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Her er lidt at starte weekenden på. Bare fyld på hvis i har flere. Go' weekend. :)

Efter de havde haft sex, kælede hun for hans lem.

Vil du have sex igen? spurgte han.

Nej jeg beundrer bare din pik, sådan en havde jeg også en gang......

2 kammerater sidder og snakker:

Kan klitoris sidde bagi?

Nej det er ikke muligt..

Er du sikker?

Ja helt sikker

... fuck, så har jeg slikket på en hæmoride hele natten....

Ole og Tim havde gay sex

"Jeg har Aids" sagde ole,

"åh gud" udbrød Tim..

"just kidding" sagde Ole,

"jeg nød bare måden du strammede røven på, da jeg sagde det...!!"

Manden skal ned og slikke damen...

Fy for satan, der stinker her...

ja siger hun, det er gigt!!

manden: GIGT i fissen??

damen: Nej i skulderen, jeg kan ikke tørre mig i røven...!!

Manden tog fat i nakken af konen og med pikken i hånden sagde han:

"lad som om det er min bankkonto, den har du aldrig problemer med at tømme..."

To damer taler om at onanere. Den ene siger hun bruger agurk

"smider du den ud bagefter?"

"nej da min mand skal have den med på madpakken, lidt fisse skal han da have..."

Hvordan kan man få en kvinde til at skrige 2 gange under samleje?

Første gang når hun får orgasme og anden gang når du tørrer pikken af i gardinet..

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Two of the men are talking

about the control they have

over their wives, while the

third remains silent. After a

while, the fi rst two men turn

to the third and ask, ‘What

about you? What kind of

control do you have over

your wife?’

The third man turns to the fi rst two and says,

‘Well, I’ll tell you, just the other day I had her

on her knees.’

The fi rst two men are dumbfounded. ‘Wow!

What happened next?’ they ask.

The third man takes a healthy swig of his beer,

sighs and mutters, ‘Then she started screaming,

“Get out from under the bed and fi ght like

a man!”’

A MAN WALKS INTO A BAR and fi nds a jar full

of money on the counter. He asks the bartender

what it’s for. The bartender replies, ‘Every night

we have a contest where you have to complete

three tasks to win all the money in the jar.’

The man asks, ‘What are the tasks?’

‘First, you have to go over to Jimmy the bouncer

and knock him out with one hit. Then, well,

there’s a pit bull out back and you have to pull

its blunt tooth out. Finally, the boss’s wife is

upstairs and you have to go pleasure her. But

you have to put down $10 to play,’ says the


‘Damn,’ says the man.

Later that night, after several drinks, the man

smacks down $10 and says, ‘I’m in.’

He walks over to the bouncer and swings.

One hit and he’s out cold. The man falls fl at

on his face too, but gets up and walks out back.

The only sound is the dog howling. Then the

man steps back in, goes over to the bartender

and asks, ‘Now where is that lady with the

blunt tooth?’


‘I can play any musical instrument you like.’

An Englishman gives him a guitar, which the

octopus plays better than Jimi Hendrix.

An Irishman gives him a piano, which the

octopus plays better than Elton John.

A Scotsman throws him a set of bagpipes.

The octopus fumbles about for a couple

of minutes without a sound from

the bagpipes and the Scotsman

asks, ‘What’s wrong, can ye no

play it?’

The octopus says,

‘Play it? I’m gonna

**** her brains

out once I get her

pyjamas off.’


INTO A FAMOUS BAR. The bartender tells them

about a magical mirror in the ladies room. He

says, ‘If you go up to it and tell it the truth it

will grant you a wish, but if you lie – bang! it

swallows you up.’ The three women head straight

for the mirror.

The redhead goes fi rst and says, ‘I’m the most

beautiful woman on earth.’ Bang! – the mirror

swallows her up.

The brunette goes up to the mirror and says,

‘I’m the sexiest woman on earth.’ Bang! – the

mirror swallows her up.

Last of all, the blonde goes up the mirror and

says, ‘I think—’ Bang! Gone!


off her clothes and asks, ‘Is there anyone here

man enough to make a woman of me?’

A man stands up, removes his shirt and says,

‘Here, iron this!’

A MAN WALKS INTO A BAR looking really moody

and immediately orders a double whisky. Then

he starts rambling on about how lousy his wife

is, until the bartender fi nally says, ‘You know,

I don’t understand what you’re complaining

about. All the other guys in here only have

good things to say about your wife.’


The man keeps staring at a drunk woman

sitting alone at the next table. His wife asks him,

‘Do you know her?’

‘Yes,’ the man says. ‘She’s my old girlfriend.

I’ve heard she took to drinking after we split

up all those years ago, and she’s rarely been

sober since.’

‘Oh my God!’ says the wife. ‘Who would have

thought a person could go on celebrating for

that long?’




A BAR, start drinking, and discuss how stupid

their wives are.

The Englishman says, ‘I tell you, my wife is so

stupid. Last week she went to the supermarket

and bought $300 worth of meat because it was

on sale, and we don’t even have a fridge to keep

it in.’

The Scotsman agrees that she sounds pretty

thick, but says his wife is thicker. ‘Just last

week, she went out and spent $17,000 on a new

car,’ he laments, ‘and she doesn’t even know

how to drive!’

The Irishman nods sagely, and agrees that these

two women sound like they both walked through

the stupid forest and got hit by every branch.

However, he still thinks his wife is dumber. ‘Ah,

it kills me every time I think of it,’ he chuckles.

‘My wife left to go on a trip to Greece. I watched

her packing her bag, and she must have put

about 100 condoms in there and she doesn’t even

have a penis!’

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Hvordan kan man få en kvinde til at skrige 2 gange under samleje?

Første gang når hun får orgasme og anden gang når du tørrer pikken af i gardinet..

Her kommer den så i den korrekte og oprindelige version:

Hvordan får man en kvinde til at skrige 2 gange?

1. gang, når man tager hende i røven og 2. gang, når man tørrer pikken af i gardinet :lol:

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To ældre damer med alderdommens forskellige skavanker sad og talte på en bænk. Naturligvis kom de ind på de forgangne år og navnlig den for længst afdøde ægtefælle.

"joh", siger den ene, "min mand var kusk på Stjernen*".

"Ja", siger den anden og retter hørerøret ind, "det havde min mand også".

* Stjernen var et bryggeri

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Hvordan kan man få en kvinde til at skrige 2 gange under samleje?

Første gang når hun får orgasme og anden gang når du tørrer pikken af i gardinet..

Den duer ikke. Dels er den ikke grov nok, dels er det jo ikke 'under samleje', når man tørrer pikken af.

Jeg kender den ca. sådan her:

Hvordan får du en kvinde til at skrige to gange i sengen?

Først boller du hende i røven, og bagefter tørrer du pikken af i gardinet.

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Guest Aarhuselsker

På besøg hos glædespige. Hej søster jeg skal lige hurtigt på toilettet. Åh, det er helt nede i gården. Du kan bare hurtigt bruge køkkenvaskn. Husk at skylle godt.

Ok-lidt efter. Hej søster, skal jeg bare tørre røven i viskestykkerne?

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