Oaklander 75 Skrevet 30. September, 2015 (edited) http://escortguide.dk/P/two-beautiful-girls-700-kr-20-minutes-16875.html Had been eyeing the ad by those two for some time --- the last time with multiple girls for me was in college, and that's been a while, and given the price point (1400 for both girls for an hour) I thought I'd give it a try. Executive summary: Real photos, very nice girls, great service. Do recommend and will repeat. Long form: Setup was pretty easy, a few texts and a call and I had booked a session for an hour later. Images didn't seem obvious fakes and a search didn't trigger anything, but you never know, and so I was surprised to find them accurate, and recent. If anything, the girls turned out to be more attractive IRL: Rosa is the younger and more light-skinned one, she doesn't speak much English but has a beautiful face and smile, and a nice body with natural B cups and some baby fat. Valery is the older and wilder one, she speaks very serviceable English and has darker skin, a toned body (almost a hard body) with a couple of man-made D or DDs, and what can only be described as a perfect, gorgeous, magnificent ass. They were both dressed in lingerie (as per my request) and ready for action when I arrived, and we immediately got down to business. The session itself left nothing to be desired for me: lost of kissing, caressing, great BBBJ by both, alternating and also at the same time, then I found myself on my back, with Val's pussy in my mouth while she was hovering over my face, and Rosa getting busy on my cock, sucking it, then they switched, I ate Rosa's pussy while Valery was sucking my dick like it was going out of style, eventually slipped on the raincoat and started riding me experlty. After a while I motioned to switch position, and put Rosa on her back and started pumping her mish, while Valery was caressing me from behind, fondling the balls, and playing with her friend. Then I went for a round of doggy on Valery (it would have been a sin to not fuck a woman with an ass like that from behind), while Rosa did some support fluffing. Finally got up, ditched the cover, and had the two kneel before me for some fellatio duet, and blew my load that way, short after the 30min mark. I had originally asked for extraball and they agreed, but as is often the case, I was just spent, so the girls gave me a four-handed erotic massage, and I left a happy camper at about 50min. As a duo, the two worked great together --- they like each other, and communication with them, even nonverbally during the act, was surprisingly (to me) smooth. Individually, I think Rosa might be a little inexperienced without the guidance from her friend, but Valery is certainly a magnificent fuck. The service was unimpeachable, the price was right, there was no upselling or any discussion of money after I handed over my donation.I didn't use the full hour, but that was my choice, they never rushed me. So, yes, I had a great time, and hope to catch them again. Redigeret 30. September, 2015 af Oaklander formatting 5 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
badassbluesman 216 Skrevet 30. September, 2015 AMEN to that brother - totally agree - had the same experience as decribed /The Bluesman Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Jesper 1968 Skrevet 30. September, 2015 Prøvede at ringe til dem for at høre hvor de holdte til, men fik en mega sviner af dem pga de sagde nu havde jeg ringet til dem 3 dage i træk - hvilket jeg så kunne afkræfte, ved sq godt hvornår jeg har ringet til hvem - men jo det havde jeg i følge hendes kalds log. Fedt at blive svinet til for noget man ikke har gjort - ellers ærgerligt dem ville jeg sq godt ha mødt. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Oaklander 75 Skrevet 30. September, 2015 Jesper: If I understand you correctly, you wanted to know where they are located? Sorry, I probably should have included that in the review: their apartment is in Husum, right off the freeway, so pretty easy to get to by car. It's a small place but okay for the purpose, entrance is on the side of the building so it's reasonably private for those who care about that. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
PHD 271 Skrevet 30. September, 2015 thanks for a great review.extraball ?? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Escortfan 169 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2015 Great review - on my to do list!Does the price hold - 1400,- for en hour with both is really cheap? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Oaklander 75 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2015 PHD: extraball --- something I (apparently erroneously) thought was the local slang for multiple rounds of intercourse. Back home this would have been MSOG (multiple shots on goal).Escortfan: Yes, price is accurate, 1400 for an hour with both girls. I consider it excellent value for money, it's one reason I gave it a shot without there being any reviews on either of the girls. Enjoy your time! 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Escortfan 169 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2015 Sounds almost too good to be true Will certainly give it a try Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Jesper M. Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2015 They don't seem to take calls from a unlisted number. Is that your experience?and thank you for a great review:) Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Oaklander 75 Skrevet 1. Oktober, 2015 Jesper: For me the communication was pretty straightforward. We exchanged a few texts regarding services etc., then I made one call to set up a time, they texted me the address, and I called again when I was in front of the house, that was it. I used a cell with a Swedish number, no idea whether that makes any difference. Good luck anyways! 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Jesse 399 Skrevet 2. Oktober, 2015 They don't seem to take calls from a unlisted number. Is that your experience?and thank you for a great review:)Der er ingen piger, der er glade for skjulte numre! Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Jesper M. Skrevet 2. Oktober, 2015 Der er ingen piger, der er glade for skjulte numre!jeg skrev ikke skjult men "unlisted";) Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Hoar 71 Skrevet 10. November, 2015 Jeg havde også efter anmeldelserne at dømme set frem til dette, lavede en aftale, men ingen åbnede døren, da jeg kom og ingen svarede mobilen, da jeg ringede. Meget dårlig stil. Pas på med aftaler med dem. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kanonen 85 Skrevet 12. November, 2015 Jesper 1968 skrev, den Wed Sep 30 2015 15:37:41 GMT+0200: Prøvede at ringe til dem for at høre hvor de holdte til, men fik en mega sviner af dem pga de sagde nu havde jeg ringet til dem 3 dage i træk - hvilket jeg så kunne afkræfte, ved sq godt hvornår jeg har ringet til hvem - men jo det havde jeg i følge hendes kalds log. Fedt at blive svinet til for noget man ikke har gjort - ellers ærgerligt dem ville jeg sq godt ha mødt. Den der har jeg også prøvet. Blev beskyldt for at have skrevet til dem alt for mange gange, og fik at vide at de var irriterede over at jeg i beskederne havde bedt om sex uden kondom. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Gæst Skrevet 12. November, 2015 Jeg sms'ede for at forhøre mig om en ydelse, fik straks en sms, om at jeg slulle ringe, jeg ringede op og fik at vide at det kunne sagtens lade sig gøre, 20 sekunder inde i samtalen, var der et kortvarigt udfald, da jeg sagde at jeg ikke lige havde hørt det sidste hun sagde, om hun ville gentage det, blev hun så fornærmet at hun knaldede på. Jeg sendte en opfølgende sms, som hun ikke lige gad svar på. Og jeg som troede at tålmodighed er en dyd. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg