Tantra 1627 Skrevet 25. Maj, 2022 To what extent does a girl's age influence the customer's decision to choose that girl(?) I also wonder, for other girls. How important do you think the age of an visiting gentleman is? Personally, I hardly ever get appointment requests from very young men (18y - 30y). I didn't actually have a minimum age preference in my ad so I think younger men are mostly looking for young girls. And when they read 33y they just click next. Gentlemen I meet are 37y - 59y, a few exceptions under and a few over. I wonder if my own age makes me particularly interesting for this age bracket of gentleman? I myself prefer a gentleman 37y - 59y sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously. I'm curious... How big can the age difference be? Does a 65-year-old man choose a 20-year-old sex worker and does the girl receive this man(?) Does the girl's age influence your interest in a girl?- ...and for the girls(?) How important is the age of your customer to you? 2 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Argit 200 Skrevet 25. Maj, 2022 The age of the woman isn´t a decisive factor for me. I`m 65 myself and I`ve never been rejected either because of age. Not that I was ever asked about it, but it´s obvious I`m not in my 30´s or younger Of course all the women would be younger than I am so if there was a problem it would be them rejecting me, not the other way round. If they are nice and friendly t´s perfect with me - physically beautiful is just a plus, but not the final criteria 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
mindiskret 157 Skrevet 25. Maj, 2022 Nogle gange betyder alder meget. Andre gange betyder alderen intet. Nogle gange vil man være sammen med en på egen alder. Andre gange er forskel sexet og liderligt. Det handler om lyst og fantasi. Der er ikke nogen faciliste. Der er fordomme, men dem må andre ligge og rode med. En periode tænder jeg hårdt på den unge pige på tyve med små faste bryster. Så kommer pludselig lyst til at knalde en ældre kvinde med rigtige mormorbryster. Så en dag er lysten til en moden pige på egen alder. Med et tænder man slemt på tanken om et spil med dominans, og så er alderen helt uden betydning, men vær ærlig om din alder. Så får du de kunder som tænder på dig. Det er den slags, som kan finde på at komme igen. 6 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17609 Skrevet 25. Maj, 2022 Tantra skrev, for 31 minutter siden: To what extent does a girl's age influence the customer's decision to choose that girl(?) I also wonder, for other girls. How important do you think the age of an visiting gentleman is? Personally, I hardly ever get appointment requests from very young men (18y - 30y). I didn't actually have a minimum age preference in my ad so I think younger men are mostly looking for young girls. And when they read 33y they just click next. Gentlemen I meet are 37y - 59y, a few exceptions under and a few over. I wonder if my own age makes me particularly interesting for this age bracket of gentleman? I myself prefer a gentleman 37y - 59y sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously. I'm curious... How big can the age difference be? Does a 65-year-old man choose a 20-year-old sex worker and does the girl receive this man(?) Does the girl's age influence your interest in a girl?- ...and for the girls(?) How important is the age of your customer to you? Yes - and no. 59? What kind of age limit is that? And why? 59 is no different than 69 these days. I cannot - for obvious reasons - answer for the girls, but as a man .... no way that I'll go under 35 in a girl. Or ..... it has happened. But normally I don't. The exception that stands out: Denmark once had a legend named Nikitadarling. When I met her she was 22, and I was ... way beyond 50. It wasn't planned or anything - I was just in the village where she happened to be, and she happened to have time for me. It was for me an eye-opener, and at the same time I realized that she was one of a kind. With Nikita I didn't for a minute consider the age difference - and that was all due to her. I was astonished and realized that age difference isn't a static that can be levelled and valid for each and everyone. I believe that for her, age wasn't an issue at all. She was just an open-minded young girl that wanted to experience life - and men. And of course that smittened me - I also forgot age. To me, Nikita was the key to a world I wouldn't have experienced if it wasn't for her. I would have considered myself too old and battered to have any rights at all among you lovely ladies. She changed all that in an hour or two. And for that, I am for ever grateful. But the very minute you consider age and age limits - you're out on a limb where it actually matters. And if it matters to you, you can be sure it also matters to your guests. We men are very sensitive creatures - never forget that. 4 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den_glade_amatør 4641 Skrevet 25. Maj, 2022 Tantra skrev, for 49 minutter siden: Does the girl's age influence your interest in a girl? Alder er ikke helt uden betydning, men ligesom skønhed kan antage mange former, så kan min lyst på det aldersmæssige også variere, sådan som @mindiskret fint formulerer det. Pigen skal for mig dog næppe være yngre end midten af tyverne, og nok ikke over tres, men i virkeligheden er det hendes fremtoning, der er det vigtigste. 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Kroelle 5 Skrevet 25. Maj, 2022 (edited) Dear Tantra Let’s make it clear. Age matters - I am mid 50. However I can find a 20 year very sexy, and the same with a 50 year girl. They can also be un-sexy. Above 60 is a no-go for me. If I had the chance, I would chose you ❤️ Redigeret 25. Maj, 2022 af Kroelle 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Øbo 357 Skrevet 26. Maj, 2022 If the woman is too young it does not work for me at all. I have an extra g spot in my brain and she needs both experience and intellect to do anything about it 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Gabbana Skrevet 26. Maj, 2022 I’m in my mid 20’s and my age limit in women is 48 years old. I once visited and escort that was 48 years Old but she looked younger. Elderly women turns me on. But so does girls on my own age. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Catana 102 Skrevet 26. Maj, 2022 Quite a lot, I’m 65 and want mature dominas at 50+ 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Karsteng 557 Skrevet 26. Maj, 2022 I prefer 25 - 30 years. Women younger than me turns me on.. But the most important thing is that they look great and are happy, seems to enjoy the company, and are serviceminded.. I also prefer gfe and pse experiences, depending on what mood I'm in. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Eva Nadine 4842 Skrevet 26. Maj, 2022 (edited) During my 20+ years as a part time on-and-off sexworker I see a clear pattern. The "bulk of the batch" are my age +/- 10 years or so - and follows my age. So as I get older, the majority of guests are older too. When I hit 40 years of age, it instantly changed, almost over night. Now and since the 40yo mark, I see a significant increase in young and very young men with an age difference of 17-25 years. It's not as many as the "bulk" but maybe about 30% as big a number of young men compared to "the bulk". They simply "arrived" when I hit 40. Obviously because MILFs and GILFs are for whatever reason becoming more popular in porn and is somewhat "trending". Also the number of men who are 60+ seem to have waited for me to turn 40 or something. So the upturn at 40 of bigger age difference to both sides have been significant. There's still a bit of a gap between the men who are more than 10 years younger/older than me and less than 17 years younger/older than me. They are there, but they are not many for whatever reason. The younger men mostly don't visit more than maybe 5 times before they move on to other mistresses or evolve in some way. So there's a bigger "turnover" in the young men group. The "bulk" become regulars more often and stay regulars for longer. The very older men often don't have other lovers. They are more "monogamous" by choice, and prefer regular scheduled meetings though not as often. They simply don't shop around much once they find a lady with whom they click, is my experience. Some of them do enjoy it if I talk about my other adventures with younger men than them. It's kind of excitement "by proxy" and they also tell me about their sexcapades from their younger days. I absolutely love that! It might not be as vigorous physically as with the young men, but between the ears, it's hot as F*CK! I will sometimes use their tales and experiences of the past shared by the older men as inspiration for what I do with the present-day younger men, to great satisfaction for all of us So wait until you hit 40 @Tantra and I'm predicting it will change. But maybe your own preferences won't? It's possible to market oneself to a specific age group. I'm actually considering that over summer. I might make an ad that targets a specific age group that I'd like to see more of in numbers. Sometimes colleagues will say "I don't accept younger men - it feels weird if he could be my son!" My reply to that is always "Well Honey... you're missing out. I welcome them with open arms and legs. As long as it is NOT my son or his friends, then it's all is goooood" Same can be said for men "my fathers age" btw. Enjoy! Eva PS: @Tantra I really do like and enjoy your threads Lovely They're always personal and relatable. Please drop by now and then even when you leave us too soon. Or stay a bit longer Redigeret 26. Maj, 2022 af Eva Nadine 7 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 26. Maj, 2022 @mindiskret, Thanks for your answer, but I'm a little confused if you meant in general terms or if you addressed me?- If you did you should read my post correctly - I'm not complaining that I don't get the men I want, or do you think that I make myself older that I am, and thus the younger guys don't contact me? It's not like that at all. I'm just curious if the age of us girls influences customers' choices and vice versa and my age is correctly stated. @Bananas A bit of humor as always. I don't have a minimum or maximum age limit currently, but 69 sounds good. I prefer 37y-59y and this age group seems to like my 33y... but I will remember that men are very sensitive beings when it comes to age. Thanks for the tip @Bananas @Eva Nadine, See you 2 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den_glade_amatør 4641 Skrevet 26. Maj, 2022 Tantra skrev, 1 time siden: @mindiskret, Thanks for your answer, but I'm a little confused if you meant in general terms or if you addressed me? Jeg tror ikke, at @mindiskret tvivler på din angivne alder, men at han blot opfordrer til, at du også fremover er ærlig omkring din alder i annoncen. Det er der rigtig mange piger, som ikke er. Faktisk så mange, at man ofte regner med, at der nok skal lægges noget til den opgivne alder. 3 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Øbo 357 Skrevet 26. Maj, 2022 Eva Nadine skrev, for 5 timer siden: They simply "arrived" when I hit 40. Obviously because MILFs and GILFs are for whatever reason becoming more popular in porn and is somewhat "trending". Eva's thoughts on where the Milf fascination comes from. The Grauduate and Mrs Robinson are from 1968. The whole fascination with the idea that a mature experienced woman introduces the young man to all the mysteries of sexuality has always and independently of porn been incredibly alluring to young men I even remember clearly how strong the imagination was when I was 20 and that was at a time when porn consumption was completely different than today. I wonder if the theme of age difference in many combinations, some more widely accepted than others, has always been a powerful driving force for fantasies. Eva Nadine skrev, for 5 timer siden: Citat @Tantra 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest SweetMilf6630 Skrevet 26. Maj, 2022 I købesex verden, betyder alder intet for mig. Og selv om jeg har rundet de 40 år som Eva Nadine nævner, har kunde gruppen ikke ændret sig ret meget. Især stamkunderne og jeg vi bliver bare ældre sammen. Der har altid været flest kunder som er ældre en mig selv. Men har også kunder helt ned til 18 år. For nogen unge mænd som ikke har fået indviet sexlivet endnu. Vælger købesex og i samme ombæring vælger de så af og til en erfaren for at være sikret en go oplevelse. Med tålmodighed, forståelse osv. En del af mine ældste kunder 60+ udtaler at selv om helt ungt kød frister, så er der for meget fart over feltet. Og hvis der er forvejen er begyndende rejsningsproblemer. Så gavner de ikke med ydeligere præstations angst overfor en ung smuk kvinde. Jeg har 2 gange i min karriere fået forespørgsler fra teenagere under 18år. Og det er er klart nej. Og ville vel egentligt også ulovligt. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
banan 38 Skrevet 26. Maj, 2022 Tantra skrev, for 18 timer siden: To what extent does a girl's age influence the customer's decision to choose that girl(?) I'm early 30s now. Started visiting girls in this world late in my late 20s. Age does not matter a lot to me. I've not visited a girl 40+ (that I know of), but I have toyed with the idea. Neither do I aim for girls early 20s or below. If age and pictures do not match at all, its a clear warning sign however. I think what you are offering is the biggest reason you don't see many young men. Although I quickly found the value in less-porn-more-sensual meetings like tantra, I think those values are more often held by older gentlemen. On top of that, your service is clearly "premium", your reviews are very positive, your sessions are comparatively long, and of course your prices reflect that. Older men with a steady job and maybe even kids that no longer live at home, will be more likely to treat themself to a more premium service. On a side-note, I hope that I can pull your average-customer-age down a little next time you are near Aarhus 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Keaper 515 Skrevet 26. Maj, 2022 Um The joke is that every year there's a new batch of 19 year olds, right ? Your the one getting older, not them ? But Honestly. My main preference is 30-45. The very height of womanly blossom ! Call them MILF if you wish. These are the grown women that know what they want, and take it ! Yes, I have meet 1 <25 girl that was.... WoW.... But it's not my preference. It honestly feels weird . But there's so many 30+ incredible GFE girls. And all I say is, Please, all girls post your real age ! 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Øbo 357 Skrevet 26. Maj, 2022 A little anecdote. At one point I was traveling and was very random and very unprepared ended up in a house where various lovely services were sold. I think other men will nod in recognition of how quickly the blood supply to the brain disappears in such a situation. Into the room as I have been instructed comes the cutest most lovely younger woman who is able in a matter of seconds to build up the illusion that I was the best most surprising gift she had ever received and at the same time build up a completely unique present feeling. We were going to take a bath together and already after the bath I already paid for an extra hour, the blood had not returned to the brain at all. We started playing and during a suitable break where we both needed air and some water, the usual small talk began. It had all come a little suddenly so after finding out each other's names, her of course as real as a three dollar, I unfortunately came to ask about her age. It was not shockingly low but she was two years younger than my daughter and just exactly my daughter's age I had for some reason had a strange idea was a critical point. It was a bit of a downturn but luckily she again quickly blocked my ability to think and gave me a few amazing hours. But I subsequently had it a bit mixed up with it as if it was wrong and amazing at the same time. I later came back to the place to pay another woman a visit and Jade as she was called was also there that day and we had the opportunity for a more relaxed conversation. I talked a lot about her age without mentioning the problem and she laughed and asked if I really thought it was her real age and then told her her real age was three years older than my daughter. Suddenly my first experience was completely unequivocally positive and after going and enjoying that thought for a few days, she of course had to be visited again. After all, age is really just a number. I have met quite young people with a huge experience and people of a mature age who were immature children. With sex workers, we basically buy an illusion, age is just part of the illusion. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Øbo 357 Skrevet 26. Maj, 2022 Keaper skrev, for 16 minutter siden: Um The joke is that every year there's a new batch of 19 year olds, right ? Your the one getting older, not them ? But Honestly. My main preference is 30-45. The very height of womanly blossom ! Call them MILF if you wish. These are the grown women that know what they want, and take it ! Yes, I have meet 1 <25 girl that was.... WoW.... But it's not my preference. It honestly feels weird . But there's so many 30+ incredible GFE girls. And all I say is, Please, all girls post your real age ! Strongly agree I think I have opted out of a lot of good experiences simply because a false age has been stated to attract customers but that made me move on. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
mindiskret 157 Skrevet 26. Maj, 2022 Den_glade_amatør skrev, for 6 timer siden: Jeg tror ikke, at @mindiskret tvivler på din angivne alder, men at han blot opfordrer til, at du også fremover er ærlig omkring din alder i annoncen. Det er der rigtig mange piger, som ikke er. Faktisk så mange, at man ofte regner med, at der nok skal lægges noget til den opgivne alder. Korrekt @Glade Amatør. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Søren A Skrevet 28. Maj, 2022 (edited) I am 44 and for me there is something really speciel and exciting to lick a shaven tight pussy on a 20 - 30 year petit girl I really love that. But off cource I like other things as well also with women older than 30 but I can’t remember visiting one on the same age as me. Redigeret 28. Maj, 2022 af Søren A Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg