing to do. Have a great day. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Nannas Hjørne Skrevet 25. November, 2020 Mia04 skrev, for 6 minutter siden: Indeed @Nannas Hjørne there are also young men very respectful, very mature. I had exceptions too and mostly know i had an age preference since very beginning. I did as you said earlier, expanded my horizon by removing that and discovered some extremely mature with whom was worthing a meeting. My debate was more general, the reason why i add the word “rarely”, to give an explanation why I don’t, why i refuse and to find some GP’s opinion too. Honestly i was looking forward for you response. I saw often GP’s close to 20yo having these age preference +35 and always wondered what are their reasons. Bad experiences maybe? I can’t say i had bad experiences with men under 30’s but somehow we are not on the same track. I am exactly the opposite, i dont find them easy to talk. And no matter how much i tried to lead them to “how I like it/how shouch touch me”, still i wasn’t not satisfied. I find them difficult and they find me intimidating. Even so, they keep calling. I will continue doing exceptions but rare, it happens me to refuse because of one of the reasons mentioned above. Thank you for your words Bisous Well... those were some of my favourable considerations and I understand your thoughts too for sure. And no matter what, I think the best thing any girl can do for herself is to stay true to her preferences and only be with the people she enjoys (same goes for men, of course). Honestly, a big part of why I enjoy young men is the look on their face when I give them the blowjob of their lives. It massages my ego as good as any tounge could my clitoris Nothing like a guy who until now thought blowjobs were something girls only wanted to get over with. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Nannas Hjørne Skrevet 25. November, 2020 Barbarasmile1 skrev, for 4 timer siden: Dear @Nannas Hjørne The most important thing mutual respect and connection. Knowing our boundaries and the fact what we can handle . hugs for all of you . Well written and so true. Hugs to you too. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Mia04 Skrevet 25. November, 2020 Nannas Hjørne skrev, for 2 timer siden: Honestly, a big part of why I enjoy young men is the look on their face when I give them the blowjob of their lives. It massages my ego as good as any tounge could my clitoris Nothing like a guy who until now thought blowjobs were something girls only wanted to get over with. Oh yeah, i am totally in love with this response of yours From this point of view, you are so damn right! Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Cristobal 211 Skrevet 26. November, 2020 I'm gettung curious (Nice topic by the way). If you girls were to rate how important looks (Muscles, trained body and youthful) vs. personality (mature, kindness and intelligence) what would matter the most? Is it 30% (looks) 70% (personality)? I Know it's different from girl to girl and Maybe not that easy to define Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Mia04 Skrevet 27. November, 2020 Cristobal skrev, den 26.11.2020 at 07:57: I'm gettung curious (Nice topic by the way). If you girls were to rate how important looks (Muscles, trained body and youthful) vs. personality (mature, kindness and intelligence) what would matter the most? Is it 30% (looks) 70% (personality)? I Know it's different from girl to girl and Maybe not that easy to define Hi! What matters the most is hard to say: De gustibus non est disputandum. As you said, it depends from a person to another. Muscled and youthful men I never liked. Being responsible with his own body while being mid aged, that is more a plus for me. Also, I can easily say in the first 10 minutes if I will see that person again or not. Changing knowledges and info is also a plus. While talking, I create a bound. Looks or personality? It's hard to say in percentage. But there is always a thing that needs to exist to "click". It's chemistry on some level (physics) not Math . An equation with multiple answers. Bisous :* Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg