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Lilly! 150cm - Not just beautiful, but smart and classy. A true pleasure!!

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This review is for Little Lilly Fox in Sydhavn (Teglholmen) https://escortguide.dk/P/lilly-sydhavn-150cm-45kg-70e-53993.html

First of all though, can I say that these loooooong, pointless, military style reviews are incredibly annoying. When I am looked to smash, my cock is hard and I want facts, not to be "impressed" by your use of euphemisms and metaphors.. Please stop it. Get to the point...

So in that vain...

I have been chasing Lilly for months. Then Christmas she was away etc...but it was worth the wait and expectations from other reviews!

Lilly is exactly like her photos. Sure some of them are of course doctored a little, but incredibly accurate - so YES you are in for a treat.
Her tits are fucking fantastic. Normally I'm not a fan of the big bolt-on style, but she spent a pretty penny on these puppies. Her nipples are tiny and perfect, barely any scars to notice, and they FEEL REAL. Absolutely 100% real!! I mean that. So not only do they suit her body perfectly, but its not like fucking a blow up doll. Don't pinch too hard though, she likes it soft to start ;)

Not only is are the melons fantastic, but her pussy is I think the nicest pussy - looks and taste - that I have ever seen. (and I've been in this game for a couple decades now)
She must do something magical, because it tastes nothing of soap or lube or anything but herself. And nice tight little lips, perfectly shaven. I licked every inch from clit to tailbone - not a hair. She doesn't like any tongue or finger in the bum though. Can't fault a guy for trying - would have loved to tap that tight little bung!! I licked it as much as possible though - CLEAN!!

I went for 45 mins with 2 squirts and CIM (at 1300kr, you can't beat that price!!!)  

She knows how to suck dick. Used her head a lot and then hand when she's fatigued. MOST importantly (because a lot of girls fuck this part up) is that when you finally come to the magic moment, she slows down and just lets you finish. Some girls keep sucking at the same speed, which, as we all know the area is too sensitive during orgasm for full speed action. She simply sits there and keeps a nice grip with her pretty little lips while you fill her mouth up. HOT. (but god damn I wish she swallowed!!)

For round 2 she sucked me some more until I was hard, then rode me cow girl, forward and reverse. And she can actually pull off reverse without breaking my dick! Then I turned her over and went in for the kill in doggy. HER PUSSY IS TIGHT!! She likes it rough and hard once she's warmed up, and pushes back in to my body, which is an indicator she loves fucking. Doesn't check for condom slippage, and lets it all happen naturally.

All in all, very attentive, SUPER polite and well mannered. We chatted after for a little bit and you can tell that she is mature, smiley, and fun, while also being intelligent and actually quite smart. Lovely to talk to over all, which helps. Some girls are airheads...so it's nice to have the full experience with a LADY who has something between her ears, not just something between her legs...

face 8/10
breasts 10/10
ass 8/10
BJ 9/10
sex 8/10
brain 10/10

Overall 9/10 and can definitely recommend. 
Enjoy boys!!

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Guest amatør

Were you drunk when you wrote this?

I'm not trying to mess with you, I genuinely want to know.


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amatør skrev, for 38 minutter siden:

Were you drunk when you wrote this?

I'm not trying to mess with you, I genuinely want to know.


Maybe your English just needs some improvement to comprehend ;)

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Guest Aarhuselsker
tongfather skrev, 1 time siden:

Please stop it. Get to the point

Hm, du ser splinten i din broders øje, men ej bjælken i dit eget 

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Guest Roger Rabbit
Aarhuselsker skrev, for 9 minutter siden:

Hm, du ser splinten i din broders øje, men ej bjælken i dit eget 

Spot on. Tak

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Aarhuselsker skrev, for 26 minutter siden:

Hm, du ser splinten i din broders øje, men ej bjælken i dit eget 

Mine was to the point. Detailed, yes. Rambling, no. 

No fluff or bullshit euphemisms. All important information. 

Thanks for reading ;)

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tongfather skrev, for 2 timer siden:

This review is for Little Lilly Fox in Sydhavn (Teglholmen) https://escortguide.dk/P/lilly-sydhavn-150cm-45kg-70e-53993.html

First of all though, can I say that these loooooong, pointless, military style reviews are incredibly annoying. When I am looked to smash, my cock is hard and I want facts, not to be "impressed" by your use of euphemisms and metaphors.. Please stop it. Get to the point...

So in that vain...

Enig!! Springer de anmeldelser over… magter dem ikke. Jeg bliver næsten lige så irriteret over anmeldelser på engelsk…
Det er et dansk forum, skriv dansk!

Har endnu ikke fået besøgt Lilly og det har egentlig været begrundet i 2 ting.
Lokationen hvor hun var i Gentofte længe, var ikke lige optimal for mit vedkommende, grundet et større familiemæssigt opland i netop Gentofte/Hellerup.
Så har jeg længe haft et princip om ikke at betale mere end 1000/30 min. Det kan godt være jeg skal se stort på det. For hun krydser mange gode felter af…. Silikone babser - store, petit og med tusser… B)

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Kubrick skrev, for 7 timer siden:

Agree !! If they skip reviews, they will not be able to. I get almost as annoyed about reviews in English…
It's a Danish forum, write Danish!

Have not yet visited Lilly and it has actually been justified in 2 things.
The location where she was in Gentofte for a long time was not quite optimal for me, due to a larger family area in Gentofte / Hellerup.
Then I have long had a principle of not paying more than 1000/30 min. I may well have to look big on it. For she crosses many good fields of…. Silicone babs - large, petit and with markers… B)

Sorry for that. My Danish is really basic I wouldn't be able to express myself at all properly. Next time I will try, but it will be 70/30 Danglish! 

Go enjoy Lilly!! She's a treat! 

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tongfather skrev, for 10 timer siden:

Sorry for that. My Danish is really basic I wouldn't be able to express myself at all properly. Next time I will try, but it will be 70/30 Danglish! 

Go enjoy Lilly!! She's a treat! 

Fab review, thanks. Whist my own experience with Lilly wasn't quite that epic (premarily because she's small and couldn't, well, fit it all) she does look and act a treat!

Kubrick skrev, for 18 timer siden:

Enig!! Springer de anmeldelser over… magter dem ikke. Jeg bliver næsten lige så irriteret over anmeldelser på engelsk…
Det er et dansk forum, skriv dansk!

Har endnu ikke fået besøgt Lilly og det har egentlig været begrundet i 2 ting.
Lokationen hvor hun var i Gentofte længe, var ikke lige optimal for mit vedkommende, grundet et større familiemæssigt opland i netop Gentofte/Hellerup.
Så har jeg længe haft et princip om ikke at betale mere end 1000/30 min. Det kan godt være jeg skal se stort på det. For hun krydser mange gode felter af…. Silikone babser - store, petit og med tusser… B)

Some of us don't speak or write Danish. If you don't like it, there a plenty of other reviews you could read. Live and let live and everyone will be better off.

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NickEU skrev, for 30 minutter siden:

Some of us don't speak or write Danish. If you don't like it, there a plenty of other reviews you could read. Live and let live and everyone will be better off.

There's the reason I write in English.
I mean I possibly could make some Google translate post in Danish.
But I cant express myself.
I have a basic understanding of reading it, but I cant write.
So I choose to make my posts i English, since in that language I am able to express nuances in language.

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Keaper skrev, 1 time siden:

There's the reason I write in English.
I mean I possibly could make some Google translate post in Danish.
But I cant express myself.
I have a basic understanding of reading it, but I cant write.
So I choose to make my posts i English, since in that language I am able to express nuances in language.

"Ingen arme, ingen kiks!" = "No Hands, No biscuits!"

No worries!

Redigeret af Haimorrhoides

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Keaper skrev, for 5 timer siden:

There's the reason I write in English.
I mean I possibly could make some Google translate post in Danish.
But I can express myself.
I have a basic understanding of reading it, but I cant write.
So I choose to make my posts in English, since in that language I am able to express nuances in language.

Thanks man. My feelings exactly!
Also, most Danes can understand English just fine, or use google translate. So stop being such a typical Danes, and stop bitching about everything!

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tongfather skrev, for 8 timer siden:

So stop being such a typical Danes, and stop bitching about everything!

Well, I guess it takes one to know one, considering you start your own review bitching about other peoples reviews... ;)

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Øv med silikone bryster, hun ser ellers sød nok ud.

Jeg har efterhånden vænnet mig til at pigerne efterhånden er mere fake end cucci fra tyrkiet. 

Er stadig paf over at nogen syntes fake er bedre end ægte, men ok vi har alle forskellige referencer. 

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Kubrick skrev, den 20.2.2022 at 23:40:

Så har jeg længe haft et princip om ikke at betale mere end 1000/30 min.

Hun tager 700/30 min.


tongfather skrev, den 20.2.2022 at 21:19:

She knows how to suck dick.

Enig! Jeg har kun prøvet at få BJ med kondom af hende, men det kan hun finde ud af. Det er ellers sjældent jeg syntes der er nogen der er så gode at det føles dejlig selv med gummi på. 

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