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Going tomorrow in the early afternoon to Copenhagen for a super quick sex visit. Any tips for girls near central train station?

Safety is priority! No dodgy basements.

Have been scanning the usual sites but it’s hard to determine where they are based without contacting them.

Im open for all your suggestions!

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Guest Like a Stone
hunky skrev, Lige nu:

Great suggestion! Anyone else?

You should search for “ Vesterbro”  - there a alot of options.

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OldGentlemann skrev, 1 time siden:

What do you mean? Safe sex?

Well, safe sex is always nice :)

But I mean I want to feel safe and not get robbed.

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Quite a few girls I’ve been texting with a mentioning Sommerstedsgade with the same house number.

Some kind of brothel apartment?

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Like a Stone skrev, for 9 timer siden:

And she have had some good reviews too

I am not really sure about this. She definitely also has some bad ones.

As I remember it, the general impression would be: Visit her for the looks and not for the service provided. 

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