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https://annoncelight.dk/showad/344374  Been past her yesterday, but after waiting half an hour for her to answer when i was on the spot i was a bit sceptical already, so instead of just leaving i decided to call, no answer but i got a call back after and managed to get inside the building.

The door opened and was met by this girl who claims on the website she is from Spain, instead i got a Romanian girl who in my opinion is much chubbier than the pictures + no makeup.

I am a bit more picky when it comes to girls (I prefer the Alexis / Mulley type) so i said pictures dont match and left.

After i left, instead of just leaving it, she started messaging me in Romanian even tho at the time i didnt know she was Romanian, she did that probablly because when i introduced myself i said i am from Moldova, and we basically speak the same language in these countries.

Anyway, she claimed she was the girl in the pictures, and also presented me with a picture of the tattoo between her breasts, i may be mistaken that she was not the girl in the pictures, but then the pictures are edited really good, or she just gained weight since the pictures took place.

Just wanted to share my experience so you know what to expect if you decide to visit her. All in all, i am happy i didnt waste the same amount of money i would spend on a top-tier girl like Mulley or Alexis. Guess i just need to wait until some hot ones come to Odense, cuz right now the only one that is presentable is Inessa, and she is also Romanian, (her whatsup says "Salut" meaning hi in Romanian) and when i messaged her in Romanian she didnt answer, so i guess she doesnt take clients from the same country as her.



Redigeret af VSViper

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VSViper skrev, for 15 timer siden:

The door opened and was met by this girl who claims on the website she is from Spain, instead i got a Romanian girl who in my opinion is much chubbier than the pictures + no makeup.


Synes ikke der står noget om hun er fra Spanien, men det kan selvfølgelig være ændret siden du læste annoncen. Der imod står der hun tilbyder spansk.... :huh:

Hun ser sgu ellers dejlig ud, så kan godt forstå du blev skuffet hvis det ikke var hende du mødte. Fair nok du smuttede igen hvis det du så ikke faldt i din smag.

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VSViper skrev, for 15 timer siden:

i would spend on a top-tier girl like Mulley or Alexis

Helt enig. Mulley var bare verdensklasse på alle områder og kun 21 år....mega fræk og lækker ung tøs........,men hun kommer jo nok ikke tilbage da hun jo desværre var en del af selfie-banden.

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GIANT COCK skrev, for 7 timer siden:

Helt enig. Mulley var bare verdensklasse på alle områder og kun 21 år....mega fræk og lækker ung tøs........,men hun kommer jo nok ikke tilbage da hun jo desværre var en del af selfie-banden.

Any idea what happened to that gang? 

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22 cm and thick skrev, for 7 timer siden:

Synes ikke der står noget om hun er fra Spanien, men det kan selvfølgelig være ændret siden du læste annoncen. Der imod står der hun tilbyder spansk.... :huh:

Hun ser sgu ellers dejlig ud, så kan godt forstå du blev skuffet hvis det ikke var hende du mødte. Fair nok du smuttede igen hvis det du så ikke faldt i din smag.

https://www.escort-side.dk/Sara-OutcallIncall-NEW-NEW?ad-id=23002  on this link she mentions Spanish nationality

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Det er hende på billederne du møder. De er selvfølgelig pyntet som så mange andre også er. Men helt rigtigt.. hun er et par kilo tungere irl.

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messi61 skrev, for 53 minutter siden:

It's her in the pictures you meet. They are of course decorated like so many others are. But right .. she's a couple of pounds heavier irl.

Yeah i admitted my mistake after she showed me a picture with the tatoo, but her presentation lacked, she had a outfit that covered her stomach, and she was hiding behind the door just to get me in without me seeing her, and she is heavier than the pictures, i guess its my mistake for going to a GP that didnt have a normal picture with newspaper (not edited), i just was used to nice outfits and good presentations when going to GP's, i guess i just miss the selfie gang that brought really nice Gp's most of the time.

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Hi everybody, i am the girl in cause. I don t like the people who post here doesn t tell the truth! This guy was to me, and he was like he see satana and he acuse me i am not the girl in the photos! I was not hiding behind the door, the address is a private address and in the building living kids people who does not know what we do there in apartament. And is not normally to appear almost naked without knowing who is there! This guy lie to much, i text him because he acuse me i am not the girl in the photos and this is not true! He say i was stoled the fotos from germany, from a house where i work in the pastlike really???And he writed me if i was with more make up and with more sexy clothes he stay, and why you coming after and write here that i am not the girl in the photos and i am fat ??? In the photos one normal people can see i am not a girl that have 40 kg! It s writed on my website also that I have 170 cm and 65 kg! He is just a frustrated men and he was nervous that I block him in his nose and he decides to make me something bad! But tell the truth and next time study with some glasses the photos for the girls. It was dark in house he even didn t stay to look at me and run like a crazy ... you watch much porn my friend i already see that you comment to a lot of girls shitty things ..

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