Tantra 1627 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 A year ago I would have said that escortguide is the leading site and if you work in Copenhagen and don't have any active ads on escortguide, you won't get enough clients. However, I believe that a lot has changed - escortguide has new owners who check our pictures with eagle eyes. I had to re-verify my images and each new image is re-verified every time. In this respect, I think this site is a pioneer. However, I see that more and more girls are switching to nympho and no longer advertise on escortguide, or nympho + eroguide, or nympho + anoncelight. Possibly fewer men are looking at escortguide now? I myself have (still) an active advertisement on escortguide, but it will end tomorrow. Now I have a dilemma: I will probably be able to extend my current tour to 3-4 days, so I would have 5-6 days without advertising on escortguide and I'm not sure if it's worth "switching" to escortguide - I have nympho+ eroguide ... - Possibly anoncelight is currently an alternative, because I could switch there for 7 days - in escortguide the minimum duration is 14 days(?)..... I hope the other girls can give me some tips. And at this point I would like to know about the gentlemen - is escortguide still interesting or have many already switched to other sites if they want to go "hunting"(?) 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Keaper 520 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 Hmm Of the sites you mention: Nympho: I would say this is the main site I go look on. Easy to search, easy to see if a specific girl you are looking for is active, and it's a very well made site overall. Anoncelight: I don't use that at all. I think it's clumsy and hard to navigate. Escortguide: I do look there, but it's not my first choice. I mostly look there for girls that don't use Nympho, so not much. Eroguide: I only use this site for the forum. I don't look for girls at all here. If I was to only use 1 site, it definitely would be Nympho. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Lauersen 9712 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 My main page is actually eroguide. I use the "follow" function for the ads of the girls I am interested in meeting, so I know when they have possible dates. I have used annoncelight a number of times, and searching has been unproblematic for me. I am though unsatisfied with all the annoying ads and all the fake/scam that is being allowed to go on. I can see why nympho is considered good, but I have never gotten around to use it. Escortguide is probably useful, but I am mostly not attracted to those with ads there. The newer page danskemassagepiger.dk is interesting with a new focus. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Eva Nadine 4842 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 @Keaper på Nympho.dk er der ikke knapper til Kvinder over 30 af en eller anden årsag 2 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Keaper 520 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 Eva Nadine skrev, for 1 minut siden: @Keaper på Nympho.dk er der ikke knapper til Kvinder over 30 af en eller anden årsag It's still a fairly small site it feels like. But there are at least 19 that are officially 30+ . Quite sure there are more, but they are still 20+. And since two of the women I am the most interested in are among those 19... 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Eva Nadine 4842 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 (edited) @Keaper Ja, men jeg tænker nu alligevel at mange kvinder over 30 ikke vil synes det er attraktivt at annoncere et sted der så tydeligt signalerer at kvinder over 30 er så meget mindre attraktive at de er henvist til "det skjulte baglokale". Jeg finder det diskriminerende og en smule respektløst i hvert fald, og synes klart det signalerer at man ikke er i målgruppen og ikke så velkommen. Det er ikke mit indtryk at jeg er særligt sart hvad disse ting angår, men det støder mig alligevel så meget at jeg ikke ville markedsføre mig dér. Sandsynligheden for at ens profil overhovedet bliver fundet vil naturligvis også være meget lavere når nu der ikke er en knap til dem over 30. Og prisen er jo den samme, selvom der vil være langt færre klik, går jeg ud fra. Jeg kan heller ikke finde ud af hvad det koster uden at jeg skal oprette mig som annoncør først. Ikke så brugervenligt set herfra. Det kan også være en af årsagerne til at stedet er "fairly small". Men det er jo gætværk. Det giver alt i alt ingen mening for mig at kaste sine penge i netop dén lomme hvis man er over 30. Altså hvis det nu ikke kun lige er DIG man gerne vil fange ind Redigeret 4. April, 2022 af Eva Nadine 4 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den_glade_amatør 4649 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 Tantra skrev, for 2 timer siden: However, I see that more and more girls are switching to nympho and no longer advertise on escortguide, or nympho + eroguide, or nympho + anoncelight. Possibly fewer men are looking at escortguide now? Interessant observation. Antallet af piger, som annoncerer på Escortguide, er i København og Storkøbenhavn steget (ikke faldet) over de seneste par måneder, så det er stadig en populær platform. Escortguide er også mit First choice. Jeg synes, at Annoncelight og escort-side er umulige at browse på. I hvert fald i mobiludgaven, måske er det bedre på en pc. Nympho kan jeg egentlig godt lide, men den har i hvert fald tidligere ikke haft så mange piger på, og en del annoncer var udløbet men bibeholdt på siden for at få det til at se ud af noget. Derudover var pigerne på Nympho også at finde på Escortguide, så hvis man foretrak den alligevel, var der ikke brug for Nympho. Men måske er det ændret nu? I lighed med @Keaper bruger jeg også kun Eroguide som forum, ikke som visuel og tekstmæssigt platform for at finde pigen til det næste besøg. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 @Den_glade_amatør I didn't pay attention to the number. However, I have observed that girls you more or less "know" no longer place ads on Escortguide. Although it is currently a very trusted site. @Eva Nadine I'm over 30 myself and I advertise on Nympho. I didn't know about the search function... However, the Nympho admin is constantly improving the site and is open to complaints. I even called him with prior notice, although I don't know if that's the norm, but at least you can always reach him via Whatsapp. The price is 349dkk/month, you can easily pay via paysafe. @Keaper I also find Nympho interesting - I find it interesting because the girls are allowed to post new pictures and suggestions on the wall every day. @Lauersen The site you mention - do foreign girls advertise there too or only Danish ones? Could you please put a link here 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Eva Nadine 4842 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 (edited) @Tantra I have opened a dialogue with Nympho.dk They will send me an email when the age-discriminating buttons (as I see them) are either changing or disappearing. The employee (or maybe developer?) in the support chat said these buttons are "just shortcuts" and "not many use them anyway". I don't fully buy that, tbh. It's top placement at the front page. So why are they there if they're not used? And either way they send a clear signal. They said they would look into it and reply within a week or so. Super fantastic if they're improving the site and open to suggestions... or even complaints There's a campaign that runs out this friday with a 30 day free trial. It's bad timing for me, but it seems fair. The site has potential, so I potentially like it. Seems it's 349,- for 30 days, so it's close to Annoncelight in price, but with a lot less traffic to the website, it's far from close in value for money. At least until they grow. Annoncelight.dk is still the "go to" site for me, so far anyway. About danskemassagepiger.dk: In my opinion this site has a similar issue with discrimination, only with danish/non danish as Nympho.dk has with age, imho. I understand the idea and the purpose. I just think it's misplaced to be honest to discard such a large group of people based on country alone. But that's just my own reflection of course. I am NO fan or supporter of segregation neither in this business or otherwise. It's borderline "Apartheid"-like tendencies when something like this slither its way into any society, even if the arguments are fair. Especially when it does so unnoticed. I think there even might be some legal issues if someone was to make a deal out of it. To me it's a clear indication that the site advocates that danish sexworkers are superior to non-danish girls. It really tickles my angry-bone, but it's not my battle... not today anyway Still very much a concern, though. Eva Redigeret 4. April, 2022 af Eva Nadine 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den_glade_amatør 4649 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 Eva Nadine skrev, for 14 minutter siden: I think there even might be some legal issues if someone was to make a deal out of it. To me it's a clear indication that the site advocates that danish sexworkers are superior to non-danish girls. Måske stikker jeg hånden i hvepsereden nu, men rolig nu, kære Eva. Det er din egen tolkning, at bare fordi man indsnævrer sit virkeområde, så må det være fordi man føler sig bedre. Sådan forholder det sig jo ikke. Ikke altid i hvert fald. Ellers skulle alle sites jo altid være åbne for alle tænkelige varianter for ikke at træde nogen over tæerne. Pas nu på, at krænkelseskulturen ikke får for godt fat. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Lauersen 9712 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 Tantra skrev, for 1 time siden: @Lauersen The site you mention - do foreign girls advertise there too or only Danish ones? Could you please put a link here https://danskemassagepiger.dk/ Eva Nadine skrev, for 43 minutter siden: About danskemassagepiger.dk: In my opinion this site has a similar issue with discrimination, only with danish/non danish as Nympho.dk has with age, imho. I understand the idea and the purpose. I just think it's misplaced to be honest to discard such a large group of people based on country alone. But that's just my own reflection of course. I am NO fan or supporter of segregation neither in this business or otherwise. It's borderline "Apartheid"-like tendencies when something like this slither its way into any society, even if the arguments are fair. Especially when it does so unnoticed. I think there even might be some legal issues if someone was to make a deal out of it. To me it's a clear indication that the site advocates that danish sexworkers are superior to non-danish girls. It really tickles my angry-bone, but it's not my battle... not today anyway Still very much a concern, though. Eva I believe they wanted to be a counterweight to sites like escortguide where you will find almost no danish girls. They have both danish, international and thai categories for their search function and have recently opened for ads for thai massage. I don't think anyone who wanted to place an ad there has been rejected, but their focus has just primarily been danish sex workers. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Eva Nadine 4842 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 (edited) Lauersen skrev, for 8 minutter siden: I believe they wanted to be a counterweight to sites like escortguide where you will find almost no danish girls. They have both danish, international and thai categories for their search function and have recently opened for ads for thai massage. I don't think anyone who wanted to place an ad there has been rejected, but their focus has just primarily been danish sex workers. Ok. Tak for det. Det har så forandret sig siden opstarten, og jeg er bare håbløst bagud. Skønt at høre! @Den_glade_amatør Jeg er helt med på at jeg her forholder mig meget subjektivt til emnet. Det er et af mine meget ømme punkter. Så det er ikke pga. en kultur, men pga. personlige erfaringer jeg gasser i den retning. Men tak for advarslen. Jeg skal forsøge ikke at falde i dén grøft, men lover intet Kærligst, Eva Redigeret 4. April, 2022 af Eva Nadine 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 Eva Nadine skrev, for 2 timer siden: @Tantra I have opened a dialogue with Nympho.dk They will send me an email when the age-discriminating buttons (as I see them) are either changing or disappearing. The employee (or maybe developer?) in the support chat said these buttons are "just shortcuts" and "not many use them anyway". I don't fully buy that, tbh. It's top placement at the front page. So why are they there if they're not used? And either way they send a clear signal. They said they would look into it and reply within a week or so. Super fantastic if they're improving the site and open to suggestions... or even complaints There's a campaign that runs out this friday with a 30 day free trial. It's bad timing for me, but it seems fair. The site has potential, so I potentially like it. Seems it's 349,- for 30 days, so it's close to Annoncelight in price, but with a lot less traffic to the website, it's far from close in value for money. At least until they grow. Annoncelight.dk is still the "go to" site for me, so far @Eva NadineI just sent this complaint to the admin of Nympho - let's see what he says. In terms of price, I find Nympho attractive and posting it on the pinboard costs nothing and it actually brings something.... I'm actually "flirting" with Anoncelight instead of escortguide for the remaining few days - because most gentlemen found me on Nympho last week and not on escortguide and the price difference is huge....( haven't decided yet because it varies from week to week can vary and sometimes most people might look at escortguide (?))... @Lauersen Thank you 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Eva Nadine 4842 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 (edited) Tadaa! The 30+ button is already live and working at Nympho.dk I just got back home to an email from them. They work really fast. I'm impressed. @Tantra Thanx for the collaboration and support. I'm sure it made a difference we were both asking for the same thing within a few hours of each other. I'll go make a profile for my upcoming concept and see how it goes compared to AL. /Eva Redigeret 4. April, 2022 af Eva Nadine 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Kim Nielsen Skrevet 4. April, 2022 (edited) Escortguide bør forbedres med meget bedre søgefunktioner men er nok den som er mest opdateret med annoncer, så man kan regne med at pigen som annoncere også er her Eroguide har mange helt forældede annoncer se fx denne https://www.eroguide.dk/massage-escort/Lady+Caine/ hvor der står at pigen er her fra den 31.7 til den 13.8, hvad år mon det var? Nympho gør et godt forsøg men har også en del forældede annoncer se fx https://nympho.dk/n2124/1148/horny-kimberly-finally-back-don-t-miss-out-on-me/ hun rejste for en uges tid siden Escort-side er svær at finde rundt i fordi den giver hits på ting som man ikke søger efter - prøv at søge på noget fx Kimberly og der kommer en masse op som ikke har med det at gøre https://www.escort-side.dk/search?ad_service=&ad_country=&search_string_sticky=kimberly Annoncelight er rodet og inspirere mig ikke til at bruge den og har vist også forældede annoncer fx denne https://annoncelight.dk/showad/268290 Redigeret 4. April, 2022 af Kim Nielsen link indsat Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
AB455 3114 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 I don't use any of the sites. I use all the sites. I'm not a fan of browsing though endless pictures of woman with pictures of breast and genitals, selling out on the meat market. But of course the ad should be somewhere, so i can read about the services and get a teaser/sneak view about what kind of a woman she is and how she looks. My main site is here on EG forum, and I use the deep links in the reviews to get directly to the add. Typically there go quite some time from I see or read about a woman until i actual make contact. I feel that there is a pretty fast flow of woman getting in and out or on and off, and it makes it difficult for me to plan a visit anyway. Well... fast for me at least. It's more convenient (and more fun) for me to read reviews and then look at the add by the deep link, where ever it's placed. I can understand that many well known woman there is highly respected, rarer got reviews. They are unfortunately in my blind spot. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Liv 14324 Skrevet 5. April, 2022 Kim Nielsen skrev, for 8 timer siden: Annoncelight er rodet og inspirere mig ikke til at bruge den og har vist også forældede annoncer fx denne https://annoncelight.dk/showad/268290 Man annoncerer på dagen på Annoncelight, mere friskt bliver det næppe. Det er muligt, at man kan søge ældre annoncer frem, men forsiden er dagens annoncer. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Nannas Hjørne Skrevet 5. April, 2022 Liv skrev, 1 time siden: Man annoncerer på dagen på Annoncelight, mere friskt bliver det næppe. Det er muligt, at man kan søge ældre annoncer frem, men forsiden er dagens annoncer. Det skulle man tro, men det sker godt nok ofte, at folk skriver til mig og refererer tilbage til en annonce som skulle have været inaktiv i ugevis og tror, at jeg stadig hænger ud i xxx by og er aktiv. Det bliver forholdsvist tydeligt for en som mig, som kun har aktive annoncer et par dage ad gangen på AL, at de må flyde rundt derude på en eller anden måde alligevel. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Catana 103 Skrevet 5. April, 2022 Eva Nadine skrev, for 13 timer siden: Tadaa! The 30+ button is already live and working at Nympho.dk I just got back home to an email from them. They work really fast. I'm impressed. /Eva Men søger man på +40, er der ingen på Nympho.dk Det er der da på AL 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Eva Nadine 4842 Skrevet 5. April, 2022 (edited) Catana skrev, 1 time siden: Men søger man på +40, er der ingen på Nympho.dk Det er der da på AL Hej @Catana Velkommen til Eroguide Du er kommet til at skrive dit svar til det du citerer inde i selve citationsboksen. På den måde ser det ud som om det jeg her ovenfor i dette indlæg har citeret dig for, er noget jeg oprindeligt hat skrevet. Jeg kan se du er ny bruger, så jeg tænker det er nemt at komme til at skøjte lidt rundt i de tekniske detaljer i starten. Det husker jeg fra mig selv, omend det er en rum tid siden. Men ja, det er der på AL. Altså 40+ kvinder. Nu er der det så også på Nympho.dk, idet de rettede det i går efter ønske fra både @Tantra og jeg, så der også er en 30+-knap på forsiden. Længere inde er der faktisk mulighed for at filtrere endnu mere så det kun er 40-50 der bliver vist. Så deres "nye" aldersdiskrimination går på 50 år kan man sige. Måske det er fordi der ikke er en eneste annoncør på over 50. Jeg ved det ikke. Men om cirka 7 år når bliver 50 kan jeg jo tage det op med dem igen. Efterhånden som der kommer flere annoncører derinde i den øvre aldersgruppe, eller dem der er der og bliver efterhånden bliver ældre, så kan det jo være at de ændrer det. På Annoncelight er problemet nærmere at man får for mange hits når man søger på noget, og filtrene virker anderledes dér. Er der alders-filtrering på AL? Jeg søger ikke rigtigt derinde, jo. Der er fordele og ulemper ved alle de annoncesites der er. Med produktudvikling og skiftende popularitet er ændrer det sig jo lidt efterhånden hvilke sider der hitter og hvilke der flopper og til sidst lukker ned. Jeg tror jeg gennem årene har fået lige så mange emails fra nye håbefulde spillere på markedet som forsøgte at gøre det bedre med en annonceringsside for sexarbejdere, som jeg har fået henvendelser fra journalister. Det er mange! Kh. Eva Redigeret 5. April, 2022 af Eva Nadine 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Liv 14324 Skrevet 5. April, 2022 Nannas Hjørne skrev, for 4 timer siden: Det skulle man tro, men det sker godt nok ofte, at folk skriver til mig og refererer tilbage til en annonce som skulle have været inaktiv i ugevis og tror, at jeg stadig hænger ud i xxx by og er aktiv. Det bliver forholdsvist tydeligt for en som mig, som kun har aktive annoncer et par dage ad gangen på AL, at de må flyde rundt derude på en eller anden måde alligevel. Jeg tror det sker, hvis man bruger søgefunktionen og ikke bare kigger ned over forsiden. Eller hvis man søger fra google. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 5. April, 2022 I have decided (for the time being) not to extend escortguide, nympho is currently doing well. Posting on the pinboard gets the most customers. I saw @Eva Nadine your post on the pinboard yesterday, but it didn't show up on the frontpage because your profile wasn't verified yet.... 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Eva Nadine 4842 Skrevet 5. April, 2022 (edited) Tantra skrev, for 2 timer siden: I saw @Eva Nadine your post on the pinboard yesterday, but it didn't show up on the frontpage because your profile wasn't verified yet.... I didn't post it - it's an automated post on the pinboard for new profiles. I would very much have liked it NOT to have been posted, since it was posted when I was still fiddling with details in my profile. But there is no choice. So now all the "new girl in the class" attention was wasted on a not even half finished profile in there. I think the text in the beginning which was "Bla bla bla - dette er en kladde" has now been the first impression the potential clients behind the first 70-something clicks is "That lady has no idea what she's doing here. What's even for sale? Why is her primary photo of an ash tray?" Not ideal, to say the least But thank you for noticing! I'm still fiddling around in there. It's confusing because it's new. There are many functions that I'm sure have great potential. But right now I feel like a blind chicken who got lost in the court yard outside the hen house trying to avoid the cat, while finding a stick to sit on or some food I'm sure it'll get better with practise. About the verification: As a side-note I had a LOT of fun trying to verify myself as "Real". I was trying to take a photo as required, and dropped my phone more than once. It ended with a quite funny picture, and the supporter was kind enough to let me send it by text message by phone, because I said it would take me half a night just to figure out how to get the selfie from my phone to the website. It ended up being me with face half covered by sunglasses, wearing a scarf from one picture over my shoulders, showing some recognizable cleavage, with a garter belt from one of the other photos hanging on one shoulder, and giving a thumbs up. I even made the pouty-lips pose and added "This is what the youngsters do" as a pun to the developer about the age-discrimination issue that started the dialogue in the first place That was a great and silly way to end the day. I'm thinking about posting the photo on the pinboard and reveal that this was my verification selfie, but only you and maybe a few others would understand the joke, so I will hopefully and probably restrain myself from publicizing it Love, Eva Redigeret 5. April, 2022 af Eva Nadine 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 5. April, 2022 Eva Nadine skrev, for 2 timer siden: Ich habe es nicht gepostet - es ist ein automatisiertes Posten auf der Pinnwand für neue Profile. Ich hätte es sehr gerne gehabt, wenn es NICHT gepostet worden wäre, da es gepostet wurde, als ich noch an Details in meinem Profil gefummelt habe. Aber es gibt keine Wahl. Also wurde jetzt die ganze Aufmerksamkeit des "neuen Mädchens in der Klasse" auf ein noch nicht einmal halbfertiges Profil darin verschwendet. Ich denke, der Text am Anfang, der "Bla bla bla - dette er en kladde" war, war jetzt der erste Eindruck, dass die potenziellen Kunden hinter den ersten 70-irgendwas-Klicks sind: "Diese Dame hat keine Ahnung, was sie hier tut. Was soll das überhaupt Ausverkauf? Warum ist ihr primäres Foto ein Aschenbecher?“ Nicht ideal, um es gelinde auszudrücken . Aber danke, dass Sie es bemerkt haben! Da bastle ich noch herum. Es ist verwirrend, weil es neu ist. Es gibt viele Funktionen, von denen ich sicher bin, dass sie großes Potenzial haben. Aber im Moment fühle ich mich wie ein blindes Huhn, das sich im Hof vor dem Hühnerstall verirrt hat und versucht, der Katze auszuweichen, während ich einen Stock zum Sitzen oder etwas Futter finde. Ich bin mir sicher, dass es mit Übung besser wird. Zur Verifizierung: Als Nebenbemerkung hatte ich eine Menge Spaß daran, mich als "echt" zu verifizieren. Ich habe versucht, wie gewünscht ein Foto zu machen, und habe mein Telefon mehr als einmal fallen lassen. Es endete mit einem ziemlich lustigen Bild, und der Unterstützer ließ es mich netterweise per SMS per Telefon schicken, weil ich sagte, ich würde eine halbe Nacht brauchen, um herauszufinden, wie ich das Selfie von meinem Handy auf die Website bekomme . Es endete damit, dass ich das Gesicht halb von einer Sonnenbrille bedeckt hatte, einen Schal von einem Bild über den Schultern trug, ein erkennbares Dekolleté zeigte, mit einem Strapsgürtel von einem der anderen Fotos über einer Schulter hing und einen Daumen nach oben gab. Ich machte sogar die Schmollmund-Pose und fügte hinzu: „Das ist, was die Jugendlichen tun“, als Wortspiel mit dem Entwickler über das Problem der Altersdiskriminierung, das den Dialog überhaupt erst begonnen hat . Das war eine großartige und alberne Art, den Tag zu beenden. Ich denke darüber nach, das Foto an die Pinnwand zu posten und zu verraten, dass dies mein Verifizierungs-Selfie war, aber nur du und vielleicht ein paar andere würden den Witz verstehen, also werde ich mich hoffentlich und wahrscheinlich davon abhalten, es zu veröffentlichen . Liebe Eva I know very well what are you talking about. I had to verify myself again with escortguide last week - with the sheet of paper in my hand from the front, from behind, from the right, from the left, standing, lying down - adventurous... and the piece of paper must always be clearly visible In the Nympho there are a few hidden subtleties " girls talk", "blacklist" - this is only visible to us girls. The remaining "groups" work like a forum The gentlemen can then like and comment on the pictures and postings on the pinboard... I've seen that some gentlemen also post their own pictures, which we can then like... 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Eva Nadine 4842 Skrevet 5. April, 2022 (edited) @Tantra Oh dear... sounds like half dating-site and half sexworker advertising. Very interesting concept. Might have a more "old school" definition og sugardating potential, too then. Except with a completely different profile than the one I have, obviously What I can't figure out (yet) is if all men can write a private chat message, or do they have to be members first? And if yes, do they pay? I can't figure out how to see the profile of the men in there. I click the name in the chat, and nothing happens. I'm beginning to see some real potential in it the more you reveal. I'm the ONLY lady if one clicks "40-50" in there, though... that might turn out to be a blessing or a curse But I do show up if they click the "30+" button on the front page. So do you I just tried that pinboard thing you mentioned. I didn't even have to pay for it. That's glorious! But when the site gets more advertisers, I'm sure it'll be spamming from some girls. There doesn't seem to be a max of times in a day you can post something there. Or "the blind chicken" just hasn't found the rules yet Thank you ever so much! I feel like I owe you something. Maybe ice cream or chocolate? Or stop by for a free massage next time you're in Copenhagen and in need of a little receiving instead of giving. We can call it a Lingamless Massage. Special price for you, dear. A box of chocolate from the kiosk will do just fine Thanx again. I really appreciate it /Eva Redigeret 5. April, 2022 af Eva Nadine 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg