Tantra 1627 Skrevet 24. Marts, 2022 The beautiful colorful world of eroticism with all possible nuances and facets: slim girls, curvy girls, blondes, brunettes, blue-eyed Europeans, Latinas, Asians, apple butt, pear butt, natural girl breasts, silicone breasts.... even fleshy intimate lips are offered. - the " offer " is huge and I suppose that every or almost every gentleman can find a girl of his own liking... Today I received a "good morning" SMS with a hopeful appointment request from a gentleman, nothing unusual at first, the day, time, duration everything as it should be, but then P.S. I should know beforehand what shape your lower lips are?... Well, first of all, a little surprised, I asked if he would like to know: whether I have fleshy intimate lips(?).... He said "No" - he wants the shape knowing that would be very important to him and a prerequisite for a meeting. A photo of it would be nice but he understands that if I don't want to do that.... - Jesus Christus Now I assume that there are some other gentlemen who share this preference(?) -.... but is someone looking at the desired shape all the time or is it just head cinema(?).... I'm sorry for this naive question, but no one has the shape of mine... until now seen as a requirement for a date.... 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Mr. Sensual Skrevet 24. Marts, 2022 Tantra skrev, for 28 minutter siden: The beautiful colorful world of eroticism with all possible nuances and facets: slim girls, curvy girls, blondes, brunettes, blue-eyed Europeans, Latinas, Asians, apple butt, pear butt, natural girl breasts, silicone breasts.... even fleshy intimate lips are offered. - the " offer " is huge and I suppose that every or almost every gentleman can find a girl of his own liking... Today I received a "good morning" SMS with a hopeful appointment request from a gentleman, nothing unusual at first, the day, time, duration everything as it should be, but then P.S. I should know beforehand what shape your lower lips are?... Well, first of all, a little surprised, I asked if he would like to know: whether I have fleshy intimate lips(?).... He said "No" - he wants the shape knowing that would be very important to him and a prerequisite for a meeting. A photo of it would be nice but he understands that if I don't want to do that.... - Jesus Christus Now I assume that there are some other gentlemen who share this preference(?) -.... but is someone looking at the desired shape all the time or is it just head cinema(?).... I'm sorry for this naive question, but no one has the shape of mine... until now seen as a requirement for a date.... This man is a comedian, I think.With a big talent for surprise. Smile from Mr. Sensual Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Grydeskeen Skrevet 24. Marts, 2022 There have been a tread where someone call the woman’s privat part “beaten up hamburger” which I found very offended. I have not seen many “pussy” in nature, but many in pictures Orr movies, but I have NEVER seen a ugly pussy, I have seen different pussy. not long ago there was something in the newspaper about the look and form, and there are a book with 100 pictures off the pussy, and not one is similar to another, in my opinion they are all beautiful, maybe because off the different. Maybee you have to ask the man about a picture off his penis, so you can see if you are “compatible” with him, but that may maybe turn him even more on. maybe it can bee funny if all you GP make a new tread where you put copy off all the funny/weird messages you get, I would read that tread. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Keaper 521 Skrevet 24. Marts, 2022 (edited) Well, I mean, each to their own. And what once hearth desires and looks for varies a lot from person to person. As you say, it's a world with almost endless choice. So maybe this is something that some are looking for, maybe. I can understand interest in the size if the intimate lips. I do have a preference when it comes to this aspect. But on the other hand, I have been very pleasantly surprised by a girl in this aspect. I do kind of suspect this was a man looking for... Material... shall we say... A funny post non the less @Tantra. It's weird what types of men there are out there and what goes around in their heads... Redigeret 24. Marts, 2022 af Keaper 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Hardrock_west Skrevet 24. Marts, 2022 (edited) @Tantraoooohhhhh my god this man is sooooooo stupid. How can he write something like that is a very intelligent woman like you. ( Some very haevy ironi may be in play.) Redigeret 24. Marts, 2022 af Hardrock_west Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den_glade_amatør 4651 Skrevet 24. Marts, 2022 Keaper skrev, 1 time siden: I do kind of suspect this was a man looking for... Material... shall we say... Helt enig. Personen har bare forsøgt en “snedig” måde at fiske efter et intimbillede af dig, @Tantra. Hvis du var faldet for hans trick, ville han have aflyst aftalen efterfølgende, for målet har været et billede snarere end en aftale med dig. 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 24. Marts, 2022 Hardrock_west skrev, for 1 time siden: @Tantraoooohhhhh my god this man is sooooooo stupid. How can he write something like that is a very intelligent woman like you. ( Some very haevy ironi may be in play.) @Hardrock_west I don't understand this irony. Maybe explain to us what you want to say with your top contribution. @Keaper and @Den_glade_amatør Maybe he actually wants the photo, but I can actually distinguish very well between what is a serious appointment request and what is just junk - the latter would already be in the spam folder and the number would already be blocked. The "old hands" here know that I don't give a second chance and only answer specific appointment requests, everything else is actually blocked. This gentleman here sounds very serious, but he probably has an unusual (for me) preference.... I have replied to him in the meantime and we have arranged to meet.... 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17610 Skrevet 24. Marts, 2022 Tantra skrev, for 23 minutter siden: This gentleman here sounds very serious, but he probably has an unusual (for me) preference.... I have replied to him in the meantime and we have arranged to meet.... That's nice. In the meantime, you could perhaps just post a pic of your labia in here, so all the facts are before us once we'll make an obejctive and scientific evaluation of this thread? 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest N10Ah Skrevet 24. Marts, 2022 (edited) Well it sounds like he’s a little sneaky fella that he wants a picture of your labia but Well if you’re not comfortable sending a picture of your private parts it’s totally okay to refuse this is just my opinion asking for a picture of another persons private parts is a flag for me, i would never give away such pictures to a guy that i haven’t met before , such pictures Can end up on pornsites or everywhere on the internet. But i hope the meeting with you and the costumer goes Well it’s funny what kind of pictures people want. I met a Girl on tinder once, we dated for a couple of months. But before she would even consider going out with me she wanted me to send a picture that proved that my height was 5.9 feet so she wanted a picture of my passport because she didn’t believe that i Said i was the same height as her because she ment that i looked shorter on my pictures all because she didn’t want to date guys that are shorter than her and she didn’t believe me. But Well i convinced her that i wouldn’t lie about my height and age so i Got on a date with her. Redigeret 24. Marts, 2022 af N10Ah Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den_glade_amatør 4651 Skrevet 24. Marts, 2022 Tantra skrev, 1 time siden: This gentleman here sounds very serious, but he probably has an unusual (for me) preference.... I have replied to him in the meantime and we have arranged to meet.... Jeg håber for dig, at du har ret, og jeg tager fejl. Men det finder vi jo ud af. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 24. Marts, 2022 I didn't know @Bananas that you are scientifically talented.... and no, such intimate insights from me only exist in intimate togetherness @N10Ah, In fact, the question is quite unusual and actually I don't answer any questions at all, I don't chat, I don't write back and forth- I designed my ad in such a way that a gentleman can only send me a very specific appointment request, everything else is marked as junk and the number will be blocked... - This gentleman followed all my instructions - only he then asked me this very unusual question.... I didn't send him a photo of mine .... However, I actually described the "shape". 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest N10Ah Skrevet 24. Marts, 2022 Tantra skrev, for 8 minutter siden: I didn't know @Bananas that you are scientifically talented.... and no, such intimate insights from me only exist in intimate togetherness @N10Ah, In fact, the question is quite unusual and actually I don't answer any questions at all, I don't chat, I don't write back and forth- I designed my ad in such a way that a gentleman can only send me a very specific appointment request, everything else is marked as junk and the number will be blocked... - This gentleman followed all my instructions - only he then asked me this very unusual question.... I didn't send him a photo of mine .... However, I actually described the "shape". It’s an unsual question Indeed. I’m not in the Industry, but i could only imagine what kind of messages or questions you and the other girls receive. i actually have seen your add, it looks good and you’ve done a good job writing it, i wouldn’t be in doubt about anything if i want to visit you and have to book an appointment. And it’s good that he followed your instructions it’s only good that you didn’t send him any pictures, because the picture could’ve ended anywhere on the internet of you chose to give one. There’s many criminal organisations that make money of Selling intimate pictures of others both female and male Victims online, so it’s only a good thing that you didn’t send a picture. Oh okay Well, i Think you made your costumer happy by describing the shape, but Well i Can only agree it’s a unusual question and little weird maybe Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
underdog40 6866 Skrevet 24. Marts, 2022 I know exactly where the guy is coming from. All the men in here responding in laughter, are pathetic liars...they know it too. They just didnt have the courage to ask. And that includes myself, btw. Hypocrites. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17610 Skrevet 24. Marts, 2022 (edited) Tantra skrev, 1 time siden: I didn't know @Bananas that you are scientifically talented.... a Well @Tantra, I'm a well respected and experienced inspector of both labia minora and labia majora. Women from all over contact me when they need a sober and scientific evaluation of their delicate parts. And I'm not that expensive either, so feel free to contact me whenever you might find yourself in need of an unbiased assessment. Redigeret 24. Marts, 2022 af Bananas 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 24. Marts, 2022 Bananas skrev, for 1 time siden: Well @Tantra, I'm a well respected and experienced inspector of both labia minora and labia majora. Women from all over contact me when they need a sober and scientific evaluation of their delicate parts. And I'm not that expensive either, so feel free to contact me whenever you might find yourself in need of an unbiased assessment. This is very important information @Bananas. My "major labia" are beautiful as a butterfly, so I trust the minor... are even more beautiful... ...but I am sure @Bananas=Mr. Labia Inspector, that you are very competent at what you do. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest N10Ah Skrevet 24. Marts, 2022 (edited) Bananas skrev, for 2 timer siden: Well @Tantra, I'm a well respected and experienced inspector of both labia minora and labia majora. Women from all over contact me when they need a sober and scientific evaluation of their delicate parts. And I'm not that expensive either, so feel free to contact me whenever you might find yourself in need of an unbiased assessment. I know that i Said that i’m a interior decorator and that was my only Education , but actually that was a lie. i’m also a Young self certified gynecologist with a ph.d and my speciality is the female anatomy i simply know everything about the female body. I have inspected many vaginas. Women from all around the world and even famous women from various pornsites such as pornhub, onlyfans, xvideos and xhamster contact me and ask if they Can come to my clinic. Even the gp’s contact me on whatsapp and ask me if i Can come and inspect their private parts as Well. or it’s something that is happening in my dreams Redigeret 24. Marts, 2022 af N10Ah Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17610 Skrevet 24. Marts, 2022 N10Ah skrev, 1 time siden: i’m also a Young self certified gynecologist with a ph.d and my speciality is the female anatomy No worries @N10Ah, it's perfectly normal for a gynecologist to be a specialist in the female anatomy. 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Lauersen 9713 Skrevet 25. Marts, 2022 One of the things I enjoy about buying good times is that you get to experience different women with different ways of reacting to sex, and also differently shaped vaginas. I really love the surprise, and it would ruin it to know beforehand or demand that it is a certain way. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
VMN 3 Skrevet 25. Marts, 2022 Hm, I don’t think the statement of the preference as such is suspicious. To me as well, the shape and size of the labia are very important; to the degree where I sometimes weigh the beautiful pussy-bad sex-combo more than the non-memorable pussy-good sex-combo. I do, however, lack the courage - or perhaps lack the lack of common courtesy - to actually inquire about it. Maybe I should join the don’t care segment and just ask (until I get an answer from one and am blacklisted by 20) 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Catsuit Skrevet 25. Marts, 2022 Bananas skrev, for 22 timer siden: Well @Tantra, I'm a well respected and experienced inspector of both labia minora and labia majora. Women from all over contact me when they need a sober and scientific evaluation of their delicate parts. And I'm not that expensive either, so feel free to contact me whenever you might find yourself in need of an unbiased assessment. Do NOT trust this man my dear!!! He's a fraud and a liar that's fishing for free nudes. It's quite frankly disgusting and ridicilous that admins don't step in. To you and any other girls that might be naive enough to fall for his bananaramas: DO NOT DO IT. There is absolutely no such thing as "inspector of both labia minora and majora". Ugh. It's actually called Vaginomancy, and is a revolutionary, little understood but extremely insightful practice. Just like Chiromancy, we look at the shape, ripples and patterns of the vagina to determine the substance of the soul. It's funny how, when we greet somebody, we expose our naked palm in a friendly wave, indeed our entire character, how we give a firm handshake to someone that might alter our destiny forever and sign papers, write, create, weave, destroy, comfort. Anything of significance has always been done with the hands. Pushing a button, composing a masterpiece, pulling the trigger, signing a law, vibrating the strings... The evolutionary benefits of thumbs. But unlike Chiromancy, Vaginomancy is all about about the dark recess of the soul and the mystery of female natute. "What the fuck do women want?!?". The lips hold no secret to those with ears to hear There is a reason why prostitutes show everything but their vagina. It is too telling, too embarassing, nay, too raw of a truth to even glimpse intuitively. Nature has designed us to look at it with a lustfull frenzy, never with a cool, calculated objectivity. So the mysteries hide in plain sight I myself have studied for years under the illustrious Dr. Nick Hasseldorff, who unfortunately passed away last year during our camping trip, being chased down a mountain alley by a pack of angry geese. We in the inner circle believe it was his jealous brother, Robert "Bob" Hasseldorff, who enchanted the geese to kill him as revenge. You see, "Bob" was the founder of Asshology, and unlike his younger brother Nick who basked in the endless glory of female vaginas, Bob dugg in deep into assholes instead. Indeed, he was so dedicated that he eventually went so far as to become one himself. Whether old or young, male or female, crippled or vigorous, Bob had his eyes on the prize. But he was a laughingstock. An outsider thrown in the cold with a heart that hardened to a cruel world. But both of them were righ. I believe it is time for reconcilliation between the two camps. A time for peace. To end this madness. And I believe that you can help me @Tantra At your nearest convenience (but preferrably before the upcoming Solar eclipse), you must find a library bathroom with those flourescent lights that shows everything. You must take a picture that shows both your vagina and butthole and send it to me for analysis. I believe you are the chosen one. But beware of the geese. They are bloodthirsty and they WILL be looking for you. You must do it quick! With courage, wit and heart. Godspeed Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Dr. Duck 262 Skrevet 25. Marts, 2022 Vi har tilsyneladende vores andel af rablende fantaster her på stedet. Ganske betryggende, for så er vi gennemsnitlige for befolkningen. Jeg er selv glad for at den eneste professor, jeg har studeret, er dr. Reinhardt Feurich fra Leipzig, hvis teorier om nakkeballer og tværballer jeg har brugt flittigt i diverse potter..... 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 25. Marts, 2022 Catsuit skrev, for 34 minutter siden: And I believe that you can help me @Tantra At your nearest convenience (but preferrably before the upcoming Solar eclipse), you must find a library bathroom with those flourescent lights that shows everything. You must take a picture that shows both your vagina and butthole and send it to me for analysis. I believe you are the chosen one. But beware of the geese. They are bloodthirsty and they WILL be looking for you. You must do it quick! With courage, wit and heart. Godspeed Yes, this is a forum here and we talk about various topics. This thread is a bit unusual,- true, but just because I started this thread doesn't mean that you have the right to parade me like a circus animal for the amusement of others. If you want then find the bathroom or whatever and take a picture of your butt or recommend to your friends to do it. I'm not your girlfriend, I'm a serious girl, I don't know you and I didn't offend you, but you allow yourself to diss me publicly. I treat people with respect and I value it as an equal. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
nøddehaven 369 Skrevet 25. Marts, 2022 (edited) I guess it's a deal breaker for some men. I also have preferences, but in the end I care more about what the girl is like inside* than outside. *of the vagina. Redigeret 25. Marts, 2022 af nøddehaven 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Catsuit Skrevet 25. Marts, 2022 Tantra skrev, 1 time siden: Yes, this is a forum here and we talk about various topics. This thread is a bit unusual,- true, but just because I started this thread doesn't mean that you have the right to parade me like a circus animal for the amusement of others. If you want then find the bathroom or whatever and take a picture of your butt or recommend to your friends to do it. I'm not your girlfriend, I'm a serious girl, I don't know you and I didn't offend you, but you allow yourself to diss me publicly. I treat people with respect and I value it as an equal. I wrote an absurd story to let off some steam and creativity, with the intention to entertain, bewilder and delight on a drunken Friday afternoon. Your response is childish, entitled and insecure. No further engagement on my part Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17610 Skrevet 25. Marts, 2022 Catsuit skrev, for 2 timer siden: Do NOT trust this man my dear!!! He's a fraud and a liar that's fishing for free nudes. It's quite frankly disgusting and ridicilous that admins don't step in. To you and any other girls that might be naive enough to fall for his bananaramas: DO NOT DO IT. There is absolutely no such thing as "inspector of both labia minora and majora"..... Honey, they don't just trust me, they actually pay me. Re the rest of your essay: it's totally chapter and verse. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg