Guest yuki Skrevet 17. Maj, 2023 (edited) Good morning I'm back here after a long time. I wanted to find out if I'm a rare case or if it's normal that I've only been receiving (non-stop) fake appointments for almost 4 days. Lately I don't understand what's going on, it seems like work has stopped, I only receive strange messages. I was thinking of taking a break and working somewhere else for a couple of weeks (or more?) I was thinking Berlin + Hamburg or Norway. Any girl have experience of places in Europe with a higher flow of clients (outcall only) and more quality? your Yuki, a little sad Redigeret 17. Maj, 2023 af yuki Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17609 Skrevet 17. Maj, 2023 I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately I can't answer you questions about other cities. But I don't think you're a rare case. I hear the same things from other girls. Fewer real shows, and an increasing number of fake bookings. They seem to run hand-in-hand. I guess it's a matter of poor finances and digital substitutes. Making an appointment with a real woman, is maybe like almost having sex with someone whose pics you can look at and then jerk off too? I don't know, but there surely must be a reason for all these fake bookings, other than pure malice? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest yuki Skrevet 17. Maj, 2023 Bananas skrev, for 9 minutter siden: I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately I can't answer you questions about other cities. But I don't think you're a rare case. I hear the same things from other girls. Fewer real shows, and an increasing number of fake bookings. They seem to run hand-in-hand. I guess it's a matter of poor finances and digital substitutes. Making an appointment with a real woman, is maybe like almost having sex with someone whose pics you can look at and then jerk off too? I don't know, but there surely must be a reason for all these fake bookings, other than pure malice? You might be right, but how is it that with all the methods of jerking off online, even a cheap one (onlyfans, snapchat, free porn sites, webcam girls), these outcasts have to come and fuck with people who are working? It makes me so angry these assholes. if any of these are reading: fuck off! I'll give you a simple example: if you don't go to the psychologist or other expensive specialists, you still pay for the visit, so examine your conscience. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Dark Sugarbabe 163 Skrevet 17. Maj, 2023 (edited) I understand you. I thought it was like that in general. I have only been doing this for a few months and only a few days with very few appointments. I don't understand the game of active and insistent communication followed by noshow and no reply and blocking on whatsapp. What is the purpose? I regard it as harassment to me, but also as harassment to the serious men who want to meet me, as it also means that I’m not able to make other appointments and Also become a little more loose with the agreements I do. And then I'm actually disappointed when I'm ready and excited for a hot meeting and no one comes. Why? I don’t know other cities. I have tried home in Sweden and it’s actually the same, so I thougt this was a generel all-time problem with men doing this noshow as a mindgame. Happyly there are good, serious and hot men too. Thanks to them, may you lead the way for all the fake-men Redigeret 17. Maj, 2023 af Dark Sugarbabe Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Dark Sugarbabe 163 Skrevet 17. Maj, 2023 yuki skrev, for 2 minutter siden: You might be right, but how is it that with all the methods of jerking off online, even a cheap one (onlyfans, snapchat, free porn sites, webcam girls), these outcasts have to come and fuck with people who are working? I wonder how they can look at them self in the mirror and see them self as serious people which I think everybody wants to. I would hope that some of them would come forward anonymously and tell a little about why they do it. I am also curious to understand it. And I'm not thinking of those who have real excuses, of course they exist too. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Sexy Flora 300 Skrevet 17. Maj, 2023 I experience this a lot too noshows i will block and it had helped a bit because it clears out the fake ones, but i takes time. I have learned, that people who keeps asking a lot of questions and being very specific in a fantasi and if i can offer that, almost always are time wasters. so when i get that feeling, i will answer very short, to use a minimum of time on this person. and that is also why i no longer book via mail, i found the most fakers use mail. Its really sad these people are wasting our time, it takes time from the serious ones and it takes my energi, to write nicely to those who are serious 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
BGI 12 Skrevet 17. Maj, 2023 Sad to hear these bad attitudes from customers from serious working girls. The best you can do is sharing patterns of how fake customers is approaching for an appointment. Such fake customers also destroy the market for us serious customers. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Dark Sugarbabe 163 Skrevet 17. Maj, 2023 (edited) Sexy Flora skrev, 1 time siden: who keeps asking a lot of questions and being very specific in a fantasi and if i can offer that, almost always are time wasters They keep on asking about prices, services, what clothes you are wearing, breastsize and all other stuff. They even keep writing untill 2 minutes before the appointment and then they get silent. Next time when a serious guy asks you dont really feel good about answering. Redigeret 17. Maj, 2023 af Dark Sugarbabe 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
JenniferRomantica 18183 Skrevet 17. Maj, 2023 It doesn't happen as much for me as it used to.. I think it helps that I only work 5-7 days a month and have a lot of repeat guests so in generel it's hard getting an appointment the same day.. My bookings (the new ones) have to confirm the day before the appointment so I have a chance to book other guests if they don't confirm.. I also now ask for a deposit (if they want to book at some other time) if the appointment is cancelled and I've never met them.. When it happens its normally the "here and now" bookings so I feel more sure with bookings made in advance.. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Jessy 266 Skrevet 17. Maj, 2023 Dear Yuki That is Why I don t accept anymore new clients , I have since many years a regular vase of clients ! Please don t be sad , and don’t give up ! Denmark is a very good country , and the customers Are really nice and easy going ! Customers in Norway and Germany are more on the hardcore sex , which is not my style …. Tip 1 : more they write and ask questions, more is the risk to be a time waster ! A serious person will introduce himself , and will only ask your schedule , in order to make an appointment ! Tip 2 : no answer to “hello” , “hi “ , “how are you “ …. keep in mind that in Dk anyone ( no matter age ) can buya sym card from Any Kiosk on the street … you never know if the person with whom you exchange messages 14 years or 16 or 18 or 50 years Tip 3 : never delete messages , keep evrething ! 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den_glade_amatør 4642 Skrevet 17. Maj, 2023 Dark Sugarbabe skrev, for 3 timer siden: I don't understand the game of active and insistent communication followed by noshow and no reply and blocking on whatsapp. What is the purpose? I regard it as harassment to me Der er desværre meget chikane af jer piger og jeres tid. Det er ærgerligt for jer og for alle os, som godt kan finde ud af at opføre os ordentligt. Jeg tror, at en del af årsagen ligger i, at det er nemt og omkostningsfrit at chikanere jer på mail og sms. Det er nemt for personen at gemme sig bag den skriftlige kommunikation. Nogle piger har et krav om, at nye kunder SKAL ringe dem op i forbindelse med booking af tid, så der kommer en stemme på. Måske kan et sådant krav hjælpe med at sortere i hvert fald nogen af de irriterende tidsrøvere fra. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg