red1 50 Skrevet 1. November, 2023 Today I took a chance and visited Grace ( in SV. I contacted her in a morning only to learn that she is fully booked. Then some time in the afternoon I started to inquire about possibility of meeting the next day, when she informed about a canceled appointment and a free timeslot at 21:00. And so I braved the nasty weather and made a trip to a new building quarter in SV. The agreement was for 45 minutes with no extra services. I was at the place a few minutes before the agreed time and the come-in process was absolutely smooth. No waiting in the streets for extended periods of time like a weirdo with a phone out. Once inside, we reconfirmed what was agreed and I hopped into the shower. After the shower, I joined Grace in her room and the action started. There were a lot of kisses, hugs, touching and overall very good GFE service. She kisses with tongue pretty OK and her blow is fine also. I maybe would prefer more saliva, but I can't complain as well. Once thing that was very delicious was 69. Her anatomy just fit my build perfectly and I was able to enjoy her pussy for quite some time and at a perfect distance and a perfect angle. The sex was fine as well, we tried several positions and I finished in a doggy with a perfect sight of her pussy lips gripping my shaft - delicious. What followed was a lot of creasing, hugging and talking. She is a very smart girl and we had some topics that we both had a common interest in - this made the pillow talk even better. We did go for a second round with blow and sex, but I was spent and was not as spectacular as the first go. Off to the shower and out through the door. One thing that I really appreciated - I got full of Grace's attention. There was not a single time she checked the phone while I was with her. Overall, I think I overstayed my time, but time flies with a girl like Grace. Overall - I highly recommend a visit if you like smaller girls with small boobs and an amazing attitude. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Mrbusiness 39 Skrevet 2. November, 2023 I just Got back from her place and cannot say i had the same experience unfortunately. I had my worst experience yet. But I’ll make a review with details if people want to read it. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
TheLion 724 Skrevet 2. November, 2023 (edited) red1 skrev, for 2 timer siden: (…) There were a lot of kisses, hugs, touching and overall very good GFE service. She kisses with tongue pretty OK and her blow is fine also. I maybe would prefer more saliva, but I can't complain as well. Once thing that was very delicious was 69. Her anatomy just fit my build perfectly and I was able to enjoy her pussy for quite some time and at a perfect distance and a perfect angle. The sex was fine as well, we tried several positions and I finished in a doggy with a perfect sight of her pussy lips gripping my shaft - delicious. What followed was a lot of creasing, hugging and talking. She is a very smart girl and we had some topics that we both had a common interest in - this made the pillow talk even better. (…) Thank you for your review. It sounds like from your descriptions that you had very good chemistry with the girl. Both on the physical level but also in regards of mutual interests. That is very good to hear. I think another member had an almost similar experience with another girl the other day. Sounds interesting. How do you think she looks? I could only see you wrote a little about her looks in the end of the review. She seems like a girl with elegance from your descriptions of her GFE. Also you like she does herself in the add describe her is a smart/intelligent girl. She writes “intelligent and shy”. Mrbusiness skrev, for 2 timer siden: I just Got back from her place and cannot say i had the same experience unfortunately. I had my worst experience yet. But I’ll make a review with details if people want to read it. It seems like we have two members here with very different opinions. Another review the other day was also positive. Could be interesting to hear more. You describe her as acting in a cold mannered way in your review? Just as a little side note: Why are there btw so many reviews in English these days? — not a bad thing Redigeret 2. November, 2023 af TheLion Korrektur mm. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
TheLion 724 Skrevet 2. November, 2023 (edited) * It is to clarify the not so positive review from @Mrbusiness I have linked to in my comment. Redigeret 2. November, 2023 af TheLion Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
red1 50 Skrevet 2. November, 2023 TheLion skrev, for 5 timer siden: Sounds interesting. How do you think she looks? I could only see you wrote a little about her looks in the end of the review. She seems like a girl with elegance from your descriptions of her GFE. Also you like she does herself in the add describe her is a smart/intelligent girl. She writes “intelligent and shy”. She was not wearing any makeup when I met her, so it's not 1:1 to the photos. However, I see that (no makeup) as an advantage. I think she's trying to project "the girl next door" feeling and not pretend to be a prono-modeller. TheLion skrev, for 5 timer siden: Just as a little side note: Why are there btw so many reviews in English these days? — not a bad thing Fordi jeg er ikke danskerer og det er nemt (ellers nemmere) at skrive på engelsk. TheLion skrev, for 5 timer siden: After reading this, I know one more thing that I enjoyed w/ Grace - no fake moaning sounds. Damn, I hate GPs that scream and moan after the first thrust as if there's camera crew rolling and their life depend on it. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
TheLion 724 Skrevet 2. November, 2023 (edited) red1 skrev, for 2 timer siden: She was not wearing any makeup when I met her, so it's not 1:1 to the photos. However, I see that (no makeup) as an advantage. I think she's trying to project "the girl next door" feeling and not pretend to be a prono-modeller. (…) Thank you for your answer. From your descriptions she sounds like a fine and interesting girl. Now the question is only if Milana’s add will return so both girls are available at the same time – rumours from another “tråd” are they are both at the same place Redigeret 2. November, 2023 af TheLion Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
red1 50 Skrevet 2. November, 2023 TheLion skrev, for 47 minutter siden: Thank you for your answer. From your descriptions she sounds like a fine and interesting girl. Now the question is only if Milana’s add will return so both girls are available at the same time – rumours from another “tråd” are they are both at the same place Can confirm. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Mrbiglove 87 Skrevet 2. November, 2023 Grace har på min henvendelse lige svaret at Milana ikke arbejder mere og snart forlader os Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
frddblk 1145 Skrevet 2. November, 2023 (edited) Mrbiglove skrev, for 3 timer siden: Grace har på min henvendelse lige svaret at Milana ikke arbejder mere og snart forlader os Forlader os? Lyder som en dødserklæring... så håber da hun bare er holdt op med at arbejde som GP. Redigeret 2. November, 2023 af frddblk Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
TheLion 724 Skrevet 2. November, 2023 (edited) Mrbiglove skrev, for 3 timer siden: Grace har på min henvendelse lige svaret at Milana ikke arbejder mere og snart forlader os Tak for lige at informere selv om jeg må give @frddblk ret i, at man da må håbe at det ikke betyder at hun decideret forlader os, men måske bare stikker snuden hjemad – forhåbentligt betyder det bare, at hun vender stærkt tilbage igen i fremtiden. Men nu handler denne tråd jo om Grace som netop stort set lige er ankommet, så mon ikke der så uanset hvad bliver mulighed for en masse skønne oplevelser der Redigeret 2. November, 2023 af TheLion Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Joey Joe Joe 2936 Skrevet 2. November, 2023 red1 skrev, for 18 timer siden: Today I took a chance and visited Grace ( in SV. I contacted her in a morning only to learn that she is fully booked. Then some time in the afternoon I started to inquire about possibility of meeting the next day, when she informed about a canceled appointment and a free timeslot at 21:00. And so I braved the nasty weather and made a trip to a new building quarter in SV. The agreement was for 45 minutes with no extra services. I was at the place a few minutes before the agreed time and the come-in process was absolutely smooth. No waiting in the streets for extended periods of time like a weirdo with a phone out. Once inside, we reconfirmed what was agreed and I hopped into the shower. After the shower, I joined Grace in her room and the action started. There were a lot of kisses, hugs, touching and overall very good GFE service. She kisses with tongue pretty OK and her blow is fine also. I maybe would prefer more saliva, but I can't complain as well. Once thing that was very delicious was 69. Her anatomy just fit my build perfectly and I was able to enjoy her pussy for quite some time and at a perfect distance and a perfect angle. The sex was fine as well, we tried several positions and I finished in a doggy with a perfect sight of her pussy lips gripping my shaft - delicious. What followed was a lot of creasing, hugging and talking. She is a very smart girl and we had some topics that we both had a common interest in - this made the pillow talk even better. We did go for a second round with blow and sex, but I was spent and was not as spectacular as the first go. Off to the shower and out through the door. One thing that I really appreciated - I got full of Grace's attention. There was not a single time she checked the phone while I was with her. Overall, I think I overstayed my time, but time flies with a girl like Grace. Overall - I highly recommend a visit if you like smaller girls with small boobs and an amazing attitude. Er hun glat? Hvordan er hendes mis? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
AgentLeman 824 Skrevet 2. November, 2023 Joey Joe Joe skrev, for 3 timer siden: Er hun glat? Hvordan er hendes mis? glatbarberet , men begyndt at gro ud igen , dvs jeg oplevede hende med noget stubbe . pussy slide gjorde bare ondt Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
dhnmdst 2380 Skrevet 3. November, 2023 Joey Joe Joe skrev, for 8 timer siden: Hvordan er hendes mis? Smuk imo Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg