Tantra 1627 Skrevet 30. Marts, 2022 Every girl knows that rejected men sometimes get angry, verbally attack, vindictive, some even make "threats" about a review, some withdraw offended and wait for the opportunity to get revenge, some take it sporty and enjoy the day . I already indirectly reject very, very many men. It is essential for me that gentlemen visiting me read my ad and respect what he reads - which means that I actually only answer very specific appointment requests that include the day, time, duration and what is desired... but some only write Day and time, some write day and duration, but ask when you have time instead of making a suggestion for the desired meeting. - these messages will also be marked as junk and blocked by me. When I look at my "Junk" folder, sometimes messages come from the rejected man with "Fuck you", I don't want to visit, whore, I write a review that you suck, your service sucks and so on. It even happens that you get total insults from the same number one month and an alleged appointment request the next month - you can only shake your head. Then comes the next hurdle: my customers have to verify themselves. As a result, I know all my customers and know exactly who I have already met and who not. I always have 3 different suggestions for verification - everyone can choose which suggestion suits them - this gives me deadline security and protection against possible defamation. Appointment security is important to me because I receive little: 1 to a maximum of 3 customers on the days on which I am active. As you can imagine, with a junk appointment, if I only scheduled the one appointment that day and therefore turned down potential other appointments, that would be very costly - and no, I don't want to change anything about that and I don't want to receive multiple appointments . I work very exclusively - I take about 2 hours before each appointment to prepare everything: change the bed, choose the music, suitable candles, depending on the booking, including shower yourself, put on fresh make-up, choose a dress - for every date individually - I would like to signal to the gentleman that I am preparing myself especially for him, that he is welcome. I also calculate 2 hours for tidying up after the meeting: stripping the bed completely and waking up, disposing of burned-out candles, touching up work utensils (oil, feathers...), cleaning, taking a shower, mopping the floor. I also have to calculate 1 hour as a minimum for me to relax in between if I have 2 or 3 appointments a day. So if I add the booked time, the whole day is scheduled. I cannot afford fake bookings or cancellations. Some gentlemen shy away from verification and are frustrated when they can't "drop by" anonymously or simply make an "appointment" without verification. Some try to discuss it... some are offended and try to communicate at the earliest opportunity that they would rather not visit. Well, without verification there is no agreement with me - there is no way around it. I don't know if for a man in this situation "his ego" kicks in when he then communicates that he's not planning a visit or anything like that. Some malicious masters go further and tell untrue stories whether internally or externally, some fabricate lies, some just make nasty remarks and some even become personally insulting. In this industry, men like to be anonymous, and girls are pilloried. Being ( not) anonymous sometimes makes you uncomfortable, that's understandable, but when anonymity "helps" someone to be mean to others for base reasons - that's pretty unfair. Luckily not all men are like that It's all the nicer in when you can enjoy great moments with a great gentleman. 2 5 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
ThePleaser 82 Skrevet 30. Marts, 2022 Dear Tantra, From my point of view its up to you how you run your business, and only you. Sad to hear that some men gets back at you when not replying. I don’t know how many messages you get daily, but its probably a lot, and I can imagine its easy to get frustrated. I have written a PM to you here on EG, asking of you have plans visiting Aalborg again, a message you either have ignored, or forgotten to answer, but for me a “Thanks for your PM, but at the moment my tour in DK ends with my stay in CPH” or whatever, would have been nice information to get. I’m not easily to offend, and still have great wish to experience tantra with you, so hopefully you would consider visiting Aalborg again. Have a great day Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
padelguden 510 Skrevet 30. Marts, 2022 Hi, I am sorry to hear that you have to endure such behaviour... Unfortunately, I think the concentration of low-intelligence / low empathy individuals is (even) higher in the segment who visits pleasure girls than in the general society. On another note, I for one am also one of the people who have not followed your ad-instructions clearly and thus, I can now deduce, have been ignored on a couple of occasions. So first of all, I am happy to see the reason, whilst I am disappointed with myself in failing to read your ad thoroughly. So apologies to you, and good luck forwards. Best regards 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Hardrock_west Skrevet 30. Marts, 2022 Ohhhhh my god , we are so lucky to have such a goodess walking around us mere mortals. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
JenniferRomantica 18183 Skrevet 30. Marts, 2022 Just to point out.. It doesn't say anything in your ad about you wanting verification on the persons identity but it sounds like you want some sort of surety by prof in your post.. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
TheLion 724 Skrevet 30. Marts, 2022 (edited) Do you mean like real world or escort? By your headline one could get confused. But true, many crazy people in this world. Though isn’t it quite sane wishing to be anonymous in the escort world? Anyway, good luck with everything Redigeret 30. Marts, 2022 af TheLion Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 30. Marts, 2022 (edited) @ThePleaser I run a very well functioning "business" and allow myself to choose my customers. If a rejected person becomes malicious, it is certainly not up to me- I am under no obligation to respond or receive if I do not wish to Well, I only answer specific appointment requests, I communicate this clearly . If I want to put out a tour for gentlemen to see, then my ad says it's public. On top of that, I'm working under contract in Switzerland and have to stick to schedules, so I sometimes release my Denmark tour late. @padelguden, It is possible that your number is actually blocked - however, I am aware that some gentlemen sometimes simply think that asking: are you free today or something similar is just out of consideration. My way of working is different and I actually only answer very specific appointment requests. - but I check the spam folder every few days to see if someone has been blocked for improper consideration. It's best to state your Profil ( User) name here (but then via SMS and PM at the same time) - I looked at your profile and you would be someone, ....I would like to meet @JenniferRomantica Of course it's not in my profile, otherwise everyone would know how the verification works - I don't communicate that publicly. ... and no, it's not about contracts, data or anything like that that's close to ridiculous @TheLion Well, anyone is allowed to refuse verification - that's okay - if that's why a man GETs angry and behaves maliciously - that's not okay. @Hardrock_west replica actually needs no comment. In another thread I asked him to explain his "irony", he doesn't react because otherwise he would have to admit that he just wanted to insult people. This avatar is only here, in my observation, to stir up against women who are self-confident and not accessible to every man - especially if they are foreign girls. I read his hessian posts in the Jylland thread about a girl, he also tried to diss me on occasion. Redigeret 30. Marts, 2022 af Tantra 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Hardrock_west Skrevet 30. Marts, 2022 @tantra I am so greatful that you can tell us men the truth. Thanks god that I have never meet you. I am sorry to say that I know you type all to well. Agree with you and everything is fine. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Hardrock_west Skrevet 30. Marts, 2022 Tantra skrev, for 3 timer siden: This avatar is only here, in my observation, to stir up against women who are self-confident and not accessible to every man If you at some point figgers out why I writing like this to girls like you, let me know and we will have a real conversation . Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Eva Nadine 4842 Skrevet 2. April, 2022 (edited) @Tantra Jeg har det også svært med at afvise og øver mig til stadighed i at gøre det bedre. Jeg oplever nu ikke så voldsomme reaktioner som du. Vi markedsfører os jo på en måde så vi virker tilgængelige og imødekommende, og når det så viser sig ikke at være tilfældet for netop ham, så føler han måske at vi har lovet for meget, og tager det som et personangreb og et nederlag, uanset om det er sandt eller ej. Mon ikke det mest er fordi (de fleste) mænd er så vant til afvisninger på tilnærmelser, komplimenter og flirt ude i virkelighedens verden, at når de så vælger en lidt nemmere løsning for at opfylde ønsket om intimitet og samvær, så er det ekstra frustrerende når vi siger nej tak, og når nu dialogen foregår på skrift med en masse filtre og sikker afstand, så gør frustrationen over afvisning eller ignorering at de ikke får bremset sig selv. Egentlig er det jo bare et svar på det de får - også selvom (og måske især hvis) det blot er tavshed og ingen respons. Det bliver sådan lidt "hvem fanden tror du lige at du er kælling at du ikke engang gider at svare?". Sådan siger de trods alt ikke direkte til ens ansigt ude i virkeligheden. Jeg har oplevet det på datingsider hvis man enten er for længe om at svare, slet ikke svarer eller høfligt afviser. Så er man pludselig en klam kælling eller noget andet skørt som ligger meget langt fra det oprindelige udtryk for interesse fra ham. Han er blevet såret og forsøger at såre tilbage for at genvinde lidt af balancen. Det er vel bare fordi de bliver skuffede og sårede over at muligheden for succes bliver frataget dem uden at de forstår hvorfor. De tager det personligt, hvilket det jo også kan være. Jeg tror vi som kvinder sommetider glemmer lidt at mænd lever i en anden verden hvad bekræftelse angår. Vi får så meget af det - bare fordi vi er kvinder - at vi ikke rigtigt kender til at undvære det eller skulle opfordre til det. Måske nogle eller mange mænd besøger glædespiger netop fordi de trænger til en succesoplevelse og noget positiv opmærksomhed en gang imellem uden at skulle kaste snøren ud 20 gange før der sker bare en lille smule. Når vi afviser eller ignorerer, så tager vi håbet fra dem. Det gør sikkert lidt ondt på nogle af dem når ikke engang de kvinder der skulle være nemme er det. Måske er det langt fra første gang det sker og vi betaler renter for andre kvinders afvisninger og tavshed. Sådan er det jo ofte med ting der virker sårende. Som tantriker kan disse tanker vel ikke være helt fremmede for dig, forestiller jeg mig? De maskuline og feminine energier kan føre til meget eksplosive reaktioner som kan være forløsende. Det flow vi sætter igang med den feminine energi - også selvom det kun er i en annonce - sætter gang i noget. Uden forløsning bliver det til implosion, og for at undgå implosion kanaliserer han det udad til en eksplosion. Det kan han så ikke komme videre med, og det skal have et afløb for ikke at komme til udtryk på et uheldigt tidspunkt på anden vis. Han ser det som om vi inviterer personligt op til den skønneste dans, og så svanser vi bare skødesløst forbi uden at ænse ham for at danse med en anden. Sådan billedeligt talt. Så han kan enten gå lidt i stykker eller gå lidt amok. Dem der ikke reagerer sådan er enten mindre investerede eller langt bedre til at tackle afvisningen. Måske fordi de i det hele taget er i bedre balance. Jeg vil som tantriker mene at det er dem der har allermest brug for dansen der reagerer negativt. Sådan er det i hvert fald ofte for mig. Rent praktisk kunne man måske lave en simpel kontakt formular hvor alle eller de vigtigste felter skal være udfyldt for at man kan sende. Altså i stedet for at de selv skal huske det hele og nærlæse alt flere gange for ikke at komme til at fejle. Præsentere dem for en nemmere løsning og bedre chance for succes for begge parter. På den måde "tvinger" du dem til at skrive om alle de ting der er vigtige for dig at vide noget om for at du har lys til at svare. Brugervenlighed kommer man langt med, synes jeg. En høfligt afvisning vil altid være bedre end kold tavshed, vil jeg mene. Kærligst, Eva Redigeret 2. April, 2022 af Eva Nadine 4 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 2. April, 2022 @Eva Nadine , The flow of energy requires balance. Respect goes in both directions. It costs nothing to read the ad and respect what "you" read. If you don't, you're not showing respect, you're showing the opposite - in this case you're hurting the person with your disrespectful message, but offending yourself for not "rewarding" your respect... . Those who respect what they have read will get a very warm message back. If a man doesn't want to respect us women, especially in this industry, but demands that "HIS" be respected because we signal him "what"(?) - well, every human being deserves respect and a man is certainly not worth more than a woman in this Job. I do no harm to anyone - I only allow myself to choose those clients who respect me. That should be allowed... If a man is rejected because of his disrespect, he does not have the right to offend other people, to differentiate, to offend them. I like to meet a gentleman at eye level and with mutual respect. You mention a form - nice idea - I already had that and discarded it. It doesn't fit my concept. I need communication via SMS and PM for verification. Otherwise I would have to spend three times as much time making individual appointments and for gentlemen it would be an even more complicated 4-step process.....so - no form... 1 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Eva Nadine 4842 Skrevet 2. April, 2022 (edited) @Tantra men de afviste mænd der reagerer anderledes end jeg formoder at du ønsker siden du opretter indlægget, synes jo tydeligvis at det er dig der lægger ud med mangel på respekt. Det er vel det der er sagens kerne, tænker jeg? De har jo ret til at have deres definition af hvad der er respektfuldt og hvad der ikke er, nøjagtigt ligesom du har det. Ja og alle andre naturligvis. Hvis du synes du afviser eller ignorerer en mand pga. manglende respekt for dig, og han synes det er manglende respekt at du ikke svarer medmindre han har lystret dig i alt både på og mellem linierne, så bliver det sådan lidt som med hønen og ægget synes jeg. Formen kan jo sagtens være første trin førend det bliver PM og SMS for verifikation. Jeg er selv besværlig i min screenings proces og synes bestemt vi har ret til at køre vores forretning som vi vil. Jeg er stor tilhænger af at vi skaber rammer og former et koncept der giver os arbejdsglæde. Men på mig virker det lidt som om du totalt fraskriver dig ansvar for at være med til at skabe konflikten og bare synes de andre gør det helt forkert og at du gør det helt rigtige. Det kan naturligvis bare være mig der misforstår. Det er så nemt på skrift. Når du opretter et debat indlæg, tænker jeg at det er fordi du vil mere end bare have ret i at det er de andre der er forkerte og du er rigtig? Hvis det bare var for at komme af med overtrykket, så er det jo noget andet. Det skal der jo også være plads til. Især her af alle steder Vi ser meget forskelligt på det, formentlig fordi vi ER forskellige. Og heldigvis for det! Altså at vi kan være forskellige og uenige og alligevel have respekt Du er en af 3-4 kvinder jeg henviser til når jeg har mænd på briksen til Lingam massage som ønsker at gå et eller flere skridt videre. Jeg tilbyder nemlig ikke "full blown" tantriske seancer, og det gør du jo. Jeg vil huske fremover at forberede dem på hvor grundige de skal være når de henvender sig til dig, fordi du har sat barren højt for hvad du synes er respekt og at fejltrin uanset hvor utilsigtede de er, vil resultere i blacklisting uden forklaring. Derfor er jeg glad for at have læst og deltaget i din tråd. Jeg har ikke før nu indset hvad det handlede om når nogle af dem jeg har sendt i din retning er kommet igen fordi du ikke har svaret dem. Før i tiden sagde jeg "Prøv igen. Det kan være hun har haft travlt eller tekniske vanskeligheder". Lad det være helt tydeligt og klart at jeg synes du er i din fulde ret til at føle og tænke hvad du vil. Det er jo dig der har ret fordi det er dig det handler om, uanset hvad jeg eller nogen som helst andre synes. Men den del lader du til at have godt styr på, heldigvis Kærligst, Eva Redigeret 2. April, 2022 af Eva Nadine 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 2. April, 2022 @Eva Nadine, Respecting someone the way you would like to be respected is so easy if you actually want it. It's not about being right. Yes, without exception, everyone who writes something other than an explicitly specific appointment request ends up on the "black list". As a rule, about 20% of them read my ad repeatedly and then respect what they read there.... but these 20% are not the issue here, because they are people who simply wrote out of consideration:" Do you have time today or Do you still have time this weekend" - instead of suggesting a specific day, time, duration, etc. It's all about men who react really viciously, it's about men who think that every woman in the trade is for everyone - and when it's not,... then they lie and spread it to tarnish your reputation, it is about men who think that in this trade they are the ones who make the rules.... So I only allow myself to choose those who actually respect me. Every human being has the right to choose. In this business, as in real life. If a shop assistant refuses a man, it would be okay if the man tried to harm her(?). I don't think so. So, I think in this business I can design also my concept the way it is okay for me and select the gentlemen I want. ...If someone feels offended by this and maliciously seeks revenge, it is because of that person's behavior. Unfortunately, some men have this thinking that every woman in this industry is "accessible" to every man and cannot and will not understand that at least some of us... allow ourselves to choose what is good for us and what is not. 2 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Hardrock_west Skrevet 2. April, 2022 Eva Nadine skrev, for 1 time siden: men de afviste mænd der reagerer anderledes end jeg formoder at du ønsker siden du opretter indlægget, synes jo tydeligvis at det er dig der lægger ud med mangel på respekt. Hold nu op hvor er det godt skrevet. 100 % enig Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Eva Nadine 4842 Skrevet 2. April, 2022 (edited) @Tantra That clarifies a few things for me I'm sincere and not ironic or mean any harm. In writing people will sometimes misinterpret this because I can be quite candid. Just to clarify that I'm not battling but debating I still believe that it is in your power to change the outcome. You seem like a powerful person to me. I would imagine that it's very uncomfortable for you when it happens, so it would be in everyones interest to change it if possible. At least that's how I would feel if it happened to me. It's very rare that it happens to me, but it has happened in the past. But not anywhere near often enough that I would ever think to make a new post about it. So how often does this happen to you? And what do you do about it other than venting about it here? There might be other girls out there who have the same issue. I'm not sure. Nobody said so in this thread yet. But there could be many reasons for that. I mean... why would you have this happen to you more than other girls in this business? You are very beautiful and supposedly a very pleasing lover, as far as I have heard from people who met you. Are you simply so perfect and gorgeous that you drive men crazier than other women in this business do? Could that be it? The others are simply not fabulous enough to drive men that insane when rejected? I doubt that's the only reason even if it could be a factor too. A part of the puzzle is missing for me at least Tantra skrev, for 51 minutter siden: So I only allow myself to choose those who actually respect me. That is still your definition of respect and not theirs. I'm not sure if english or danish is better? English for you personally but danish for the good of most people, maybe? Blah... I'm over thinking it Eva Redigeret 2. April, 2022 af Eva Nadine 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 2. April, 2022 (edited) @Eva Nadine , Danish is ok and I know you don't fight/ argue. Well, I even know that it happens more often than you think, just not every girl has the courage to say it publicly. It's actually not about these men who end up on the black list, then repeatedly read my ad and then formulate the request differently.... it's actually about men who have this opinion that every girl in this trade is for everyone "accessible" - some of them are still "harmless" and "only" write bad messages - I could just click further here. However, some of them are malicious - some "throw" false reviews, some actually do it, some of them try to slander you, smear your reputation - I'm not just referring specifically to me here. Whether these men then feel "right" - nobody can change that. If I don't want to have sex with a man, he can't force me to - that would be rape and if he feels rejected and "wants to take revenge, then he does it - nobody will change that and if he is "right" feels it doesn't mean THAT is okay what his do... it's actually about men who don't want to change and won't change....and it doesn't matter if it's me or another girl - as soon as the girl is confident enough to choose who she wants to receive and if not, "these" men will crawl out of every hole and try to belittle the girl, to insult and the most malicious ones even to essentially harm "her".... Redigeret 2. April, 2022 af Tantra 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Eva Nadine 4842 Skrevet 2. April, 2022 @Tantra Well people are just different and sometimes we clash. Usually it's someones bottled up frustrations that has spiralled out of control and it just finds an outlet. Female sexworkers are in some mens eyes the easiest targets they come across and a sort of "perfect storm" forms. That is not likely to change anytime soon, I would think. I once acted very uncool (but in my opinion fair) to a man who was yanking his dog until it choked and only had one foot on the ground, while they were crossing the street. Lights were red for me as a car in first position, and green for him as a pedestrian. I jumped out of the drivers seat in my car and took the dogs leash out of his hands with violence as I screamed at him loudly. It quickly became somewhat of a situation because I blocked the traffic for all the cars behind me. Some were angry with me, most were angry with the dog owner. The situation levelled out without any interference from the police, and I was shaking. Someone in the crowd wrestled the leash (and dog) away from me and gave it back to the owner who was very scared of me as well of the mob at that point. For me it was the straw that broke the camel's back when I saw what he did. A lot of terrible inhumane sh*t happened around me that week. I followed the man in my car for a little while because I wanted to hurt him. Luckily I stopped myself before I took it any further. Even though I am definitely not prone to violence, and am calm and fairly balanced in general, I believe I would have hurt him if I had not been able to talk myself down. And that would have been out of proportions. I'm not proud of this. What I'm trying to say is that we sometimes react violently and malicious intent overtakes us without it being personal. And that females - even the gentle and nice ones - sometimes loose their cool. I'm not even especially fond of dogs. I was just pushed one inch too close to the edge. Where else do men go if they're fed up to the point of insanity about women having all the power as they see it? We as female sexworkers are obvious targets. They get to give back and win a little so they don't do any actual harm. Some might end up actually hurting someone. Most will most likely not need to if they can vent to someone online. It releases the pressure. I do still lean towards the possibility that they interpret your silence and/or rejections as at least passive aggressive and this is what sets them off. That is NOT the same as saying "it's your own fault" - just to be VERY clear! Nobody deserves this. There is no excuse for that kind of behaviour. I'm just thinking if there's an explanation we can learn from? I'm still curious as for how many men have done this to you? It seems so random that it would be this bad. It sounds a bit like stalking behaviour. Like a f*cked up hobby or something. Why do they target you and not me, for example? It's odd. And why are we the only ones talking in details? Have any of the guys in here experienced anything like this? Ladies can be quite vicious, too. /Eva 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Hardrock_west Skrevet 2. April, 2022 (edited) @Eva NadineJeg tror ikke du får meget ud at blive ved med at skrive til Tantra. Tantra har en meget høj mening om sig selv og hvordan mænd skal opføre sig omkring hende. Jeg har flere gange været på kant med hende. Når hun skriver indlæg her, vil hun med gerne fortælle hvor dygtig hun er, hvor meget bedre end andre hun er. Hun skal hver gang nedgøre de mænd der ikke følger hendes regler og gøre nar af dem. Redigeret 2. April, 2022 af Hardrock_west Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Eva Nadine 4842 Skrevet 2. April, 2022 @Hardrock_west Ahva'? Det er da mig der er bedst! 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 2. April, 2022 @Eva Nadine, I contradict you because of my silence- - I think you can expect a gentleman to respect what he reads in a girl's ad - I make it clear that I only answer very specific appointment requests. - it doesn't cost money to respect that. Certainly one can philosophize about "his" interpretations of my silence.... it is much wiser to read the advertisement again and to respect what one reads. Interpreting and philosophizing... that's not what it's about. If you want to make an appointment with a doctor, therapist, beautician and it says in the ad: please send me an appointment request with the day, time, duration and what you want - then most people do it. Why doesn't it work in this industry(?) Aren't we human enough(?) I think we are equal and can expect that we and our desires will be respected. There are actually people who try to harm doctors, beauticians, restaurants, etc. out of revenge and write fake reviews, spread lies, etc. - this is also the case in this industry. Unfortunately, the doctor, the therapist, the beautician or a sex worker, no one will be able to influence this vengeful process - because some people are vengeful the way they are - for base reasons. In this sex industry mostly a single man starts..., who holds the opinion that women in this trade are accessible to everyone absolutely without the right of self-determination... then other exhibits crawl out of the "contemplation to take revenge" because they possibly from the same Girls were turned down.Very important and grotesque seems to be saying that you "do not want visitors" - even though the man has already been turned down as a customer. As in normal life, there are people who (as an example) want to drive a Bentley, but cannot afford it - then people try to badmouth the car online and anonymously - for base reasons, because they actually want it, - but can't afford it. Usually the car is downgraded (also other things, here only as an example), "prices are suggested" what the car should cost now.... - there are these people in this industry too - Personally, I've experienced it 2 times, which is still a harmless cut in comparison - although I express my opinion freely, I don't let men of lower levels who hold the opinion that women in this industry are fair game "educate" me. , my prices are not accessible to everyone and I allow myself to choose my customers. In principle, I feel all the criteria to make such men "rage" just with my existence in this industry. The fact that I'm active here in the forum...... well initially I think they hoped for an easier "access". No one knew that I was supposed to be "tested" in the forums and not afraid of a discussion.... Meanwhile I think that my activity here is "a thorn in the side" of such men. ....threads like this might not change anything, but if maybe one of those guys reads it....and maybe start seeing us as full human beings who also have feelings that we also have the right to to choose, to decide, to say that we are allowed to be respected.... so it was worth writing this. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Eva Nadine 4842 Skrevet 2. April, 2022 Jeg er ved at være træt - og søvnig - så jeg vil skrive ganske kort hvad jeg lige nu tænker: Gråspurve og kanoner hvis der er to specifikke mennesker du håber læser dette. Jeg bliver mere og mere forvirret over hvad emnet er jo mere vi skriver sammen om det Godnat og god arbejdslyst Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Lauersen 9713 Skrevet 2. April, 2022 Hardrock_west skrev, for 2 timer siden: @Eva NadineJeg tror ikke du får meget ud at blive ved med at skrive til Tantra. Tantra har en meget høj mening om sig selv og hvordan mænd skal opføre sig omkring hende. Jeg har flere gange været på kant med hende. Når hun skriver indlæg her, vil hun med gerne fortælle hvor dygtig hun er, hvor meget bedre end andre hun er. Hun skal hver gang nedgøre de mænd der ikke følger hendes regler og gøre nar af dem. Har du været sammen med hende? Hun kan (ligesom @Eva Nadine og et par andre piger jeg har besøgt) virkelig nogle ting på det menneskelige plan der går langt udover de gymnastiske øvelser. Jeg gik derfra med en vidunderlig lykkefølelse i hele kroppen, og må bestemt sige at hun har noget at have det i. Prøv at sætte dig lidt i hendes sted. Hun bliver dagligt kontaktet af en masse der er useriøse som koster tid og kræfter. Hvis hun kan sortere flertallet af dem fra med et regelsæt for hvilke henvendelser hun gider at svare på synes jeg da det er hende vel undt. 3 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
TysTys 50 Skrevet 3. April, 2022 (edited) "Queen" Tantra - dine mange egocentrerede indlæg, er godt nok trættende læsning. Mængden af indlæg, er ikke nødvendigvis = succes. Tror heller ikke de ligefrem gavner din business - tværtimod. Redigeret 3. April, 2022 af TysTys 2 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 3. April, 2022 (edited) TysTys skrev, 1 time siden: Queen" Tantra - dine mange egocentrerede indlæg, er godt nok trættende læsning. Your condescending post, as well as the condescending and insulting posts in this thread that have emerged from another user who is only out to mock confident women in this forum and even indirectly admits it, are prime examples of the men we are talking about here. Redigeret 3. April, 2022 af Tantra 1 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Hardrock_west Skrevet 3. April, 2022 Tantra skrev, for 52 minutter siden: Your condescending post, as well as the condescending and insulting posts in this thread that have emerged from another user who is only out to mock confident women in this forum and even indirectly admits it, are prime examples of the men we are talking about here Moral er godt, dobbeltmoral er mere end dobbelt så godt. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg