Tantra 1627 Skrevet 26. April, 2022 It's our culture, our diversity... there are so many languages... In order to be able to communicate with each other, we need knowledge of a respective language: "the codes" - if you want to put it that way. Hardly anyone learns Danish here in Denmark unless they live here. Why not?- Because English is the most internationally understood and used language(?) ... Well, in Germany English is also considered an "international" language, but when the girls work in Germany, they learn German, not English... Looking back, my English in 2019 was grotesque... because I didn't use the language in Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Germany. Through the tours to DK I have "developed" my English to such an extent that I can have all kinds of conversations in all disciplines and about everything in fluent English without barriers and stumbling blocks. My Danish has also developed, but I can't converse in Danish. I understand 80-90% of spoken Danish, I can read it and understand about 70-80% of what I read. In the beginning I had to use a translator to translate all the Danish texts - this is no longer necessary today. Sometimes it's individual words or certain sentences that I then have to translate separately and look for "explanations" of what was meant by that... so far so good, but I don't speak Danish myself and I can't write Danish myself because I don't need - because everyone communicates in English. When I talk to colleagues and bring up the topic of "Danish language", some look at me absentmindedly as if I had said something completely nonsensical.... Some girls don't even speak English and have absolutely no interest in learning English or Danish... Why not?... I once asked a Spaniard or Latina the question - I can't say it more precisely because almost all Latinas are also Spaniards and have been living there for years and have "Spanish nationality" - communication was only possible via translator - she said: to spread her Legs she didn't need any language skills - "sex" would be an international language in her eyes.... I myself have a different opinion. I want to talk with the Gentleman. I can hardly imagine that there are men for whom it is enough to communicate in sign language and silently carry out "the action". That sounds pretty cold for me, - doesn't it (?) Eroticism, in all its diversity, not only tingles in touch, but also in words- in my opinion..... How do men see this? ... 4 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Mr. Sensual Skrevet 26. April, 2022 Tantra skrev, for 12 minutter siden: It's our culture, our diversity... there are so many languages... In order to be able to communicate with each other, we need knowledge of a respective language: "the codes" - if you want to put it that way. Hardly anyone learns Danish here in Denmark unless they live here. Why not?- Because English is the most internationally understood and used language(?) ... Well, in Germany English is also considered an "international" language, but when the girls work in Germany, they learn German, not English... Looking back, my English in 2019 was grotesque... because I didn't use the language in Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Germany. Through the tours to DK I have "developed" my English to such an extent that I can have all kinds of conversations in all disciplines and about everything in fluent English without barriers and stumbling blocks. My Danish has also developed, but I can't converse in Danish. I understand 80-90% of spoken Danish, I can read it and understand about 70-80% of what I read. In the beginning I had to use a translator to translate all the Danish texts - this is no longer necessary today. Sometimes it's individual words or certain sentences that I then have to translate separately and look for "explanations" of what was meant by that... so far so good, but I don't speak Danish myself and I can't write Danish myself because I don't need - because everyone communicates in English. When I talk to colleagues and bring up the topic of "Danish language", some look at me absentmindedly as if I had said something completely nonsensical.... Some girls don't even speak English and have absolutely no interest in learning English or Danish... Why not?... I once asked a Spaniard or Latina the question - I can't say it more precisely because almost all Latinas are also Spaniards and have been living there for years and have "Spanish nationality" - communication was only possible via translator - she said: to spread her Legs she didn't need any language skills - "sex" would be an international language in her eyes.... I myself have a different opinion. I want to talk with the Gentleman. I can hardly imagine that there are men for whom it is enough to communicate in sign language and silently carry out "the action". That sounds pretty cold for me, - doesn't it (?) Eroticism, in all its diversity, not only tingles in touch, but also in words- in my opinion..... How do men see this? ... Thank you. Spending time with a girl is for me all that you describe above. The whole packet. Spirit and sex united. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Gabbana Skrevet 26. April, 2022 (edited) Danish is hard to learn, danish is one of the hardest languages to learn. I guess some foreigners kind of Think it’s maybe to hard to learn I had a croatian flirt last year, she was so interested in learning danish so i taught her a little and then she taught me A little croatian. Croatian is actually a beautiful language. I must say that it’s Nice that you have learned to understand danish I once visited a Girl that could not speak english, but i could speak her body language even though we couldn’t communicate properly we still had a good chemistry Redigeret 26. April, 2022 af Gabbana Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17609 Skrevet 26. April, 2022 Tantra skrev, for 2 minutter siden: ...so far so good, but I don't speak Danish myself and I can't write Danish myself because I don't need - because everyone communicates in English. Sorry to say dear, but if you communicate in English with danes, I'm afraid you'll have to add a lot of body language - which on the other hand, I'm sure you master to perfection. I mean, the level of English over there is .... not exactly first-rate. Now everyone can hit me. The truth is not always well received. 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Mr. Sensual Skrevet 26. April, 2022 Bananas skrev, for 20 minutter siden: Sorry to say dear, but if you communicate in English with danes, I'm afraid you'll have to add a lot of body language - which on the other hand, I'm sure you master to perfection. I mean, the level of English over there is .... not exactly first-rate. Now everyone can hit me. The truth is not always well received. Do you really know body language over there in Sweden? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
gøffe 215 Skrevet 26. April, 2022 jeg synes det er rigtig fint du forsøger og lære lokal sproget det betyder mindre om man skal kommunikere på et mix af sprog så længe der er forståelse for hvad ønsker der er osv. jeg kan sagtens have en samtale med tyske kollegaer hvor de snakker tysk når de er usikre på det engelske og ellers universal i resten. Min erfaring med piger på det område er noget mere begrænset men hvis ikke de forstår hvad jeg kunne tænke mig er tiden ligesom spildt så vil jeg nok springe fra og søge videre 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17609 Skrevet 26. April, 2022 Mr. Sensual skrev, for 3 minutter siden: Do you really know body language over there in Sweden? We sure do. The other day my neighbour's wife showed me her pussy when I helped her putting up a fence for her pigs. I perceived correctly what she was trying to say, and grabbed it - the pussy that is - like the little Trump I secretly nourish whithin , and she grabbed me back. We ended up as naked as the pigs, when her husband unexpectedly showed up and hit me right in the face. I perfectly understood what he was body-saying. "Don't fuck my wife you little academic prick. Now what, you gonna hit me back with one of those little poems you try to sneak into every pantie of the village?" I didn't read him a poem, but hit him back. We ended up all covered in pig shit, and afterwards shared a whisky, a laugh and a wife by the fire. Quite a day, I must say. So yes, we're chatting body language all the time over here. 1 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Mr. Sensual Skrevet 26. April, 2022 Bananas skrev, for 2 minutter siden: We sure do. The other day my neighbour's wife showed me her pussy when I helped her putting up a fence for her pigs. I perceived correctly what she was trying to say, and grabbed it - the pussy that is - like the little Trump I secretly nourish whithin , and she grabbed me back. We ended up as naked as the pigs, when her husband unexpectedly showed up and hit me right in the face. I perfectly understood what he was body-saying. "Don't fuck my wife you little academic prick. Now what, you gonna hit me back with one of those little poems you try to sneak into every pantie of the village?" I didn't read him a poem, but hit him back. We ended up all covered in pig shit, and afterwards shared a whisky, a laugh and a wife by the fire. Quite a day, I must say. So yes, we're chatting body language all the time over here. Great stuff, this. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Lauersen 9709 Skrevet 26. April, 2022 @Tantra Something I really appreciated back when we had a meeting was that you would welcome my little special fantasy, which was that we were not allowed say a meaningful word once we had started the sex. It was important to me to stop myself from becoming a nervous chatterbox, and I felt it really kept us focused on the biological desire while we could communicate through touch, body language and eye contact. I have asked other girls both before and after if this was something they could fulfill, but I always got the "too strange for me" reply if I wanted this. This type of play of course required that we had an exellent communication on mail before the meeting, and I also appreciated the warm welcome and specially that we had a nice pillowtalk after. I think your english skills were already great in 2020. Something different on languages. A dying form of communication in the world of good times for money is the use of language codes to describe the kind of sexual acts being offered. Here in Denmark, regular sex would be danish, oral french, anal greek, handjob swedish and so on. In our danish codes, german would be spanking/BDSM with the man as the receiver, and I wonder if this type of language codes exists in german speaking countries, and what the language codes would be there and in other countries. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
AB455 3114 Skrevet 26. April, 2022 Bananas skrev, 1 time siden: Sorry to say dear, but if you communicate in English with danes, I'm afraid you'll have to add a lot of body language - which on the other hand, I'm sure you master to perfection. I mean, the level of English over there is .... not exactly first-rate. Now everyone can hit me. The truth is not always well received. You hit me 100% correctly. We are a proud nation of denglish speaking, including myself 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Buddha 539 Skrevet 26. April, 2022 Bananas skrev, for 2 timer siden: I mean, the level of English over there is .... not exactly first-rate. Now everyone can hit me. The truth is not always well received. Hear! Hear! Let the one without sin, throw the first stone Amen to that Brother Bananas 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Keaper 515 Skrevet 27. April, 2022 Well. There's a few things here. In most of the Nordic countries there's simply no reason to learn the local language if you can at the very least speak passable English. In this way, the Nordic stands out from most other non-English countries. Which is both a good thing and a bad thing. It makes it much easier for visitors. But for someone spending extended periods here, or move here it creates a barrier. Then we have some like me that simply prefer to converse in English since it makes me feel more comfortable. And well, like you, my Danish is limited to maybe understanding a written text. What helps greatly of course is that us that comes from Europe share much of the same culture. With small variations we have a quite shared background, this simplify communication, since even if words might lack, we can still find common ground. This does not mean a girl has to be able to hold a conversation about astrophysics with me, as long as she tries and knows the very basics. But the more the better. Now. If one comes from further away or don't at the very least can talk in somewhat understandable English, then it's very different. I don't understand being in a country where you cant make yourself understood in any manner apart from Google translate. And yes, sure, Sex may be a international language if a girl wants to work in such a manner. But that lack of any way to connect would make me feel like I could just as well watch PornHub. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 27. April, 2022 @Lauersen, Thank you for your nice compliments, I remember our meeting very well as if it were today To your Questions: In German-speaking countries, sex is not called "Danish", but simply GV (sexual intercourse) "Spanish"- is also the term for penile friction between the breasts "English" - for dominant education "Greek"- for anal..... I still remembered a translation curiosity, when I was new in Denmark, my translator Danish - German translated a Danish sentence: Bj with snail..... only slowly after many months did I realize that it actually meant Bj with completion. ... I've been thinking for a long time what "snail" means, at first I might have thought: Bj with sex, but "snail" seemed strange as a term.... the female genitals are shaped like an oyster or a butterfly... ....at some point through repeated attempts at translation: Danish - German Danish - English and compare, .... I finally understood what was meant. 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
BachToBach 134 Skrevet 27. April, 2022 Interesting topic @Tantra First of all, hats off to you for learning Danish. For German speakers I guess there are many recognizable aspects in Danish. It is after all one of the north Germanic languages. However, the difficult part is that many words are pronounced differently than they are spelled. I don’t know how much you have spoken German to Danes, but many Danes actually have a pretty decent intermediate level in German. Many of us learned it as the second foreign language, and then we get to practice it once a year when we go skiing in Austria. But at home we don’t voluntarily speak it, we are not completely sure of grammatical gender and case, so we think our level is grotesque or at least not good enough for conversation. My own experience when traveling in German speaking or French speaking countries is that people are very patient when you try to speak the local language. If you make a mistake then people often either repeat what you said but correctly or reverse it into a question, so you can say: "yes, that’s what I meant". I find this to be a very polite way of correcting mistakes and it feels like they want you to improve. In Denmark it is completely opposite. If you speak with an accent or make a mistake, people are very quick to switch to English. I guess it is with the intention to help, but how do you learn a language if the native speakers “refuse” to speak that language with you? I do understand why so many of your colleagues don’t want to spend hundreds of hours to learn a language that is useless to them when they move back home. But that makes you stand out even more, and one day you will be ready for pillow talk in Danish. I will look forward to that day, because intimate conversations are just one notch better in your own language than in English 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Kosmopolitisk_type Skrevet 27. April, 2022 Bananas skrev, den 26.4.2022 at 16:34: Sorry to say dear, but if you communicate in English with danes, I'm afraid you'll have to add a lot of body language - which on the other hand, I'm sure you master to perfection. I mean, the level of English over there is .... not exactly first-rate. Now everyone can hit me. The truth is not always well received. Believe it or not, but Danes regularly compete with the Dutch for being the best non-native English speakers . It is my experience that Danes in general master a pretty decent level of English, at least when it comes to understanding and reading. Writing and speaking however, can quickly turn into a mess of Danish being translated 1:1. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bogormen 105 Skrevet 28. April, 2022 Tantra skrev, den 26.4.2022 at 22:11: I myself have a different opinion. I want to talk with the Gentleman. I can hardly imagine that there are men for whom it is enough to communicate in sign language and silently carry out "the action". That sounds pretty cold for me, - doesn't it (?) Eroticism, in all its diversity, not only tingles in touch, but also in words- in my opinion..... How do men see this? ... If i'm not able to talk to the girl (hasn't happend yet luckily ). then the sex will have to be out of this world for me to come back another time. For me its not just about the sex, i also want to talk a bit. It makes it more intimate in my opinion, and also it makes it so that i don't feel like i've used another human as a sextoy. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Keaper 515 Skrevet 30. April, 2022 I have been thinking more about this. I see I'm not alone in finding communication being very important. Maybe it's because I visit GFE girls ? But I find if I cant have a conversation, then it would be a wasted visit. Like I said before. It need not be the very deepest of conversations. But, the deeper the better. Be it politics or more complicated topics. I like to talk. The very best meetings have been with the girls that also likes this. That likes to share and be open. For me that is the essence of an enjoyable meeting. I do suppose I have been lucky to meet women that feels the same. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
AB455 3114 Skrevet 30. April, 2022 Keaper skrev, 1 time siden: The very best meetings have been with the girls that also likes this. That likes to share and be open. For me that is the essence of an enjoyable meeting. Agree! It is the whole package it gives the value that lifts it up to a far better overall experience. As you also write, it does not have to be deep conversations, although passion always gives it another notch. Keaper skrev, 1 time siden: do suppose I have been lucky to meet women that feels the same. Lucky you I myself have had about 75-80% success in choosing to visit the ones that are right for me. However, I have great (perhaps short or in som other way surprisingly) moments with them all. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
People Pleaseren 875 Skrevet 30. April, 2022 Although danes speak and understand english pretty well (better than swedes for sure) most danes are somewhat rusty when its comes to speaking english. So learning danish will do you alot of good and im sure your clients will love you for it. Even though you make a lot of mistakes it will quickly get better if you try to speak it alot and people will be happy to help you im sure. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 2. Maj, 2022 @BachToBach, Pillow talk in Danish... sounds exciting. Someone should teach me that.... A question that burns "under my fingernails". I think it's an idiom that's meant to show agreement in some way - the phrase is used a lot here on the forum, but I've never really understood what it means exactly. Maybe someone could explain the sentence (the translation doesn't really make sense): "Ja det er da for mærkeligt, måske kender"selfie tøserne" dig allerede" - ???????????? 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
BachToBach 134 Skrevet 2. Maj, 2022 (edited) @Tantra Hmm. Let me see if I can think of someone who would be suitable for the job And as they say, languages are best learned on the pillow I wouldn’t call it an idiom, it is more of an EG reference to a phenomenon that started about a year ago. There is an “agency” that brings young Baltic girls to Copenhagen. In general the girls get good reviews. About a year ago they started to demand selfies to accept bookings, if someone sent the selfie, they would then ask for Facebook profile, LinkedIn profile and a selfie taken at work. This has been debated intensively on EG. Most commentators consider this a deal breaker, as you risk being extorted later. The sentence is probably from a review of one of these selfie girls. Someone will write that they tried to book the girl and was asked for a selfie. First guy: “Did you have to send a selfie too?”. Second guy: “That’s stange, no they didn’t ask me for that”. And then the first guy responds with your sentence “Yes, that is strange, maybe the selfie girls know you already”. Redigeret 2. Maj, 2022 af BachToBach 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
People Pleaseren 875 Skrevet 2. Maj, 2022 Tantra skrev, for 3 timer siden: @BachToBach, Pillow talk in Danish... sounds exciting. Someone should teach me that.... A question that burns "under my fingernails". I think it's an idiom that's meant to show agreement in some way - the phrase is used a lot here on the forum, but I've never really understood what it means exactly. Maybe someone could explain the sentence (the translation doesn't really make sense): "Ja det er da for mærkeligt, måske kender"selfie tøserne" dig allerede" - ???????????? "under my fingernails" It dosent ring a bell. How is this written in danish? Can you show me an example? The only thing I can think of is "getting dirt under my fingernails" which means something like doing some hard work. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 3. Maj, 2022 People Pleaseren skrev, for 50 minutter siden: "under my fingernails" It dosent ring a bell. It's a German proverb, it emphasizes the importance - the question- to "burns on my soul".or " under my fingernails - ah...- I like the "literal" translation in English and even "use" it when speaking. I finally wanted to understand this sentence above.... 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
CartViking 1 Skrevet 3. Maj, 2022 (edited) Tantra skrev, for 12 timer siden: It's a German proverb, it emphasizes the importance - the question- to "burns on my soul".or " under my fingernails - ah...- I like the "literal" translation in English and even "use" it when speaking. I finally wanted to understand this sentence above.... Oh, yes, when it comes to proverbs or idioms it can be really fun to translate, because it’s often a whole culture, You need to understand. I have been living abroad for some years, and still when some Danish proverbs comes to my mind, I struggle to find the English or German equivalent saying. Once, I learned, that Germans could have ‘hair on the teeth’ … I was scared to death. In Danish we would probably say ‘a sharp tongue’ … which is exactly as ‘wild’ for a non-native speaker. That is why, language is learned, when We communicate - not by a book. So basically, I agree, when the starter of this thread write about ‘the codes’ … Redigeret 3. Maj, 2022 af CartViking 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg