Isabell 24 Skrevet 14. December, 2022 JenniferRomantica skrev, for 9 minutter siden: Just stop.. You're making a fool out of yourself.. There's absolutely no valid excuse for not using your own pictures or at least being honest about them not being your own.. I'm not telling you anything.. I'm ASKING you why.. It would be so easy just to answer.. And just fyi you are definitely not the thing keeping me up at night.. The world doesn't revolve around you honey.. But yeah I have alot of free time because I only work 5-6 days a month.. The answer doesn't concern you I don't want to answer you nothing You knew what you where foint stop with this "I've just asked" shit, becouse if you where so curious about me you would have P. M not started this!! Great youre comment are liked by Hulk (the retard who just created the account who invent story's about me and other guy who also like the cooment that HULK have about me). I guess it's just a coincidence right? Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
JenniferRomantica 18165 Skrevet 14. December, 2022 Isabell skrev, for 4 minutter siden: The answer doesn't concern you I don't want to answer you nothing You knew what you where foint stop with this "I've just asked" shit, becouse if you where so curious about me you would have P. M not started this!! Great youre comment are liked by Hulk (the retard who just created the account who invent story's about me and other guy who also like the cooment that HULK have about me). I guess it's just a coincidence right? This is getting dumb.. I didn't start anything as I've tried to explain.. Møffe asked in another tread about you.. I got curious and asked you here because other people was curious as well.. I don't really know what you are implying with that last bit.? Maybe they liked my post because they also are curious about your reasoning for using some "innocent" girls photos.. And what's with this name-calling.? You should really adjust your way of speaking to and about other people.. 2 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Møffe 2204 Skrevet 14. December, 2022 JenniferRomantica skrev, for 8 minutter siden: This is getting dumb.. I didn't start anything as I've tried to explain.. Møffe asked in another tread about you.. I got curious and asked you here because other people was curious as well.. I don't really know what you are implying with that last bit.? Maybe they liked my post because they also are curious about your reasoning for using some "innocent" girls photos.. And what's with this name-calling.? You should really adjust your way of speaking to and about other people.. Com on Jennifer man kan jo ikke tvinge folk til at svare -selv om, man gerne vil have et svar... Årsagen til jeg skrev en ny tråd -var mest fordi hun igen havde sat nye billeder ind i annoncen -som jo er, af en lille frækkert som slet ikke er hende vi møder -så for at mine kære medbrødre skal vide besked -før de bliver helt vilde i varmen og booker hende i den tro, det virkelig er hende på billederne/videoen de skal møder -så kan man forberede sig på en lidt mindre overraskelse;-) Ps. Jeg har jo været der -og er sikke på -de er så forskellige som nat og dag -uden at sige noget negativt om nogen af dem;-) Men er da imponeret over, hvor godt Isabell alligevel formulere sig her i forhold til under mit besøg;-) 2 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
JenniferRomantica 18165 Skrevet 14. December, 2022 Møffe skrev, for 6 minutter siden: Com on Jennifer man kan jo ikke tvinge folk til at svare -selv om, man gerne vil have et svar... Årsagen til jeg skrev en ny tråd -var mest fordi hun igen havde sat nye billeder ind i annoncen -som jo er, af en lille frækkert som slet ikke er hende vi møder -så for at mine kære medbrødre skal vide besked -før de bliver helt vilde i varmen og booker hende i den tro, det virkelig er hende på billederne/videoen de skal møder -så kan man forberede sig på en lidt mindre overraskelse;-) Ps. Jeg har jo været der -og er sikke på -de er så forskellige som nat og dag -uden at sige noget negativt om nogen af dem;-) Men er da imponeret over, hvor godt Isabell alligevel formulere sig her i forhold til under mit besøg;-) Det ved jeg godt man ikke kan.. Det prøver jeg heller ikke på.. Det bare åndssvagt at påstår jeg har fortalt hende hvordan hun skal udfører sin forretning når jeg egentlig bare spurgte.. 2 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest HardWorker Skrevet 14. December, 2022 Isabell skrev, for 12 timer siden: Why am I a scammer?? Did I scam you you or anyone in any way?? I tell clearly every oane that contacts me what I do what I don't do and never try to cheat someone not even in a bad situation! If someone asks about the photos I tell them the truth no problem, but a lot of ppl choose to visit even if they know, becouse a lot of ppl had good experiences with me like a lot of ppl on this topic described. I'm minding my own busssines, I'm not disturbing anyone, trying to be as pleasant and nice as I can, 90% of the ppl that come at my place are happy. I select my the guys I meet and if they're happy I'm also happy. Why all this negative comments and hate? People that visit me leave good thought and impressions and the oane that never meet me say I'm a scammer?? How does that work? If you are not happy with me just don't visit me there are a lot of "perfect" girls out there I'm sure, but leave me with my personal choices, as long as I'm not disturbing anyone. Thanks. Let me simplify it for you since, you for some reason dont see the scamming part. You are announcing with someone elses PICTURES. When someone books from your annonce, they expect that girl? That makes sense right? We book based on the pictures, that all we have on information. So when you dont meet that girl, that you THOUGHT u were supposed to meet. You are getting scammed. If i expect a tall brown girl and meet a small white girl, even though the white girl is awesome, its still getting scammed. And it is also not allowed in the terms of Annoncelight, so your probably gonna get deleted, since you admitted it here. Thats what this forum is for, if you dont like it, you can stop crying about it, but like i explained, thats litteraly one of the aspects of this forum to call out people who use FAKE pictures, so of course people have the right to call you out. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Isabell 24 Skrevet 14. December, 2022 Møffe skrev, for 5 timer siden: Com on Jennifer, you can't force people to answer - even if you want an answer... The reason I wrote a new thread - was mostly because she had again put new pictures in the ad - which is, of course, by a little brat who is not at all the one we meet - so that my dear fellow brothers will know - before they go completely wild in the heat and book her in the belief that it really is her in the pictures/video they are going to meet - so can you prepare for a little less surprise;-) PS I have been there - and am sure - they are as different as night and day - without saying anything negative about any of them;-) But I am impressed by how well Isabell expresses herself here compared to under my visit;-) You left oane of the best rewius here :). Didn't hear you complain Final question, Would you visit me again or not? Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Isabell 24 Skrevet 14. December, 2022 JenniferRomantica skrev, for 4 timer siden: I know you can't do that.. I'm not even trying to do that.. It's just mind-boggling to claim that I told her how to do her business when I really just asked.. What ever you say means less then a two lair toilet paper for me :). So ask again please :). We know what you're involvement is in this topic and what you're trying to do. And fuck HULK. If someone said that they visited you and after you're pimp called them back becouse he left (him not ever being at the adress and you waiting for him for 45 minutes( would you say "You should really adjust your way of speaking to and about other people.. "??? Fuck off with this... Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
JenniferRomantica 18165 Skrevet 14. December, 2022 Isabell skrev, for 26 minutter siden: What ever you say means less then a two lair toilet paper for me :). So ask again please :). We know what you're involvement is in this topic and what you're trying to do. And fuck HULK. If someone said that they visited you and after you're pimp called them back becouse he left (him not ever being at the adress and you waiting for him for 45 minutes( would you say "You should really adjust your way of speaking to and about other people.. "??? Fuck off with this... I can ofcourse ask again if you want me to.. Why are you using some other girls pictures.? I would not talk badly about someone else.. No matter what they claimed because when you react that way it seems like you have something to defend.. I probably would just ignore the things I know not to be true.. 2 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Isabell 24 Skrevet 14. December, 2022 (edited) JenniferRomantica wrote, 20 minutes ago: I can ofcourse ask again if you want me to.. Why are you using some other girls pictures.? I would not talk badly about someone else.. No matter what they claimed because when you react that way it seems like you have something to defend.. I probably would just ignore the things I know not to be true.. You have "sugar daddy" insurance....come on, that's why you're working 5-6 days a month . That could expire tomorrow. I'm not going be in this for life The answer is the same but a little diffrent...upgrade to a tree lair toilet paper. Redigeret 14. December, 2022 af Isabell 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Møffe 2204 Skrevet 14. December, 2022 Isabell skrev, for 50 minutter siden: You left oane of the best rewius here :). Didn't hear you complain Final question, Would you visit me again or not? -Det er jo ikke det vi diskutere her eller sagens kerne. Du må have dine grunde til: -1. hvorfor du ikke har dine egen billeder i din annonce -fair nok;-) -2. hvorfor du ikke vil fortælle årsagen til det her - også fair nok;-) -3. men jeg spurgte dig rent faktisk, da jeg besøgte dig, hvad årsagen var (da jeg jo synes du har en lækker krop, og ville være en fornøjelse, at se på et billede også;-) du forstod ikke, hvad jeg sagde, og begyndte, at tale om din veninde. I forhold til, hvor godt du formulere dig her på engelsk -er det noget der ikke hænger sammen... Og jeg mener det er unfair, at bruge en anden piges billeder og video (som du ikke engang har fået lov til) i din annonce. Selv om jeg havde et fint besøg hos dig dengang -har du selv ødelagt min lyst til, at besøger dig igen -ved at være så utroværdig -og ansvarsfralæggende i forhold til, at bruge andres ting, uden deres viden og sammentykke. Det kan jeg ikke være med til, at støtte op omkring desværre. 6 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
JenniferRomantica 18165 Skrevet 14. December, 2022 (edited) Isabell skrev, for 19 minutter siden: You have "sugar daddy" insurance....come on, that's why you're working 5-6 days a month . That could expire tomorrow. I'm not going be in this for life The answer is the same but a little diffrent...upgrade to a tree lair toilet paper. Im not a sugarbabe.. So i dont have a sugardad insurance or anything like that.. But I do hope I can stay in this business as long as human possible because I love the work.. I like to think that Im just that good at my job, and honest with my pictures, so people keep visiting me.. Im not totally clear on all this talk about toiletpaper but to each their own.. Redigeret 14. December, 2022 af JenniferRomantica 2 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Isabell 24 Skrevet 14. December, 2022 JenniferRomantica skrev, for 7 minutter siden: Im not a sugarbabe.. So i dont have a sugardad insurance or anything like that.. But I do hope I can stay in this business as long as human possible because I love the work.. I like to think that Im just that good at my job, and honest with my pictures, so people keep visiting me.. Im not totally clear on all this talk about toiletpaper but to each their own.. Yes every girl dream to stay in the bussines till they 35-40 like you About toilet paper.....what do you think about HULK? Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Isabell 24 Skrevet 14. December, 2022 Møffe skrev, for 14 minutter siden: - That is not what we are discussing here or the heart of the matter. You must have your reasons for: -1. why you don't have your own pictures in your ad - fair enough;-) -2. why you don't want to tell the reason for this - also fair enough;-) -3. but I actually asked you when I visited you what the reason was (since I think you have a nice body, and it would be a pleasure to look at a picture too;-) you didn't understand what I said, and started talking about your girlfriend. In relation to how well you articulate yourself here in English - it's something that doesn't add up... And I think it's unfair to use another girl's pictures and video (which you haven't even been allowed to) in your advertisement. Even though I had a nice visit with you then - you have ruined my desire to visit you again - by being so untrustworthy - and irresponsible in relation to using other people's things, without their knowledge and consent. Unfortunately, I cannot help support that. After you visited me, after our meeting "Do you have visits??" that's what you asked me. I've started to tell you my "life story" and you get very happy and enthusiastic Why so critic now? 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
JenniferRomantica 18165 Skrevet 14. December, 2022 Isabell skrev, for 11 minutter siden: Yes every girl dream to stay in the bussines till they 35-40 like you About toilet paper.....what do you think about HULK? Apparently not every girl.. I'm 32 in a little under a month so hopefully i have many good years to look forward to.. 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Isabell 24 Skrevet 14. December, 2022 JenniferRomantica skrev, Lige nu: Apparently not every girl.. I'm 32 in a little under a month so hopefully i have many good years to look forward to.. My topic will go as a cigarette smoke....youll be here a little more. You want this "bad topic" to cover my rewius. Let them be covered :). Fuck you and fuck all this less then human garbages who talk shit about me :). Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Møffe 2204 Skrevet 14. December, 2022 Isabell skrev, for 1 minut siden: After you visited me, after our meeting "Do you have visits??" that's what you asked me. I've started to tell you my "life story" and you get very happy and enthusiastic Why so critic now? -du husker mig ikke sorry -jeg besøgte dig en af de første dage du annoncerede 1. gang inden du tog til Esbjerg... Vi talte ikke meget i den ½ time... Det er så mange der lyver, og fortæller historier der ikke passer i deres annoncer, og snyder og bedrager deres kunder -måske også den anden vej... Men i dette forum -kan vi ikke støtte op om utroværdighed -vi hjælper og støtte hinanden i, at få de bedste oplevelser -og advare hinanden om, og i mod svindel og dårlig service... Bare til info;-) 2 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
JenniferRomantica 18165 Skrevet 14. December, 2022 Isabell skrev, for 8 minutter siden: My topic will go as a cigarette smoke....youll be here a little more. You want this "bad topic" to cover my rewius. Let them be covered :). Fuck you and fuck all this less then human garbages who talk shit about me :). It wouldnt have covered your reviewe if you had just answered.. Now have a merry christmas and a happy new year.. I dont have to have a "potty mouth" even if we dont agree.. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
jensen jr. 664 Skrevet 15. December, 2022 Isabell skrev, for 11 timer siden: My topic will go as a cigarette smoke....youll be here a little more. You want this "bad topic" to cover my rewius. Let them be covered :). Fuck you and fuck all this less then human garbages who talk shit about me :). Sikken en tiltalende ung dame .... Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
ild i piben 233 Skrevet 15. December, 2022 (edited) jensen jr. skrev, for 4 timer siden: Sikken en tiltalende ung dame .... Jeg har også mistet alt lyst til hende, og jeg var ellers ret tæt på, men hvad, der er sååå mange andre, der godt ved, hvordan man opfører sig. Af den grund er jeg ude. Redigeret 15. December, 2022 af ild i piben 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
NoobGPexplorer 1086 Skrevet 15. December, 2022 ild i piben skrev, 1 time siden: Jeg har også mistet alt lyst til hende, og jeg var ellers ret tæt på, men hvad, der er sååå mange andre, der godt ved, hvordan man opfører sig. Af den grund er jeg ude. Jeg synes nu også vi her er vidne til et ihvertfald delvist karaktermord begået af nogen uden andel i sagen. 3 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
ild i piben 233 Skrevet 15. December, 2022 NoobGPexplorer skrev, for 29 minutter siden: Jeg synes nu også vi her er vidne til et ihvertfald delvist karaktermord begået af nogen uden andel i sagen. Dette vil jeg til dels gi' dig ret i, men måden "hun" svare på, tiltaler mig på ingen måde. Jeg syntes det siger meget om mennesker, hvordan man håndterer kritik, saglig eller ej. 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
NoobGPexplorer 1086 Skrevet 15. December, 2022 ild i piben skrev, for 26 minutter siden: Dette vil jeg til dels gi' dig ret i, men måden "hun" svare på, tiltaler mig på ingen måde. Jeg syntes det siger meget om mennesker, hvordan man håndterer kritik, saglig eller ej. Det kan vi bestemt godt være enig i. Det udelukker dog ikke at hun kan give en fin oplevelse. 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Hulk 12 Skrevet 15. December, 2022 NoobGPexplorer skrev, for 26 minutter siden: Det kan vi bestemt godt være enig i. Det udelukker dog ikke at hun kan give en fin oplevelse. Det er et antiklimaks, når man tror, man møder pigen på billederne og så gentagende gange møder hende. Har besøgt hende for lang tid siden og som tidligere beskrevet er hun en ung køn slank/medium pige - alt i alt et godt besøg. En type jeg sagtens kunne vælge igen. Jeg vil bare selv bestemme hvornår. Tror også kun hun tænder af “på skrift”, har aldrig oplevet det ved fysisk kontakt. Ret skal være ret: Er man til hendes type, tror jeg ikke man fortryder. Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Isabell 24 Skrevet 15. December, 2022 (edited) Hulk wrote, 1 hour ago: It's an anti-climax when you think you meet the girl in the pictures and then repeatedly meet her. Visited her a long time ago and as previously described she is a young attractive slim/medium girl - all in all a good visit. A type I could easily choose again. I just want to decide for myself when. I also think she only turns it on "in writing", never experienced it with physical contact. Right must be right: If you're her type, I don't think you'll regret it. You are just a lyng pice of shit. You made a appointment once and didn't even came at the adress me waiting for you for 45 minutes and then you started inventing shit about me. That I have multiple accounts, that my pimp called you, that you came and leave after you saw me, that I've been to places I've never even hear of etc. Not to mention that this comment you made was on another girl's rewiu and you start saying that's girl is me!! What is wrong with you, are you on some kind of medication??? YOU ARE A FUKING GARBAGE!!! Redigeret 15. December, 2022 af Isabell 1 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Madame Illona 1461 Skrevet 15. December, 2022 (edited) It's unbelievable how badly you talk to the people who participate in this thread. You are clearly a bully who just wants to cause trouble and who is clearly not honest either It will be exciting if you also screw me for what I write. But you should know that I have reported your profile to the administra Redigeret 15. December, 2022 af Madame Illona 2 2 Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg