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Guest ahfs


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Guest ahfs

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Hello All, 

I'm sorry I can not communicate in your mother tongue but I speak a little Norwegian. The ad 'happylove' og 'sexy love' is not mine.

It has come to my attention that someone is stealing my pictures again. I do not advertise on annoncelight,  I am based in London and work under the name 'Freya Woolridge'. 

In the future, I'd appreciate if you would report said profiles or bring them to my attention as my pictures are my intellectual property. 

I hope everyone is staying safe and well!



Redigeret af freyawoolridge

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Guest Pophair

Thank you Freya, the add is reported to admin few days ago, and your photos is not in the add any longer :)


I search the photos and found your page :)

Have a nice day

Redigeret af Pophair

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