JenniferRomantica 18183 Skrevet 4. August, 2022 Jeg kan personligt sætte ansigt på mange profiler herinde.. Just saying.. Det nok på samme måde de udenlandske kæder profilerne til personerne.. Nogle gange har i specifikke ønsker i skriver om i anmeldelsen eller citerer noget jeg ved jeg snakkede med den gæst om.. 2 2 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 4. August, 2022 AB455 skrev, for 7 minutter siden: Det er bestemt gode forholdsregler. Men selv med en bollofon, så kræver det at du skifter taletidskortet, mellem de forskellige kvinder, ikke parkerer i nærheden, er bevidst generel i anmeldelsen og ikke smalltalker om noget der kan forbinde dig til din person eller EG konto. Det er sgu ikke ligetil eller ønskeligt at skulle være så paranoid. Men det er så bare os kunder... Det her bør først og fremmest handle om de udnyttede kvinder, selvom @Colombiameme er sød at inddrage os som ofre for industrien. Look at how long @jackson666 has been around the forum. Look at how horny men get once inside a room with a girl that is ready. There has been so much time to prepare and so much weakness in the moment. We never laugh at or joke about you in these situations. We want and expect you to think with something else than your brain in moment. Several times you have confessed serious crimes to us. 1 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 4. August, 2022 Colombiameme skrev, for 4 minutter siden: Look at how long @jackson666 has been around the forum. Look at how horny men get once inside a room with a girl that is ready. There has been so much time to prepare and so much weakness in the moment. We never laugh at or joke about you in these situations. We want and expect you to think with something else than your brain in moment. Several times you have confessed serious crimes to us. When you go shower and leave your things in the room (this is procedure we enforce) the girl should look at your mobile phone (if it is on a surface not pocket). Some times we see family pictures on the lock screen even if he claims to be single. Other times there is no PIN and we take a picture of the screen of the list of SMS’es for reference and evidence. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den ærlige 187 Skrevet 4. August, 2022 Colombiameme skrev, for 9 minutter siden: Look at how long @jackson666 has been around the forum. Look at how horny men get once inside a room with a girl that is ready. There has been so much time to prepare and so much weakness in the moment. We never laugh at or joke about you in these situations. We want and expect you to think with something else than your brain in moment. Several times you have confessed serious crimes to us. Crime too girls Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Gæst Skrevet 4. August, 2022 @Colombiameme You have clearly seen too much CSI, x-files etc. I'm pretty sure you are from the alliance against prostitution, and your only purpose with this tread is to scare off prostitution customers. By the way. I'm still waiting for the link to the post where you describe how you link my profile here to GP visits. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 4. August, 2022 nørden skrev, for 14 minutter siden: @Colombiameme You have clearly seen too much CSI, x-files etc. I'm pretty sure you are from the alliance against prostitution, and your only purpose with this tread is to scare off prostitution customers. By the way. I'm still waiting for the link to the post where you describe how you link my profile here to GP visits. Notice how you insult me and ask a question at the same time. Have more class or go away. Just how you insinuate things about me, I could insinuate that you have a fake profile but I'll let the evidence speak its own language. Now to your question that somewhere inside your insult.. 1 Some guys volunteer and send their review by SMS. Then it's a wrap. 2 Some time girls ask for it and then point 1 happens. 3 The chaperone read all reviews and all COMMENTS and asks the girl if something is familiar and then they use the pictures to match the person and number 4 This community platform has had a lot of vulnerabilities where you can extract email account (and from there names). Maybe savvy people used that on this site 5 The happiest clients often say that they come back to the girl. Obvious topic of conversation is that review.. Any other insults or questions? 1 4 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 4. August, 2022 @nørdenthink about the culture on this forum. The longer, funnier and more detailed reviews the better for likes and votes and comments. This gives readers a lot of chance to connect dots. 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 4. August, 2022 People have wrote me and confirmed this but they will not step up in this thread EXACTLY becauseof this, that the pimps know their profiles here and details of the personal life. Maybe an admin should look at my PMs? To support my claim against @nørdenup and clean out a profile from the forum? Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 4. August, 2022 @Administrator @Admistratoren Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den_glade_amatør 4640 Skrevet 4. August, 2022 Colombiameme skrev, for 1 time siden: We are still missing some real influencers here.. Dem, som direkte har aftaler med grupperingerne om at skrive positivt om pigerne, melder sig nok ikke. Derudover er der nok ikke rigtig nogen, som har den store lyst til at stå frem i det åbne forum og erkende, at de ubevidst og utilsigtet har støttet kriminelle grupperinger. Nogen har måske en dårlig smag i munden nu, hvor de indser sammenhængen, men vil man udstille sig selv med det? Måske får du i bedste fald en PM eller to fra EG-brugere, som kan se ideen med at støtte din fremstilling, men hvad er det reelt, du forventer at høre fra dem? At de godt har fornemmet, at de havde en høj stjerne hos udvalgte piger og måske fik lidt ekstra service? Det kan jo også skyldes andre ting, fx at vedkommende faktisk er en flink fyr, der kan opføre sig ordentligt over for pigerne. Eller er der en pointe, jeg bare ikke har forstået? Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den_glade_amatør 4640 Skrevet 4. August, 2022 Colombiameme skrev, for 13 minutter siden: they will not step up in this thread EXACTLY becauseof this, that the pimps know their profiles here and details of the personal life. Endnu en grund til, at du nok ikke skal forvente den store respons på din opfordring til, at influencerne træder frem offentligt. Men fint, hvis du får dem i dialog på PM, det hjælper dig nok også, tænker jeg? Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 4. August, 2022 Den_glade_amatør skrev, for 5 minutter siden: Endnu en grund til, at du nok ikke skal forvente den store respons på din opfordring til, at influencerne træder frem offentligt. Men fint, hvis du får dem i dialog på PM, det hjælper dig nok også, tænker jeg? I think men have been very curious and humble in thread Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest tvr Skrevet 4. August, 2022 Den_glade_amatør skrev, for 2 minutter siden: Derudover er der nok ikke rigtig nogen, som har den store lyst til at stå frem i det åbne forum og erkende, at de ubevidst og utilsigtet har støttet kriminelle grupperinger. Nogen har måske en dårlig smag i munden nu, hvor de indser sammenhængen, men vil man udstille sig selv med det? Hvis vi taler om Selfie banden, er det jo ikke fordi ingen har vidst det. Jeg selv (og mange andre) har advaret imod facebook, selfies og linkedin profiler. Men der har altid været nogen der forsvarede det hele med "pigernes sikkerhed"..... det sammenholdt med at pigerne talte dårligt engelsk men var perfekt på skrift betyder en del alarmklokker ringede. Lige dér, er der ingen der først nu ser sammenhængen, det tror jeg simpelt hen ikke på Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bombadilla 159 Skrevet 4. August, 2022 Interesting thread, and I got to say I have wondered about how some of these girls find the locations. But I got to say, even if a lot of the stuff mentioned here makes sense, I hope all this ends up in some kind of news-article. Where it might even be more sources, to validate all or parts of it all. Its anyway to juicy to be confined to a fora like this. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. 2 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den_glade_amatør 4640 Skrevet 4. August, 2022 Bombadilla skrev, for 3 minutter siden: I hope all this ends up in some kind of news-article. For så vidt enig, men man kunne håbe, at det også kastede mere af sig. Hvis det kun beskrives i en serie artikler (hvilket det lyder til er sandsynligt), så fortsætter praksis jo bare. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bombadilla 159 Skrevet 4. August, 2022 @tvrdet er jo også en ny tråd om betaling med kort. Uden at fylde på konspirationerne, men det er vel flest latin-piger der tilbyder denne mulighed. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest tvr Skrevet 4. August, 2022 (edited) Bombadilla skrev, for 10 minutter siden: @tvrdet er jo også en ny tråd om betaling med kort. Uden at fylde på konspirationerne, men det er vel flest latin-piger der tilbyder denne mulighed. Jo, men @Colombiameme har jo allerede forklaret hvordan dét virker, og hvorfra firmaer der benyttes som hvidvask holder til..... og hvis man er i tvivl, kan man jo bare prøve og så se navnet på virksomheden der trækker pengene Redigeret 4. August, 2022 af tvr Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bombadilla 159 Skrevet 4. August, 2022 Den_glade_amatør skrev, for 4 minutter siden: Hvis det kun beskrives i en serie artikler (hvilket det lyder til er sandsynligt), så fortsætter praksis jo bare. Å få ud alfonser og bagmænd i den grå prostitutions-branche, det et vanskeligt. Jeg håber flere får et indsyn i den grå branche, skabe debat og mere viden. Praksis for alfonserne vil måske ændres, men de vil ikke forsvinde. Aldrig så længe der er kunder. 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 4. August, 2022 Bombadilla skrev, for 8 minutter siden: @tvrdet er jo også en ny tråd om betaling med kort. Uden at fylde på konspirationerne, men det er vel flest latin-piger der tilbyder denne mulighed. I would not do that in Frederiksberg and Vanløse since it is the small-time loser pimp I mentioned before. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 4. August, 2022 Den_glade_amatør skrev, for 58 minutter siden: For så vidt enig, men man kunne håbe, at det også kastede mere af sig. Hvis det kun beskrives i en serie artikler (hvilket det lyder til er sandsynligt), så fortsætter praksis jo bare. The police here and other places are at it. But please, people here already wrote me in private that they won't help because the organizers know about them personally. If you see something, tell it to the police. 2 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest tvr Skrevet 4. August, 2022 Colombiameme skrev, for 7 minutter siden: The police here and other places are at it. But please, people here already wrote me in private that they won't help because the organizers know about them personally. If you see something, tell it to the police. They will not help?? Because they assisted the organizers running their scams? Pathetic little losers. They knew what they were doing (at least the ones who read this site), and they claimed innocense and defended the selfie setup and now they will not help because the organizers know about them..... Pathetic Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Colombiameme 139 Skrevet 4. August, 2022 tvr skrev, for 4 minutter siden: They will not help?? Because they assisted the organizers running their scams? Pathetic little losers. They knew what they were doing (at least the ones who read this site), and they claimed innocense and defended the selfie setup and now they will not help because the organizers know about them..... Pathetic I understand what you mean and I asked the admins to help above. Their reasons made sense to the profiles: They are caught because the pimps know their real identity. Fear, money, crime, sex - the girls, all of you, some of the middle men are all caught in this. Police is trying to clear it up. If everyone gets 10% better will make a huge difference. Soft power is like influence, which might be okay. Hard power is never okay. The girls going on dates with guys is okay but it is never okay that this will be recorded and used against guys. No one signed up for anything but sex work yet there is 10-20 fake well-established profiles here networking with innocent men, getting to know them and pressuring them to accept how the girls are treated. Contact the police if you know about this. And, on the smallest of all scales, little Jackson666 is not organized and can be removed from the forum with his network so he stops abusing girls. 1 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Gæst Skrevet 4. August, 2022 (edited) Colombiameme skrev, for 8 timer siden: Notice how you insult me and ask a question at the same time. Have more class or go away. Just how you insinuate things about me, I could insinuate that you have a fake profile but I'll let the evidence speak its own language. Now to your question that somewhere inside your insult.. 1 Some guys volunteer and send their review by SMS. Then it's a wrap. 2 Some time girls ask for it and then point 1 happens. 3 The chaperone read all reviews and all COMMENTS and asks the girl if something is familiar and then they use the pictures to match the person and number 4 This community platform has had a lot of vulnerabilities where you can extract email account (and from there names). Maybe savvy people used that on this site 5 The happiest clients often say that they come back to the girl. Obvious topic of conversation is that review.. Any other insults or questions? @Colombiameme I was actually asking for a link, but never mind. Let's take it from the top. I'm not really sure how calling out your bluff can be insulting, but never mind. I'm having a fake profile??? Let's see. Your profile is just over 2 days old and you have made about 100 rambling posts in those 2 days. My profile is almost 10 years old and I've made over 1500 posts including reviews of girls in Denmark and at least 5 other countries. Good luck with with proving my profile is fake. Not really rocket science. Anyone who do that want the GP to know the his profile here. Same as bullet 1. Given I know a couple of girls working in the business, I also knows it's often pretty hard to match a review to a specific appointment. In a few cases where the review is very detailed it is possible, but I'm 99% sure than no GP has ever been able to link any of my reviews to a visit. Regarding the matching of pictures and numbers. That only works when the guy made an appointment. Since almost no GP's anymore keep the appointments most guys don't make appointments anymore, hence there is no phone number to link to the picture from the surveillance. No news there. All IT systems have vulnerabilities and there is always one more than you expect. It came when you patched the last one. Most people here would never use their primary mail address and real name on their profile here. It's not fake. It's called aliases and are perfectly legal both according to the board rules and both DK and European laws. If I created a profile claiming to be you it would be fake and illegal. Having an alias or claiming to be a fictional person is not. Same as 1. Colombiameme skrev, for 8 timer siden: @nørdenthink about the culture on this forum. The longer, funnier and more detailed reviews the better for likes and votes and comments. This gives readers a lot of chance to connect dots. I don't know whether you have actually read any of the reviews posted in the past 6 months. I think the posts that matches your above description can be counted on 1 hand. People are not writing long and funny reviews anymore, because they quite often ends up in offtopic discussions about the writers way of writing or whether it's ok for a girl to offer the services she offer. Colombiameme skrev, for 7 timer siden: @Administrator @Admistratoren If you want to get in contact with the admins. Right click on the hidden icon at the top right corner of the posts. It's just left of the share post icon and will show when you move the mouse over it. So far you have managed to get the rest of your followers in your alliance against prostitution geared up. Good work. Keep your tin hat on. Your clearly need it. Redigeret 4. August, 2022 af Gæst Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Daniel_1006 10 Skrevet 4. August, 2022 Hi Colombiane Why do u think that people like Jackson666 are abusing girls ? Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den_glade_amatør 4640 Skrevet 4. August, 2022 nørden skrev, for 31 minutter siden: Regarding the matching of pictures and numbers. That only works when the guy made an appointment. Since almost no GP's anymore keep the appointments most guys don't make appointments anymore, hence there is no phone number to link to the picture from the surveillance. Ikke forstået. Med ganske få undtagelser laver gæsten da en booking hos pigen? Måske bruger nogen mail, men de fleste nok mobil. Eller hvad er det, jeg misforstår? Derudover: Det er tydeligt, at du og @Colombiameme ser rimelig forskelligt på mange ting. Er der slet ikke noget overhovedet i hendes argumentation, som du er enig med hende i eller tror på er korrekt? 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg