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Frækt setup med Business Woman. Skal nogen afsted?

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Jeg er vild med det her setup, men har nok hverken alibi, pengepung, troværdigt businessman udseende eller passende partner in crime til formålet.

Hvis nogen herfra har tænkt sig at binde slipset, grave dybt i lommerne og slå sig sammen 2 businessmen til fin middag med ass-to-mouth trekant med damen vil jeg dog overordentligt gerne høre om hvordan aftenen gik.

Jeg mener at have læst om Torjen1663 som hende den finske gangbang pige, men kan ikke lige finde det.

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meUsex skrev, for 51 minutter siden:

Did she not recently have ads for gangbang?

I can find descriptions of gangbangs with her from january and april. Participants were positive although they had to send dickpics and some were rejected after.

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Det lyder super spændende og klart som noget jeg kunne være frisk på, har dog ingen makker til sådan et setup

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Lauersen wrote, on 7/18/2024 at 8:21 PM:


I love this setup, but I probably don't have an alibi, a wallet, a credible businessman look or a suitable partner in crime for the purpose.

If anyone from here intends to tie the tie, dig deep in their pockets and team up 2 businessmen for a nice dinner with an ass-to-mouth threesome with the lady, I would very much like to hear about how the evening went.

I think I read about Torjen1663 as her the Finnish gangbang girl, but can't quite find it.

She is still doing it and I am also interested but would rather partner up with someone because 10k is quite heavy.  Are you still interested? She also has a gangbang on 18 august but I think in 1 hour and a half with 7 other dudes, it’s not going to be so much fun.

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Miko2024 skrev, 1 time siden:

She is still doing it and I am also interested but would rather partner up with someone because 10k is quite heavy

What gives you the idea it would be cheaper with more than one man? The ad's concept is clearly for a one on one-date, even though she writes "a gentlemen" in stead of "a gentleman". 10K seems fair, considering the time and services. However you need to add expenses for a bar visit (she previously wrote fine dining, requirements have been moderated a little?) and a hotel room.

Redigeret af Bebop

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Bebop skrev, for 3 timer siden:

What gives you the idea it would be cheaper with more than one man? The ad's concept is clearly for a one on one-date, even though she writes "a gentlemen" in stead of "a gentleman". 10K seems fair, considering the time and services. However you need to add expenses for a bar visit (she previously wrote fine dining, requirements have been moderated a little?) and a hotel room.

I asked her on Snapchat. It's 5k per person if you are two guys.

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