Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 JenniferRomantica skrev, for 1 minut siden: De fleste danske bordeller har en enkel eller 2 udenlandske piger.. Dem er jeg ikke i tvivl om er her uden hjælp fra nogen anden end dem selv.. I saunaklubben var der faktisk flere udenlandske piger end danske.. På et tidspunkt dobbelt så mange udenlandske.. Jeg forstår ikke hvorfor de såkaldte "selvstændige" piger stortset altid vælger at arbejde privat diskret, selv bøvle med at finde stederne osv når de kan få arbejde på et dansk bordel som en start i hvertfald.. Det ville give mening for mig hvis jeg skulle arbejde i udlandet.. Yes and since we cannot find the Danish rooms from home, we follow the same thinking and start with the gangs. First time it "makes sense" just like your logic but then we are caught. Especially the beautiful girls since it is such a big business with the Danish guys who pay extra for bareback, dildos for them, urine games. You pay so much for it that we cannot say no to the money since the gangs will not let us say no to business. If you visit the Eastern European girls in the nice apartments in Islands Brygge, notice 1. Why is the front door to the neighbouring apartment always re-inforced with strong lock (that the one you enter does not have?). 2. Why is the bathroom you shower in always re-inforced with strong lock that is clearly mounted later? 3. Why is there always a MacBook with a green light next to the camera (signaling that it is on) pointing towards the front door? You are being filmed upon entry. 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 (edited) Why do some of the greatest Latina girls such leave for a long time but then come back? You think she missed you or or she needed some money. While she might be the best-earning latina she has no control of where she stays or what she charges. Redigeret 3. August, 2022 af Colombiameme 1 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 If you visit the latinas in Østerbro, Søborg and Vanløse notice that they all have the same shampoo for you. 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Eva Nadine 4842 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 @Colombiameme Please also write your answer to the questions. And let us know how the sex buyers who read this can recognise the signs of abuse. Non of us see your world from the inside. You have very valuable information. Please be specific in your advise, and please don't name girls, since I'm sure your posts will be deleted by moderators, and the rest of your post will be gone, too. Getting personal is not the way to go. It will be seen as slander or sabotage, and I don't think that's your goal Stay not personal and give information that is usable when the sex buyers make their choices about who to visit. Most of these men would appreciate the education you can provide. I can assure you. If your intentions are pure (and I'm for one believe they are) then keep educating us. Don't expect us to be able to understand what you're trying to say between the lines. We're not that clever, and most of us are pretty gullible when we want to persuade ourselves that we're not adding to the problem. You have a VERY valuable voice, and I for one am excited that you're breaking the silence. Please keep posting! Love, Eva 9 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 Here is a trick: Write the latest girl in the usual location an SMS but use a different name. If your name is John, call yourself Joe. Notice that the gang phone system is such that you will still be John. You are being recorded on phone and with pictures. They will not use it against you while their business is good. If one day their business turns bad, they will change their model from prositution into blackmailing. They have information on 12.000 Danish men. 2 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 Eva Nadine skrev, for 2 minutter siden: @Colombiameme Please also write your answer to the questions. And let us know how the sex buyers who read this can recognise the signs of abuse. Non of us see your world from the inside. You have very valuable information. Please be specific in your advise, and please don't name girls, since I'm sure your posts will be deleted by moderators, and the rest of your post will be gone, too. Getting personal is not the way to go. It will be seen as slander or sabotage, and I don't think that's your goal Stay not personal and give information that is usable when the sex buyers make their choices about who to visit. Most of these men would appreciate the education you can provide. I can assure you. If your intentions are pure (and I'm for one believe they are) then keep educating us. Don't expect us to be able to understand what you're trying to say between the lines. We're not that clever, and most of us are pretty gullible when we want to persuade ourselves that we're not adding to the problem. You have a VERY valuable voice, and I for one am excited that you're breaking the silence. Please keep posting! Love, Eva I will change the names now. 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den ærlige 187 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 @Colombiameme er også interesseret i at høre om vi kan gøre noget. 2 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 Den ærlige skrev, for 3 minutter siden: @Colombiameme er også interesseret i at høre om vi kan gøre noget. You need to enforce sign-in to see eroguide, just like facebook. The post "Har i scoret en GP/Luder" has 2.370 views but just 38 replies. The utter number of men who do not care but just read and fuck is so overwhelming that the few of you cannot change anything. One girl gets a pair of Balanciaga shoes and 5.000 kroners every time she bangs one doctor here in DK. This 10.000 kr pr meeting. This doctor reads on the forum but does not have a profile. How will you change him? 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 (edited) Her is a link to terms of Search for the VAT number online and see that is has cash of 18 mill. DKK. This is 18 mill DKK in income for ads. If you advertise for 18 mill, you want at least 18 mill in revenue so you can break-even. Then there is listing on this site, Nympho, etc. Rent for rooms, food, etc. Let us say cost of 60 million DKK WHITE MONEY. Cost to girls is 1/3 so if a gang wants to make money the industry is at least three digit million DKK in Denmark. Do you think you can stop it? Redigeret 3. August, 2022 af Colombiameme Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den ærlige 187 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 Colombiameme skrev, for 13 minutter siden: You need to enforce sign-in to see eroguide, just like facebook. The post "Har i scoret en GP/Luder" has 2.370 views but just 38 replies. The utter number of men who do not care but just read and fuck is so overwhelming that the few of you cannot change anything. One girl gets a pair of Balanciaga shoes and 5.000 kroners every time she bangs one doctor here in DK. This 10.000 kr pr meeting. This doctor reads on the forum but does not have a profile. How will you change him? Det er svært at få folk til at tro på det. jeg har prøvet at fortælle dem hvordan det fungerer men hvergang er jeg blevet mødt af skepsis så ja jeg ved godt hvor svært det er at overbevise folk her inde. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 The Danes are just too rich and so horny. All I want is to tell my side of story of the DK business. 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 Colombiameme skrev, for 6 minutter siden: Her is a link to terms of Search for the VAT number online and see that is has cash of 18 mill. DKK. This is 18 mill DKK in income for ads. If you advertise for 18 mill, you want at least 18 mill in revenue so you can break-even. Then there is listing on this site, Nympho, etc. Rent for rooms, food, etc. Let us say cost of 60 million DKK WHITE MONEY. Cost to girls is 1/3 so if a gang wants to make money the industry is at least three digit million DKK in Denmark. Do you think you can stop it? If this was taxed and regulated, it would be as large as the shoe market. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den ærlige 187 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 Colombiameme skrev, for 1 minut siden: The Danes are just too rich and so horny. All I want is to tell my side of story of the DK business. Jeg personligt er meget glad for endelig at høre historien fra jer piger. selv om jeg godt vidste hvordan det fungerer. men måske andre og stopper op og tænker over tingene en ekstra gang. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Rosehunter Skrevet 3. August, 2022 And we appreciate it a lot. And a post like this really meen something for the look on this buisnies Once again txs Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
sneræven 2158 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 (edited) Den ærlige skrev, for 2 timer siden: Som om at alle danske piger er drivvåde hele tiden og kun gør det for nydelsen. Det var da et besynderligt argument. Der er en kæmpe forske på at gøre det frivilligt, og at gøre det for nydelsen. Lidt træls at dén hest altid bliver trukket af stalden ... som gæster er vi da udmærket klar over at det er forretning, også for de danske piger .. derfor kan de da godt gøre det frivilligt. (Om nogle piger så nogle gange nyder samværet - på den ene eller anden måde - det er så en helt anden diskussion) (.. hov, lige noget copy-paste kludder .. det var ikke @Den ærlige men @Lange jeg citerede for ovenstående .. kom til at kopiere et forkert sted fra, og det er svært at rette) Lange skrev, for 1 time siden: Og bild mig ikke ind at danske piger ikke også betaler til mellemmænd. Det er altså ikke mit indtryk. Så vidt jeg fornemmer, så organiserer de danske piger indbyrdes selv privat / diskret stederne .. tit med en 'tovholder' til det praktiske ... Jeg har efterhånden både besøgt og snakket med en del af dem .. Så jeg er ret sikker på de bruger samme måde at organisere sig på, som f. eks. terapeuter og flere andre brancher, hvor man låner og lejer lokaler af hinanden på kryds og tværs ... Redigeret 3. August, 2022 af sneræven Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den ærlige 187 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 sneræven skrev, for 2 minutter siden: Det var da et besynderligt argument. Der er en kæmpe forske på at gøre det frivilligt, og at gøre det for nydelsen. Lidt træls at dén hest altid bliver trukket af stalden ... som gæster er vi da udmærket klar over at det er forretning, også for de danske piger .. derfor kan de da godt gøre det frivilligt. (Om nogle piger så nogle gange nyder samværet - på den ene eller anden måde - det er så en helt anden diskussion) Det er altså ikke mit indtryk. Så vidt jeg fornemmer, så organiserer de danske piger indbyrdes selv privat / diskret stederne .. tit med en 'tovholder' til det praktiske ... Jeg har efterhånden både besøgt og snakket med en del af dem .. Så jeg er ret sikker på de bruger samme måde at organisere sig på, som f. eks. terapeuter og flere andre brancher, hvor man låner og lejer lokaler af hinanden på kryds og tværs ... Det var ikke mig der skrev den kommentar om danske piger @sneræven Du har citeret mig forkert. jeg udtaler mig ikke om danske kvinder. det ved du også godt. da jeg ikke kender dem. derfor vil jeg ikke citeres for at have skrevet det. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 There is a "formula" for making the right ad on Certain pictures, text and prices so that guy find us. Young latinas start in a similar way back home. They go to the "office", which is a small complex with rooms with a PC and camera. They work on sites like LiveJasmin and get paid $25 USD pr day pr the office. The office makes around $300 USD pr day. The top earners get offered to go abroad and make even more money. Denmark is one place so is Norway, Italy and Spain. All along the way someone is taking care of things for us and we do not know the actual cost of things such as rent and tickets. The older hot latinas in DK are recruited by the gangs in brothels back home. The younger inexperienced ones have just been sitting on LiveJasmin at home. In the baltic they offer student loans. Typically, the previous travellers are ambassadors back home so a hot girl approaches another hot girl with a story of fun. They old girl gets paid well for it as a way to appreciate what she did for the gang while in CPH. The gangs are great business people and they know to that you must treat employees well (to keep the going as good as it can while the girl still has the energy to work). The popular baltic ladies might bang up to 15 different men a day and it takes a mental and physical toll on them but they have to repay the loan. It is in fact not a loan but an upfront fixed payment that they have to earn home with with 66% interest so the split is 1 for the girl and 2 for the gang. The Baltic ladies are so young, hopeful and glad for the money that they made that they can make it through. One of the Eastern European gangs is very smart in recruiting and pre-paying for the girls and also gathering evidence of every single man that they interact with. The MaBook camera mentioned above is one trick. Have a look at any perfume bottle in the bedroom as well. 3 1 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 Notice in some of the reviews and "efterlysninger" how certain profile in here tell you what to look for to know if the ad is legit. This is the other way around. The girl is being told to be sure to include X, Y and Z in a picture so that you will know that it is a "legit" ad, or actually an ad belong to a particular gang. Look very closely at this and see that the gangs have decided to share certain things in a picture but also to not share other things so other girls can see if a given lady belongs to her own gang or not. 1 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 For an "independent" girl who is staying by herself but has pictures from the apartment on the first day - who took that picture? 3 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 Colombiameme skrev, for 2 minutter siden: Notice in some of the reviews and "efterlysninger" how certain profile in here tell you what to look for to know if the ad is legit. This is the other way around. The girl is being told to be sure to include X, Y and Z in a picture so that you will know that it is a "legit" ad, or actually an ad belong to a particular gang. Look very closely at this and see that the gangs have decided to share certain things in a picture but also to not share other things so other girls can see if a given lady belongs to her own gang or not. If you see one hand only, they are using a selfie stick. If you see both hands someone took the picture. This tells one gang from another. 1 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
sneræven 2158 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 (edited) Den ærlige skrev, for 45 minutter siden: Det var ikke mig der skrev den kommentar om danske piger @sneræven Du har citeret mig forkert. jeg udtaler mig ikke om danske kvinder. det ved du også godt. da jeg ikke kender dem. derfor vil jeg ikke citeres for at have skrevet det. Det har jeg også skrevet .. det var en teknisk fejl, da jeg copy-pastede. Jeg kunne ikke rette fejlen uden der gik bras i det hele .. men jeg kunne skrive, at jeg havde lavet fejlen .. ... aarh OK, jeg kan se du har citeret mit indlæg INDEN jeg skrev i indlægget, at jeg havde lavet et fejlcitat ... Der var lige en tre-fire ting der krydsede ... Håber alt er OK nu ... Redigeret 3. August, 2022 af sneræven 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 When a succesful trip comes to an end and we have 10.000 EUR cash - where to you put that? During airport security and upon arrival? Is there any bank in Eastern Europe that will let you deposit that or do you need help laundering that money home? One way get hired in a small store within the services industry operated by the gang so you will get it paid as taxed salary. Perhaps a Polish Market here in Denmark.. This is not abut you and the girl but about a value chain with photographers, real estate, stores, logistics, recruitment, female chaperones. 3 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 Remember the first wave of Eastern European super-stars? They were only on and had GFE as a specialty? You had to email them and they would typically stay at Islands Brygge? It was in 2016. One was short with red hair, another tall blonde huge lips and so on. All of them veery sexy girls. I became a chaperone for one of them. After a year she made 100.000 EUR. Back home she met a Tinder Swindler that took all her money away. She came to DK once again to start earning it back but committed suicide after the first trip. It was succesful for her financially but it was so depressing for her to get involved in the filthy fantasies that mostly Danes have (bareback and urine) and depressing to work with the gangs who mindfuck the ladies so hard. 1 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
AalborgLook 5177 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 Colombiameme skrev, for 22 minutter siden: involved in the filthy fantasies that mostly Danes have (bareback and urine) You are generalising big time now, and you start sound a bit bitter and envious. 3 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 3. August, 2022 AalborgLook skrev, Lige nu: You are generalising big time now, and you start sound a bit bitter and envious. You are right. Bitter but not envious. It is something the girls talk about a lot "Why do Danes like bareback and urine sex so much?" Why not make us feel safe so we can have a good time too? How can we say no with extra money and a boss wanting that money? One time I worked in UK and an Indian lady told me of this. My story was that Danes like bareback, which for us girls is just as weird as lactating for adults. We understand and accommodate you but the constant amount of barebacking from men with "pimples" in their crotch is very uncomfortable for us to do and also to say no to. Did you find anything else in my comments or was this just "bitter and envious" to you? 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg