asdfpaj 93 Skrevet 22. September, 2023 Det gode: Enormt flot kvinde, sød at tale med og god i de forskellige stillinger. Det dårlige: Det var ikke GFE. Meget begrænset hvad der var tilladt. For professionelt og sterilt til mig. 25% dyrere end standardtaksterne Hun valgte at gå efter halvdelen af tiden var gået. Øhhh.... okay? Det var ikke noget, jeg gad og diskutere med en chauffør siddende udenfor af ukendt størrelse og voldsparathed. Hvis jeg havde fået halvdelen af beløbet tilbage, havde jeg ikke haft behov for at give den negative omtale. 1 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Le fiss'carl 237 Skrevet 22. September, 2023 Øv så, tak for advarslen - altid noget at billederne er ægte 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Etioperen 8 Skrevet 23. September, 2023 Jeg er meget enig og har haft præcis samme oplevelse, sød pige og sød udstråling, men ren prof, ingen service eller indlevelse, total turnoff at begynde at tørre missen af med vådservietter efter man har slikket i 30 sek, ude igen efter 30min…det var faktisk rart at få hende hurtigt ud af døren… Sådan er det vel bare, man tager chancen engang imellem 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Nicole1 1 Skrevet 29. September, 2023 Hello. I am Nicole :). And I kinda see myself forced to answer all these bad comments about me because some of you are trying to harm my future appointments. First off, I am real. And everyone who wants proof of it, it’s easy to just ask for a video call before the meeting. Secondly, I don’t offer more than what I’ve promised. What you get is what we agreed on. About the comment saying that I left earlier. I think it was easier to just ask me to stay for a little while more instead of complaining over here and leave me with the impression that everything was fine. The person driving me around is just for driving, and not for violence and other stuff as some of you believe. I’m an easy going girl and all you gotta do is just ask really. Thank you for the attention and for the publicity Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Peterxxxxxxxxxxxxx 43 Skrevet 29. September, 2023 (edited) Uanset hvad sandheden så er/var, var dette svar relativt elegant. Nicole, if you have promised a certain amount of time, then a responsibility for at least talking to your customer about leaving early must be at your seat. But of course the customer has a voice too, that he can use in due time (I agree that his timing, but not all of his point, sucks). Redigeret 29. September, 2023 af Peterxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
asdfpaj 93 Skrevet 30. September, 2023 (edited) @Nicole1 The fact you left early so confidently without asking what to do with the remaining time or offering any refund was a warning sign in itself to me. I'm not going to escalate the situation when I have no idea who I'm dealing with. I felt at a severe disadvantage given the circumstances, and did not want to start an argument... for multiple reasons, but I'm not going to spell everything out. It would have been much easier if you had simply upheld your end of the agreement instead of scamming me for half the amount. Lastly, there's no point in asking a woman to stay when she clearly wants to leave, because the mood is already beyond ruined at that point. Redigeret 30. September, 2023 af asdfpaj 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Nicole1 1 Skrevet 30. September, 2023 Oh but I know why I left so early and you know it also. And it wasn’t my fault (we both know that). The reason why I know who you are is because I rarely do it- only when I don’t feel safe..I don’t choose to put it in here because that’s not my way. It’s not in my nature to bring people down. Is there a website where girls can also complain about customers? Jokes aside, it’s not fair. And unfortunately, stereotypes are real. Because it seems that if you’re paying for it, you can do and be whatever. Internet is a powerful tool guys, use it wisely. I will not answer to further comments because it’s pointless. You win Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
asdfpaj 93 Skrevet 30. September, 2023 So zero regrets about scamming me (and the other guy) of 1000kr. Noted. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Nicole1 1 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2023 You didn’t understand a word from what I said. Or you don’t want to. I’m not around scamming people for 1000 kr, you should know better. At this point, you’re offending me. And I don’t wanna do that, considering you’re already a man with difficulties(you told me that,remember?). Your insecurity is very loud. Chill Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
asdfpaj 93 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2023 Nicole1 skrev, for 29 minutter siden: You didn’t understand a word from what I said. Or you don’t want to. I’m not around scamming people for 1000 kr, you should know better. At this point, you’re offending me. And I don’t wanna do that, considering you’re already a man with difficulties(you told me that,remember?). Your insecurity is very loud. Chill Most users in here would consider it a scam if the woman leaves after 20 minutes when the agreed upon time was 1 hour, so I'm simply warning them. You're of course free to leave at any point for whatever reason, but without a partial refund, it is what it is. A scam. It should also be fairly obvious why I'm not going to be the one asking for a partial refund in the situation, so it's up to you how you want to handle it. Just because you think I'm too ugly, smelly, have a small limp dick or whatever else is wrong does not mean you can just charge me for 1 hour and leave after 20 minutes. In 12+ years of using escorts I've never encountered this attitude before or even been forced to write anything negative. 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Stapler 1649 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2023 @asdfpaj and @Nicole1 take your battles in PM. You both had your say in this matter and clearly disagree, and that is ok. Now it is up to others to provide additional info if they can. If not, this matter is closed. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Nicole1 1 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2023 asdfpaj skrev, for 9 timer siden: Most users in here would consider it a scam if the woman leaves after 20 minutes when the agreed upon time was 1 hour, so I'm simply warning them. You're of course free to leave at any point for whatever reason, but without a partial refund, it is what it is. A scam. It should also be fairly obvious why I'm not going to be the one asking for a partial refund in the situation, so it's up to you how you want to handle it. Just because you think I'm too ugly, smelly, have a small limp dick or whatever else is wrong does not mean you can just charge me for 1 hour and leave after 20 minutes. In 12+ years of using escorts I've never encountered this attitude before or even been forced to write anything negative. This is wrong for so many reasons. You didn’t had a shower for years probably. What do you mean it doesn’t matter? Would it be nice for you to call an escort and she comes smelly and messy? I don’t think so. It goes both ways. Just because you’re paying me it doesn’t mean that I have to accept everything. The reason I chose to leave is because I got scared of you by something that you said. I left the job barefoot, with the shoes in my hand just to get out quickly, that’s how scared I was. In the moment you choose to do an appointment, I’m not available anymore and I take care of all the expenses. It’s not my problem that you consider taking a shower it’s too much or that you can’t behave. I really don’t wanna get into it and explain all the things that were wrong. I’m very sorry for all this spam guys, but I know that everyone is choosing to listen to the client. And it’s not always right. This was my last comment about the matter 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
asdfpaj 93 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2023 (edited) Nicole1 skrev, for 8 timer siden: You didn’t had a shower for years probably. I shower regularly and thoroughly (also in this case), but I have an anxiety disorder that makes me sweat profusely at random times and it's hard to do anything about the odor sometimes. Speaking of odor, it took hours to clear out the air of the the extreme amounts of perfume you were wearing. Nicole1 skrev, for 8 timer siden: Just because you’re paying me it doesn’t mean that I have to accept everything. Exactly! Then don't accept the conditions and leave (without taking my money -- or at least not all of it). Nicole1 skrev, for 8 timer siden: The reason I chose to leave is because I got scared of you by something that you said. I left the job barefoot, with the shoes in my hand just to get out quickly, that’s how scared I was. You can't be serious Why on Earth would you be scared? I'm putting my real name and address on the line, and I'm outnumbered by two completely unknown people from Eastern Europe. Who has more reason to be scared? I told you I work in IT, have had mental health problems and been depressed for many years and have had limited success with women. Guess I shouldn't be honest about those things if they're so terrifying. You can keep bringing up any number of personal details you want. It's completely irrelevant to the fact that you scammed me and @Etioperen out of half our money or more. Redigeret 1. Oktober, 2023 af asdfpaj Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Stapler 1649 Skrevet 2. Oktober, 2023 @Nicole1 og @asdfpaj har fået en uges skrivepause. 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg