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Madame Illona skrev, for 57 minutter siden:

It's unbelievable how badly you talk to the people who participate in this thread.
You are clearly a bully who just wants to cause trouble and who is clearly not honest either
. It will be exciting if you also screw me for what I write. 
But you should know that I have reported your profile to the administration

Yea he's laying about visit me and inventing all kind of shit on me and I'm the bully?????? There are multiple profiles here including girls who want to shut me down and I'm the bully??? 


THERE IS SOMEOANE WHO MADE A ACCOUNT HERE SPECIFICALLY TO TALK INVENTED SHIT ABOUT ME AND WHEN I GET ALL MAD ABOUT THIS AND KIND OF LOOSE IT I'M THE BULLY????? He's saying that he visited me and on the message you can clearly see that he never even saw me, enter the apartment and I'm not the hones oane?????? 


And how the fuck should I have talked with him "Oh excuse me sir Mr hulk sir why are you lying about visit me, about me having multiple profiles, about my pimp calling you, about all that adress that you put up??? Don't you know that lying is bad sir Mr hulk??? Don't you know that saying garbage like that could really really mees up my bussine sir Mr hulk?? " 

Redigeret af Isabell

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Isabell skrev, for 4 minutter siden:

Yea he's laying about visit me and inventing all kind of shit on me and I'm the bully?????? There are multiple profiles here including girls who want to shut me down and I'm the bully??? 

And how the fuck should I have talked with him "Oh excuse me sir Mr hulk sir why are you lying about visit me, about me having multiple profiles, about my pimp calling you, about all that adress that you put up??? Don't you know that lying is bad sir Mr hulk??? Don't you know that saying garbage like that could really really mees up my bussine sir Mr hulk?? " 

So now I`M Mr Hulk ???  I think you adressed the wrong person...  If not you are talking nonsens

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Madame Illona wrote, 1 hour ago:

It's unbelievable how badly you talk to the people who participate in this thread.
You are clearly a bully who just wants to cause trouble and who is clearly not honest either
. It will be exciting if you also screw me for what I write. 
But you should know that I have reported your profile to the administration

Didn't you address this to me?? That I'm a bully that I'm dishonest that I talk bad with ppl on this tread and you're going to report me????? 

What bully am I???? What trouble I'm looking for?? 

Do I go on other girls treads and start to talk shit about them??? 

Do I invent all kind of things on other people just to fuck up they're bussiness????? 

Do I have this fuking false "good intentions" and false "curiosity" towards other people????? 

The answer is FUCK No. I'm minding my business, trying not to bother anyone meet new people and enjoy the money and the experiences!!! 

I don't care about other girls I don't care about other ppl in general, what they do, how they work, looking to give others life advices etc becouse I repeat my self I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT OTHERS DO and im not a pice of shit looking to put others down!!!!!! 

Redigeret af Isabell

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@Isabell You speak very badly to those who disagree with you. I thought it was a pity for you .... 
But your language and statements do not suit you. 
Which also contributes to you destroying your own business
I myself have been in this business for 30 years and if I talked like you do, I wouldn't have a business very long. 
I'm just giving you some good advice
Think before you speak!!!

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Madame Illona skrev, Lige nu:

@Isabelle You speak very badly to those who disagree with you. I thought it was a pity for you .... 
But your language and statements do not suit you. 
Which also contributes to you destroying your own business
I myself have been in this business for 30 years and if I talked like you do, I wouldn't have a business very long. 
I'm just giving you some good advice
Think before you speak!!!

Did I ask for advices, did I ask dfor anything from you or from anyoane here??? 

I talk very badly with Mr Hulk that's you problem??? The man is s fuking lyar who made a profile especially to try to ruin me!!!!!! Others take part in this also!!! 

I don't want advices, I don't want lessons, I don't want to have to fuking deal with all kind of abjected creature taking back and forth on my topic I don't want non of this!!! Absolutely not a fuking thing and everything was great and well till yesterday when other girls came to my tread with fuking questions, fucking advise and stuff like "Why don't you say this in you're add, why are you using this photos, why this? why that?" 

I don't need friendships, I don't need advices I don't fuking want to explain myself to other girls I don't even want to know they exist!!!!!! I don't think I've ever watched others profile, what service they do what prices etc, not even curious I JUST DON'T CARE!!! 

I just want to be fuking left alone to do the think that I do and if I do wrong by a client then he can come and criticise ME!!! NOT OTHERS!!!! 

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Guest HardWorker

Kinda funny how she is calling out someone for lying, while advertising with false pictures. Some would call that a HYPOCRIT :rolleyes:

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HardWorker skrev, 1 time siden:

Kinda funny how she is calling out someone for lying, while advertising with false pictures. Some would call that a HYPOCRIT :rolleyes:

Yea, there are innocent lies that don't affect anybody and there are lyes made up to destroy someone. I guess you can agree there's a bug difference between this two kind right??? 

Did I ruined someone with what I do or what??? A lot and I mean A LOT of ppl came and where satisfied and they came even if they knew my "lie"!! 

But what's in it for you that you are do active here and committed in blaming and crucifing me?? I mean this tread is a a couple of month old, what made you come just now and be so vehement against me??? 

I understand you are sooo richeous and honest and you are a real fuking Sherlock Holmes+Batman and you unmasked me, you show the world who the villen is. Everyone is happy and chanting you! Heil for the hero!! 

Now can you just fuking move on from me my topic and my person? 

This has been orchestrated from multiple accounts, the holidays are coming and a lot of girls are going home, and the ones that stay will get the jackpot of this period. 

I was very popular here and that was the fuking reson that tree girls and tree other fuking ppl jumped me here!! That is the fuking truth!! 

I mean nobody goes from saying "Omg I want to visit you again such a nice experience" to "Hey you are do untrustworthy, you are a lier, a cheat" and being this vehement critic of mine withouth a proper reason, withouth being something at stake. 



Redigeret af Isabell

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Isabell skrev, for 27 minutter siden:

Yea, there are innocent lies that don't affect anybody and there are lyes made up to destroy someone. I guess you can agree there's a bug difference between this two kind right??? 

Did I ruined someone with what I do or what??? A lot and I mean A LOT of ppl came and where satisfied and they came even if they knew my "lie"!! 

But what's in it for you that you are do active here and committed in blaming and crucifing me?? I mean this tread is a a couple of month old, what made you come just now and be so vehement against me??? 

I understand you are sooo richeous and honest and you are a real fuking Sherlock Holmes+Batman and you unmasked me, you show the world who the villen is. Everyone is happy and chanting you! Heil for the hero!! 

Now can y

Isabell skrev, for 28 minutter siden:

Yea, there are innocent lies that don't affect anybody and there are lyes made up to destroy someone. I guess you can agree there's a bug difference between this two kind right??? 

Did I ruined someone with what I do or what??? A lot and I mean A LOT of ppl came and where satisfied and they came even if they knew my "lie"!! 

But what's in it for you that you are do active here and committed in blaming and crucifing me?? I mean this tread is a a couple of month old, what made you come just now and be so vehement against me??? 

I understand you are sooo richeous and honest and you are a real fuking Sherlock Holmes+Batman and you unmasked me, you show the world who the villen is. Everyone is happy and chanting you! Heil for the hero!! 

Now can you just fuking move on from me my topic and my person? 

This has been orchestrated from multiple accounts, the holidays are coming and a lot of girls are going home, and the ones that stay will get the jackpot of this period. 

I was very popular here and that was the fuking reson that tree girls and tree other fuking ppl jumped me here!! That is the fuking truth!! 

I mean nobody goes from saying "Omg I want to visit you again such a nice experience" to "Hey you are do untrustworthy, you are a lier, a cheat" and being this vehement critic of mine withouth a proper reason, withouth being something at stake.

Isabell skrev, for 29 minutter siden:

Yea, there are innocent lies that don't affect anybody and there are lyes made up to destroy someone. I guess you can agree there's a bug difference between this two kind right??? 

Did I ruined someone with what I do or what??? A lot and I mean A LOT of ppl came and where satisfied and they came even if they knew my "lie"!! 

But what's in it for you that you are do active here and committed in blaming and crucifing me?? I mean this tread is a a couple of month old, what made you come just now and be so vehement against me??? 

I understand you are sooo richeous and honest and you are a real fuking Sherlock Holmes+Batman and you unmasked me, you show the world who the villen is. Everyone is happy and chanting you! Heil for the hero!! 

Now can you just fuking move on from me my topic and my person? 

This has been orchestrated from multiple accounts, the holidays are coming and a lot of girls are going home, and the ones that stay will get the jackpot of this period. 

I was very popular here and that was the fuking reson that tree girls and tree other fuking ppl jumped me here!! That is the fuking truth!! 

I mean nobody goes from saying "Omg I want to visit you again such a nice experience" to "Hey you are do untrustworthy, you are a lier, a cheat" and being this vehement critic of mine withouth a proper reason, withouth being something at stake. 



Jeg har vel givet dig en udmærket grund? Og din optræden her på Eg. -taler ikke for jeg tog fejl? Hvorfor kan du ikke accepter, og komme videre? Ligesom vi andre... Hvad dit formål med at blive ved? Tror bestemt ikke du får noget ud af det...


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Møffe skrev, for 6 minutter siden:


"What's your purpose in staying? Definitely don't think you'll get anything out of it..." 

What do you mean with that, be more specific please. 

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Isabell skrev, for 1 minut siden:

"What's your purpose in staying? Definitely don't think you'll get anything out of it..." 

What do you mean with that, be more specific please. 

hvad er det du vil opnå -med at skælde folk ud herinde? På den usympatisk måde? EG. Har blandt andet til formål, at hjælpe hinanden -til gode oplevelser;-) Det er ikke en god oplevelse, at læse du føler dig så forurettet -når du selv kender årsagen... Tror ikke på du får kunderne tilbage på den måde... Nogen gange skal man også kikke indad...

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jensen jr. skrev, for 25 minutter siden:

Er det ikke en af de tråde der er løbet derhen hvor den kalder på lukning.

Ja det er helt ude af proportioner at en profil får så lang snor ift opførsel her på sitet. Det stikker da helt af for hende. Tråden er startet helt tilbage til d 4 Nov og lige siden start har du udtalt sig groft og skrevet de vildeste grimmeste gloser…. Helt uden nogen indblanden fra admin eller øverste bestyrelse 

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Luk nu bare denne tråd.....en lille pige fra rød stue der har pisset i bukserne...og ikke vil have tørre bukser på af de voksne....ja, mod dumhed kæmper selv guderne forgæves............1. præmien for værste reklame for egen forretning ever... goes to......Isabell:mrgreen:...bye...bye, Isabell.:P

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GIANT COCK skrev, for 4 minutter siden:

Luk nu bare denne tråd.....en lille pige fra rød stue der har pisset i bukserne...og ikke vil have tørre bukser på af de voksne....ja, mod dumhed kæmper selv guderne forgæves............1. præmien for værste reklame for egen forretning ever... goes to......Isabell:mrgreen:...bye...bye, Isabell.:P

Det er bare utrolig der ikke er nogen der stiller hende der i “ skammekrogen “ Det skulle lige være nogen af os gp’er herinde der teede sig så’n så blev vi da bannet 

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Isabell skrev, for 3 timer siden:

Yea he's laying about visit me and inventing all kind of shit on me and I'm the bully?????? There are multiple profiles here including girls who want to shut me down and I'm the bully??? 


THERE IS SOMEOANE WHO MADE A ACCOUNT HERE SPECIFICALLY TO TALK INVENTED SHIT ABOUT ME AND WHEN I GET ALL MAD ABOUT THIS AND KIND OF LOOSE IT I'M THE BULLY????? He's saying that he visited me and on the message you can clearly see that he never even saw me, enter the apartment and I'm not the hones oane?????? 


And how the fuck should I have talked with him "Oh excuse me sir Mr hulk sir why are you lying about visit me, about me having multiple profiles, about my pimp calling you, about all that adress that you put up??? Don't you know that lying is bad sir Mr hulk??? Don't you know that saying garbage like that could really really mees up my bussine sir Mr hulk?? " 

Her hvad du sendte mig 1/10 2021. Fake profil, men med din specielle fotoguidning og en dør, ser står på klem, når man kommer. Fjordsgade... og ja, jeg gik igen.



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Hulk skrev, for 16 minutter siden:

Her hvad du sendte mig 1/10 2021. Fake profil, men med din specielle fotoguidning og en dør, ser står på klem, når man kommer. Fjordsgade... og ja, jeg gik igen.



I've never stayed here. Now every fuking girl that you go it has to be me right???? 

I grantee you without any doubt that, that's not me and the only conversation that I have with you is the oane that I post!! 

Nobody called you to treten you, you never meet me!! 

This is so fuking tiring to have to put up with all this garbages and they're shit, they're malitious fake "good intentions", lies and made up story's. 

Leave me alone already you mentaly deranged idiot!! 


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Isabell skrev, for 7 minutter siden:

I've never stayed here. Now every fuking girl that you go it has to be me right???? 

I grantee you without any doubt that, that's not me and the only conversation that I have with you is the oane that I post!! 

Nobody called you to treten you, you never meet me!! 

This is so fuking tiring to have to put up with all this garbages and they're shit, they're malitious fake "good intentions", lies and made up story's. 

Leave me alone already you mentaly deranged idiot!! 


Sikker på andre genkender stedet, dig og din til mig tilsendte “fotoguide” som på Grønløkkevej. Godt du ikke er Pinocchio, for hvilken næse, du så havde...

Slut herfra.

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Madame Illona wrote, 25 minutes ago:

Someone like her shouldn't have any talking time for long 

She should have been kicked out of the gate a long time ago!!!!!! 

Why? Why don't I have the right to defend my self? 

Someone like me??? 

Someone as 40 years plus like you should not be here commenting on a topic of a 19 screening "Baan her, ban her!!" without being involved in any way in this conversation. You seem very angry and frustrated about me. 

I know it's very hard to find ppl interes in you at you're age but try to have a little more liberal attitude, this is not communism and even "someone like me" should get a word in this. 

Probably the octogenarian club here that set on my page wanted to visit the city soon and that's why they launch such aggressive attack against me..... 

I mean if you where to chose between 19-20-21 and 32-40+ the choice is clear right? 

You needed a way to make me look bad. 

Redigeret af Isabell
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Hulk skrev, for 12 minutter siden:

Sikker på andre genkender stedet, dig og din til mig tilsendte “fotoguide” som på Grønløkkevej. Godt du ikke er Pinocchio, for hvilken næse, du så havde...

Slut herfra.

Lisen. You lied that you visited me and I've show the messages that clearly stayted you didn't and you where taking shit. I don't know what that is I dont know any fjordsgade I've never stayed there. 


This is the last time I'm replaying to you becouse you are mentality inadequate!! 

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Isabell skrev, for 7 minutter siden:

Why? Why don't I have the right to defend my self? 

Someone like me??? 

Someone as 40 years plus like you should not be here commenting on a topic of a 19 screening "Baan her, ban her!!" without being involved in any way in this conversation. 

I know it's very hard to find ppl interes in you at you're age but try to have a little more liberal attitude, this is not communism and even "someone like me" should get a word in this. 

At du angriber mig på min person overskrider ALLE grænser Tænk at du synker så dybt. Hvor Fanden er den styrende i butikken her. Jeg “ der kommer nogle voksne tilstede snarest “ din opførsel over for samtlige der har deltaget i denne tråd er bare blevet SVINET til !!!!!!
Du burde slet ikke få mere taletid …. How low Can you go?????  

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Madame Illona skrev, for 26 minutter siden:

Så’n en som hende der bør ikke længe ha noget taletid 

Hun burde være smidt være smidt for porten for længst !!!!!! 

Hun har i hvert fald slidt ordet fuck og fucking grundigt ned.Glemte lige garbage og shit

Redigeret af jensen jr.
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Madame Illona skrev, for 1 minut siden:

That you attack me on my person exceeds ALL limits Think you sink so deep. Where the Devil is in charge of the shop here. Me "some adults will be present as soon as possible" your behavior towards everyone who has participated in this thread has just been SICK!!!!!!
You shouldn't get any more talking time at all…. How low Can you go?????  

Yea, you come here atack me for absolutely no reson and what do you think grandma, that Im just going to take it?? 

What is you're role in this topic, what are you doing here??? Why are you so angry at me? 

Just mind you're busssines like I do mine and let me be me. 

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