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Sabrina one on one Mansiongirls

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Hej! Idag blir det engelska spiced up med lite engelsk dansk dirty ord. Hoppas det uppskattas. Och nu åker vi igen!!...

I had not planned todays visit. But my evening suddenly got free and I knew Sabrina was having her last day at The mansion tomorrow. So in the name of the half or fully addicted, let those good times roll.


The story. I met Sabrina her first time in Denmark. She was one of the hottest girls I have seen.:x And I have seen many....  She is just my type. Growing up in the 80s and early 90s, I am the MTV generation. And yes I love both J Lo and Shakira. I could drop names from the adult world but then only people like me,who have seen to much porn:-o, would catch it... Sabrina looked like a curvy girl sent to tease my fantasy. A girl who could be on the cover of a nude magazine. Or dance at Spearmint Rhino in Vegas. The place that I believe have my type of dream sex partners in terms of look. Sabrina belongs there in my opinion. Top looker in my world. At that time, she was young and not so experienced. She is still young of course... I tell my guitarstudents, experience is everything. And practise makes perfect.

At that time the service left a lot to wish. Pure opti as our german teacher would say. Things change. And I was wrong. I did not expect Sabrina to deliver like she did today. There are still limits she sets but I played hereafter and got a very very nice session. Now we should remember I have met her three times which usually upgrades the servicelevel. If there is some chemistry. I call it future investments. Was the same with Megan at romantica. After a few times we found each other. Sabrina and I found our game today.  

I had a threesome with her and Ginger Saturday. Good stuff. Anmeldelse finns. I felt Sabrina had picked up experience. She is still as killer hot. Curves hotter than hell. And meine damen und herren. Ladies and Gents. Sabrina has picked up serious skills!

As I said before. I want to be fair to the readers, to the piger and most of all, true to myself. I love this forum for it. It is serious and I take my sex craziness serious...8-)

I usually do not write details but in this case I have to lift one. Sabrinas SF is AWESOME now. Med de suttelipsen. Och den drömnumsen!:x

 I have a lot to compare with. We are talking top class Superfrench. Top performers at german fkk level. Both Sarurday and today. I might get a superiour service as I have met her multiple times, but I had to ask her to stop a number of times. It was so good. That is rare for me. I had to press pause!!! And also the hardcore tango was good. I expected less, she delivered more.

As I wrote Saturday, do not expect gfe. But if you want to meet a young super pornolooking curvy beauty with SF skills of elite class. Catch up with Sabrina next time, because she is planning to return. I am glad she will. It was her first time at the Mansion. And she has also picked up a little english which saved my session.

When she returns, I will be the first in line as Dave Mustaine would have said.

Det var allt. Hoppas det gav någonting! Det gav mig mycket!!!!:-D

hälsningar A


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kattjakt skrev, for 15 minutter siden:

As I said before. I want to be fair to the readers, to the piger and most of all, true to myself. I love this forum for it. It is serious and I take my sex craziness serious...8-)

All aboard the crazy train :). I appreciate your reviews A, keep em coming.

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Guest keldtolstrup

Enig i at Sabrina er blevet et bedre knald siden hendes helt unge dage.

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Hej på er alle!

Jag har ju anmeldt Sabrina förr så skriver icke en ny tråd. Men hon är ju bare så hot hot hot.:wub: I mine ögon.

Sabrina är på mansiongirls igen och då är jag också där... Nu har jag ju treffet Sabrina ett antal ganger men med mig blir det bare bedre och bedre. Som jag skrivit förut, jag har icke sett mange flottere piger än Sabrina av alle jag treffet. Om du likt jag elsker the pornolook. Här taler vi t n a! Hotness fra top to toe. Play by her rules and you get rewarded.

Jag kommer fortsätte treffe Sabrina varje gang hon är i Danmark. Jag mötte ju Sabrina då hon var i Danmark förste gang. Hon var ju då topläcker men var ny i the business. Från att varit strictly opti då hon började har jag nu meget god action med hende. Mange treffer ger såklart bedre service men att det skulle bli så gode treffer likt idag trodde jag icke. 

Take care of her, hon er en av de piger jag icke kan tro jag får treffe. En egte filmpige för mig.

Ha en god weekend nu alle.

Hälsningar A


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