FlyingDick 135 Skrevet 27. December, 2016 Hi. I am interested in GFE, deep SF, and kissing with tongue. have you tried any of these ladies? Have a great evening Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
GrayNinja 932 Skrevet 27. December, 2016 (edited) @FlyingDick will you please start posting in the correct section? .... please? You make it very difficult for everyone to find the relevant reviews if you keep posting these "request" in the review section, they belong under "efterlysninger". I also mentioned it last time you did it. Redigeret 27. December, 2016 af GrayNinja Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Krumpik 9 Skrevet 27. December, 2016 Hvorfor alt den besvær ?? Hvem gider og kikke alle links igennem når der er så mange søde GFE right here 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
GrayNinja 932 Skrevet 27. December, 2016 (edited) Krumpik skrev, for 5 minutter siden: Hvorfor alt den besvær ?? Hvem gider og kikke alle links igennem når der er så mange søde GFE right here Jeg syntes også det er en andelse irreterende at skulle forholde sig til en lang række links, det er OK at spørger om erfaringer til en specific GP eller type af oplevelse, så kan brugerene komme med deres erfaringer. Men at forvente et anden bruger går alle links igennem, og laver fodarbejded det syntes jeg ikke er cool. Redigeret 27. December, 2016 af GrayNinja 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Sniper123 Skrevet 27. December, 2016 Nu forestiller jeg mig, at du har postet dine spørgsmål i den korrekte tråd. Katja - hun opfylder dine krav og billederne beskriver hendes krop, som jeg husker den. Ketrin - professionel, der er ikke meget GFE over det og billederne er enten meget gamle eller af en anden pige. De andre piger har jeg ikke besøgt; men prøv søgefunktionen. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
FlyingDick 135 Skrevet 27. December, 2016 GrayNinja skrev, for 2 timer siden: @FlyingDick will you please start posting in the correct section? .... please? You make it very difficult for everyone to find the relevant reviews if you keep posting these "request" in the review section, they belong under "efterlysninger". I also mentioned it last time you did it. sure. thanks Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
FlyingDick 135 Skrevet 27. December, 2016 Sniper123 skrev, 1 time siden: Nu forestiller jeg mig, at du har postet dine spørgsmål i den korrekte tråd. Katja - hun opfylder dine krav og billederne beskriver hendes krop, som jeg husker den. Ketrin - professionel, der er ikke meget GFE over det og billederne er enten meget gamle eller af en anden pige. De andre piger har jeg ikke besøgt; men prøv søgefunktionen. thank you Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
FlyingDick 135 Skrevet 27. December, 2016 GrayNinja skrev, for 2 timer siden: @FlyingDick will you please start posting in the correct section? .... please? You make it very difficult for everyone to find the relevant reviews if you keep posting these "request" in the review section, they belong under "efterlysninger". I also mentioned it last time you did it. could you please post here the right link? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
FlyingDick 135 Skrevet 27. December, 2016 GrayNinja skrev, for 2 timer siden: @FlyingDick will you please start posting in the correct section? .... please? You make it very difficult for everyone to find the relevant reviews if you keep posting these "request" in the review section, they belong under "efterlysninger". I also mentioned it last time you did it. Hej GrayNinja. Look, I am not sure what you mean. as far as what I can see my request is posted in efterlysniner. because when you click on Anmeldelser there is nothing there of my stuff. please, clarify by writing a clear definition of section and link. Thank you. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
GrayNinja 932 Skrevet 27. December, 2016 (edited) FlyingDick skrev, for 18 minutter siden: Hej GrayNinja. Look, I am not sure what you mean. as far as what I can see my request is posted in efterlysniner. because when you click on Anmeldelser there is nothing there of my stuff. please, clarify by writing a clear definition of section and link. Thank you. It has been moved to the correct section, because your post have been reported to moderator, and they have moved it. Quick guide how to use the forum: Redigeret 27. December, 2016 af GrayNinja Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
FlyingDick 135 Skrevet 27. December, 2016 GrayNinja skrev, for 1 minut siden: thanks but again- the thread is about GPs and is indeed in efterlysningar- not Anmeldesr. So again I am not sure what you mean??? Is there a third place? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
GrayNinja 932 Skrevet 27. December, 2016 (edited) FlyingDick skrev, for 4 minutter siden: thanks but again- the thread is about GPs and is indeed in efterlysningar- not Anmeldesr. So again I am not sure what you mean??? Is there a third place? Please follow the quick guide I have made specially for you Anmeldelser (reviews) is for GP's you HAVE visited - so when you HAVE visited a GP, please share your experiences with the other users here. If you are searching for experiences of a specific GP or if the GP is gone and you wonder where to find her, then post in Efterlysninger (Missing report). Redigeret 27. December, 2016 af GrayNinja Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
FlyingDick 135 Skrevet 27. December, 2016 GrayNinja skrev, Lige nu: Please follow the quick guide I have made specially for you Anmeldelser (reviews) is for GP's you HAVE visited - so when you HAVE visited a GP, please share your experiences with the other user here. If you are searching for experiences of a specific GP or if the GP is gone and you wonder where to find her, then post in Efterlysninger (Missing report). Sorry but we are going in circle. Please, answer this question- which section is this now? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
nielst 337 Skrevet 27. December, 2016 I don't see whats wrong with Flying Dicks post. However, I would rather say please do not reply to an efterlysning unless you have relevant info. ps. Sorry for replying to this without relevant info. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
FlyingDick 135 Skrevet 27. December, 2016 nielst skrev, for 2 minutter siden: I don't see whats wrong with Flying Dicks post. However, I would rather say please do not reply to an efterlysning unless you have relevant info. ps. Sorry for replying to this without relevant info. Thank you. I agree with you. I can't eaither see the problem. The thread is in right place. Take care Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
GrayNinja 932 Skrevet 27. December, 2016 (edited) nielst skrev, for 5 minutter siden: I don't see whats wrong with Flying Dicks post. However, I would rather say please do not reply to an efterlysning unless you have relevant info. ps. Sorry for replying to this without relevant info. The post was originally placed in Anmeldelser - and has now been moved to Efterlysninger. So it is placed correct now. The only reason why I am spending so much time on this, is that it is the second time @FlyingDick posted in the wrong section, so I just want to help @FlyingDick to make is post in the correct section to begin with, less work for everybody else, less time for user to report, less time for moderators to move. We need to Anmeldelser fairly "clean", else will it be extremely difficult to find the relevant reviews, which is one of the primary purposes of this forum. Redigeret 27. December, 2016 af GrayNinja Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
FlyingDick 135 Skrevet 27. December, 2016 GrayNinja skrev, for 1 minut siden: The post was originally placed in Anmeldelser - and has now been moved to Efterlysninger. So it is placed correct now. The only reason why I am spending so much time on this, is that it is the second time @FlyingDick posted in the wrong section, so I just want to help @FlyingDick to make is post in the correct section to begin with, less work for everybody else, less time for user to report, less time for moderators to move. Sir, i have no idea what you are talking about. I have done exactly same thing - and have not moved anything. I appreciate however your input always. but for this discussion I think it is time to stop. Take care. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
GrayNinja 932 Skrevet 27. December, 2016 (edited) FlyingDick skrev, for 4 minutter siden: Sir, i have no idea what you are talking about. I have done exactly same thing - and have not moved anything. I appreciate however your input always. but for this discussion I think it is time to stop. Take care. Agreed @FlyingDick this thread is going way out of topic. Just for the record, I (and most likely other users) reported your original thread to the moderators, telling them that it should be moved to the correct section (for the reason mentioned above). So the moderator (not you) has reacted on this report AND moved your thread to the correct section. Take care. Redigeret 27. December, 2016 af GrayNinja Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
FlyingDick 135 Skrevet 27. December, 2016 GrayNinja skrev, for 15 minutter siden: Agreed @FlyingDick this thread is going way out of topic. Just for the record, I (and most likely other users) reported your original thread to the moderators, telling them that it should be moved to the correct section (for the reason mentioned above). So the moderator (not you) has reacted on this report AND moved your thread to the correct section. Take care. Sir, with all respect. when you wrote for the first time here I checked- found nothing in Anmeldelser- so the thread has been all the time located all the time in right place. If you have any valuable information please provide. anything else is just waste of time. Take care. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Borende X 25043 Skrevet 27. December, 2016 GrayNinja skrev, for 3 timer siden: Jeg syntes også det er en andelse irreterende at skulle forholde sig til en lang række links, det er OK at spørger om erfaringer til en specific GP eller type af oplevelse, så kan brugerene komme med deres erfaringer. Men at forvente et anden bruger går alle links igennem, og laver fodarbejded det syntes jeg ikke er cool. Jeg plejer ganske enkelt at springe disse lange ønskelister over. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg