Hogberg 12 Skrevet 12. November, 2021 I had the chance to meet Hottie today in an outcall to my Hotel in Aarhus. When checking the profile she was good looking very slim and fit but you never know until you meet. Ohh my gosh ! This girl, this woman, exceeded all my expectations and I was really knocked out/melted/astonished after the date. https://www.eroguide.dk/massage-escort/Hottie/ This girl is a very good looking and beautiful girl/woman with kisses and hugs that will melt you like ice cream in hell. Soft and smooth skin, and all over natural and well-shaped body an no tattoos, glittering eyes, and cheeky smile. A completely natural girl and could be your neighbor’s daughter. She is a very passionate lover with a great personally, you will never forget a date with Hottie. I will come back regardless she is in Copenhagen or Aarhus. A date with this girl all you need you guys liking GFE experience. 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Høvdingen 600 Skrevet 12. November, 2021 Good you are satisfied; Hogberg - I am not so sure; because her add really has lack of possible informations and no personality, it just seem to be a ´mahine´ or lazy Pimp who has written this; hmhm ..... Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Hottie 384 Skrevet 12. November, 2021 Hy there, I don t need lazy Pimp, I m here for my regular customers and this man found my announce by reviews... + I m not a woman who will ever have a Pimp ;) 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Hottie 384 Skrevet 12. November, 2021 Thank you Hogberg, I m very happy to read this amazing review! Thank you ! Million kisses 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Hogberg 12 Skrevet 12. November, 2021 Well, I'm definitely not her pimp ! The experience with Hottie was for real and for sure. Hottie is a very beautiful and most of all natural girl. She also have brains so if you have been unpleasant meeting her or any other girl maybe it explains your attitude 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest N10Ah Skrevet 12. November, 2021 (edited) Hottie texted me back in october that she is back in town. And i had the pleasure to visit her because i know her from back in august, we had a good chemistry snd she provides a good service. She lives with her friend which also work in the business so there’s No pimp at all. Redigeret 12. November, 2021 af N10Ah Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Høvdingen 600 Skrevet 12. November, 2021 Hogberg skrev, 1 time siden: Well, I'm definitely not her pimp ! The experience with Hottie was for real and for sure. Hottie is a very beautiful and most of all natural girl. She also have brains so if you have been unpleasant meeting her or any other girl maybe it explains your attitude Thanks for answer; good Hottie is real, I mean it - but still the add could be better, and I always have pleasant meeting with different girls - take care ..... Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest N10Ah Skrevet 12. November, 2021 Hogberg skrev, for 3 timer siden: I had the chance to meet Hottie today in an outcall to my Hotel in Aarhus. When checking the profile she was good looking very slim and fit but you never know until you meet. Ohh my gosh ! This girl, this woman, exceeded all my expectations and I was really knocked out/melted/astonished after the date. https://www.eroguide.dk/massage-escort/Hottie/ This girl is a very good looking and beautiful girl/woman with kisses and hugs that will melt you like ice cream in hell. Soft and smooth skin, and all over natural and well-shaped body an no tattoos, glittering eyes, and cheeky smile. A completely natural girl and could be your neighbor’s daughter. She is a very passionate lover with a great personally, you will never forget a date with Hottie. I will come back regardless she is in Copenhagen or Aarhus. A date with this girl all you need you guys liking GFE experience. I totally agree with @Hogberg i have visited her 5 times since, august and she is my absolute favorite, I will definitely visit her many Times more. Her GFE is out of this world and definitely the best GFE that i have tried and she’s very present during her service. When i visited her the first time, it was my first time visiting an escort. I was so nervous because i have never tried visiting an escort before, but once i Got in her apartment she made me feel so comfortable and safe in her Company during our date. She’s a very beautifull girl but most importantly she’s so kind and she has a very great and Nice personality. She really has a warm and good heart. she has some very seductive brown eyes, she has a very beautifull smile as Well. She have the body of a model or a goddes, her skin is soft as silk and the kiss she gave me is so gentle and i love that. Actually i love everything about her service, as i Said she’s my absolute favorite, and would love to visit her many times more. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Betelgeuse1965 Skrevet 12. November, 2021 Høvdingen skrev, for 8 timer siden: Good you are satisfied; Hogberg - I am not so sure; because her add really has lack of possible informations and no personality, it just seem to be a ´mahine´ or lazy Pimp who has written this; hmhm ..... Hun er selvstændig , sød , smukke ærlig , og nok en af de mest suvarene gfe der findes. Prøv hende og se for dig selv . Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Høvdingen 600 Skrevet 12. November, 2021 Betelgeuse1965 skrev, for 30 minutter siden: Hun er selvstændig , sød , smukke ærlig , og nok en af de mest suvarene gfe der findes. Prøv hende og se for dig selv . Tak for respons; det er noget underligt for mig, idet jeg på INTET tidspunkt har kritiseret Hottie som person; blot nævnt at jeg synes selve annoncen kunne være mere informativ. Mht. ´afprøvning` springer jeg fra, ellers tak for tilbuddet - jeg er ganske tilfreds med topniveauet i blandt mine favorit-girls ..... Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
TankTop 41 Skrevet 22. November, 2021 Hvor gammel er Hottie ca? Et bud? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Hogberg 12 Skrevet 23. November, 2021 TankTop skrev, for 13 timer siden: Hvor gammel er Hottie ca? Et bud? Early or mid 20's 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest N10Ah Skrevet 23. November, 2021 TankTop skrev, for 13 timer siden: Hvor gammel er Hottie ca? Et bud? Jeg er ret sikker på hun er 24-25 år Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
torbenb 342 Skrevet 2. April, 2022 Nogen der ved hvor i Aarhus C hun holder til ? Ikke en præcis adresse plz. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Gabbana Skrevet 2. April, 2022 torbenb skrev, for 18 minutter siden: Nogen der ved hvor i Aarhus C hun holder til ? Ikke en præcis adresse plz. Århus N Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg