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Unforgettable Kira-Trip report

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Guest First timer

I visited Kira yesterday and yes she really is unforgettable. Couldn't write the review because I was too tired after the whole action. I would say this was the best sex I ever had and Kira is one of the most beautiful and understanding girls you can find in this market. I arrived at the location (which was familiar to me because I had been there before for another very unforgettable experience - I won't mention with whom because she never asked for a review) and was surprised to see this very sweet girl with almost the mannerisms of a very warm hostess. She welcomed me offered me something for my coat and followed me around to show me the bath. I had been back from work and was a bit tired. So Kira gave me a very sweet bj, I call it sweet because well that's the only word that describes it... she kept on asking if I like what she did and whether I am my time enjoying her. And I was equally delicate with her, as much as I could. She looks exactly like her profile, maybe a little less slutty(pardon me) and a little more sweet, and so young that I thought she is maybe not in the age of consent, but she confirmed she was. 

She speaks very good English at least compared to a lot of girls I have visited from around Europe. Has a very slender body, keeps hygiene in mind only to the point of safety and not more than that. Enjoys her work and is very good at setting expectations about what she can and cannot do. I would say be kind to her and you will have an unforgettable experience. :wub:

To add a personal note, I never got to finish with Kira, we tried many positions, she made a lot of sounds and we almost broke the bed. She warned me the bed may cost too much on my wallet so we went slow and even though I never finished, which was very unusual for me, it was still the best sex I had in my life. I was so tired afterwards, that I had to sleep for a almost a whole day, and I am pretty sure I had some great dreams about her. Also she has a good sense of humor. So all in all she has the best package out there. I guess I have to stop writing now, hope I didn't reveal too much or left out something important. 

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First timer skrev, den 2.3.2022 at 23:08:

I visited Kira yesterday and yes she really is unforgettable. Couldn't write the review because I was too tired after the whole action. I would say this was the best sex I ever had and Kira is one of the most beautiful and understanding girls you can find in this market. I arrived at the location (which was familiar to me because I had been there before for another very unforgettable experience - I won't mention with whom because she never asked for a review) and was surprised to see this very sweet girl with almost the mannerisms of a very warm hostess. She welcomed me offered me something for my coat and followed me around to show me the bath. I had been back from work and was a bit tired. So Kira gave me a very sweet bj, I call it sweet because well that's the only word that describes it... she kept on asking if I like what she did and whether I am my time enjoying her. And I was equally delicate with her, as much as I could. She looks exactly like her profile, maybe a little less slutty(pardon me) and a little more sweet, and so young that I thought she is maybe not in the age of consent, but she confirmed she was. 

She speaks very good English at least compared to a lot of girls I have visited from around Europe. Has a very slender body, keeps hygiene in mind only to the point of safety and not more than that. Enjoys her work and is very good at setting expectations about what she can and cannot do. I would say be kind to her and you will have an unforgettable experience. :wub:

To add a personal note, I never got to finish with Kira, we tried many positions, she made a lot of sounds and we almost broke the bed. She warned me the bed may cost too much on my wallet so we went slow and even though I never finished, which was very unusual for me, it was still the best sex I had in my life. I was so tired afterwards, that I had to sleep for a almost a whole day, and I am pretty sure I had some great dreams about her. Also she has a good sense of humor. So all in all she has the best package out there. I guess I have to stop writing now, hope I didn't reveal too much or left out something important. 

Thank you so much for your review and the time spent with you, I will be glad to see you again <3

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