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Easy contact and confirmed location led me to visit Elizabeth.

Can confirm it is her, pictures might be a few years old but she is still very much the real person.

Great GFE, very talkative and intimate and holds true to her inclusives. I ordered deepthroat which she diligently delivered on. Without disclosing details the sex was top notch.

Can only give warm recommendations. She is here for a month so go for a visit.

Redigeret af Apex

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Dinosdk69 skrev, Lige nu:

Maybe you could share who you are talking about?

Added Escortguide link. Forgot nympho doesn't work here. :)

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Nice/attractive looking girl , indeed!!

The prices are higher at the few borthels left with danish girls so thats.. a pity.

Hmmm..."Very talkactive"..I do like when the girls dont talk so much but instead moan when they are touched the right places.

But the prices. Girls at Escortguide and Nympho used to keep their prices a bit lower than girls, but apparently not anymore.

It's the screw without end..

Redigeret af ppd

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ppd skrev, for 29 minutter siden:

Nice/attractive looking girl , indeed!!

The prices are higher at the few borthels left with danish girls so thats.. a pity.

Hmmm..."Very talkactive"..I do like when the girls dont talk so much but instead moan when they are touched the right places.

But the prices. Girls at Escortguide and Nympho used to keep their prices a bit lower than girls, but apparently not anymore.

It's the screw without end..

Agree, I still feel fairly green to this but it seems to be a trend. I guess inflation is a factor in this business too.

Anyway, different topic for a different part of this forum.

Redigeret af Apex

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ppd skrev, for 17 timer siden:

It's the screw without end..

Screwing endlessly requires deep pockets. :mrgreen: (Hvorfor investerede jeg ikke i bitcoin i 2010?)

Spøj til side, så er det jo naturlig at også disse priser følger inflationen. Der er mindre inflation hos bordellerne, men de er vel også pressede af konkurrence og snart.... nedgangstider.

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I am going to regret writing this because she is going to be completely booked after this :)

I’ve visited her 2 times and this girl is DYNAMITE!

Yesterday, I booked her for 90 mins with deep throat and she did not disappoint and gave a 110%. Not once did she use lube ;) and she even played with her butthole. 

She basically drained my balls 3 times, wore different outfits each time. One of them being a short and tight dress with a gstring underneath - felt like hooking up with someone in a nightclub. We went at it very hard and I really enjoyed feeling and tasting the sweat on her body.

She is on the expensive side, of course, but worth it!

Highly recommend!


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Ebden_jj skrev, den 16.9.2022 at 15:57:

men de er vel også pressede af konkurrence og snart.... nedgangstider.

Hvis man lige skal vurdere situationen ud fra antal af anmeldelser her på sitet, så er nedgangstiderne vist allerede i slået i gang. Med mindre det bare er mig der synes antallet af anmeldelser er dalet.  

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can confirm she is real and incredibly good GFE. i was in Copenhagen briefly doing international travel and had the luck to discover her and invited to my hotel

i had great chemistry with her so you may or may not have same experience, but it was for me just like meeting a girl at club (similar like @1000lucifer describes) and falling a little bit in love for the night. spent a few hours with her, and she was very passionate kissing and cuddling, amazing OWO (my dick is normal length but a little bit wider than normal and she still was able to suck perfectly without teeth hurting it which i have problem with for many girls)

and yea she is polish and mexican (interesting mix). 

just a warning that if you are the type to be annoyed with a girl chatting "on the clock" then she might not be the one for you. she has actual personality and interesting things to talk about, so this is more a girl for a guy who doesnt mind spending extra money and having a "normal girl" experience...

Redigeret af KongTrader

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Quack skrev, den 30.9.2022 at 15:03:

Jeg var forbi hende igår.

Hun var sød og det er hende på billederne.

Hun er flot og taler fint engelsk. Hun siger at hun bor i Mexico og vi talte en del om Mexico - ud fra hendes viden om landet virker det sandsynligt at hun er derfra.

Hun kysser godt, men var lidt henholdende i starten - det blev mere dybt og grådigt som tingene udviklede sig.

Efter badet røg hendes tøj af. Vi og kyssede hende inden det blev til en stor slikketur til hende, så et blowjob uden gummi til mig, hvorefter det blev en 69’er.

Herefter et diverse stillinger (hvor doggy var den bedste for mig - et dejligt syn) inden hun fik den i 2’eren, hvilket hun ønskede liggende med ryggen til mig.

jeg havde en god oplevelse og kunne godt finde på at komme igen.

Redigeret af Bryan Mills

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