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My first rewiev is a pleasant one. Came to Copenhagen Friday-Sunday for a short break and because i love this town. 

Never tried this hotel but it looked nice with a pool and 5 stars. Only thing missing now is some company in there. 

I had read about how nice and good and beautiful this young woman is so I just had to meet here. And like she said when we texted "you will not regret". We agreed on 5 hours at The hotel with superfrench and domination from me. 

After i misstakenly scared a woman waiting outside the lobby i saw her waiting further to the left. She is very good looking and natural and super sweet. Her english is good so we had a nice chat before we kisses and went to bed. And it was absolutely amazing both the bj and the sex. This woman is very courious and eager to learn new stuff and super enjoyable to be around. The way she stroke my hair also very nice. 

She said i gave her some happiness when we went to the superwarm nice pool later on. This was saturday and bad weather but it didnt matter. Afterwards we had som more nice time and chat before we went fo another rund in bed and she is the best. Be nice to this girl and she really gives all. I hope i can see her again soon. Thank you so much for making my day Sweet Matilda. Big kisses//the polite swede. 

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Guest Ungasiat

I had the opportunity to visit the new Matilda twice already. She has this magnificent, all natural and very innocent-look.

She provides unbeatable and flawless GFE, everything feels so calm and relaxing in her presence - like for a moment the time stood still. 

One of the best experiences I've ever had :)

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@Sweet Mathilda why are you still using reviews that are not of you?

Personally I'm still curious if any has been with both Matildas and what they might have to say :) If she's still in town later this week I might jump in the deep end myself :D


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Jeg har også besøgt Matilda, hun er rigtig sød, dejlig og smuk. Det besøg var helt ok. Hun var lidt overrasket over at jeg var dansk statsborger. Vidste ikke at turister var hovedparten af pigernes kunder :-) 

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