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First off, I’m not native and hence the English language will be used. 

I’ve seen Maria’s pictures for a while and been convinced that is fake. I’ve been in this game a while and sadly you just get fucked by false advertising some times and it tends to happy more these days with all the damn filters.

Anyhow, I reached out to Maria earlier today and got quick response. We agreed time and price and I set off to met her. I was quite sure that the photos wasn’t real or heavily adjusted, but fuck me I was wrong. I was met by a beautiful latina with boobs and ass from heaven. I have to give some cred to whoever created those tits, he deserves a noble price.

Well in front of her I was met with a women with both brains and humour. We started for playing with a lot touches, kissing both the ass and her wound refill tits. After some time and undressing we laid in bed where I started to lick her pussy. Eating pussy and ass is one of my fetish and the cleanliness was insane. 
We moved on too both sucking (10 out of 10) and fucking ( that ass!) and I had my best experience in a long fucking time.

Would I recommend her? Fuck yes! But I would rather just keep her for myself.

Don’t snooze guys, she is beautiful, got mad skills and is very nice and funny to talk to.

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Without a link you might be able to keep her to yourself :) . Thanks for the revue.  Seems like Maria is a pretty common GP name - ahh found it.

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Sidelining skrev, for 15 minutter siden:

Without a link you might be able to keep her to yourself :) . Thanks for the revue.  Seems like Maria is a pretty common GP name - ahh found it.

Okay, great that you found it - care to share? :P

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Bølle-1 skrev, for 34 minutter siden:


Har haft samme oplevelse som mange andre:

  • Prisen svæver i det uvisse, selvom man troede, man havde en konfirmeret aftale.
  • Service niveauet nedtones kraftigt efter betalingen er foretaget.

Hun er en flot kvinde, men ret utilregnelig ift aftaler.

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Yeah, she looks amazing. It’s a pity she has no price list. Do you know how much she charges for 1 hour? And multicum, would that be included?

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DBCooper skrev, for 9 timer siden:

Yeah, she looks amazing. It’s a pity she has no price list. Do you know how much she charges for 1 hour? And multicum, would that be included?

As mentioned by many. then the point is that prices are very variable and she is cheating with the deals.

I agreed, for example. 2000, - kr and when I arrived she said 4000, - for the same and she did not understand anything when I referred to our agreement. It was just Way out.

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OldGentlemann skrev, for 3 timer siden:

As mentioned by many. then the point is that prices are very variable and she is cheating with the deals.

I agreed, for example. 2000, - kr and when I arrived she said 4000, - for the same and she did not understand anything when I referred to our agreement. It was just Way out.

OK, then she’s a ”no go” for me then. Thanks man.

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Hun foreslog også mig en gang 1 time for 5.000 kr - det var godt nok med ekstras, men alligevel så er det way over det jeg syntes er rimeligt.

Heldigvis så var allerede per sms at jeg fik det at vide - så jeg rykkede blot videre.

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Guest Persiskhingst

Hun kan ikke anbefales .. jeg gik da hun have flere penge end vi aftalte

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