Den ærlige 187 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 Rosehunter skrev, for 3 minutter siden: No. And it's 2 yeas back in time. Times may has changed Så de er ikke i dk mere ? Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
JenniferRomantica 18183 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 (edited) Jeg bliver tit spurgt om urinsex.. Sex uden oftere.. Blowjob uden er næææsten hver anden henvendelse.. De fleste forventer det faktisk.. Jeg tror dog også at jeg er priviligeret af at være dansk så de fleste har måske en anden tilgang, og mindre lyst, til at spørge om de helt nasty ting.. Redigeret 3. August, 2022 af JenniferRomantica Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
NerdGeek 9 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 Mindblowing hvis de har gemt data på kunder i næsten ti år. Denne tråd burde være sticky på forsiden! 'Mon ikke at diverse udenlandske piger vil mærke et markant fald i antal kunder det næste stykke tid? Jeg kigger ofte efter Latinas, og har da også lagt mærke til at de fleste har ord og vendinger, stavefejl, menuer, priser osv til fælles. Har altid gået uden om dem der har 24/7 fx. Tak til Colombiameme for denne øjenåbner Der var et par ting i det første indlæg jeg studsede over og måtte tjekke. 1. Google translate kender virkelig udtrykket "Logik for burhøns" 2. Jeg har besøgt omkring ti Thai steder gennem årene, og har dog aldrig befundet mig over et autoværksted? 1 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 brølfraundergrunden skrev, for 2 timer siden: @Colombiameme It can't be stressed enough how important your post is. Thank you for the braveness, straightforwardness and willingness to let the truth be told to the public - even to those who do NOT want to acknowledge pure facts about most of the foreign girls and women working in this industry in Denmark. Know that we are people who see you and your struggles - we see and acknowledge the injustices that surrounds this industry, where poor, vulnerable and less lucky people unfortunately can become the target for organized crime groups. I have questions - as I want to educate myself aswell - please explain to me: what are the conditions girls and women get told, they will work under here in Denmark? And how does that differ from the reality they meet upon arrival? Do some women and girls get offered other jobs not related to the sex industry as bait, and upon arrival realize that they will be working as a prostitute? The best groups are savvy and try to keep girls informed, motivated and happy just like any other criminal in a group. The trouble only start if you take initiatives of your own or not doing as told. The whole notion of promising one thing and showing other things was tried and failed. I think only the worst places in Rødovre do that today. These are the girls who always get bad reviews and their gang gave up in changing it since the girls always disappoint. It is easier to have low costs, high volume of girls and settle for the bad clients that have been blacklisted by other gangs. The whole apparatus starts working in the home country and there is someone from the organization every step along the way - photos, clothes, tickets, food and friends, reviews, screening guests, moving between apartments, handling of money and most importantly laundering of money and staying connected/recruiting new girls with the old ones. It is really bad business to threaten or lie in any business and if it happens it is further down in the chain, an angry chaperone or evil pimp in DK. Most of them do not last long since the girl can tell when they get back. The catch is the total control so that there is no independence. The top 10 independent girls in DK would never be allowed to operate alone but they bring in so much cash and credibility for the fake profiles in here that it is good business to let them live in the best apartment (and let them close the door after 10 clients daily). See my previous post on prepaying the Eastern European ladies. A mediocre Latin women works all day seven days a week for 3 weeks without any free time. What a lot of them will do for the guys giving a tip is give you their personal WhatsApp and position ask that you save that extra 200 kr bill for after she leaves with money. Did you notice how the Latinas apartment smells of rice and beans? The chaperone for these countries (is supposed to) make food from home for them (they are from the same country and she used to do the same work when she was young). 1 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 JenniferRomantica skrev, for 29 minutter siden: Jeg bliver tit spurgt om urinsex.. Sex uden oftere.. Blowjob uden er næææsten hver anden henvendelse.. De fleste forventer det faktisk.. Jeg tror dog også at jeg er priviligeret af at være dansk så de fleste har måske en anden tilgang, og mindre lyst, til at spørge om de helt nasty ting.. Thank you. @AalborgLook once again you are wrong. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Advarsel 2793 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 Colombiameme skrev, for 7 timer siden: 2.370 views but just 38 replies. Not very significant. "Views" will always be extremely much higher than the number of active participants. A thread with many replies over several days will be opened by the same people again and again. It could easily be a majority of signed in users who generated those views. Colombiameme skrev, for 5 timer siden: committed suicide after the first trip. If she's dead, you could tell us her working name with no repercussions? It could be true, but some of your statements are obviously grotesquely off point. E.g. your comment on thai massage parlours on top of auto shops. That is just a very very uncommon phenomenon in my part of the country (Copenhagen/Zealand) However your description of how the gangs have users here who write fake reviews has been verified previously. I remember one who was banned for fake reviews on eastern European girls. I can see you say you are abroad. Otherwise I would love to have a cup of coffe one day and perhaps refer you to relevant journalists. There already exists a podcast series on how eastern European women are recruited for prostitution in Denmark (and other countries) - starting with a story of an arson that killed a girl. 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 Advarsel skrev, for 2 minutter siden: Not very significant. "Views" will always be extremely much higher than the number of active participants. A thread with many replies over several days will be opened by the same people again and again. It could easily be a majority of signed in users who generated those views. If she's dead, you could tell us her working name with no repercussions? It could be true, but some of your statements are obviously grotesquely off point. E.g. your comment on thai massage parlours on top of auto shops. That is just a very very uncommon phenomenon in my part of the country (Copenhagen/Zealand) However your description of how the gangs have users here who write fake reviews has been verified previously. I remember one who was banned for fake reviews on eastern European girls. I can see you say you are abroad. Otherwise I would love to have a cup of coffe one day and perhaps refer you to relevant journalists. There already exists a podcast series on how eastern European women are recruited for prostitution in Denmark (and other countries) - starting with a story of an arson that killed a girl. Great post. Thank you! @jackson666should be taken of the platform as well! Out of respect, I will not share her name. The very popular Thai sex shop in Buddinge is in top of a car shop and is by far the best organized Thai sex-only shop (but green Thai massage places can also offer sex). The older Latina with big silicon boobs in Rødovre also works out of a property that is very similar and on top of a carshop. 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 (edited) When you visit apartments (not apartment hotels) start to note the name on the door. Is the apartment listed on Airbnb? No, so Google the names. You will be surprised re the Latinas in Brønshøj and the Eastern Europeans in Teglholmen. Redigeret 3. August, 2022 af Colombiameme 2 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 Try to ask a Latina what is her exit plan. They will all say that they want enough money to buy a house so they can live from renting it. Is every Latina a natural born real estate dealer or was this idea planted in their heads when they got offered to travel the world for sex? No girl ever got to that buy that house because of the vicious cycle outlined here but it is a great dream repeated to them from everyone working with them. 2 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den ærlige 187 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 Colombiameme skrev, for 1 minut siden: Try to ask a Latina what is her exit plan. They will all say that they want enough money to buy a house so they can live from renting it. Is every Latina a natural born real estate dealer or was this idea planted in their heads when they got offered to travel the world for sex? No girl ever got to that buy that house because of the vicious cycle outlined here but it is a great dream repeated to them from everyone working with them. Den historie kender jeg godt. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 Advarsel skrev, for 20 minutter siden: Not very significant. "Views" will always be extremely much higher than the number of active participants. A thread with many replies over several days will be opened by the same people again and again. It could easily be a majority of signed in users who generated those views. If she's dead, you could tell us her working name with no repercussions? It could be true, but some of your statements are obviously grotesquely off point. E.g. your comment on thai massage parlours on top of auto shops. That is just a very very uncommon phenomenon in my part of the country (Copenhagen/Zealand) However your description of how the gangs have users here who write fake reviews has been verified previously. I remember one who was banned for fake reviews on eastern European girls. I can see you say you are abroad. Otherwise I would love to have a cup of coffe one day and perhaps refer you to relevant journalists. There already exists a podcast series on how eastern European women are recruited for prostitution in Denmark (and other countries) - starting with a story of an arson that killed a girl. We managed to get one gang busted by the police, the selfie gang, and we are aiming for two more. It is very hard and you need a lot of evidence (we have that) and a lawyer to help you to get the police to start an investigation, which then takes some time. I am writing here because the investigations are rolling, we are talking to the Berlingske and Ekstra Bladet about staking out in front of the known locations and what is left now is the buyers, you, to know what has happened for too long. 1 2 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
NerdGeek 9 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 I have heard a few times Latina asking customer to do proforma marriage for EU citizenship. Is that also part of the gang playbook? Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 NerdGeek skrev, Lige nu: I have heard a few times Latina asking customer to do proforma marriage for EU citizenship. Is that also part of the gang playbook? No, we pick Latinas who can be naturlized Spanish citizens so EU. Baltics are also EU. This Latina is one of those that we would get out of our areas because she cannot fit into a operation. 2 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 NerdGeek skrev, for 3 minutter siden: I have heard a few times Latina asking customer to do proforma marriage for EU citizenship. Is that also part of the gang playbook? Think about how many Latina hair dressers and make up artists live in Spanish with work permits and missing money. It is two ladies in 40s who recruit and send all of them here. 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest brølfraundergrunden Skrevet 3. August, 2022 Colombiameme skrev, for 28 minutter siden: Think about how many Latina hair dressers and make up artists live in Spanish with work permits and missing money. It is two ladies in 40s who recruit and send all of them here. Thank you for your previous answer too. Yes, women have for a long time played a vital role recruiting as they seem far too trustworthy for a girl in need of expanding her income. I guess these women not only recruit, but also take great part in the laundering of the proceeds. Is that something you can confirm @Colombiameme? And in general, how do these laundering schemes work? Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
brightday 1 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 (edited) Thanks for taking the time to share, crazy to have this insight into this industry. It's really rare for someone like you to show up here. 1.Could you expand, and possibly answer your own questions here? "questions what to look out for, how the savvy clients stay anonymous, how the stories play out for the girls or even more about these money laundering mechanisms." 2. If you can talk more about the working conditions for the girls? Is it more like "ok, it's not what I want to do but it makes me a lot of money..or is it more like "slavery"/coercion? Because a lot of people work physical 9-5 jobs which they do not enjoy, and feel forced to go, but they go, because they need to pay the bills. Or people that go and work on oil rigs, yes it's very shit for a period of time, but it pays good. So you go. Is it comparable to something like this, or is it completely different? 3. You said that some of the top girls could bring home 10K EUR into their own pockets, if they work 6-12 months like this, it adds up to a significant amount of money and they could leave the "job" and pursue their own life? Redigeret 3. August, 2022 af brightday Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
brightday 1 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 (edited) Colombiameme skrev, for 51 minutter siden: Think about how many Latina hair dressers and make up artists live in Spanish with work permits and missing money. It is two ladies in 40s who recruit and send all of them here. You said, please correct me if I'm wrong - that you didn't know any (?) Eastern European or Latina girls that was here independently. Then in your opinion, is there any girls that would be independent then, outside of the possible Danish girls? How does these network react to independent girls? Is there any meaningful sabotage except for perhaps, bad reviews on forums? How big could these networks be? Are we talking 5-10 people or more? Again, I want to say that you are providing invaluable insight into this industry, one can do whatever one wants with the information, but it is impossible to deny the value of the input you have. Redigeret 3. August, 2022 af brightday Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den_glade_amatør 4651 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 brightday skrev, for 9 minutter siden: 3. You said that some of the top girls could bring home 10K EUR into their own pockets, if they work 6-12 months like this, it adds up to a significant amount of money and they could leave the "job" and pursue their own life? Svaret på dette spørgsmål er vist allerede givet. Ja, pigerne kan tjene ganske mange penge, men bagmændene tjener det tredobbelte. Bagmændene har derfor ingen interesse i, at pigerne stopper, for så tørrer deres indtægtskilde jo ud. @Colombiameme nævnte netop, at pigerne godt nok tjener penge, men samtidigt fastholdes i systemet og derfor ikke bare kan stoppe, når de selv vil. I øvrigt i modsætning til mange danske piger, vil jeg tro. 3 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 @brølfraundergrunden and @brightday I will not give you any details into staying anonymous. You just created this profile, and I think that you are some of these leeches that as been exploiting and exploited by the system. No way will I help you get off the hook. The guys I would like to help here are as an example the disabled people who just needs to be sexual with someone and are so nice during a visit. Please write me a message if you need help and have a profile that is more than a year old. You two guys are not part of this. Laundering has two parts. The gangs and the girl. The gangs have their ways, and you as Danes and Danske Bank have done your fair share for that.. Yes, some Baltic gangs in that case were prostitution gangs. The girls living in Spain and working from Østerbro, as an example, have to solve it themselves. They travel back with DKK bills and have a huge hastle convertering them and depositing them. This is one of the reasons why the Østerbro locations never have the same girls. It is too complicated for the girls even when they are home. The Brønshøj and Vanløse latinas actually gets hired into a service company somewhere in Vanløse during their stay. They get part of their salary this way (if they are EU passport) and part in cash. There is a whole infrastructure around that area, which handles all of that and even some socializing amongst the ladies. But the atmosphere is just like to inmates in a jail that can laugh at something and the chaperons are like the prison guards for good and bad. For the Latinas of course a lot of money gets sent home to one parent (most girls have divorces parents and not talking to one of them) with the traditional clearing companies. The Eastern Europeans converts the DKK to EUR in part of the gang, which needs DKK for other areas of business. Since they are so young they stay with their parents, and they can drip by drip deposit and spend their fortunes in at home and claim the deposits as gifts, residual consumption, etc. Understand that all of this is part of the tricky situation too. A girl typically comes home with all this black cash and cannot buy real estate or deposit it. Girls can either give their own services to the gang or pay a tax to use their money laundering schemes, which is involved and implies hiring back home. You might have to work for 10 months to get your money but in that time you will be asked to travel abroad again to make more money (or lose what you saved). This way the money is accruing and the girls can be happy about that but every trip adds to the time they need to stay around the gang. The only way to make that work is if there is a hope in sight: "You will rent out a house, have passive income and live like a queen once you are done". If the girls do as they are told and say yes to everything they will be able to continue. If they want something else they will be reminded of what they owe/have left/have done can be leaked to family/will be report/can be in danger. This talk of independence.. Which independent 20-some beautiful girl in Baltics og Latin America would even know that Denmark existed? That prostitution is (border-line) legal and that the authorities are not strict on it? Even if they did that how would they find the listing sites and forums? How would they find an apartment? All of these apartments that all the girls use again and again.. Do you know something like for sex apartments? Would they just sit there and wait for a strange guy double their weight to come into the apartment? Would they not be so scared that the last thing they could do is offer sex? And what if you refused to pay? What could she do? Some girls try, but they quickly turn to the gangs via the listed girls because so many guys are blacked-listed from the good girls so any girl that goes onto the listing sites gets flooded with the guys that no one wants. You either go home or get organized. Denmark is nice and safe but there is no foreign girl (who knows what can happen from back home) opening her door to strangers without some safety around them. 5 3 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 (edited) Since some of you are writing my in private: What I am putting up here is peanuts compared to what I gave to the media and police. I cannot tell it all here because of their work. Redigeret 3. August, 2022 af Colombiameme 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
pacer 2590 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 Colombiameme skrev, for 6 timer siden: The lady that AMBAR is lived with is the strictest chaperone often searching the room for cash tips and drugs and not serving food, which is part of the deal. Did you not visit her? When you drive out to Tureby, we even take you guys' license plate in case we can cross reference due to loans in the car or company leasing. Some of the chaperones are stricter than the gangs told them to be. I did :-/ Been there how naive of me. 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 (edited) Deleted Redigeret 3. August, 2022 af Colombiameme Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
brightday 1 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 Colombiameme skrev, for 13 minutter siden: Again, thanks for your detailed reply. and I completely understand your skepticism towards newly created profiles. I'm sure you have a lot of strong feelings regarding this subject. For my response, I'd like to say that I never had a profile before, just a viewer. But I could not resist to write in this thread, of course, there's no way you can believe me. However, everything you write makes sense, I think this is something that is not brought up on the forum, or perhaps simply something one does not want to think about. The morality of this area. Are the girls coached into how they should act with customers? Things to say, a "personality" to convey, things not to mention, etc. Some of the girls are very good at displaying a "GFE" experience, is this just their natural personality or have they been trained for this? What about sex between the "gang members" and the girls? You write of them as, frankly, very good businessmen, morality aside. They keep the cash flowing and their workers as happy as possible in the context of the situation. Do they have sex with the girls? Is it consensual or, is it like the rest of the situation some sort of coercion involved in it? Are they treated as employees/workers or more like subordinates? And when I say this I mean, in a workplace you might still be a subordinate technically speaking, but you could and would still speak up if you were being treated unfairly. Or is the gang member/chaperones word = law? Are the girls scared of the chaperone when they are in Denmark? Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 brightday skrev, for 2 minutter siden: What about sex between the "gang members" and the girls? You write of them as, frankly, very good businessmen, morality aside. They keep the cash flowing and their workers as happy as possible in the context of the situation. Do they have sex with the girls? Is it consensual or, is it like the rest of the situation some sort of coercion involved in it? Are they treated as employees/workers or more like subordinates? And when I say this I mean, in a workplace you might still be a subordinate technically speaking, but you could and would still speak up if you were being treated unfairly. Or is the gang member/chaperones word = law? Are the girls scared of the chaperone when they are in Denmark? What part of this was unclear? Citat A girl typically comes home with all this black cash and cannot buy real estate or deposit it. Girls can either give their own services to the gang or pay a tax to use their money laundering schemes, which is involved and implies hiring back home. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg