KongTrader 58 Skrevet 8. Juli, 2023 (jeg skriver på engelsk så der er så mange som muligt der kan læse advarsel) This is going to sound like a really strange post but I have to warn the guys out there who can be trapped in a bad situation. First, the culprits: They were posting not on Annoncelight (which is dominated by Romanian gangs who post fake profiles), but on Escort-Side. The reason why I started to look there was, well, I got tird of the fake girls on Annoncelight. It is too difficult to filter, you get used to the pattern of the fakes and can filter many our but it's exhausting. They have removed their escort-side ads. I also have pictures of the two guys who tried to attack and stood outside building looking at windows ready to rob, but I understand that is not allowed to be posted here. And the police are aware anyway... It was late at night, two nights, my friend and I were under the influence of .. .things...anyway one of us wanted to get a girl. My apartment is on 2nd floor, his is on ground floor. So we hung out at his place, as it's easier to go outside and meet someone there than to go through the main door. The first time, Cristina (her title was "mia"), was weird. She _never_ would talk on the phone. That should have given it away but I was horny so did not care. Would not post a live selfie either. I went out to the parking lot to meet her and she was not there. Which is weird because the address is pretty clear, they should arrive right at the parking lot where can be picked up. They kept refusing calls, refusing video calls, but sending msgs about "where are yuo? send picture"?. Finally, i heard some spanish music playing and a group of guys not so far away. I realised what was going on ... RAN into my friend's door, locked it, and we called the police. We could them psychopathically laughing and running around in the general area. After a bit of time andt he police rolling through they obviuosly left. It was obviuosly very awkward talking to the police, so we just said there was some guys peering into windows., probably outsiders that are doing hoilday robberies. Numebr two was "Lora". This one was extra weird because she msged me out of nowhere saying "heeyy im going to copenhagen just wanted to seee if you could meet up." Very strange because I don't have her number saved and I only whoremonger on rare occasions so it's not like I would forget. Anyway Lora was a weird one, because she video-called and was real ,looked good, responded. It was way different. I said I didn't want anything to do with it but my friend said he would take the chance. He sent her messages saying around where to meet. And guess what happens, the same two spanish bandits roaming around the park trying to find and attack. So crazy. So luckily we avoided any actual harm, but let me warn a few things: - most of the ads on Annoncelight and Escort-side are _fake_. Flat out _fake_ At the low end of the scam spectrum they will up-charge you. At the upper end they will use men to attack you physically. You need to verify by doing: 1) require selfies 2) require calls (ideally video calls) 3) bring pepper spray 4) if doing outcall, give a fake address that is right near by so that you can monitor who comes by and verify it is real girl and not some guys or girl with some guys. 5) stay away from romanians and spanish. they are criminals. albanians it goes without say are criminals, but disproportionately the scammers are Romanians, Spanish. It's quite pathetic how AL and ES do not have a system in place to properly rate the legitimacy of the girls. It's a basic feaure that many other countries' do. At the very least you have some social proof Be careful out there guys 6 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Listelømmel 301 Skrevet 8. Juli, 2023 Mega interessant skriv. En skam du ikke skriver det på dansk, ( også ), da vi opererer på et dansk forum. Håber virkelig også snart, man måske her på eroguide, kunne vægte at få lavet et sted, som var nemt at "gå til" evt. fra forsiden af sitet, hvor man kunne få anmeldt alt den svindel, og samtidig hjælpe de " stakkels " mænd, som glemmer, eller ikke evner, at tænke sig om, fordi de simpelthen er godt gammeldags liderlige, og derfor, selvom alt blinker faretruende, ( og at det er bøjet i neon, at der er svindel omkring en given annonce ), begiver man sig ud og besøger, måske en kvinde. Samtidig smider man penge i alfonsernes kasse, og i mange af tilfældene er man måske medvirkende til, at trafficking ofre er " fanget " her i landet. Det ville klæde alle, som tjener penge på sex annoncering, også at arbejde målrettet henimod mindre svindel, ingen trafficking ofre m.m. 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Thor.2023 81 Skrevet 8. Juli, 2023 The worst of all this reality is that the same individuals who attack out there are the same ones who easily sign up for eroguide and pretend to be customers to sell their girls. They refer the girl, others like the comment and the money goes to whoever they want. Thor 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
ild i piben 236 Skrevet 9. Juli, 2023 (edited) Og du undre dig ikke over at der, "Out of nowhere" blir taget kontakt til dig, anden gang?? Jeg tænker du skal stoppe med det der "things" med det samme Jeg forstår heller ikke du bliver ved med at gentage en fiasko, for I maj måned havde du ligeledes dårlige oplevelser. Og Så syntes jeg, at dit postulat ang. AL og ES er skudt lidt over mål, ellers ville dette site jo vælte i lignende anmeldelser som din. Personligt har jeg været aktiv i +10år både outcall og incall og aldrig haft en oplevelse som din. Men jeg er selvfølgelig heller ikke "under influence of...things" Redigeret 9. Juli, 2023 af ild i piben 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
KongTrader 58 Skrevet 9. Juli, 2023 ild i piben skrev, for 2 minutter siden: Og du undre dig ikke over at der, "Out of nowhere" blir taget kontakt til dig, anden gang?? Jeg tænker du skal stoppe med det der "things" med det samme self var det mistænklig, men hun ringede med video altid for at sige tiny. aner det ikke, forstår ikke helt deres "hustle" > Personligt har jeg været aktiv i +10år både outcall og incall og aldrig haft en oplevelse som din ok , så prøv at lavde en aftale med de første 5 piger på AL. Har du seriøst ikke i det mindste blev bedt om at >Men jeg er selvfølgelig heller ikke "under influence of...things" Man er helt sikkert i større risiko for problema hvis man er eftert "party girls" Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Randy 137 Skrevet 9. Juli, 2023 No offense, but this is so poorly explained/written that I have doubts about what even happened. But thanks for the warning. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg