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Vildeste horizontal gymnastik og gode Fajitas | Aghata Rivera

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Fluefisker skrev, for 5 timer siden:

my dear italanovoro isn't it funny to see that when you try to give negative comments to the empathetic intellectual beautiful girls it has the complete opposite effect - you should learn from that and instead use the same method with the customers and see if you don't become one of the positively mentioned girls - just a well-intentioned piece of advice - good luck

I actually don't give a fuck about the girl, nor about her nationality.

As I said before, it's just sometimes we get across this overexaggerated reviews from fanboys and I have a special duty, given by the Pope in Rome, to let them know, they are bobos, fraieri, suckers.

Again, it's not about nationality, but Aghata is NOT spanish and who thinks otherwise is just as idiot as it can be.

End of story

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italianovero skrev, for 54 minutter siden:

sometimes we get across this overexaggerated reviews from fanboys 

Tjah det er da muligt at jeg er en fanboy - so be it! Jeg kan blot konstatere at sammenlignet med de efterhånden rigtigt mange besøg hos mange piger gennem årene så er mine to besøg hos Aghata blandt de allerbedste oplevelser. 

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italianovero skrev, for 12 timer siden:

Hablas español, bobo?


lo aprendió en la escuela, y ha tenido una novia española. El español es un idioma hermoso.

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