AB455 3113 Skrevet 3. April, 2022 Tantra skrev, 1 time siden: Your condescending post, as well as the condescending and insulting posts in this thread that have emerged from another user who is only out to mock confident women in this forum and even indirectly admits it, are prime examples of the men we are talking about here. Spot on @Tantra. I just love independent woman with integrity and power 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Keaper 510 Skrevet 3. April, 2022 Hmm It's difficult to ad to what @Lauersen wrote. He very well sum's up what I would say. I visit a rather specific type of girl. Girls that do ask you to contact them in specific manners. Thus the number of girls I have visit is limited, as is the once I am interested in meeting. @Tantra is one of them. You can have a proper conversation with her and she leaves you feeling like you made a proper connection with a person. This is a very high bar, that few girls will pass. In order to do this. Of course a lady has the right, and should be selective. Will this mean that some gets rejected ? Sure. Being rejected is part of this game. I have been by one girl as well. While I don't quite understand or agree with it, I respect her decision. And I will not demean her, or even mention her name, I simply look elsewhere. Why ? Well, it should not need to be said, but, I am a grown up man, I will treat a lady with respect, and I have received the same back in return. Or, as Tantra say's in her last sentence: "It's all the nicer in when you can enjoy great moments with a great gentleman." I find it nicer to meet a Lady. 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Hardrock_west Skrevet 3. April, 2022 AB455 skrev, for 58 minutter siden: Spot on @Tantra. I just love independent woman with integrity and power Du kan åbenbart ikke gennemskue, at tantrra anklager en mand for for at være nedladende, samtidig med at hun er nedladende overfor denne selvsamme mand Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Catsuit Skrevet 3. April, 2022 Tantra skrev, for 3 timer siden: Your condescending post, as well as the condescending and insulting posts in this thread that have emerged from another user who is only out to mock confident women in this forum and even indirectly admits it, are prime examples of the men we are talking about here. As I've said in another thread, you seem to suffer from "mob boss syndrome" – you're so used to people kissing your ass, that a normal, human treatment seems insulting With that said, I also think it might stem from bad spiritual practice. Personally, this whole "everybody is out to get me"... I see this all the time with newage "yogis" and "yoginis". They seem fairly unstable. As a Tantra practicioner, I recommend some scholary reading from an initiate of the tradition: https://hareesh.org/blog/2016/2/5/the-real-story-on-the-chakras In particular this point seems to apply; In fact, in different Tantrik lineages, we find the Elements installed in very different places. For example, the Saiddhāntika lineage installed Earth in the heart chakra. What do you think might be the effect on your relationships of always installing the Wind element in the heart center? (Remember, YAM is the mantra of Air/Wind, not of the anāhata chakra, whose intrinsic mantra is actually OM.) D’you ever notice that modern American yogis have really unstable relationships? Could that possibly be connected to repeatedly invoking Wind on the level of the heart? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 3. April, 2022 Catsuit skrev, for 39 minutter siden: As I've said in another thread, you seem to suffer from "mob boss syndrome" – I won't respond to your nonsensical post. I have criticized your behavior in a thread and I know that you are quick-tempered and incapable of criticism and like to have the last word. I'm not surprised that you found a place in this thread. I won't say more about that. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
AB455 3113 Skrevet 3. April, 2022 Hardrock_west skrev, for 1 time siden: Du kan åbenbart ikke gennemskue, at tantrra anklager en mand for for at være nedladende, samtidig med at hun er nedladende overfor denne selvsamme mand Jeg tror på at man læser indlæg fra sit eget perspektiv og verdenssyn. Derfor vil nogle føle sig ramt og andre bekræftet. Det skrevne ord er så fattigt i forhold til et fysisk møde, så der er altid en masse gætterier om hvad der egentlig bliver ment for at fylde det ud der ikke kommer med i en tekst. Eller som @Keeper skriver... Keaper skrev, for 2 timer siden: Being rejected is part of this game. I have been by one girl as well. While I don't quite understand or agree with it, I respect her decision. Nogen gange skal man bare trykke på på "pyt"-knappen. 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 3. April, 2022 Hardrock_west skrev, for 1 time siden: at tantrra anklager en mand for for at være nedladende, samtidig med at hun er nedladende overfor denne selvsamme mand I didn't respond to your baseless and condescending insults, but you can't stop. I don't want to talk to you - not now and not later. Your fixation on me is sick and scary. Stop stalking my posts through all the threads and twisting everything. Stay away from me. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Catsuit Skrevet 3. April, 2022 Tantra skrev, for 2 minutter siden: I won't respond to your nonsensical post. I have criticized your behavior in a thread and I know that you are quick-tempered and incapable of criticism and like to have the last word. I'm not surprised that you found a place in this thread. I won't say more about that. The bitter truth is that you can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselfes. Or who believe they don't have a problem and everybody else is wrong. "Nonsensical". Okay Mrs. Hardhead Good luck and all the best Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Keaper 510 Skrevet 3. April, 2022 Operative Word: Respect Or lack there of. @AB455 I actually meet her, and was rejected during the meeting. It certainly hurt. But it is as I said, part of the deal. We Have to operate on the girl's conditions, otherwise, it becomes, well... something very different. And again. Those of us that has meet with @Tantra clearly knows that none of the childish insults hold any ground. We know just how much she invests in the individual she meets. So much here actually affirm what she originally wrote. Responses that reek of spurned rejection. I don't quite understand why it i so hard to take ? Simply move on, especially if you do not meet a standard. Again I will come back to. Respect Be a Gentleman Yes, this requires something from you as a visitor and as a potential visitor. But for me, this has much greater rewards. As the girl will raise to the occasion. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 3. April, 2022 Catsuit skrev, 1 time siden: The bitter truth is that you can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselfes. Or who believe they don't have a problem and everybody else is wrong. "Nonsensical". Okay Mrs. Hardhead As a rule, one tries to "offer" help to others only because one really needs help oneself. I've already seen how opinionated you can be and how much you like to have the last word, so I'm sure there will be more scathing insults to come. Oh, and Mrs. Hardhead... keep to yourself. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
AB455 3113 Skrevet 3. April, 2022 Keaper skrev, 1 time siden: Operative Word: Respect Or lack there of. @AB455 I actually meet her, and was rejected during the meeting. It certainly hurt. Av, jeg det gør ondt at blive afvist på stedet. Har heldigvis tilgode at opleve det hos en GP, men det er naturligvis sket i løbet af livet andre steder. Men som du skriver, så handler det altid om at respektere andre. Så ja, nøgleordet er Respekt. Du behøver ikke engang være en gentleman, som der debatteres i anden tråd herinde, så må man også gerne være en drengerøv når bare man er respektfuld. Keaper skrev, 1 time siden: Those of us that has meet with @Tantra clearly knows that none of the childish insults hold any ground. We know just how much she invests in the individual she meets. Jeg har ikke mødt @Tantra, men både hendes egne indlæg, hendes annonce og indlæg som dine og @Lauersen gør mig bestemt nysgerrig. Jeg må forsøge at kontakte hende en dag, det kan jo trods alt kun i værste fald blive til et nej tak 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 3. April, 2022 AB455 skrev, for 14 minutter siden: Av, jeg det gør ondt at blive afvist på stedet. Har heldigvis tilgode at opleve det hos en GP, men det er naturligvis sket i løbet af livet andre steder. Men som du skriver, så handler det altid om at respektere andre. Så ja, nøgleordet er Respekt. Du behøver ikke engang være en gentleman, som der debatteres i anden tråd herinde, så må man også gerne være en drengerøv når bare man er respektfuld. Jeg har ikke mødt @Tantra, men både hendes egne indlæg, hendes annonce og indlæg som dine og @Lauersen gør mig bestemt nysgerrig. Jeg må forsøge at kontakte hende en dag, det kan jo trods alt kun i værste fald blive til et nej tak Well, I checked out your profile - you'd like to be welcome 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
AB455 3113 Skrevet 3. April, 2022 (edited) Tantra skrev, for 12 minutter siden: Well, I checked out your profile - you'd like to be welcome I'm sure I would like to Perhaps when you return later this year I'll try to contact you. Added: And thank you for checking me out, that doesn't happen often enough Redigeret 3. April, 2022 af AB455 Added 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Keaper 510 Skrevet 3. April, 2022 AB455 skrev, for 21 minutter siden: Jeg har ikke mødt @Tantra, men både hendes egne indlæg, hendes annonce og indlæg som dine og @Lauersen gør mig bestemt nysgerrig. Jeg må forsøge at kontakte hende en dag, det kan jo trods alt kun i værste fald blive til et nej tak If you look at @Tantras profile. One of her posted reviews is our rendezvous. Summer Dream. Is our meeting . I promise you . Take your time, read her profile. Write a proper contact message, and I mean, proper ! The experience of meeting her will leave lasting memories. 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
AB455 3113 Skrevet 3. April, 2022 (edited) Keaper skrev, for 18 minutter siden: If you look at @Tantras profile. One of her posted reviews is our rendezvous. Summer Dream. Is our meeting . I promise you . Take your time, read her profile. Write a proper contact message, and I mean, proper ! The experience of meeting her will leave lasting memories. Sandelig en smuk og inspirerende beretning. Den fortjener endnu et link Jeg må nok hellere være en sød dreng og starte opsparingen (læs: færre eksperimentbesøg, til gengæld for udvalgte og særlige oplevelser). Tak for at dele din oplevelse. Redigeret 3. April, 2022 af AB455 Auto-sindssygt irriterende automat stavekontrol rettelse ;) 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
cassanova 575 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 For nogle måneder siden oploadede jeg en grinende smiley ved et af hendes indlæg her på sitet. En time senere modtog jeg en personlig mail hvori hun forsøgte at true mig til at fjerne smileyen, hun ville kontakte tovholderen af sitet og bede ham om at slette mig som medlem hvis jeg ikke omgående slettede smileyen. Herudover påstod hun at jeg var bitter over at hun havde afvist mig som kunde, hvilket er løgn, jeg har aldrig på nogen måde opsøgt hende via SMS eller mail. En total usympatisk og selvforherligende opførsel. Kunne aldrig drømme at besøge hende. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 (edited) cassanova skrev, for 58 minutter siden: For nogle måneder siden oploadede jeg en grinende smiley ved et af hendes indlæg her på sitet. En time senere modtog jeg en personlig mail hvori hun forsøgte at true mig til at fjerne smileyen, hun ville kontakte tovholderen af sitet og bede ham om at slette mig som medlem hvis jeg ikke omgående slettede smileyen. Herudover påstod hun at jeg var bitter over at hun havde afvist mig som kunde, hvilket er løgn, jeg har aldrig på nogen måde opsøgt hende via SMS eller mail. En total usympatisk og selvforherligende opførsel. Kunne aldrig drømme at besøge hende. Well, stick to the facts and look at your own posts. Every time my name is mentioned you try to say something. A few months ago I had two operations and I wasn't even here for half a year You like to distribute smiling smileys for users who comment positively on me or distribute such smileys to my factual contributions. Look at your own story, which you've already commented on when it comes to me. And yes, I pointed out your childish behavior regarding the distribution of smiling smileys on my posts and that of the users who write positively about me via PM, of course I did that, That must have been about a year ago.... and you still "follow" everything related to me - I have your last such post as a screenshot here, it might refresh your memories.... and if not , here are a few more.: https://www.eroguide.dk/forum/topic/128982-magnollie-min-ægthed/ Redigeret 4. April, 2022 af Tantra 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Mr. Sensual Skrevet 4. April, 2022 Eva Nadine skrev, den 2.4.2022 at 21:37: @Tantra Well people are just different and sometimes we clash. Usually it's someones bottled up frustrations that has spiralled out of control and it just finds an outlet. Female sexworkers are in some mens eyes the easiest targets they come across and a sort of "perfect storm" forms. That is not likely to change anytime soon, I would think. I once acted very uncool (but in my opinion fair) to a man who was yanking his dog until it choked and only had one foot on the ground, while they were crossing the street. Lights were red for me as a car in first position, and green for him as a pedestrian. I jumped out of the drivers seat in my car and took the dogs leash out of his hands with violence as I screamed at him loudly. It quickly became somewhat of a situation because I blocked the traffic for all the cars behind me. Some were angry with me, most were angry with the dog owner. The situation levelled out without any interference from the police, and I was shaking. Someone in the crowd wrestled the leash (and dog) away from me and gave it back to the owner who was very scared of me as well of the mob at that point. For me it was the straw that broke the camel's back when I saw what he did. A lot of terrible inhumane sh*t happened around me that week. I followed the man in my car for a little while because I wanted to hurt him. Luckily I stopped myself before I took it any further. Even though I am definitely not prone to violence, and am calm and fairly balanced in general, I believe I would have hurt him if I had not been able to talk myself down. And that would have been out of proportions. I'm not proud of this. What I'm trying to say is that we sometimes react violently and malicious intent overtakes us without it being personal. And that females - even the gentle and nice ones - sometimes loose their cool. I'm not even especially fond of dogs. I was just pushed one inch too close to the edge. Where else do men go if they're fed up to the point of insanity about women having all the power as they see it? We as female sexworkers are obvious targets. They get to give back and win a little so they don't do any actual harm. Some might end up actually hurting someone. Most will most likely not need to if they can vent to someone online. It releases the pressure. I do still lean towards the possibility that they interpret your silence and/or rejections as at least passive aggressive and this is what sets them off. That is NOT the same as saying "it's your own fault" - just to be VERY clear! Nobody deserves this. There is no excuse for that kind of behaviour. I'm just thinking if there's an explanation we can learn from? I'm still curious as for how many men have done this to you? It seems so random that it would be this bad. It sounds a bit like stalking behaviour. Like a f*cked up hobby or something. Why do they target you and not me, for example? It's odd. And why are we the only ones talking in details? Have any of the guys in here experienced anything like this? Ladies can be quite vicious, too. /Eva A man treating his dog like that? I had reacted exactly the same way as you - and have done so several times. Thanks for protecting a friend. All the best from Mr. Sensual Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg