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Jennie (Big natural tits). Buyers beware!

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Let’s make something clear. I know this is a new account that’s why I’ve provided screenshots further below. I’m starting with some history first, jump down if you want to read today’s experience.


The girl 

Jennie/Jenny Big natural tits or Jennie 95D. She goes by the ID 44735.

Here is her ad: 


I have visited Jennie before, even if the reviews of her have not been very positive. Why? I like big tits and hers are nice. So I took the chance. I’ve met her a couple of times and I’ve understand the criticism against her. She doesn’t speak English well and she doesn’t seem to be very into it very much. You get average sex with her. That’s OK, I just wanted a moment with a pair of nice tits riding on top of me. And I got that, that’s why I’ve returned to her. 
Since I’ve visited her before I have never got any complaints from her side about my behavior. 


I use WhatsApp to communicate to my GFs. I don’t use my real number and have a number for GFs. Thus I use my real picture and a name in WhatsApp, to be make it easier to GFs to remember me and for new GFs to get to see me (since I’m able to see them before I buy their service, I’m being fair). Communication with Jennie has always been short due to her bad English, but she usually answers and ask you about the service you want and when. The communication from her, generally, is what I expect from a GF that barely speaks English.  


At 10 me and Jennie started to talk, and I asked if I could visit her at 14.00. She said okay and I said to her that from my side it was confirmed but I’ll confirm with her again 1h before my visit. 

I was heading to the airport and had some time to kill before my flight. Hence why I choose to meet Jennie today. 

I wrote to Jennie 1h before our agreed time to confirm that everything was ok, that I’d still come at 14. And she confirmed that we would meet at 14.00. I also asked if she still stays at the usual place, which she also confirms. 

I arrive 15 min early to Vesterbro, and ask Jennie if I can meet her early or if I should wait to 14.00. No answer. (This perfectly fine, she could have a customer at this time).  

At 14.05 I tell her to ping me when she’s ready. No reply. I see that she’s online in WhatsApp. Now the warning bell starts to ring. Maybe she squeezed in another customer before me?


I wait until 14.40 and ask her what’s up, nothing rude (see screenshot). No reply. I get the chance to see that’s she’s online and checking her WhatsApp a couple of minutes later. 

As a last resort, which was more of a principle because now I wasn’t in the mood anymore, I called her at 15.00.  No answer. No reply. I caught her online in several occasions (at this stage I was more curious about her behavior, to report back in this forum). 

Some reflections

- If you don’t want me as a customer, don’t agree a time with me. Now I wasted 1h+ and did not have to meet any other GF before heading to the airport. 

- If I’m a bad customer, please let me know or don’t answer my message at all. Why not even block me? Do not engage in a conversation and book time with me. Don’t waste my time.  

- If you are delayed, or got another customer. Please reply and ask if it’s OK to come little later. I’d be fine come at 15 since I had time to kill. But communicate that before (or at all)

- I’ve seen GFs with ludicrous requirements but this have been communicated initially and nobody wasted each other’s time. I’m perfectly fine with this. 

- What’s even more surprising, she doesn’t seem to care about her reputation. Why not write to me 2h later and give me a bad excuse. “Sorry honey, I got headache and could not answer”. “Sorry honey, I bing-watched squid game and missed your messages.”


Visiting Jennie is a hit or miss, and by hit you get average sex with nice big tits. If you are a big tits-lover, and you choose to ignore all warnings (mine and others), you have been warned. There’s other big tits GFs and they are way more professional and will give you a better time. She is not professional. With me being wiser, I’d only meet her once and only buy 15min just to see how the tits are. Just to kill my curiosity. 


I’m not able to attaching images, so here’s the links. 


Redigeret af SwedishBuyer

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Thanks for the heads up, bud. What a pair, tho..

Also, thank you for inadvertently clueing me in to the picture on WhatsApp aspect. I use my real name when I book, and a picture is a nice addition.. the faster they feel safe and relaxed, the faster the 'real' fun can begin :)

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Rasmus Modsat skrev, for 7 minutter siden:

Thanks for the heads up, bud. What a pair, tho..

Also, thank you for inadvertently clueing me in to the picture on WhatsApp aspect. I use my real name when I book, and a picture is a nice addition.. the faster they feel safe and relaxed, the faster the 'real' fun can begin :)

Yes, she got really nice pair. But it’s not worth the average sex and unprofessional behavior. 

I would not waste more than 15min on her, just to play with the tits. She’s really the equivalent to a one-night-stand for a GF, which should never be more than a one time thing in her case. 

If you must visit see her tits, buy the cheapest option and get the urge out of your system. 

Redigeret af SwedishBuyer

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Some information to people that hasn’t visited her. She uses different spellings on her name. I’ve seen: 

- Jennifer

- Jenifer

- Jennie

- Jenny

What’s always present is “big natural breast” and “95D” in her ads and her ID on escort-guide: 44735 (which is present in the url or under her pictures in the ad). 

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I agree to all of the above. Been there twice and the tits are rare wonders of nature, absolutely magnificent. But I have also been dropped exactly as per this description and haven't been there since. 

Would try again if an opportunity came up, though - and I would have a plan B. 15 minutes only, that can't go much wrong. 

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