Tantra 1627 Skrevet 29. August, 2021 Someone started a smear campaign against me and spread lies about me.... I have a screenshot of page 180 ..... my number is reported as alleged blackmail! Falsely accusing someone of blackmail is highly criminal!!!!I am not at all interested in social media profiles and am not registered on such sites myself. I could ask myself who it was, but it doesn't matter if it's competition, someone with reduced intelligence whom I haven't given an appointment or ..... it's actually up to the police to find out. My question is: does it make sense to report it to the police? Was it possible to identify the perpetrator using the IP or MAC address? Or can it happen that it cannot be determined at all? I don't just want to change phone numbers, after all, it is criminal to spread such lies and I believe that the person must bear the consequences for doing so. But I don't want to go through the whole process with no prospect of success with the police. Perhaps there are still ways how you can protect yourself from the spread of lies and how I can now best act against the perpetrator? 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Nannas Hjørne Skrevet 29. August, 2021 Atrocious! Unfortunately, I have no idea how successful you're likely to be with the police. Perhaps give them a call and ask? Or perhaps someone with more knowledge if police proceedings can be of more help. If I were you I would definitely try contacting the site to let them know that this is slander, and have them take it down. If this doesn't work, perhaps some kind people who've met you will counter this remark on the site and vouch for you. Fortunately your reputation is stellar, so I doubt you will experience much effect from that false statement. I understand your anger though. Sorry you have to go through this. Whoever they are, they definitely deserve to face consequences. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Udenlandsdansker 155 Skrevet 29. August, 2021 A wretched and cowardly act! I would call the police anyway, at least to hope for some advice to handle your situation. Do you have this guy in your mind, who had bothered and threatened colleagues of yours during many years..? Good luck 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest amatør Skrevet 29. August, 2021 The police will (almost surely) take your report, but in the bigger scheme of things, I don't think any further action will be taken as there is no threat to your person. There are laws in Denmark that require the Internet providers to log all traffic, and keep it for a while, but if the person knows even a little about what they are doing, they will have used a VPN provider, and there will be little or no chance of tracking them down. I'm not a lawyer, but I belive that this type of thing would be slander, or something like that, and that is normally handled as civil litigation, and is not part of the criminal code. amatør Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Advarsel 2793 Skrevet 29. August, 2021 It's not even certain that the comment is directed against you. It could be against some scammer that coincidentally has spoofed your number. Luckily that page is mostly useless, which most of your intended customers will be aware of. It is primarily used to check a number that has been calling. But since your customers call you and not the other way around, my guess is almost nobody would look up your number. Why should a potential customer look up your number at all? Otherwise I agree with @amatør. It could, however, also be a competitor somehow intimidated or disgruntled by you. Or it could be a delusional stalker like the well-known "Bjarne" who does similar things towards all GP's Bottom line: It's always the right thing to report it, but don't expect results. And most likely this particular slander will have no impact on your business. Harassment is apparently and sadly part of working as a seller of intimacy. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Testeren2000 35 Skrevet 29. August, 2021 Be carefull. Do you have a work permit in Denmark or are you here as a tourist? Do you pay danish tax of your income? Maybe you are the most criminal ? And no.....I don't know you .... 2 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Grydeskeen Skrevet 29. August, 2021 Testeren2000 skrev, for 13 minutter siden: Be carefull. Do you have a work permit in Denmark or are you here as a tourist? Do you pay danish tax of your income? Maybe you are the most criminal ? And no.....I don't know you .... I can aske you the same question, but that is not the topic off the question, the question is what to do with a low life person, how obviously have some big problems. If you have any experience in that then please share you knowledge ind that field. I will say like @Advarsel, ignore it. It is only a page how you use when you have been connected by a unknown number. you reputation is good, you have many very positive customers, my self included. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 29. August, 2021 (edited) @Nannas Hjørne, Nana,Thank you for your supportive words the tip to contact the website. @Udenlandsdansker, If you mean the "Bujan, Bjarne, Cummon with all his aliases ( maybe his Name is now " Testeren2000"), I don't think he did that - in fact he's been trying to harm me with new profiles here in the forum for 1.5 years, but that's not" his Handwriting ", although I can't really rule it out 100%. However, this week I received a lot of messages from very calm, angry and suspicious people, a total of 7 phone numbers where I have already secured the entire correspondence. @amatør, You may be right that this is more of a civil case, if it is also criminally compatible, the police would investigate themselves once I file a civil complaint. Fortunately, one of my regular clients is a well-respected lawyer - we're in touch and he's already advising me. @Advarsel, Yes, it can be competition, maybe the Hydra / Troll or rather an unknown man who didn't get an appointment and believes that every GP's is available for everyone (I had an extremely angry "candidate this week who started me straight away with Rewievs." threatening because he has not received an appointment, screenshot attached) - this horrible act then as revenge (?) Unfortunately there are men like that and I choose my customers carefully and only get great gentlemen who treat me like a lady. Of course, I agree with you that we as GP's can always be publicly harassed - but that is no excuse for this horrific act, after all, we live in a constitutional state and not in the African bush. So can someone who gets angry about wanting to go to this GP but can't get an appointment try to ruin a girl's reputation with slander - in this case, it's about my reputation! Or a competitor or whoever, regardless of their dubious motives ... It is criminal to publicly slander a person by fabricating lies! And I want this person to bear consequences for their actions. @Grydeskeen, Thank you for your supportive words. Redigeret 29. August, 2021 af Tantra 1 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Advarsel 2793 Skrevet 29. August, 2021 Tantra skrev, for 42 minutter siden: I agree with you that we as GP's can always be publicly harassed - but that is no excuse Of course not, i did not imply that in any way - just to be clear. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Keaper 515 Skrevet 29. August, 2021 This is a terrible thing to read. It's always very hard for me to understand how and why anyone would act like this. Instead of acting with proper respect, both for those you meet and yourself. But there indeed do seem to be many people out there with deep issues. It does sound like it's the person you describe that wanted to meet with you and you did not. And he's, if it is a he, is enacting some sort of misguided revenge. The advice you have received already is very sound. While I don't think the Police will do anything apart from taking your information, It's still a good thing to file a proper report. Since it may mean the name / number is put on file, so if more report it, a case adds up. My own experiences when dealing with the Police is that unless there is overwhelming evidence or something actively happening, little will be done. But it still sends a message that it's unacceptable behavior. And of course like mentioned, contact the website as well. Also, there's Always those that wish to tear down those that are successful. And you certainly have a great deal of success, with many customers that express just how satisfied they are with your level of service. So of while it is still slander it will not in any way be successful. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest amatør Skrevet 29. August, 2021 @Tantra Yes they should investigate, but it's normal here that nothing is ever done and the case is "henlagt" meaning that they (pretend) they made an evaluation, and decide that spending resources on the investigation, is not worth the potential conviction. This happens even in plain out rape cases, which is very disturbing, so to imagine that they would pursue your case, even if threats had been made, seems highly unlikely. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 29. August, 2021 @Keaper, @amatør, This would be a report against "unknown" to the police, according to the current information and the only phone number that would then be on record - would be mine.... I have already called on a lawyer who will try to determine the contact details of the perpetrator through the 180 page, otherwise only the private IT commissioned from the police. Only then is there a civil and criminal complaint. I will not allow a wicked person to campaign filth and slander against me. The "ignore" mentioned earlier here is also the most wrong thing I can do. I don't have to play a victim and hold still after the first "slap" and turn the next cheek. No. I am not a victim, I am a confident person and I don't have to wait and see while a malicious person spreads nasty slander against me through online media. I am human and can and will be against these devious lies. That person cannot go unpunished and continue slandering the next person. 1 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Mr. Sensual Skrevet 29. August, 2021 Tantra skrev, for 1 time siden: @Keaper, @amatør, This would be a report against "unknown" to the police, according to the current information and the only phone number that would then be on record - would be mine.... I have already called on a lawyer who will try to determine the contact details of the perpetrator through the 180 page, otherwise only the private IT commissioned from the police. Only then is there a civil and criminal complaint. I will not allow a wicked person to campaign filth and slander against me. The "ignore" mentioned earlier here is also the most wrong thing I can do. I don't have to play a victim and hold still after the first "slap" and turn the next cheek. No. I am not a victim, I am a confident person and I don't have to wait and see while a malicious person spreads nasty slander against me through online media. I am human and can and will be against these devious lies. That person cannot go unpunished and continue slandering the next person. Yes, report it. Evil, hatred and insistent stupidity are found everywhere in society. We have a duty to fight them by legal means, no matter where they turn up. Earlier in my life I have been too polite, trying to ignore and forget, but not any more. Without disclosing too much about my person, I can assure you that the aggressors now get a proper response from me. That said, I insist on being a positive and polite man, enjoying life. All the best from Mr. Sensual Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Chock Dims Skrevet 29. August, 2021 (edited) Hmmmm.. igen en tråd fra en pige om et ikke-eksisterende problem.Ingen søger efter et telefonnummer på den hjemmeside - eller rettere det gør de nu, medmindre nummeret vises ved opkald. Nogen der orker forklare damen, åbenbart på engelsk, at hun bare skal bestride bedømmelsen hos hjemmesiden og så skal bedømmeren bevise han har været kunde. Måske lidt søgt her men et forsøg værd. Et trick der altid virker med Trustpilot så det virker også her. Men formålet med indlægget, hvad er det? Og nej det er ikke kriminelt Redigeret 29. August, 2021 af Chock Dims Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Grydeskeen Skrevet 29. August, 2021 Chock Dims skrev, for 11 minutter siden: Hmmmm.. igen en tråd fra en pige om et ikke-eksisterende problem.Ingen søger efter et telefonnummer på den hjemmeside - eller rettere det gør de nu, medmindre nummeret vises ved opkald. Nogen der orker forklare damen, åbenbart på engelsk, at hun bare skal bestride bedømmelsen hos hjemmesiden og så skal bedømmeren bevise han har været kunde. Måske lidt søgt her men et forsøg værd. Et trick der altid virker med Trustpilot så det virker også her. Men formålet med indlægget, hvad er det? Og nej det er ikke kriminelt Af alle dem som har svaret her, er du den eneste som ved hvordan politikken er på den omtalte side . men jeg syntes det er flot af dig at fortælle hvordan hun kan klage over det, men det var nok bedst hvis der ikke var nogen “Low life” ( oversat betyder det noget i retningen af en idiot, som intet fornuftigt indehold har i livet, udover at plage andre ) som bragte hende i den situation, syntes du ikke ? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Chock Dims Skrevet 29. August, 2021 Grydeskeen skrev, for 4 minutter siden: Af alle dem som har svaret her, er du den eneste som ved hvordan politikken er på den omtalte side . Nej! Samme politik på alle hjemmesider med brugerinput. Det er ombudsmandens regler der bestemmer det. Den der anmeldelser skal kunne redegøre for et kundeforhold ellers har den anmeldeldte krav på at anmeldelsen eller bedømmelsen fjernes. Det samme gælder for anmeldelser herind. Den anmeldelse kan betvivle anmeldelsen og så er det op til hjemmesiden om at kontakten anmelderen og få vedkommende sandsynliggøre et kundeforhold. Kvittering, bon eller måske sms korrespondance klarer det nok. Men vil anmelderen ude med kvitteringen? Et praktisk eksempel. Truspilot anmeldelsen fjernes nemt ved blot at betvivle dem. Som firma kontakter man trustpilot.dk der kontakter anmelderen.Anmelderen svarer aldrig og efter nogle uger er anmeldelsen væk. Nogle firmaer gør det systematisk og kræver et bevis for et kundeforhold. Det er fair nok. Grydeskeen skrev, for 4 minutter siden: men jeg syntes det er flot af dig at fortælle hvordan hun kan klage over det, men det var nok bedst hvis der ikke var nogen “Low life” ( oversat betyder det noget i retningen af en idiot, som intet fornuftigt indehold har i livet, udover at plage andre ) som bragte hende i den situation, syntes du ikke ? Det synes jeg nu ikke. Hvilken situation er hun i ? Har du nogensinde selv brugt eller hørt om 180.dk? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Coulibaly Skrevet 29. August, 2021 Synes nu også det virker som en storm i et glas vand. Forstår faktisk ikke hvorfor man reagerer så stærkt på en ligegyldig kommentar på en ligegyldig hjemmeside... ...medmindre det er et trick fra trådstarter for at få lidt flere kunder i butikken inden hun rejser. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 29. August, 2021 @Chock Dims, It's nice that you know your way around - I don't and ask for advice. That is allowed or I have to ask your permission before I create a thread. By the way, thanks for the advice. However, you have already pointed out to a user in other threads that he is probably lacking education, you have complained about another user because of his work in the communications industry, because your opinion is that his knowledge of grammar was insufficient, then you complain condescendingly opposed to Eastern European women creating threads here. Well, maybe you are more educated than all of us here, maybe you are Professor Doctor Doctor and the rest of us are only less intelligent in your eyes, but the tone makes the music and your passive aggressive attitude and that you consider yourself better than everyone else , - this emerges from your contributions, makes you extremely unsympathetic, which you probably don't care, because I guess you just like to hear yourself talking and are your own biggest fan. However, you have 0 empathy when it comes to other people's problems, - as in this thread it is about defamation, - I asked for help, - you could answer in a friendly way if you know what I can do best in this situation. It is not at all necessary to be condescending and passively aggressive just to show everyone what kind of person is behind your avatar ... and still thank you for your tips. 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 29. August, 2021 Coulibaly skrev, for 8 minutter siden: Jetzt scheint es auch wie ein Sturm im Wasserglas. Verstehe eigentlich nicht, warum man auf einen gleichgültigen Kommentar auf einer gleichgültigen Webseite so heftig reagiert... ... es sei denn, es ist ein Trick von Threadstartern, um ein wenig mehr Kunden in den Laden zu bekommen, bevor sie geht. Do you like being slandered by others? I don't do it. This heinous act is criminal and your comment here on this thread is despicable even in such a situation. 1 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Coulibaly Skrevet 29. August, 2021 Tantra skrev, for 2 minutter siden: Do you like being slandered by others? I don't do it. This heinous act is criminal and your comment here on this thread is despicable even in such a situation. Listen, noone gives a fuck about that homepage. I can understand your reaction if your perception is, that people really give a damn about the information on that homepage - they don't. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 29. August, 2021 Coulibaly skrev, for 12 minutter siden: Listen, noone gives a fuck about that homepage. I can understand your reaction if your perception is, that people really give a damn about the information on that homepage - they don't. I heard about this entry from a potential customer while he canceled his appointment for this reason. Regardless, however, I do not want to be slandered in such a nefarious way. I think if you were equally affected yourself, you would not react as despicably as you did in your first post. 2 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Coulibaly Skrevet 29. August, 2021 Tantra skrev, for 6 minutter siden: I heard about this entry from a potential customer while he canceled his appointment for this reason. Regardless, however, I do not want to be slandered in such a nefarious way. I think if you were equally affected yourself, you would not react as despicably as you did in your first post. Nah, I would probably just think "fuck him" and move on, not obsessing about something that doesn't define my worth. You lost a customer, not your life. Trust that life is for you and will supply you in spite of such an insignificant matter. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 29. August, 2021 Coulibaly skrev, for 30 minutter siden: Nah, I would probably just think "fuck him" and move on, not obsessing about something that doesn't define my worth. You lost a customer, not your life. Trust that life is for you and will supply you in spite of such an insignificant matter. It's not a nice feeling to be differentiated, especially not in such a mean way. And I don't want to be differentiated, my good reputation is important to me. No one is above the other and I am always for justice. Nobody has the right to differentiate another person through slander. There are laws to protect us from that. 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Chock Dims Skrevet 30. August, 2021 (edited) Coulibaly skrev, for 9 timer siden: Synes nu også det virker som en storm i et glas vand. Forstår faktisk ikke hvorfor man reagerer så stærkt på en ligegyldig kommentar på en ligegyldig hjemmeside... ...medmindre det er et trick fra trådstarter for at få lidt flere kunder i butikken inden hun rejser. En sådan indledning på en tråd kræver lidt reflekton over emnet. F.eks. - hvad er problemet? - en enkelt persons mening er ikke et problem hvor stor er problemet ? - nul (0), ingen kender hjemmesiden før der gøres opmærksom på det og hvem pokker søger efter et telefonnummer - som ovenikøbet er et taletidskort (118.dk) hvad kan gøres ved det? rigtig meget. Jeg har anvist en brugbar og meget brugt metode ( ombudsmanden) der også kan bruges på eroguide og alle hjemmesider med brugerinput, til at fjerne enhver form for dårlig omtale. Det kræver dog at klageren har en lovlig interesse og har en lovlig virksomhed. Er det tilfældet her? Fis i en hornlygte eller som du siger storm i et glasvand. Man kan selvfølgelig kun gætte på formålet, men omtalen er sikret i et lille hjørne af nettet. Jeg gætter også på, trods klapsalverne, en meget lav mængde kunder ellers man totalt ligeglad med en enkelt ekskunde. Redigeret 30. August, 2021 af Chock Dims Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 30. August, 2021 Chock Dims skrev, for 1 time siden: hvor stor er problemet ? - nul (0), ingen kender hjemmesiden før der gøres opmærksom på det og hvem pokker søger efter et telefonnummer - som ovenikøbet er et taletidskort (118.dk) hvad kan gøres ved det? rigtig meget. Jeg har anvist en brugbar og meget brugt metode ( ombudsmanden) der også kan bruges på eroguide og alle hjemmesider med brugerinput, til at fjerne enhver form for dårlig omtale. Det kræver dog at klageren har en lovlig interesse og har en lovlig virksomhed. Er det tilfældet her? Fis i en hornlygte eller som du siger storm i et glasvand. Man kan selvfølgelig kun gætte på formålet, men omtalen er sikret i et lille hjørne af nettet. Jeg gætter også på, trods klapsalverne, en meget lav mængde kunder ellers man totalt ligeglad med en enkelt ekskunde. It's amazing how eloquent some people are when the problem doesn't affect them. You are not affected, you are here as an anonymous member, although it is not even clear whether there is a man or a woman behind this avatar and whether your "time card is registered as junk with a connection to blackmail through social media" - the problem is likely actually 0 I stand here publicly with my pictures with my name - yes it's a working name, but when it gets dirty I can't just change it. I'm not one of those girls who, at the lowest prices, just have another name once you're dirty. I only work with selected customers and my good reputation is extremely important to me. I am an honest person and don't want to be associated with shady blackmail through social media. That's a lie. Downplaying this hideous slander is just incredible. No matter how big or small the site 180 is. My reputation is impeccable and it should stay that way. I am well aware that I reject a lot of men and cannot accept everyone, some try to make me bad at the first opportunity here in the forum or to write me stupid messages, probably to polish up their offended ego, but think about blackmail and such Writing down slander publicly is a size bigger, there is considerable criminal energy behind it. And if you have absolutely no empathy for the problems of others and you feel disturbed when you talk about them, you can just click on, no one is forced to participate in every debate. I don't think that @Chock Dims is the new administrator of eroguide and defines what is important (FOR HIM / HER (?)) And what to talk about, what HIM sees as a problem and what isn't. Finally, I would like to say something about @Coulibaly Regarding your first post, you may find out beforehand about the person you are making lower allegations about in the form of questions in public. My appointments are made well in advance and for my current tour my bookings were already on August 27th. finished, I don't even have a single "open window" around to make an additional appointment. I have few new customers, 95% of my bookings go to my regular customers. Your phrasing in this regard, while I seek help with the hideous differences that are publicly spread about me it's in this thread, are only repetitive and shameful. 1 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg