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I was browsing for some massage in Rødovre, and stumbled across a “new” place - Power massage



Not much info on their adds, and I have a feeling I’ve seen one of those girls somewhere else. But I can't remember where, and if she got any good reviews.

Anybody that can give a dude some hints or good input, I would be very happy. Anything.

Please feel free to reply in Danish, I read it well, but feel more comfortable in writing in English. Sorry about that.

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I was there last week.

It is the old shop Cheewa Spa. It is being run by a danish speaking owner who welcomes you and "takes your order" but the massage was done by a middle aged woman.

The massage was very mediocre and I aborted the full package because of the lack of engagement. She did not seem to like what she was doing at all.

I am not going back even though they have a "buy 10 get 1 for free" policy.

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