carlo6000 2 Skrevet 28. November, 2023 Jeg vendte tilbage til en sikker vinder, Alice er altid frisk og snaksalig på et fremragende engelsk. hun er en moden kvinde som absolut ved hvad hun laver, hendes krop er i mine øjne fantastisk, brysterne er hjulpet lidt på vej men de er lavet til perfektion. hendes BJ er fantastisk og sexen ligeså meget diskret placering og gratis parkering 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Thor.2023 81 Skrevet 29. November, 2023 (edited) This morning there was a warning about a fake photo in the ad because I was the one who reported it (I adore reporting fake photos!) but then the photo used was deleted and the warning that the ad used a fake photo disappeared. It was impossible not to see it, it was very obvious that the photo was of someone else and it was still in the third photo position in the ad, or whether on the cover of the ad but in black and white to disguise the skin color. It was a black woman's ass and body curve, very beautiful and very different from this girl's body. l did the image search and this is the girl: Attached is the fake photo used in the ad and the Annoncelight warning about the use of the fake photo. P.s.: I'm not interested in why someone would use a photo of another woman so different from her, if the photo is fake I'll just report it. Have a good night Thor Redigeret 4. December, 2023 af Keeper Billeder 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Alice is here 9 Skrevet 3. December, 2023 Dear Thor you see when I downloaded mine new photos some other photos also come on mine account,some of them was of my kids ,cats ,dogs holiday ,daughter even Angelina Jolie many from my private gallery I don’t know how this happen but I can see you didn’t mention that and was big mess in my photo gallery , but I’m so grateful to you that you reported my account ,,,because the annonce light close and none could see mine privat photos of mine privat life ,they also could see was mistake there thank you so much for that I was shock when I could see mine little angel face or my boys there you have for that free massage no sex massage for half hour as a gift that you reported me and save mine privacy ( if you screen shot also my kids faces pls don’t show this here or nowhere ) thank you 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
carlo6000 2 Skrevet 3. December, 2023 Jeg har besøgt Alice + 20 gange , jeg kan garanterer hendes billeder bortset fra det valgte er ægte, hun er ikke så uintelligent at hun ville bruge et billede af en mørk kvinde, så jeg vælger at tro på dette er en fejl fra annonceliht’s side 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Alice is here 9 Skrevet 3. December, 2023 (edited) And Thor I’m Slavic not Afro women and I really like myself love my customers, I simply love my customers and they know that ,and for sure I don’t need to be Afro girl from photos Redigeret 3. December, 2023 af Keeper Picture 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Thor.2023 81 Skrevet 3. December, 2023 (edited) carlo6000 skrev, for 13 timer siden: Jeg har besøgt Alice + 20 gange , jeg kan garanterer hendes billeder bortset fra det valgte er ægte, hun er ikke så uintelligent at hun ville bruge et billede af en mørk kvinde, så jeg vælger at tro på dette er en fejl fra annonceliht’s side Thank you for your information and I believe that she uses her photos but yes, she used the image of the black woman to draw attention to her ad due to the black woman's sculptural body and therefore put the photo in black and white to disguise the color of the skin and also cut off part of the head so no one could see that it was obviously another woman. If “Annoncelight” made a mistake (as you believe but I dont) then “” also made the same mistake because the photo of the black woman was also used on “” (note the attachment and you can see the website logo in the photo). Have a good night Thor Redigeret 4. December, 2023 af Keeper Billeder Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Thor.2023 81 Skrevet 3. December, 2023 Alice is here skrev, for 1 time siden: Dear Thor you see when I downloaded mine new photos some other photos also come on mine account,some of them was of my kids ,cats ,dogs holiday ,daughter even Angelina Jolie many from my private gallery I don’t know how this happen but I can see you didn’t mention that and was big mess in my photo gallery , but I’m so grateful to you that you reported my account ,,,because the annonce light close and none could see mine privat photos of mine privat life ,they also could see was mistake there thank you so much for that I was shock when I could see mine little angel face or my boys there you have for that free massage no sex massage for half hour as a gift that you reported me and save mine privacy ( if you screen shot also my kids faces pls don’t show this here or nowhere ) thank you Dear Alice I understand that you feel embarrassed that someone reported you for using another woman's photo, but your text isn't necessary and isn't even funny, it just confirms that you haven't gotten over the fact. Have a nice night Thor Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Thor.2023 81 Skrevet 3. December, 2023 Alice is here skrev, 1 time siden: And Thor I’m Slavic not Afro women and I really like myself love my customers, I simply love my customers and they know that ,and for sure I don’t need to be Afro girl from photos Where you come from is not important and not of interest to me. It's good that you like yourself a lot, but that didn't stop you from thinking that another photo of a more sculpted body could bring you more return. I didn't say that you need to be an afro girl in the photos - It was you who used a photo of a black girl but changed the color of the photo to disguise the color of her skin. Have a good night Thor Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Alice is here 9 Skrevet 4. December, 2023 Thor.2023 skrev, for 10 timer siden: Where you come from is not important and not of interest to me. It's good that you like yourself a lot, but that didn't stop you from thinking that another photo of a more sculpted body could bring you more return. I didn't say that you need to be an afro girl in the photos - It was you who used a photo of a black girl but changed the color of the photo to disguise the color of her skin. Have a good night Thor Thor we all knows Google image, we all knows that in dkk mans like look for anything to attack girls like me and I don’t need fat ass of some women’s sorry i! Thor I can see you done all screens my adds as I sad above don’t use my photos don’t show anyone and you can show this black women photo all over world but not mine !! listen learn that your detective site this time fail you have no right using any of this photo from my galler of me and the gallery Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Prono 6 Skrevet 4. December, 2023 Hej Thor og alle andre. Jeg har besøgt Alice mange gange (hun er faktisk). Alle de andre billeder er 100% Alice de er ikke redigeret eller noget. Hun har ikke nogen grund til at bruge fake billeder hun har en super dejlig krop. Og altid brugt egne billeder. Så der må være sket en fejl, ved hvem tja. Så Thor var det ikke bedre at komme videre og bruge din energi på dem som kun bruger fake billeder. Mvh Prono 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Thor.2023 81 Skrevet 4. December, 2023 Alice is here skrev, 1 time siden: Thor we all knows Google image, we all knows that in dkk mans like look for anything to attack girls like me and I don’t need fat ass of some women’s sorry i! Thor I can see you done all screens my adds as I sad above don’t use my photos don’t show anyone and you can show this black women photo all over world but not mine !! listen learn that your detective site this time fail you have no right using any of this photo from my galler of me and the gallery Hello Alice It's your ad, you were the one who put the photo on “” with your password and you took the photo after I reported it, but you removed the photo of the statuesque black woman from “” the next day. And I took the photo of the screen before you deleted this ad too, and see, it served me as proof to contradict your poor and false story that “Annoncelight” is to blame for having placed just the photo of the black woman, and not the entire rest of photos of your private life.” What a bad story. I know you're going to continue with your victim theater and pretend you're being attacked or being stalked, after all, it is shameful to use a photo of another woman who is so different from you, but that won't work, I'm against attacks on girls, and I'm all for reporting people who use images of others. Learn from your mistake and if you want to have the rights to your images, just use yours, it doesn't matter if there are thousands of photos available on Google, work cleanly and honestly. Have a good day Thor Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
carlo6000 2 Skrevet 4. December, 2023 Thor.2023 skrev, for 12 minutter siden: Hello Alice It's your ad, you were the one who put the photo on “” with your password and you took the photo after I reported it, but you removed the photo of the statuesque black woman from “” the next day. And I took the photo of the screen before you deleted this ad too, and see, it served me as proof to contradict your poor and false story that “Annoncelight” is to blame for having placed just the photo of the black woman, and not the entire rest of photos of your private life.” What a bad story. I know you're going to continue with your victim theater and pretend you're being attacked or being stalked, after all, it is shameful to use a photo of another woman who is so different from you, but that won't work, I'm against attacks on girls, and I'm all for reporting people who use images of others. Learn from your mistake and if you want to have the rights to your images, just use yours, it doesn't matter if there are thousands of photos available on Google, work cleanly and honestly. Have a good day Thor Thor du har jo også delt billeder som du ikke havde tilladelse til, så kom nu videre det var et billede ud af 20 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Thor.2023 81 Skrevet 4. December, 2023 Prono skrev, 1 time siden: Hej Thor og alle andre. Jeg har besøgt Alice mange gange (hun er faktisk). Alle de andre billeder er 100% Alice de er ikke redigeret eller noget. Hun har ikke nogen grund til at bruge fake billeder hun har en super dejlig krop. Og altid brugt egne billeder. Så der må være sket en fejl, ved hvem tja. Så Thor var det ikke bedre at komme videre og bruge din energi på dem som kun bruger fake billeder. Mvh Prono I spend my energy where is necessary and above all to alert eroguide readers, It's one of the purposes of the site. If you pay attention to the conversation history, you will see that the report has been made and I have moved on, but I must return and respond to Alice, who is clearly lying. Have a good day Thor Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Thor.2023 81 Skrevet 4. December, 2023 carlo6000 skrev, for 18 minutter siden: Thor du har jo også delt billeder som du ikke havde tilladelse til, så kom nu videre det var et billede ud af 20 I didn't share any photos. Everything that happened is written here, in the history of this conversation. The photo I posted is the same black woman she first posted in her ads. Accept that she used a photo of a beautiful body that isn't hers to try to promote herself, accept the truth, it hurts less. Have a good day Thor Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
carlo6000 2 Skrevet 4. December, 2023 Du brugte samtlige alice’s fotos fra hendes annonce , det findes der screenshot af. Det er strafbart at krænke andres blufærdighed, for eksempel ved at dele billeder eller videoer af dem i seksuelle situationer, som man ikke har fået samtykke til at dele. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Thor.2023 81 Skrevet 4. December, 2023 The difference is that I took the photo to inform everyone that the image was stolen while Alice used the image without authorization for her own benefit. Have a good day Thor Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
carlo6000 2 Skrevet 4. December, 2023 Havde du tilladelse til at dele hendes annonce billeder ? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Thor.2023 81 Skrevet 4. December, 2023 What are you talking about? I didn't share photos of her. The photo published here is of the black woman she featured in her ad. Don't try to invent that I shared a photo of her other than the black woman. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
carlo6000 2 Skrevet 4. December, 2023 Billederne blev fjernet af admin fordi du havde delt dem uden alice’s samtykke , så stop nu dig selv inden det går galt Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Mr. Teach 77 Skrevet 4. December, 2023 (edited) @Thor.2023, du havde tidlige screenshots af hendes annonce hvor det omtalte billede af den mørke pige var på, men altså også billeder a Alice selv. Skal vi ikke alle komme videre og stoppe denne afsporing? Dbh Teach Redigeret 4. December, 2023 af Mr. Teach 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Thor.2023 81 Skrevet 4. December, 2023 carlo6000 skrev, for 7 minutter siden: Billederne blev fjernet af admin fordi du havde delt dem uden alice’s samtykke , så stop nu dig selv inden det går galt Ah yes, I'm going to ask for her permission so I can post the proof (which was online and anyone could see) so I can inform everyone that she misused someone else's image. It makes perfect sense. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
carlo6000 2 Skrevet 4. December, 2023 At de er online giver dig da ikke lov til at dele dem andre steder, det er da ikke dig der har ophavsretten på billederne Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Thor.2023 81 Skrevet 4. December, 2023 Mr. Teach skrev, for 12 minutter siden: @Thor.2023, du havde tidlige screenshots af hendes annonce hvor det omtalte billede af den mørke pige var på, men altså også billeder a Alice selv. Skal vi ikke alle komme videre og stoppe denne afsporing? Dbh Teach Hi Mr Teach Sorry but I'm not trying to change the direction of the subject, pay attention to the history. From an ad informant with a fake photo (Alice used another woman's photo), they want to change me to someone who used Alice's image without authorization. Have a good day Thor Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Thor.2023 81 Skrevet 4. December, 2023 carlo6000 skrev, for 5 minutter siden: At de er online giver dig da ikke lov til at dele dem andre steder, det er da ikke dig der har ophavsretten på billederne Don't talk to me about copyright when you defend those who use fake photos without authorization for their own benefit. I believe that by your line of reasoning you and she are the same person. Thor Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
carlo6000 2 Skrevet 4. December, 2023 Det var da en voldsom anklage at vi skulle være en og samme person , men det har du vel også beviser på )) Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg