yayaya 26 Skrevet 6. August, 2016 2 weeks have passed since I visited Candy. I SMS:ed DaisyClub as usual to make an appointment. My first SMS was just "Is Candy still there? " Usually I get response immediately but this time I got no answer. Wrote "Hello? " 10min later and got "Yes" so I tried to make an appointment "Can I come 16.xx? ", once agian, no response. Wrote again 20 min later and got "Hi what time you want to come? "... I wrote another time and waited.. 20 min later no confirmation so I wrote again.. and got "When you come? "... I wrote that I already wrote what time I want to come (!!!!!) . Waited again.. no one wrote to me.. I wrote several SMSes.. even in Chinese.. totally ignored and totally upset. I've been there like 15 times+++ and never had this problem. Anyway, later I called them instead and got an appointment. Can't understand why SMS was so problematic this time. Arrived and met Candy. Usually after a girl has been there for too long time the service get worse., but I think Candy is still great. Paid for 1 hour and additional 500 DKK because she said the pervious time it costs 500 more to take a video. No face, but still some good positions were recorded. Looks like she's gonna stay there longer than planned, 10 more days. Not sure if I will visit her one more time before she leaves. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Lynkineseren 752 Skrevet 6. August, 2016 yayaya skrev, for 53 minutter siden: Paid for 1 hour and additional 500 DKK because she said the pervious time it costs 500 more to take a video. No face, but still some good positions were recorded Great info! Have been thinking about video or stills, but never got to ask about it. Did you use additional illumination? (there isn't a lot of light available). Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
yayaya 26 Skrevet 10. August, 2016 She filmed me first when she was on top and it was quite dark and bad but when I filmed I turned on the flashlight so no problem with the quality Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
AlfaN 2236 Skrevet 10. August, 2016 Må men give finger? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
GoodFucker 58 Skrevet 11. August, 2016 AlfaN skrev, for 9 timer siden: Må men give finger? Jeg tror jeg har oplevet det en eller 2 gange at det var ok. Ud af snart 40 besøg hos DaisyClub. Om det så er mine pølse fingre der er utiltrækkende eller der er andre årsager skal jeg lade være usagt. Jeg nøjes som regel med enten at slikke eller trille ært. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bebop 9520 Skrevet 11. August, 2016 AlfaN skrev, for 10 timer siden: Må men give finger? Behersket ... Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
benwoods9 124 Skrevet 11. August, 2016 GoodFucker skrev, for 1 time siden: Jeg nøjes som regel med enten at slikke eller trille ært. Det tror jeg såmænd også er det fleste piger bedst kan lide. Og hvorfor ikke give dem det de bedst kan lide? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg