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Luna på Annoncelight

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Besøgte Luna igår her i københavn, da jeg ikke havde set hende her i Danmark før, og da hun så skøn og fræk ud måtte jeg lave en aftale med hende..

Jeg skrev til hende på Whatsapp og hun svarede hurtigt og vi aftalet at jeg skulle til hendes sted, men hun ville gerne ha en halv time til at gøre sig klar hvilket jo er helt okey.

Skrev til hende da jeg var der, og hun åbnede hurtigt døren, hun var super smuk og naturlig og havde en flot krop med nogle små men super flotte bryster, vi havde aftalt en halv time 1500

Og havde en super dejligt oplevelse med hende, så det er bestemt ikke sidste gang jeg besøger hende, og så taler hun også noget dansk der gør det hele lidt nemmere.


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Tak for beretningen. Har også set profile, men syntes det er en noget voldsom pris. Måske det alligevel er det værd...... 

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Mike-A skrev, for 8 timer siden:

Visited Luna yesterday here in Copenhagen, as I had not seen her here in Denmark before, and when she looked beautiful and naughty, I had to make an appointment with her ..

I wrote to her on Whatsapp and she answered quickly and we agreed that I should go to her place, but she would like half an hour to get ready which is quite okay.

Wrote to her when I was there and she quickly opened the door, she was super beautiful and natural and had a nice body with some small but super nice breasts, we had agreed half an hour 1500

And had a super nice experience with her, so it's definitely not the last time I visit her, and then she also speaks some Danish that makes it all a little easier.


Were you active or passive? Looks like she prefers to be passive. 

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I visited luna at the beginning of the week and got a super experience that I have not had before like this, she was nice welcoming and seductive and moves like only a latino can. After i had stuttered what i would like to experience and she got was she asked.  She took me into bed and she could see how fascinated by her body I was so she did her best to let me feel her and touch her beautiful natural breasts, let me kiss and enjoy her curves all the way down over her flat belly and sexy ass, and wait around and let me bite and kiss her brown beautiful buttocks, and after she pulled her panties down I was allowed to lick her lovely hole which looks amazing such a great butt, and pussy and it shemed like she enjoyed it to get my tongue pressed up into it. And got her nice beautiful cock that i got to suck harf That is pure Viagra to play with that ass and her fine toy 
 i could lick her all day, she had an interest in that i got a good experience so she took charge and layid me down comfortable with a pillow in my back and took my cock in her mouth and sucked me so i had a great view and she made it so i could see her, and what she did with her mouth, i always get a bad view so that was excellent!!  Afterwards she  sad down on my tummy and got me a condom that she couldt almost put on me with one hand and while my stiff cock was resting between her perfect butt, she took lube for can an put it on my cock and took a hard grip in it an pressed her tight butt back so my dick penetrated her, lovely tight but slowly loosent up, so my creamed cock went all the way up and she gave a femini "ohh my god" and started to get excited and she came pretty fast so i must have done something right, but i started orgasm hvem i got her warm liquids on my chest, very hot, first time i try almost synchronised with trans woman. It's never been so hot for me with as with this really special girl, she is the real deal not just a poser, i could worship that body and ass as an new religion if she let me.  Hope she like my review and that i see her again as many times as it's possible while she is willing to provide men that's hungry for a real special girl.. it's a jungle out there with fake picture, she is everything she promise, and more. 

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Gert_k skrev, den 4.6.2022 at 06:38:

I visited luna at the beginning of the week and got a super experience that I have not had before like this, she was nice welcoming and seductive and moves like only a latino can. After i had stuttered what i would like to experience and she got was she asked.  She took me into bed and she could see how fascinated by her body I was so she did her best to let me feel her and touch her beautiful natural breasts, let me kiss and enjoy her curves all the way down over her flat belly and sexy ass, and wait around and let me bite and kiss her brown beautiful buttocks, and after she pulled her panties down I was allowed to lick her lovely hole which looks amazing such a great butt, and pussy and it shemed like she enjoyed it to get my tongue pressed up into it. And got her nice beautiful cock that i got to suck harf That is pure Viagra to play with that ass and her fine toy 
 i could lick her all day, she had an interest in that i got a good experience so she took charge and layid me down comfortable with a pillow in my back and took my cock in her mouth and sucked me so i had a great view and she made it so i could see her, and what she did with her mouth, i always get a bad view so that was excellent!!  Afterwards she  sad down on my tummy and got me a condom that she couldt almost put on me with one hand and while my stiff cock was resting between her perfect butt, she took lube for can an put it on my cock and took a hard grip in it an pressed her tight butt back so my dick penetrated her, lovely tight but slowly loosent up, so my creamed cock went all the way up and she gave a femini "ohh my god" and started to get excited and she came pretty fast so i must have done something right, but i started orgasm hvem i got her warm liquids on my chest, very hot, first time i try almost synchronised with trans woman. It's never been so hot for me with as with this really special girl, she is the real deal not just a poser, i could worship that body and ass as an new religion if she let me.  Hope she like my review and that i see her again as many times as it's possible while she is willing to provide men that's hungry for a real special girl.. it's a jungle out there with fake picture, she is everything she promise, and more. 


Altså de prøver jo ikke engang 

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Jeg besøgte dejlige, smukke Luna i dag, som jeg har været hos, 2 gange tidligere i Odense. Når hun åbner døren er hun altid iført noget lækkert lingeri, og dufter dejlig. Jeg kan aldrig lade være med at rose hende, for hun er bare hottttt. Hun er virkelig vær at besøge, for hun kysser rigtig dejligt og er både passiv og aktiv, en rigtig kærste oplevelse. For mig er hun min nr. 1

vh den begejstrede 

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Guest Larsen2006

Har besøgt Luna flere gange altid en fornøjelse - hun er feminin smuk - altid i fræk lingerie - gfe med hende ef fantastisk kan kun varmt anbefale  hende 

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Lbblover skrev, den 22.9.2022 at 15:50:

Jeg besøgte dejlige...


... For mig er hun min nr. 1

vh den begejstrede 


Larsen2006 skrev, for 20 timer siden:

Har besøgt Luna flere gange altid en fornøjelse - hun er feminin smuk - altid i fræk lingerie - gfe med hende ef fantastisk kan kun varmt anbefale  hende 

Nye profiler uden én anden anmeldelse, og den første af dem har ikke været logget ind siden sit skriv.


Tag begge med et gran salt

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Gert_k skrev, den 4.6.2022 at 06:38:

I visited luna at the beginning of the week and got a super experience that I have not had before like this, she was nice welcoming and seductive and moves like only a latino can. After i had stuttered what i would like to experience and she got was she asked.  She took me into bed and she could see how fascinated by her body I was so she did her best to let me feel her and touch her beautiful natural breasts, let me kiss and enjoy her curves all the way down over her flat belly and sexy ass, and wait around and let me bite and kiss her brown beautiful buttocks, and after she pulled her panties down I was allowed to lick her lovely hole which looks amazing such a great butt, and pussy and it shemed like she enjoyed it to get my tongue pressed up into it. And got her nice beautiful cock that i got to suck harf That is pure Viagra to play with that ass and her fine toy 
 i could lick her all day, she had an interest in that i got a good experience so she took charge and layid me down comfortable with a pillow in my back and took my cock in her mouth and sucked me so i had a great view and she made it so i could see her, and what she did with her mouth, i always get a bad view so that was excellent!!  Afterwards she  sad down on my tummy and got me a condom that she couldt almost put on me with one hand and while my stiff cock was resting between her perfect butt, she took lube for can an put it on my cock and took a hard grip in it an pressed her tight butt back so my dick penetrated her, lovely tight but slowly loosent up, so my creamed cock went all the way up and she gave a femini "ohh my god" and started to get excited and she came pretty fast so i must have done something right, but i started orgasm hvem i got her warm liquids on my chest, very hot, first time i try almost synchronised with trans woman. It's never been so hot for me with as with this really special girl, she is the real deal not just a poser, i could worship that body and ass as an new religion if she let me.  Hope she like my review and that i see her again as many times as it's possible while she is willing to provide men that's hungry for a real special girl.. it's a jungle out there with fake picture, she is everything she promise, and more. 

… her beautiful natural breasts, … <_<

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She is the only one I ever had in my life and she will be the only one.nice place, she is a beautiful girl, lovely and gentle. For sure I’ll be there more time again. Beautiful and very clean she revived me with smiles and happiness.I contact her via sms and she replay to me immediately.she is clean. Best experience I’m my life


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Guest Keeper

Vi stopper her. Det er helt fantastisk at 5 helt nye brugere har haft god oplevelse og aldrig er vendt tilbage til site. 

Hvis der er en der besøger pigen, er man selvfølgelig velkommen til at lave en ny tråd. 


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