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Guest LucieRay

Unusual but true stories

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Guest LucieRay

So, I thought it could be entertaining to share unusual stories… I have written a book, which was independently published on Amazon, but I felt it wasn’t completed to my satisfaction. So, decided to unpublish it.
It is unavailable at the moment.
However, I have a couple of stories to share and this is the first one… And probably, not as eloquently written as the rest, but they need to be tweaked a bit more…

The unusual wedding

The table was all set in a U-shape and most of the guests had already arrived. I decided to sit next to Cherrie and Anabelle.

Anabelle… She looked very much like Ingrid Bergmann and I do believe that the men were seeing the resemblance with the famous actress as well. They were salivating around her. She enjoyed the looks, but had decided to be proper during the wedding celebration. Who knew that things would become very heated later on…

Paola arrived in a carriage drawn by two beige stallions. When she came out, she had a cloak on, which looked as if it was out of a fairy-tale. However, the unusual part was that it was in a bright red colour. The white dress underneath did not hide much of her enormous breasts. The groom was dressed in a tuxedo as expected. Both of them took a seat in the middle of the table.

‘Tonight, I have a big surprise, especially for our male guests,’ Paola announced.

I imagined it was going to be extravagant, as everything she did since I knew her was done in such style.

After we finished our main meal, the music changed to some heavy metal and a couple arrived in the middle of the dancefloor.

We could guess what was going to happen, as the woman was wearing sexy lingerie and the man had nothing on but a cloth covering his private parts as if he was Tarzan.

The lady walked to the middle of the table. Some of the waiters moved the dishes away, and she lay down in their place. She spread her legs facing both ends of the U-shaped table, with her back at the bride and groom, and moved her thong to the side. What happened next was to stay our minds for a long time to come.

She started pulling out a pearl necklace and continued doing so for quite some time. At one point I thought I could see its end, but I was mistaken, as she carried on with the speed of light in rhythm with the music. The pearls already surrounded her whole body, but she still persevered, making us wonder how all of this could come out of her lady flower. If I measured it right from my seat, it was a few metres long. After she had finished, she put it around the groom’s neck. His friends were amused and started applauding. She got up, walked to the middle of the dance floor where her colleague was waiting for her and she made him lie down on the floor. Then she simply sat straight down on him and they fucked vigorously. She literally consumed him as the music played. Ten minutes later she got up, he looked drained, and they went away.

We then played some drinking game, in which I only briefly participated as it was very fast-paced, and I wanted to stay completely sober. Cherrie was so involved she could not remember the rest of the night.

During the presentation of the cake, the couple came out again, accompanied by metal music, very suitable by this point. The woman took her starting position. This time she lay down, spread her legs again, was flexible indeed, in her hand there were two big candles, burning like fireworks, she placed them between her legs. She turned around towards the newlywed couple and they had to blow them out. Her partner came and it was her turn to blow, on his big candle… Some more positions followed on the floor just next to the table and then they went away once more.

Not long after we had dessert, the guy came back, most likely called by somebody who saw that Cherrie was very aroused, and he started dancing in front of her, with his cloth over his cock. He did not remove it but took Cherrie’s hand and guided it slowly between his thick thighs and upwards. Cherrie was just getting into the mood, as all of this had taken her by surprise, but it did not last long. He only wanted to tease her and after a short time, he slowly walked away.

The evening was coming to an end when Cherrie slipped away. I reckon that she wanted to have a better feel of the man who teased her, or rather of what was between his legs.

I took Ms. Bergmann and went home…

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