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Nogen der kender Iris?

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Det er absolut og SLET ikke hende på billederne…. Var selv forbi 21/10-2023 ( et hurtigt søg efter Iris , og du skal finde )… Bliv langt væk fra hende og find en af de andre troværdige profiler 

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Snabel skrev, den 14.2.2024 at 17:44:

Det er absolut og SLET ikke hende på billederne…. Var selv forbi 21/10-2023 ( et hurtigt søg efter Iris , og du skal finde )… Bliv langt væk fra hende og find en af de andre troværdige profiler 

Hello my dear, seeing by mistake what you write here, I think we should also come with evidence, right?
on 21.10.2023 I checked my phone and the highlight is that I didn't work that day and by chance searching all my conversations from that day, I found a message at 17:32 where it says only this: "Hey your pictures are fake. Good day to you". I will attach this picture here, because now I actually realized that it was you.
I PROPOSE TO ATTACH THE PICTURE WITH DETAILS FROM THAT DAY IN WHICH YOU CAN CONFIRM that the two of us met, I did not find anything on my phone about this meeting which I CONSIDER NEVER ACTUALLY EXISTED !!

Why do you suggest the members to stay away from me?? what happened between us to say this? PLEASE DEVELOP AND ATTACH AND PROVE IT'S NOT JUST A FEW WORDS STANDING WITH YOUR ASS ON THE CHAIR AT THE OFFICE BORED WITH LIFE!!!

Or one of your favorite escorts lives in my area and doesn't ring her phone, thinking it's because I'm more wanted than her??

regarding the picture YES, THEY ARE PROFESSIONAL PICTURES MY DEAR, they are passed through certain photographic filters to be PROFESSIONAL!! On my profile it is very well written that: I SEND THE SELPHY PICTURE TO CONFIRM MY PICTURES EVEN IF THEY ARE ALREADY VERIFIED BY EVERY ESCORT SITE ONLINE!!

We are waiting for your proofs my dear. Thx




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Iris@@ skrev, for 6 timer siden:

Hello my dear, if you will read, in my description it says that I send a natural selfie picture for the safety and credibility of my profile.☺️

Hi Iris

My major crush is “sexy secretary”, so if your pictures are real .. well ..sell my soul to you ;)

Perhaps simply update your pictures with you (preferably dressed as a secretary) holding a local newspaper. That will put a stop to any debate about the veracity of your profile and pictures.

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Hello my dear, seeing by mistake what you write here, I think we should also come with evidence, right?
on 21.10.2023 I checked my phone and the highlight is that I didn't work that day and by chance searching all my conversations from that day, I found a message at 17:32 where it says only this: "Hey your pictures are fake. Good day to you". I will attach this picture here, because now I actually realized that it was you.
I PROPOSE TO ATTACH THE PICTURE WITH DETAILS FROM THAT DAY IN WHICH YOU CAN CONFIRM that the two of us met, I did not find anything on my phone about this meeting which I CONSIDER NEVER ACTUALLY EXISTED !!

Why do you suggest the members to stay away from me?? what happened between us to say this? PLEASE DEVELOP AND ATTACH AND PROVE IT'S NOT JUST A FEW WORDS STANDING WITH YOUR ASS ON THE CHAIR AT THE OFFICE BORED WITH LIFE!!!

Or one of your favorite escorts lives in my area and doesn't ring her phone, thinking it's because I'm more wanted than her??

regarding the picture YES, THEY ARE PROFESSIONAL PICTURES MY DEAR, they are passed through certain photographic filters to be PROFESSIONAL!! On my profile it is very well written that: I SEND THE SELPHY PICTURE TO CONFIRM MY PICTURES EVEN IF THEY ARE ALREADY VERIFIED BY EVERY ESCORT SITE ONLINE!!

We are waiting for your proofs my dear. Thx



Hello my dear, if you will read, in my description it says that I send a natural selfie picture for the safety and credibility of my profile.☺️

Jeg citerer for at man kan læse det uden vandret scroll.

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Nu kunne det jo være dejligt, hvis en troværdig broder kom med en anmeldelse, så vi andre kunne overveje et besøg. Billederne er da nydelige og som Johnblow skriver, sekretæren er absolut attråværdig..

Venligst OT

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Snabel skrev, den 14.2.2024 at 17:44:

Var selv forbi 21/10-2023 ( et hurtigt søg efter Iris , og du skal finde )


Iris@@ skrev, for 9 timer siden:

on 21.10.2023

@Snabel is a little confused. He actually never visited "you" 21.10.2023. He wrote a comment about you on that date:

But in the comment he says he visited you sometime previously, when you worked from the address "Mørkhøjvej" in Søborg. So he is half mixing up the facts. He wrote a comment that day, but if he visited you, it was obviously a prior date - unclear when.

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Præcision !  Jeg holder fast i at billederne er langt fra den pige jeg mødte på MØRKHØJVEJ.   Jeg var dog ikke forbi lørdag den 21 oktober, men noget før den dato, da hun var på Mørkhøjvej. Den 21 oktober lavede jeg opslaget ! Årsagen til det var, at jeg igen og igen så hun havde annoncer, og den “hovedet-i-rattet” oplevelse jeg havde, ønskede jeg ikke for andre !  
Jeg tog en for holdet, så at sige…

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